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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre edition

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VOLUME 11 NO. 42 


Scarecrow Winners Announced 

The public has spoken! Since the beginning ofOctober, residents of Sierra Madre have seen a lotof ‘different’ sights around town. There has been an 
invasion of ‘crows’ since the beginning of autumnand by the beginning of October, more thanapproximately 110 ‘Scarecrows’ have descended onthe city to shew them away!

Residents, young and old have created the entriesin the 6th Annual Scarecrow Festival and the town 
was able to vote on their favorite. Friday evening,
with all the votes tallied, the favorites were chosen.
You can view the complete list of winners below.

This is the 6th Annual Festival created by theCreative Arts Group and also sponsored by 
Arnold’s Frontier Hardware, Canyon Canine, 
City of Sierra Madre, Dilbeck Real Estate, GemPlumbing, Kiwanis Club of Sierra Madre, MountainViews News, The Purple Frog and the Sierra MadreChamber of Commerce. 

If you haven’t seen these wonderful characters,
just drive around town. They will be in SierraMadre until November 1st. For a map of where 
they live, go to:

No. Category Scarecrow Name Award 

47 Snoloft People's Choice Residential 
66 Minions on the Loose People's Choice Business 
38 Catrina and Diego De Los Muertos Best Overall 
2 Family ET & Eliott Best Depiction of a Movie 
3 Family Penelope Cutest Scarecrow 
10 Family Bearcrow Best Scarecrow Made at Workshop 
11 Family Sheriff Best Story of Sierra Madre History 
13 Child Mr Lightening Best Story 
15 Family Beauty & the Beast Meet in the Cornfield Most Romantic Couple 
16 Child Charlie Brown Best Depiction of a Cartoon 
18 Child Enderman Most Creative Use of Materials 
20 Child Pikachu Best Depiction of a Video Game 

Character (2nd Place) 
21 Child IT Best Depiction of Pop Culture 
22 Adult The Night King Best Depiction of Pop Culture 
23 Child Darth Nihilis Best Representation of a Movie Villan 
24 Child Nighty Night Bedtime Best Depiction of Life in Sierra Madre 
28 Child Amelia Most Magical Award 
30 Business Buck Best Depiction Business (Tie) 
31 Child Tom Power Plant Best Scarecrow Made at Workshop 
32 Adult Crow versus Cactus Best Depiction of Life in Sierra Madre 
36 Family The Unknown Scarecrow Best Depiction of Life in Sierra Madre 
39 Family Sierra Padre Best Scarecrow at Night 
40 Child Super Mario Best Depiction of a Video Game

Character (1st Place) 
41 Child Tifanny Kiki Welsh Most Humorous Story 
44 Family Abbey Road Best Group Installation 
45 Family Conductor Lenner Best Story Brought to Life 
46 Family Leilani the Mermaid Best Defender of Sea Life 
51 Family The City Locksmith Best Craftsman Scarecrow 
53 Family Fred "Sierra Madre" Dobbs Most Humorous 
64 Family Here's Johnny "The Shining" Best Use of Props 
70 Business Talianko Design Group Most Humorous 
71 Business Podley Most Creative Tie in to a Movie 

Filmed in Sierra Madre 
73 Child Shima Most Mysterious Scarecrow 
77 Business Sierra Vista Senior Apartments Best Depiction of the Scarecrow Festival 
79 Child Ash Ketchum Creative Writing Award 
85 Business Gooden School Best Representation of a Pop Song 
87 Business Corfu Best Story 
90 Family Invisible Scarecrow Most Creative 
91 Business Lizzie's Best Use of Unexpected Materials 
94 Child Bluebell Best Combination of Story & Scarecrow 
98 Child Gourdon Ramsey Scariest Scarecrow 
99 Adult Bicycle Kicking Ghoul Scorer Most Creative 
100 Adult The Saga of Crow & Scarecrow Continues Best Continuing Saga 
103 Business Capelli Court Most Eligible Bachelor Scarecrow 
108 Business Taylors Best Depiction of the Business

109 Business Lenora Moss Most Creative


 The Spero Foundation announced its major fall Arts Program and The Friends 
fund raising event for 2017 Hops for Hope, a five of The Sierra Madre Library. 
course gourmet dinner and California Craft beer A member from each group 
pairing will be held at Santa Anita Race Track in the was nominated by their 
Mezzanine Sports Lounge on Saturday November 4th respective organizations as ones 
starting at 6:00PM. who give so generously and 

make a difference with their 

This year’s event will recognize the accomplishments volunteerism in the community. 
of some of the community’s best from Sierra Madre 
Playhouse, Creative Arts Group, Pasadena Adaptive 

Mayor Arizmendi, left, with Congresswoman Judy Chu and Public Works staff Clare Lin and James 
Carlson as the City of Sierra Madre received the Excellence Award for an ADA Grant used to 
improve Sierra Vista and Memorial Parks in June 2017. Photo courtesy City of Sierra Madre 

In a press release this week from Sacramento, it wasannounced tht Rachelle Arizmendi, 45, of Sierra Madre, 
has been appointed to the California State Board of Foodand Agriculture. Arizmendi has been mayor of the City ofSierra Madre since 2017, where she served as a member 
of the city council from 2014 to 2017. She has been vicepresident and chief operating officer at the Pacific AsianConsortium in Employment since 2016, where she was 

director of head start from 2000 to 2014 and a registereddietitian from 1998 to 2000. Arizmendi was nutrition 
adjunct faculty at Pasadena City College from 2013 to2015. She earned a Master of Science degree in family andconsumer sciences from Eastern Illinois University. Thisposition does not require Senate confirmation and thereis no compensation. Arizmendi is registered withoutparty preference. 

