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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, December 2, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, December 2, 2017 3 Mountain View News Saturday, December 2, 2017 3 Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side by Deanne Davis “When it rains on your parade, look up, rather thandown. Without the rain there would be no rainbow.” G. K. Chesterton I think there’s a law on the books somewhere that it is forbidden to rain on the Rose Parade. Seriously! Think about it. How many times has it rained on thisspectacular parade that you can think of when the queenand her court had their hair melting under their tiaras? Here’s something you might not know: Pasadena’senviable record of dry Rose Parades should stand, thanks to a “Never on Sunday” rule dating back to the19th century. The Parade has been moved to Monday15 times in its 128 year history but it never has been, nor ever will be, delayed for rain. The custom of shiftingthe parade a day later when New Year’s Day falls on aSunday began in1893 to avoid riling the horse hitchedoutside churches and possibly disrupting the servicesinside. There now, a few little known facts leading up tomy visiting the Sierra Madre Rose Float barn this pastweek to see how things were going. As you can see fromthe picture, we have another absolutely adorable floatin the making. Entitled, “Chivalry,” our float features a lady dragon with an injured paw. A friendly knightis bandaging said paw while she looks down fondly atthe little guy. Currently a lot of welding is going on andpretty much all I could identify was the dragon’s tail, butwe know that come the latter part of December the callwill go out for volunteers to apply the flowers which willmake “Chivalry” another prize winning float for SierraMadre. I did find out that the bandage, which is a stiffsort of substance will be sprayed with glue and thencoated with rice powder to maintain the Rose Paraderule of everything having to be plant material of somesort. I hope to meet our four princesses soon and amlooking forward to this as they are always exceptionalyoung ladies. Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, probablyleaving most of us wishing we had passed up thatextra piece of pumpkin pie with whipped cream. MyThanksgiving was spent with our Texas family: daughter, Crissy, her husband, Chris, his delightful parents and, ofcourse, the Texas granddaughters Jessie – who turned10 while I was there, and her sister, Emily, who is 7. Thebirthday party was a raucous affair at the local Chuck E. Cheese and a fabulous time was had by all. Beinghoney-baked ham aficionados, we had that in additionto a nice sized turkey breast. Our favorite parts are theside dishes, the sweet potatoes, the mashed potatoes, the cranberry sauce and all the rest. I cooked and myfellow grandparents brought champagne. The creamedspinach was so incredibly good, based pretty closelyon what Lawry’s Prime Rib restaurants serves, that I’mgoing to make it again for Christmas, whether anybodyelse wants it or not. Because you’re all my good friendsout there, I’m going to share..... This is so good that even people who eschew (thatmeans they wouldn’t touch it with a fork) spinach willeat it! Popeye would never eat another can of spinachonce he tasted this. You can double, triple or whateverthis recipe and it won’t mind a bit. 1 (10 oz.) package chopped spinach2-3 slices bacon, finely chopped (or more if it makes youhappy) . cup onion, finely chopped2 Tb. flour 1 tsp. seasoned salt . tsp. seasoned pepper1 clove garlic (optional) 1 cup milk (I use non-fat which works just fine) Cook spinach and drain well. Combine bacon andonion in a large skillet and fry till tender and bacon isbrown and crispy. Remove from heat. (As bacon is solean anymore, it’s not necessary to drain off any of thefat, unless it makes you nervous. Do leave some!) Add flour, seasoned salt, seasoned pepper and garlic(if you’re using garlic). Blend thoroughly. Return to heat and slowly add milk, stir continually until thickened. (Incase you hadn’t noticed, you’ve just made white sauce!) Add spinach, mix well. And astonish your guests and family. This recipe is originally from Mike Roy, one of myculinary heroes, from The Mike Roy Cook Book, copyrighted in 1966, which I bought for the astonishingprice of $3.95 – hard cover!. Mike has been in heaven for some time now, but I like to think he is still cooking upthere, for a very appreciative crowd. My book page: Deanne Davis Blog: “Star of Wonder – A Christmas Story” Is available there. This is a wonderful Christmas Love me! Follow me on Twitter, too! playwrightdd ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIR & BOUTIQUE Sierra Madre United Methodist Church is holding its annual Christmas Alternative Gift Fair & Boutiqueon Sunday, December 3, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Celebrate the spirit of the holiday season with agift that truly “gives back.” Your donations help support the relief efforts of local organizations such as SanGabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity, Friends in Deed, and Foothill Unity Center, and global efforts suchas Heifer International, Imagine No Malaria, and missionary programs in Mexico. Sales from the popular handcrafted gift boutique will benefit Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley. Enjoy free refreshments while you browse. The Church is located at 695 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre. Call 626-355-0629 for more information. SEASONAL CRAFT WORKSHOP FOR ADULTS Take a break, gather with other adults, and enjoylearning how to make gifts and treats for others (orfor yourself!) Join other adults as you discover how to createfestive holiday candles and decorate cookies onSaturday, Dec. 9 at 11:00 am in the Sierra Madre Public Library. All materials are supplied. CLASSIFIED OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT IN SIERRA MADRE Near Baldwin on Sierra Madre Blvd. Please email your type of business and space requirements to: Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||