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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, July 29, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 29, 2017 8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 29, 2017 8 WHERE ARE YOU AT, SCAREDY CAT? by Chris LeclercHappy Tails Over the course of the 7 years I’ve been in thisas a stranger coming to visit. As usual, put your catbusiness, I’ve noticed a few of the felines I care for in the safe place just moments before their arrival, respond with some semblance of fear the first time Ithen when your friend arrives, open the door toentered their home. It’s a classic story told by manythe safe area and allow the cat to can come out at There are manyare woven in as well. Pranayama and Mantra cat owners, wherein a person with whom the catit‘s own will and in it’s own time. integral parts of aare the two fastest ways to change the mind. is unfamiliar, walks through the front door only toOnce your cat has decided it is safe enough well-rounded yogaPranayama regulates the breath and immediately see the kitty’s bouncing behind disappear down theto emerge from the back room, have the invited practice. What changes physiology. Mantra practice soothes hallway, as he high-tails it into another room to seek“stranger” stand at a distance from where the cat many people thinkand nourishes the mind through sustained one- refuge beneath a bed or a couch.decides is comfortable, and reward the cat with a is yoga is not reallypointed focus and absorption of the meaning of Although there is usually no apparent reason treat and/or a soothing praise each time he is willing yoga at all. It’s just exercise or another distractionthe sound. Meditation is a continual opportunity for a typically-friendly feline’s fearful response to ato get closer to the visitor. The goal is to gradually from life. A student could practice asana, theto find this oneness with body, mind and soul. stranger, it happens quite often. And even thoughdecrease the space between the two, by rewarding physical practice, without really experiencingIt’s the time to observe, listen and experience most of the time, the individual who just arrivedthe cat each time he remains calm and allows the yoga. And a student who’s experienced yogamoments of bliss. and entered the home is indeed a cat lover, they arenewcomer to come closer. through meditation for example, could have neverIn short, yoga is more than just asana. It’s all of still a person whom the cat has yet to get to know,Take note that the “approaching process” should practiced asana.these tools I mentioned and much more. Yoga is so the cat assumes there may be danger and runs tobegin from a distance at which your cat shows no Yoga means union. It’s a practice and a state ofa state of being, a philosophy and a practice. In take cover. Why do cats behave in this manner, andsigns of anxiety or arousal. He should be completely being. It’s a union of the body and mind with thebuilding a practice, we want to be moving towards how can we humans help them relax and enjoy thecalm to start with, and remain calm and confident soul, our highest self and divinity within. To makethis “union” or “yoke” of finite self and infinite self: company of a new-found friend when they comeas your friend moves into the cat’s space, eventually this possible, it’s important to tame the mind andbody, mind, soul. calling?coming close enough to reach out and pet the cat. create a peaceful, calm, and (mostly) undistracted Come see us at Yoga Madre, and let us help you One reason why a cat might run and hideKeep your voice calm and offer comments of praise state. build a solid practice that makes life joyful and upon the arrival of a stranger, is because he hadalong the way. Try to avoid excessive movement In yoga we use the physical practice or asanacomfortable. Visit the website at www.yogamadre. limited exposure to humans other than his owneruntil the cat becomes more comfortable over as a way to create free flow of energy and buildcom, or feel free to email me at keely@yogamadre. as a youngster. If a kitten is not introduced to atime. Repeat these simple steps as frequently as awareness. As a student progresses in practice,com. variety of people during his socialization stage (3-9you possibly can. It may take some time for your we begin to use all tools yoga has to offer: weeks old), he will likely be more apprehensivecat to show progress, but be patient and be aware Pranayama, Meditation and Mantra. Over time,Namaste and Love, of interacting with strangers as an adult. Anotherthat your efforts are helping to improve your cat’s other advanced practices that include the BandhasKeely Totten reason is that a visit from a human friend is often quality of life. (energetic locks of the body), Kriya, and Mudra E-RYT 500, Yogi, Teacher Trainer, Mom accompanied by increased noises and movementThis process of coaching a cat into becoming moreduring the initial greeting, and from a cat’sfamiliar with other humans may seem silly to folksperspective that might be interpreted as chaos towho are not friends of the feline, but I know there are be avoided at all costs. many devoted cat lovers out there who will benefit There are a few simple techniques that have provenfrom this bit of information to help make a differenceto be helpful in preventing a cat from becomingin the relationship they have with their cat. afraid of people whom they’ve never met, and as itI hope you do find these tips helpful and I wish youis with most exercises, the more consistently you areall the best success as you work toward socializing Hey, You!strategic. willing to practice these techniques with your kitty,your kitty cat. Try to understand what is going on I know we are all here in We have talked about the power of decision the better are your chances for the mind of our