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VOLUME 11 NO. 45 
VOLUME 11 NO. 45 
SMPD Chief Joe Ortiz at the 
beginning of Movember.
Stay Tuned! 


Photo and Story By Bill Coburn 

The Sierra Madre Rotary Club hosted its2nd Annual Rotary Humanitarian STARAwards Banquet on Saturday, with morethan 130 scientists and friends honoringoutstanding humanitarian achievementsin science and technology, while 
enjoying live entertainment, cocktailsand dinner at the Pasadena Masonic 
Temple. The goal of the STAR (Science,
Technology, Aerospace and Robotics)
awards is to recognize, celebrate and raiseawareness of scientific achievements that 
significantly improve lives and positivelyimpact humanity.

The evening began with a cocktailreception featuring music by AlmerImamovic and Dr. Jessica Pierce. The 
guests were welcomed by Joan Riback,
and following presentation of the colorsby the 2nd Battalion 23rd Marines of 
Pasadena, the National Anthem was 
sung by Valerie Geason, and a few wordsof inspiration were offered by RotarianDouglas Kerns, Ph.D.

Following dinner, immediate pastpresident Alan Unell, Ph.D. gave abrief overview of the awards, includingintroduction of the distinguishedAdvisory Board, consisting of David

A. Bearden, Ph.D. of the AerospaceCorporation; Joel W. Burdick Ph.D., JPLResearch Scientist; Marie Csete M.D., 
Ph.D., Huntington Medical ResearchInstitutes; The Honorable Lance A. Ito, 
(Ret) Judge Superior Court of the State ofCalifornia, in and for the County of LosAngeles; William Patzert, Ph.D., Scientistat CalTech’s 
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; 
John F. Raffensperger, Ph.D., of Pardee 
RAND Graduate School, Philip R. 
Troyk, Ph.D., of the Armour Collegeof Engineering, and Sylvia WhitlockPh.D., District Governor, (2012-2013)
Rotary International District 5300. To 
learn more about the advisors, visit the 

Executive Governor of RotaryDistrict 5300 Marilyn Diaz gave somebackground about Rotary, and its 
mission of serving humanity.

Emcees Dave Ruprecht and MarieCsete, M.D., Ph.D. then got down tothe business of the evening, presentingthe awards. The first award of the 
evening went to Sierra Madre residentand JPL Climatologist William Patzert,
Ph.D., who was presented with theLifetime Achievement Award. Dr. 
Patzert began his career at the ScrippsInstitution of Oceanography before 
moving onto NASA and revolutionizingoceanographic and climate science. Dr. 
Patzert has worked with JPL for 35 years.
In accepting the award, Dr. Patzert notedthat we are living in a time where scienceis under attack, adding that climatechange is scientific fact, not fake news.

In the Health and Medical category,
nominees had helped children andfamilies by eliminating cleft lips and 
palates and scarring, engineered 
nanoparticles for cervical cancer 
therapeutic vaccine, developed a methodto measure oxygen in blood 

(continued on page 2) 

Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club honored local Veterans 
and our First Responders at their Tuesday luncheon.
Above left, WWII Vets George Maurer and Jack withson in law Gary Hood (center); Above right, Susan Mc-
Creary with Korean War Veteran Bud Switzer. Far left, 
former California DAV Auxillary President Mary LouCaldwell and Karen Keegan. Not pictured are othermembers of VFW 3208, Sierra Madre Police Department, 
SMFD, Sierra Madre Search and Rescue and 
Sierra Madre CERT. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548