Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 21, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 21, 2017 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 21, 2017 
Jeff’s Book PicsBy Jeff Brown FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett 

peace, happiness, and love we have ever

Finding Your Element: How 

to Discover Your Talents and 

longed for reside. The happiness we have

Passions and Transform Your Life 

sought for so long outside of ourselves, in

rather than later. You may need to name new 

situations, objects, and relationships, turns

by Sir Ken Robinson PhD and Lou 

beneficiaries, find a new Power of Attorney, update 


out to be always present, always available,

your health care proxy, or identify new guardians 

in the simple knowing of our own being as

Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk video and 

for your children. This should not be put on the 

it is.The knowing of our own being shines

groundbreaking book, The Element,


introduced readers to a new concept of

in each one of us as the experience “I am”

5. Sickness. Becoming seriously ill causes 
or “I am aware,” or simply as the thought

self-fulfillment through the convergence

many people to think about what they want at 

“I.” Because this simplest, most obvious,

of natural talents and personal passions.

the end of their lives. You may need to draft an

The Element has inspired readers all over

most familiar, and intimate experiencethe world and has created for Robinson 

advanced directive, create an ethical will, or put 
an intensely devoted following. Now

is to the mind not a thing, or nothing,

any important funerary requests in writing.
comes the long-awaited companion, the

it is overlooked or forgotten by the vast

6. Moving. Moving to a different state can mean 
practical guide that helps people find
majority of humanity. The overlooking

you are subject to different laws. Have a lawyer 
their own Element. Among the questions

of our own being is the root cause of all

review your estate plan to ensure your documents 
that this new book answers are:How do 

unhappiness and, therefore, the root cause

of our search for happiness. What is the

will hold up in your new state. Some documents 
I find out what my talents and passions

nature of this experience of being aware?

may need to be revised and you will certainly want 
are?What if I love something I’m not

The contemplations in this collection will

to ensure any new real estate you acquire in your 
good at?What if I’m good at something

lead readers toward their own experiential

move is accounted for and properly funded to your 
I don’t love? What if I can’t make a living

understanding of that which we all call “I.” 


from my Element?How do I do help my

UPDATE YOUR ESTATE 7. Asset Growth. More money means more 

A Legacy of Spies: A Novel by John 

children find their Element?Finding

problems but only if you don’t plan well. Revisiting 

le Carré 

Your Element comes at a critical time as 

PLAN AFTER THESE LIFE your estate plan after experiencing a large gain 

concerns about the economy, education

The undisputed master returns with a 

in assets is essential to preserving and protecting 

riveting new book—his first Smiley novel

and the environment continue to 

EVENTS those assets both now and after death. 

grow. The need to connect to our 

in more than twenty-five years Peter

If you are anticipating or have recently 

personal talents and passions has never

Guillam, staunch colleague and disciple of

Many estate plans are created and then quickly experienced one of these major life events, a 

George Smiley of the British Secret Service,

been greater. As Robinson writes in 

forgotten. While it’s important to update your planrevision of your existing estate plan may be in 

his introduction, wherever you are,

otherwise known as the Circus, is living out

periodically, after any of these seven life events, it order. Having your own personal family attorney 

his old age on the family farmstead on the

whatever you do, and no matter how

becomes critical that you revise your plan as soon can be invaluable in helping you review - and if 

south coast of Brittany when a letter fromElement, this book is for you. 

old you are, if you’re searching for your

his old Service summons him to London. as possible.necessary adjust - your estate plan to ensure your 
The reason? His Cold War past has come1. Marriage. Getting married is the joining of assets will be protected and your family will be 
back to claim him. Intelligence operationstwo lives together and your plan must address and provided for throughout the changes in your life. 

Being Aware of Being Aware by 

that were once the toast of secret London, account for your new legal status. Naming your When you are ready to take that step, we’re here for 
Everybody is aware, all seven billion of

Rupert Spira 

and involved such characters as Alec spouse as a beneficiary on your insurance policies, you.
us. We are aware of thoughts, feelings,

Leamas, Jim Prideaux, George Smiley andupdating your will, and including him or her in the Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth, and 
sensations, and perceptions. All people

Peter Guillam himself, are to be scrutinized planning of your estate are all important steps to 
share the experience of being aware, but

by a generation with no memory of the Coldtake after marriage.
relatively few people are aware that they

War and no patience with its justifications.2. Divorce. Divorce involves a lot of paperwork, 
are aware. Most people’s lives consist of a

Interweaving past with present so that eachand revising and updating your estate plan adds 
flow of thoughts, images, ideas, feelings,

may tell its own intense story, John le Carréto that. But divorce reflects a change in your legal 

sensations, sights, sounds, and so on.