feline. We humans like to think these streets making big plansbefore. First, provide your cat with a “safety-zone” in we relate to our pets, so it behooves us to do our best and doing big things, right?We must decide to act. We must determine what an out-of-the-way location, such as a back room to understand their perspective, and work on the What? You aren’t exactly doing our dream and that’s the fun part. Asking ourselves THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual where the sound of knocking or a door bell will relationships we have with them. Most importantly, anything, have you been stuck thinking and inspiring questions sparks our imaginations. be muffled. Be sure to include a comfortable as humans we must be kind to the animals, always. wondering? Are you in a perpetual state of inertia?My favorite question to ask myself is, “What resting spot, a fresh bowl of water and a litter box. Don’t forget to love and let live! Why might that be?would I love?” Give the cat a special treat along with a favorite Source: Best Friends Magazine If fear has you stuck, then fear is keeping youRather than make a vague general statement like interactive toy when you take him from your destiny. The life of your dreams canI want to travel more, I’d identify the locations I to the safe area, just moments be yours for the living, but you will need to learnwant to visit and set a timeframe. “I want to go on before your guest arrives. Allow to handle your fear. Do not make the mistake of a Mediterranean cruise in the Spring of 2018.” the cat to remain in the safe place waiting for the fear to disappear, and then plan toIdentify what you what. Set a target date and for the duration of the visit, the take action, because that’s never going to happen.quantify the goal with specificity. first few times you have a guest in Fear is here to stay, think of it as the eternal hook As allow your imagination to soar, sink into the your home. up. Historically, fear played an essential role in ourfeelings you want to experience. Next, try to follow this series survival as a species and helped us to stay alive.Train yourself to act in spite of your fear and of behavioral modification steps Fear is hard wired into us to help to recognize andwatch what happens. consistently, to help your cat appreciate dangerous conditions and situations. As I would love for you to share how you will use become more comfortable around we have evolved as humans, we do not encounter this tip. Write to me at visitors: Ask a friend or relative danger as regularly as we once did. Most of us haveand share one of your dreams. who does not live with you to act a regular source of food, and it’s as easy as makinga call or going to the market. We don’t encounter Lori A. Harris is a lawyer and success coachwild animals at every turn. Our brains that are that helps women who want to live their very bestdesigned to use fear to keep us safe have not caughtlives now. You can learn more about her at www. up with our relatively safe and download her app the TWIN TABBY GIRLS If fear isn’t going anywhere, then how do weGratitude Train; find it free in Google Play and the get the lives of our dreams? It requires us to be App Store. Still waiting! Zoey’s (Bella) video Zoey & Chloe is https://youtu. are adorable be/6cjIPB7fAgk sister twins, now Adoption fee age 1. They are ais $100 for both, mix of tabby andwhich includes tortoiseshell and spays, microchips, soooo cute!! Zoey exams & vaccines. A (aka Bellatrix)great savings! Our has the black nose cats are healthy & and is a bit tinier negative FELV/FIVthan Chloe (aka Luna Lovegood),who has theunless otherwise lighter colored nose. They are very bonded and willindicated. be adopted together. Use our TWOFUR OFFER.See more pictures, videos, adoption info & Zoey and Chloe are such lover bugs. Kiss Chloe’sapplication on our website, face and she just loves it, and will kiss you back.Call 626-676-9505 for a Meet & Greet. Can’t Chloe’s (Luna) video is adopt? Visit our website for our easy Sponsor Amomqph67A0I Kitty campaign. HOW ABOUT A NEW BEST FRIEND? Mystery is lovely calico girlbeautiful calico and see if she’s the with an affectionate one to completeand calm your family. As personality. When a senior lady, a visitor sits in Mystery qualifiesfront of her condo, for the shelter’s she will walk right “Senior for out and onto their Seniors” adoptionlap. And once she discount. Please settles in, she loves come in and to be petted and meet this lovely brushed. Then her calico girl and soft purring will see if she’s the bring calm to any one for you. Herday. Sometimes adoption fee is her favorite place is $99 and includes snuggling around spay surgery, her companion’s neck. With her lovely tri-coloredvaccinations, microchip and a free wellness examcoat of black, orange and white, she’s like a miniatureat a participating veterinarian. Feel free to callcrazy quilt brightening up any room and complimentsus at (626) 286-1159 for more information. She any décor. Mystery was surrendered to the sheltercurrently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humanealong with her companion, Madeleine, when theirSociety located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in Sancare-giver passed away. It was his wish that they comeGabriel which is located off San Gabriel Blvd, to our shelter to find new homes. Mystery obviouslynorth of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To had a lot of attention from her former care-giver.arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any timeShe’s looking for a new person to share all that lovefrom 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. in a new forever home. Please come in and meet this ID#29260. See us online at: THE JOY OF YOGA HEALTHY LIFESTYLES BUILDING YOUR PRACTICE Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||