Firefighters are still battling a 50-acre wildfire that isthreatening the historic Mt. Wilson Observatory anda collection of vital communications towers in the 
San Gabriel Mountains. The fire started on Tuesday, 
October 17th. 

“It could be several days before we see fullcontainment,” Angeles National Forest spokeswomanSeneca Smith. The fire is burning on terrain that is “verysteep and rocky and inaccessible by foot,” making itdifficult for firefighters to establish a containment line inthose areas. 

As firefighters were making progress on 
containment, they discovered an unidentified (as ofpress time) burned body in the Mt. Wilson area. The 
coroner’s office has not determined a cause of death 
said Ed Winter, a spokesman for the coroner’s office.
The body was that of a male and was burned, theLos Angeles Times reported, saying authorities couldnot confirm if the fire was responsible for the death.
Sheriff ’s detectives determined the death was not a 

homicide, the Times reported.

On Wednesday, the sister of 18-year-old MatthewHuerta told KTLA her brother had left the family’sSylmar home before dawn Tuesday and never returned.
Relatives found a letter indicating the teen wanted tohurt himself. 

The Find My Friends app led Huerta’s friends to tracehis cellphone to the Mount Wilson area, but familymembers were initially unable to access the area due tothe 50-acre Wilson Fire. 

In addition to threatening the Observatory, portionsof the iconic Mt. Wilson Trail have been damaged. The 
location is approximately 3 miles above the segment ofthe trail used in the annual Sierra Madre trail race 

There have been more than 400 firefighters assistingin the effort to reach 100% containment includingfirefighters from Sierra Madre, Pasadena and ArcadiaFire Departments as well as the Sierra Madre Searchand Rescue team. The cause of the fire is still under 
investigation. MVNews 


65% Contained – Burned Body Found 


Sierra Madre, CA – Want to get the new, authentic, lush andwatershed health, smart irrigation, and water catchmentleafy L.A. aesthetic look but not sure where to start?strategies, as well as tables from related community organizations.

Join us in the Authentic Foothill Gardens at Sierra Madre CityGet Guidance: The gardens’ designer and maintenance teamHall to see just how easy and enjoyable maintaining an authentic,will be on site, providing tips and instruction.
native garden can be.Be sure to bring gloves, sunglasses and/or a hat and sunscreen.

Each Authentic Foothill Garden at Sierra Madre City HallWe’ll bring all the tools and expertise you’ll need to learn andfeatures California native foliage that revels in high heat, enjoysmake a difference! Light refreshments will be provided.
shade and rain, resists fire, attracts wildlife, provides ‘IdealMowPlease contact the Community Services Department for morelawn’ space with less water, and/or has edible or medicinalinformation at 626-355-5278. 
properties. As part of the workshop, you

Be Authentic: Authenticity makes gardens beautiful yearcommunity_services_department/
round in both drought and deluge. Meet California native plantsGet hands on knowledge of California natives that thrive in theauthentic to the foothills and learn what to do to keep themfoothills at the Authentic Foothill Gardens Anniversary! Date:
happy in your own garden.Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dig In: You will get instruction and hands-on experiencePlace: Sierra Madre City Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Time: 
with how to prune, weed, mulch and plant – whatever your10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., 10:00-11:00 a.m. - Garden Tour 11:00garden 
needs to stay looking its best.12:00 p.m. - Learning Stations 12:00-1:00 p.m. - Questions & 

Learn and Play: You’ll learn from demonstrations on Answers and Community Tabling Attendance is Free! 


Sierra Madre Dad David Ouch led a special trip to a Ventura farm toacquire one of the largest pumpkins grown on record in California this 
year. Nearly 1000 pounds, this one is of the rare Atlantic Giant species,
directly related to the world record setter grown last fall on Belgium,
topping 2600 pounds.

 So on the trip South, they rounded up a big crew of Dads to safelyplace Sierra Madre's Official Great Pumpkin in front of Sierra MadreElementary school.

 It is quite a spectacle, and with Sierra Madre Schools' upcoming PTAFall Festival there will be a "guess the weight" contest and the seedsfrom this elite monster will be sold at the Sierra Madre schools tree lot 
that will open this December next to Arnold Hardware. Each Springmany residents will use their rare seeds to begin growing potential record 
setters that will ripen by next fall. All local entries will be included 
in the Sierra Madre Schools 2018 Great Pumpkin Contest, and everyyear there after.

At a time of peaking need for fundraising support and new ideas tosupport Education in Sierra Madre, this sustainable and exciting plan was conceived by none other than 4th graderstudents. For more info on the pumpkins or Sierra Madre School events: 626.827.5011 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

Useful Reference Links

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548