has spun a single plot as ingenious and

relationship, so you may want to reconsider what happiness, 

thrilling as the two predecessors on which

Very few people ask, “What is it that

role, if any, your ex-spouse will have in your life 

it looks back: The Spy Who Came in from

knows this flow of thoughts, feelings,

and in your estate.

and perceptions? With what am I awarethe Cold and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

3. Births and adoptions. Providing for the A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a 
of my experience?”The knowing of our being—orIn a story resonating with tension, humor and moral

care and custody of your child in the event of your mission to help parents protect what they love most. 

rather, awareness’s knowing of its own being in us—isambivalence, le Carré and his narrator Peter Guillam 

death or incapacity should be paramount in your His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, 

our primary experience, our most fundamental andpresent the reader with a legacy of unforgettable

estate plan. That means naming guardians for your Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment 

intimate experience. It is in this experience that all the characters old and new. 

new child, both long and short-term, is a must. You to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love 
should also consider setting up a trust and naming and financial security for your family by calling 
your child as a beneficiary.626.587.3058 or visit for “The Yellow Boat” runs Oct. 20-28 at the 4. Deaths. Having a loved one die is never easy. more information. 

And when they were a part of your estate plan, 
their death should prompt a plan review sooner 

Sierra Madre Playhouse 


The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques 


As the month of October comes to a close, business color palettes and items associated with the holiday 
owners still have time left to plan and put things in season. Holly berries, ornaments, reds and greens, 
place to capitalize on the increased spending that and holiday music are among the things that may be 
comes with every holiday season. Every business can used to help your customers tap into their holiday 
benefit from some type of promotion focused on the mood and increase the likelihood of them spending 
holiday season. Two important questions are, what money at your place of business.
type of promotion and what will it cost? A simple Promote Products & Packages as Holiday Gifts: 
four-step process can be used to help answer these In addition to preparing creative displays in your 
and other questions to set the stage for increased store or on your website, be sure to have signage 
sales during the busiest and most profitable time of that informs customers of special items available for 
the year for many businesses, and particularly for purchase as gifts. “You’ve shopped for everyone else, 
retail establishments. not take a moment to stop and pamper yourself ” 

Pick Your Product: Identify the specific product might serve as a useful promotional message for a spa 
(or service) as the central focal point for your or massage therapist. It is to every business owner’s 
campaign. This may be a single item, or it may be benefit to have gift certificates readily available year 
represent a line or family of products. Think of the round, but particularly during the holidays to make it 
green milkshakes at McDonald’s around St. Patrick’s easy for people to purchase as gifts. By all means, be 
Day or the special hot cider beverages sold by coffee sure to post signage that indicates “Gift Certificates 
houses during the Christmas season. Available” along with informing customers of this 

Primp Your Place of Business: Whether you option.
conduct business in a physical location or through A seemingly mundane gift can have a “wow” factor 
an online store, be sure to make it as appealing and if it is beautifully wrapped. By the same token, a 
as comfortable as possible for customers to check business owner can create a more festive atmosphere 
out your selection of goods and/or services. It is that encourages more customers to stop, browse and 
important to spruce up your space by incorporating spend some of their holiday budget. 


Christmas will be here before you knowNovember 18th and December 30th but must be 
it, and Sierra Madre Playhouse anticipatesredeemed by November 10th.
the impending arrival of its holiday show AOh Fudge!
Christmas Story (which will open NovemberDate: Sunday, December 2, 201817) with free public events in Sierra Madre andTime: 1:00 pmnearby Pasadena. A Christmas Story is thePlace: Under the marquee of the Sierra Madretale of Ralphie Parker and his family’s mostPlayhousememorable Christmas, from beloved humorist â€oeOh Fudge†shout out: 1:00 pm 
Jean Shepherd.Awards: 1:30 

Duarte, Calif. – Oct. 12, 2017 – In partnership with the Sierraopportunity to our CSArts-SGV Acting students to delve into

A schedule of the free fun events follows: Free Activity: all ages

Madre Playhouse, students within the California School of thepersonal and rich elements of character and story that containArts – San Gabriel Valley (CSArts-SGV) Acting Conservatorythe potential to impact our audiences in a powerful way,” Jean Shepherd Radio Listening Party and A Ralphie messes up big time in the play Aopen the school’s performance season with its inauguralcontinues Wallace. Christmas Story CelebrationChristmas Story when he is trying to help hisplay, “The Yellow Boat,” a story about family, creativity andStudents are led by Joe Calarco, a well-respected Los AngelesDate: Friday, November 3, 2017dad. He utters a wail of let’s say Oh Fudge!
community. Seeking to build strong community partnershipsdirector and the associate artistic director of Coeurage TheatreTime: 6:00 pmWe invite the public to take a turn at this iconicthroughout the San Gabriel Valley region, CSArts-SGV hasCompany, who is also the school’s playreading instructor.Free:Â Open to the publicoath (behave yourself if you want the crowd’sformed a relationship with the emerging theater, who sharesCalarco mounted a successful and critically acclaimed versionPlace: Vroman’s Hastings Ranch Bookstore,approval, You might walk away with the prizesimilar values, and can provide an intimate venue suitable forof “The Yellow Boat” with Coeurage Theatre Company several

3729 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 - a plate of fudge. Otherwise it is for you! ) Free

the Acting Conservatory, while the school’s Performing Artsyears ago, and has been using this experience to guide CSArts-

Please note - NOT at the Pasadena Vroman’s sample tastes of fudge for all in attendance.

Center is in need of renovation. The common goal of bothSGV’s young actors through the creative process and mentor

store on Colorado Boulevard Coming soon! Details to be announced: Ugly

organizations is to forge a strong community arts alliancethem as they develop professionalism and a sense of craft.

Back in the 1960s, humorist, writer, Lamp Contest

by creating educational opportunities and producing liveStudents have been rehearsing since the second week of the
theater performances. This unique partnership allows the twoschool year. Beginning Oct. 2, Acting and Production & Designraconteur and TV and radio personality JeanSierra Madre Playhouse is located at 87 W.
organizations to bring together generations of theater artists and Conservatory students transitioned into the Sierra MadreShepherd (1921-1999) was the undisputedSierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. 
patrons.Playhouse theater space, where they rehearse after a rigorousking of late night radio on the East Coast. HisThis is just east of Pasadena. There is ample free

“The Yellow Boat” was selected as the conservatory’s first playday of academic and arts conservatory classes. More than 100live broadcasts from the Limelight Café inparking behind the Playhouse.
to illustrate the vision and values inherent in the culture of the student actors auditioned, and 12 were cast, ranging fromGreenwich Village late on Saturday nights onOur new show: 
CSArts-SGV Acting Conservatory, which offers comprehensivegrades seven through 11.WOR-AM became appointment listening forA Christmas Story. Adapted for the stage by

acting, voice and movement training to talented students with“The Yellow Boat” marks the beginning of an exciting CSArts

millions of fans. His stories were the origin ofPhilip Grecian. Based on the screenplay by Jean

aspirations of careers on stage or in film and television.SGV theater season, which also includes the all-school musical 

the movie A Christmas Story and now the stageShepherd, Bob Clark and Leigh Brown, and on

“The Acting Conservatory is an ensemble growing together“Pippin,” presented with a Steampunk aesthetic, as well as two

version opening November 17th at the Sierrathe book In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash

as artists and individuals,” says CSArts-SGV Chair of Theatre Jayadditional plays. In the spring semester, the School of Theatre

Madre Playhouse. Join us as we listen to snippetsby Jean Shepherd. Directed by Christian Lebano.

Wallace. “We set out to develop young artists who are empatheticpresents “Elephant’s Graveyard,” an ensemble character pieceand empowered, goal-oriented, effective communicators whobased on a true story, and produced as sight-specific immersiveof holiday broadcasts from his radio shows, playProduced for Sierra Madre Playhouse by Estellewill impact society as innovative, passionate leaders.” theater. This is followed by Oscar Wilde’s hilarious periodsilly â€oeA Christmas Story†games, and eatCampbell and Christian Lebano. Young Ralphie

Written by David Saar, “The Yellow Boat” has been describedcomedy, “The Importance of Earnest,” which renews theand drink themed refreshments and beveragesÂParker and his family experience their mostas an imaginative, stylistic and adventurous journey, filled withpartnership with the Sierra Madre Playhouse and takes place in(Did someone say ugly lamp shaped cookies?).memorable Christmas, with Ralphie in pursuithumor, color, heartbreak and ultimately, hope. Detailing theMarch. Bonus: Those attending the Jean Shepherdof his dreamed-about Christmas present: a Red

short life of a young, high-spirited child living with a terminal“The Yellow Boat” takes place Oct. 20-21 at 7:30 p.m., Oct.

Listening Party at Hastings Ranch Vroman’sRyder BB air rifle. November 17- December 31,

illness, the ensemble piece spotlights the healing that art can22 at 2 p.m., Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m., and Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. and 7:30

will receive a certificate entitling them to2017. Admission: $36 general; $33 seniors (65+);

bring in times of trouble, and the importance of family andp.m. Season ticket holders of the Sierra Madre Playhouse enjoy

purchase up to four discounted tickets at $5 off$25 youth (to age 21). Contact venue for show

community. It is a celebration of the strength of children and ana special preview performance on Oct. 18, which includes a cast

normal prices in a single purchase. This offertimes. Reservations: (626) 355-4318. Online

inspiring piece for all following the show. Tickets are $20 online and $22 at“This rich material, based on a true story, offers a unique the door. To purchase, visit may be applied to any performance between ticketing: 

By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: