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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 21, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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B3 Mountain Views News Saturday, October 21, 2017 OPINION B3 Mountain Views News Saturday, October 21, 2017 OPINION Mountain Views News PUBLISHER/ EDITORSusan Henderson PASADENA CITY EDITOR Dean Lee EAST VALLEY EDITOR Joan Schmidt BUSINESS EDITOR LaQuetta Shamblee PRODUCTION Richard Garcia SALES Patricia Colonello 626-355-2737 626-818-2698 WEBMASTER John Aveny DISTRIBUTION Kevin Barry CONTRIBUTORS Chris Leclerc Bob Eklund Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills Rich Johnson Merri Jill Finstrom Rev. James SnyderDr. Tina Paul Katie HopkinsDeanne Davis Despina ArouzmanRenee Quenell Marc Garlett Keely TotenDan Golden Mountain Views News has been adjudicated asa newspaper of GeneralCirculation for the County of Los Angeles in CourtCase number GS004724: for the City of SierraMadre; in Court Case GS005940 and for the City of Monrovia in CourtCase No. GS006989 and is published every Saturday at 80 W. Sierra MadreBlvd., No. 327, Sierra Madre, California, 91024. All contents are copyrighted and may not bereproduced without the express written consent ofthe publisher. All rights reserved. All submissions to this newspaper becomethe property of the Mountain Views News and maybe published in part or whole. Opinions and viewsexpressed by the writersprinted in this paper donot necessarily expressthe views and opinionsof the publisher or staffof the Mountain Views News. Mountain Views News is wholly owned by GraceLorraine Publications, and reserves the right torefuse publication of advertisements and other materials submitted for publication. Letters to the editor and correspondence should be sent to: Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Bl. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Phone: 626-355-2737 Fax: 626-609-3285 email: mtnviewsnews@aol.com Mountain Views News Mission Statement The traditions of community news- papers and the concerns of our readers are this newspaper’s top priorities. We support a prosperouscommunity of well- informed citizens. We hold in high regard thevalues of the exceptionalquality of life in our community, includingthe magnificence of our natural resources. Integrity will be our guide. TOM PURCELL ON POLIO AND PULLING TOGETHER She came home with a high temperature, feeling very ill. The next morning, her legs gave out when she tried to get out of bed. By that evening, she was so weak she could barely move. It was 1951 when polio struck her. She was 12 years old, just starting the 8th grade. The nation was in a panic then. The ambulancedriver wouldn’t take her to the hospital for fear other patients might becomeinfected. Her father told her not to worry. He said she had a new virus and called it“Virus X.” Her uncle had a car and he drove her to the hospital. She was placedin a ward with other children with polio. She found this odd. She told the nurseshe didn’t have polio. She had Virus X - just like her father said. The nurse nodded, but said there was a possibility it was polio. Now she wasreally worried - worried about her family. She wrote her parents a letter. Shehinted that she may have polio, but that she’d be OK. Her father cried aloudwhen he read it. The Health Department quarantined her family. They posted a notice on thefront door of her home. For two weeks, the life span of the virus, no one was tovisit. Only her father could leave to go to work. Within two weeks, the polio had ravaged her body. Her arms and legs werein various degrees of paralysis. She could barely lift her head. She was relocatedto the D.T. Watson Home for Crippled Children in Sewickley, PA. Her long, painful rehabilitation would just begin. It was one year before she could move back home. She wore leg braces andneeded crutches to get around. Her school’s principal feared for her safety he recommended she not return. But her father would have none of that. He was determined that she be treated no differently than anyone else, and shereturned to school. She did get help, though. Neighbors who had cars took turns transportingher. The school scheduled her classes so that she had to ascend the stairs onlyone time a day. Classmates carried her books. Her rehab continued two years. She would need crutches the rest of her life, but her braces were finally off. Then one day, sick of depending on others, shedecided to walk to school - a journey up a steep Pittsburgh hill more than onemile away. Her mother, worried, went with her that first day. It was a long, painful walk, but she did it. And in time, she walked to school every day. In time, she was no differentthan anyone else. Like her sisters, she was beautiful, lively and full of wit. Shehad many friends. Her senior year, her classmates voted her Queen of CarrickHigh School for a spring track event. Eventually, she married and had fourchildren (she now has seven grandchildren). Her name then was Cece Hartner, my mother’s sister. When she and others were suffering from polio, there was an abundance offear and doubt in America. But the nation didn’t dwell on what was wrong. We did what Americans always do. We focused on the solution. The March ofDimes mobilized millions to raise money. A long line of researchers, includingDr. Jonas Salk, refused to accept defeat. Together, we won. On April 12, 1955, almost one year after the trial began, Salk’s vaccine was declared safe andeffective. It’s easy to hold clarity over events that took place more than a half centuryago, but harder to do so in current times. We are in the midst of many challengesand the nation would appear to be divided. There are many negative voicesdwelling on what is wrong. But I know we must pull together and dwell insteadon what we can make right. Just like my Aunt Cece did. Tom Purcell, author of “Misadventures of a 1970’s Childhood” and “Wicked Is the Whiskey,” a Sean McClanahan mystery novel, both available at Amazon.com, is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN DICK POLMAN ‘FAKE NEWS’ EXPOSES TRUMP’S SWAMP CREATURE Before we inevitably face Trump’s next phantasmagoria, let’s briefly pause to celebrate the speedy downfall of a apparatchik of the president. Because it speaks to the resilience of our democratic institutions. The free and independent press - The Washington Post, partnering with CBS News’ “60 Minutes” - reported in great detail that Trump’s choice to head the Drug Enforcement Administration, Pennsylvania congressman Tom Marino, was a drug industry toady who’d worked for two years to undercut the DEA’s efforts to combat the burgeoning opioid crisis. On Monday, Trump acknowledged that “we’re going to look into the report, and we’re going to take it very seriously.” And on Tuesday, Marino said he no longer wished to helm the DEA. That’s how accountability journalism is supposed to work. In this particular case, the evidence against Marino was so strong that it prompted Trump to park his pap about “Fake News.” Far from fulfilling his so-called promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington (a promise he broke long ago), he got caught trying to hire another swamp creature, and, amazingly, this time he didn’t respond by digging his hole deeper. The gist of the story - in case you missed it, amidst Trump’s lies about Obama supposedly not calling war widows - is that Marino has long been “a friend on Capitol Hill of the giant drug companies that distribute the pain pills that have wreaked so much devastation around the nation.” On behalf of those companies, he successfully championed a law that makes it far tougher for the DEA to speedily stop those drugs from getting to the street. Reportedly, Marino’s law is “the crowning achievement of a multifaceted campaign by the drug industry to weaken aggressive DEA enforcement efforts against drug distribution companies that were supplying corrupt doctors and pharmacists who peddled narcotics to the black market.” Prior to the law (which President Obama signed, so he rates a share of responsibility), the DEA had broad authority to halt drug shipments that it deemed to be an “imminent danger” to a community. But under Marino’s law, the DEA can’t halt shipments unless it can prove that the drugs pose “a substantial likelihood of an immediate threat.” As a DEA whistleblower told the journalists, “There’s no way that we could meet that [higher] burden ... because ‘immediate,’ by definition, means right now.” Why didn’t Trump condemn the Marino stories and retaliate in his usual manner? Perhaps it’s because The Post’s story was amplified by the parallel “60 Minutes” investigation that reportedly reached more than 13 million viewers, and if there’s one thing Trump respects, it’s ratings. Or perhaps Trump realized that it was stupid to sponsor someone who’d undercut the fight against opioids - after having reaped a lot of 2016 votes in struggling communities devastated by opioids. All of which prompts us to ask a few questions: What can possibly explain the political stupidity of the Trump team - choosing a DEA leader who’d done the drug industry’s bidding, weakening the DEA’s efforts to help the very communities that fueled Trump’s thin Electoral College win? What kind of vetting process produces a Tom Marino? Thanks to the free and independent press, the administration’s tone-deaf ineptitude has been exposed anew. And this latest vetting fiasco fits the longstanding pattern. Trump’s second Army Secretary nominee had to pull his name after it was discovered that he’d made a slew of disparaging remarks about gays, Muslims, and Latinos. Trump’s first Army Secretary nominee, a Wall Street billionaire, withdrew rather than face scrutiny for potentially benefiting from federal contracts. Trump’s first Navy secretary nominee, a private equity investor, dropped out rather than divest his business holdings. Trump’s first Labor secretary nominee, a wealthy restaurant executive, withdrew his name amidst attacks on his labor record (he opposed minimum wage hikes) and his personal hiring practices (he’d employed an undocumented worker). And of course this list doesn’t include notables like Michael Flynn, the short-lived national security adviser who somehow got vetted for that job despite his long track record toadying for Russia. The good news is that Trump is at least prone to being held accountable. On Fox News Radio on Tuesday, he duly lauded Marino(“a supporter of mine from Pennsylvania, I won Pennsylvania”) and said that Marino told him that “if there is even a perception of a conflict of interest, he doesn’t want anything to do with it,” which we can take as Trump’s tacit acknowledgment that The Post and CBS News stories were correct. Granted, he was back online Wednesday with his rote rant - tweeting about “so much Fake News” in places like CBS News. “Fiction writers!” - but that’s fine. Bluster is no match for accountability journalism. MAKING SENSE by MICHAEL REAGAN OUTING THE WEINSTEINS We know Hollywood moguls are infamous for taking advantage of aspiring young actresses. The movie producer’s casting couch has been a “tradition” since Tinsel Town began. But Harvey Weinstein must be setting some kind ofrecord. His sexual rap sheet gets longer every day. Since the New York Times broke the stories about his serial misconduct earlier this month, more than 40 actresses, studio workers and models have come forward to accuse the powerful producer of everythingfrom sexual harassment to rape. Now the L.A. Times is reporting that the LAPD is investigating charges by anItalian model-actress that Weinstein raped her in 2013 - within the statute oflimitations. She’s the sixth woman to accuse Weinstein of rape or forcible sex acts. Overthe years eight others reportedly received civil settlements from Weinstein’smovie company. What a charming guy. I feel for all these women who are coming out and telling the world what sexacts Weinstein allegedly did to them or in front of them when their dreams andcareers were at his mercy. It takes courage for those women to admit that they too were humiliated, abused and taken advantage of by an A-list Hollywood slime ball. But everyone knows Weinstein isn’t the only powerful producer or directorin Hollywood who regularly expected sex in exchange for making someone amovie star. There are other Weinsteins, and lots of people in the film community knowexactly who they are. Actresses and actors warn their friends to watch out for Producer X or Director Y, but they never make their names public. They should. Instead of merely tweeting “Me too,” the women who say they have beensexually harassed and assaulted in Hollywood (and everywhere else) need tostart naming names. This could be a chance for women in Hollywood to put a stop to the castingcouch culture Weinstein took full advantage of for three decades. Times have changed. Women are listened to now when they report sexualmisconduct by their bosses or colleagues. They’re protected by harassment laws and supported by the media. They’reno longer shamed publicly for revealing that they have been victims of sexualpredators in the workplace. In the end, Hollywood is all about money. You can even be an open conservativeRepublican in Hollywood -as long as Hollywood is making money off you. It’s the same with top actresses - the A-listers. They make a lot of money forHollywood, so they have power to change things. A-list actresses need to join together and start naming the names of the otherWeinsteins. That way they can protect the B-listers and the future young stars ‒ girls andboys ‒ from becoming new victims of an immoral and rotten culture that hasbeen tolerated in Hollywood for way too long. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). Follow us online at www.mtnviewsnews.com Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | ||||||||||||||||||||