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Sierra Madre EditionBreaking News:Inside
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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 48 SIERRA MADRE EDITION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 48 SIERRA MADRE EDITION The Season Is Here! Sierra Madre Winter Festival Brings Snow, Santa, Shopping and Fun to Town! On Saturday, downtown Sierra Madre was transformed into an enchangting Winter Village to kick off the holiday season. The annual Festival, which coincides with Small Business Saturday brought hundreds of residents and visitors who dined, shopped and had fun. Children of all ages enjoyed the horse drawn carriage rides, snow sledding down the Bank of the West slopes, and of course, welcomed Santa Claus and his elves, the Sierra Madre Rose Float Princesses to town. Mayor Rachelle Arizmendia, right, with her husband Fili, pose in front of the Sierra Madre Christmas Tree which was decorated with ornaments donated by the Sierra Madre Community Foundation and Bows made by students of the Sierra Madre Middle School Kiwanis Builders Club. The event is sponsored annually by the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce. IT'S SO HARD TO SAY GOODBYE! Residents come out to honor retiring SMPD Sgt. Ruben Enrique SIERRA MADRE HONORS AWARDEES SELECTED Pat and De Alcorn chosen as Citizens of the Year; Sandy Duvall, Owner of Shabby Dog, Sierra Fitness and Sierra Fitness PilatesWin Business(s) of the Year On Thursday, December 7, 2017, the City of SierraMadre and the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce will honor those Sierra Madre residents and business owners who have exemplified thetrue character of the town through volunteerism andcommunity involvement. The event will be held at the Sierra Madre Recreation Center at 5:30 pm. SierraMadre Attire required! In addition to the Alcorns and Ms. Duvall, awards will be given to the following outstanding community minded indiiduals/ organizatons: Mayors Special Award : Sierra Madre Civic Club George Maurer Award : Arnold Gaffrey, SMSR Treasure of Sierra Madre: H. Susan Henderson Spirit of the Community: Carol Canterbury Wistaria Award : Friends of the Library Public Safety Award: SMPD Reserve Officers & Volunteers Community Youth Service Award: Owen Braudrick Public Services Award/ Employee of theYear: Tim Hunsicker Public Services Award for ExemplaryService: Clare Lin Top, De and Pat Alcorn; Above Sandy Duvall. To re- serve a seat at the event, call 626-355-7135. COUNCIL PREPARES FOR 2018 ELECTION On Tuesday, the Sierra Madre City Council discussed five resolutions that will begin the process ofpreparing the city for the 2018 elections. The election, scheduled for April 10, 2018 will determinewho will fill 3 Council seats as well as a ballot measure on whether or not the city should repeal its'User Utility Tax. The resolutions covered: 1. Notice of the Election and the City Clerk's election compensation; 2. Regulations regarding Candidates Statements; 3. A request to the County of Los Angeles for election services; 4. Definition of the process for rebuttal argumentfilings and 5. A resolution authorizing the five current council members to submit arguments regarding the ballot measure to repeal the city's UUT. The effort to repeal the UUT began in 2014 butwas only qualified for the 2018 ballot. While repeal of the UUT will certainly be a controversial matter, the resolution that garnered most of the council's attention was the election compensation for the city clerk. In the past, the city has paidthe City Clerk a stipend of $7,500,00 just to handlethe election, however, the council unanimously voted not to pay that stipend for 2018. Councilman John Capoccia saw "no compelling argument whySierra Madre has to be different", noting that it wastime for the city to follow the model of other citieswith an elected City Clerk. South Pasadena was the example given where the City Clerk is elected andhandles those duties required by law, but electionactivities are handled by the election consultant andcity staff. The city of Sierra Madre has used Martinand Chapman as the election consultant for yearsand will continue to do so. However, for the 2018election, city staff, namely the Assistant City Clerkwho is already on the payroll and has assisted withat least 3 other elections will handle other administrative duties. The stipend of $7,500 per election was an agreement with former City Clerk Nancy Sholllenbergerwho held the position for 32 years. After 25 years with the Sierra Madre Police Department Sgt. Ruben Enrique (center) bid farewellto a friends, co-workers and residents at the Hart Park House on Thursday. Enriquez fought backthe tears in this photo with Chief Joe Ortiz and Captain Donna Cayson, right. Photo by Dave Felt Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |