Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 21, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, October 21, 2017 



The Museum invites you to our Scrapbooking 
Studio! Bring your scrapbook and personalphotographs, and the Museum will provide variousscrapbooking materials. This is a great opportunityto learn new techniques, try out different products,
get creative with friends from your community,
and preserve your memories! The next studio will 
be held Friday, November 3, 2017 from 1:30 to 3:30 

For more information, please call 626.574.5440or visit the website at
The Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage is located at380 W. Huntington Drive, immediately behind theCommunity Center. The Museum Education Centeris located at 382 W. Huntington Drive. The Museumis open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. 


Fascinated by Arcadia history? Join us for a hot or visit the website at
cup of coffee on brisk Saturday mornings whenmuseum. The Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage islocal historians will share new, original researchlocated at 380 W. Huntington Drive, immediatelyon the history of Arcadia!behind the Community Center. The Museum

On Saturday, November 4, at 10 a.m., localEducation Center is located at 382 W. Huntingtonhistorian Laura Henneforth will talk about Drive. The Museum is open Tuesday through

“Who Was Who in Arcadia,” a fascinating lookSaturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed 12at 
the larger-than-life figures in Arcadia’s past.1). Admission is always free. You can also follow 

For more information, please call 626.574.5440 the Museum on Facebook and Twitter. 


October 17, 2017 –Starting on November 1 throughApril 30, the allowed outdoor irrigation days areTuesdays and Saturdays before 9:00 a.m. and after

6:00 p.m.
The best time to irrigate your lawn is early morningor late evening. Avoid irrigating your lawn duringthe middle of the day through the late afternoonwhen heat and evaporation are at their highest. Ifyou find your trees, flowers, or shrubs still thirsty,
hand watering is allowed within the timeframe bybucket or by hose, with a shut-off nozzle attached.
To avoid water waste while keeping your plantshydrated, walk the line when your system is on toensure valves and sprinkler heads are not broken orclogged.

Additionally, the City of Arcadia offers a freeirrigation audit for its residents. Poorly functioningsprinklers and over-watered landscapes waste waterand increase the number of pollutants flowing 
into storm drains. Water is mostly wasted in yourgarden in months prior to or just after the rainyseason when intermittent rains occur and you water 

to 4:00 p.m. (closed 12-1). Admission is always free.
You can also follow the Museum on Facebook and 

About the City of ArcadiaNestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, 
Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with apopulation of just over 56,000. Located approximately20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is afull-service charter city governed by a five-memberCity Council, elected at large. Recognized forexceptional education and recreation opportunitiesand beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also definedas the “Community of Homes” and has twice beendesignated the “Best City in California in which toRaise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. 

plants that do not need the water.

Schedule a free irrigation audit by calling thePublic Works Services Department at 254-2700.
Learn how to read your water meter and otherwater-saving strategies by visiting the City of Arcadiawebsite at 

About Arcadia 

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel 
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square milecommunity with a population of just over 56,000.
Located approximately 20 miles east of downtownLos Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining small-
town charm with the conveniences and amenities 
of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service chartercity governed by a five member City Council, 
elected at-large. Recognized for exceptional 
education and recreation opportunities and 
beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also definedas the “Community of Homes” and has twice beendesignated the “Best City in California in which toRaise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. 

For the period of Sunday, October 8th, through Saturday,
October 14th, the Police Department responded to 895 callsfor service, of which 97 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. 

Sunday, October 8:

Shortly before 7:28 a.m., officers responded to the 00 blockof West Camino Real Avenue regarding a residence check.
An investigation revealed the owner’s relative, who is onactive parole, was found with two associates, drugs, anddrug paraphernalia. The suspect, a 61-year-old male fromArcadia, was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.

At approximately 3:28 p.m., an officer responded to theintersection of Santa Anita Avenue and Colorado Boulevard 
regarding two subjects walking in the lanes of traffic, almostcausing a collision. Upon contacting the male and female, themale suspect admitted to having a meth pipe in his backpack.
The officer located the drug paraphernalia and the 26-yearold 
male from Monrovia was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. 

Monday, October 9:

Just after 1:42 a.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on avehicle in the area of Live Oak Avenue and MayflowerAvenue for speeding. Upon contacting the driver, theofficer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting from thedriver. Through a series of tests, the officer determined the21-year-old female from Baldwin Park was driving under theinfluence of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

At approximately 12:40 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 1100 block of Arcadia Avenue regarding avandalism report. The victim stated an unknown suspectwrote graffiti on his garage door sometime between Friday,
October 6th and Sunday, October 8th. No suspects were seenand no witnesses were located. 

Tuesday, October 10:

Around 9:16 a.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia PoliceDepartment front counter regarding a battery report. Theofficer discovered a bicyclist failed to yield at an intersectionand therefore caused the oncoming vehicle to nearly hit him.
A passenger of the vehicle then confronted the bicyclist, andthe upset bicyclist pushed his bike handle into the passenger’sabdomen. The suspect is a 72-year-old male from Arcadia.
The investigation is ongoing.

Just before 4:13 p.m., an officer responded to a parkinglot of the U.S. Post Office, 41 Wheeler Avenue, regardinga grand theft report. The officer determined an unknownsuspect entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole a$600 backpack containing a $13,000 Rolex while the victimwas inside the post office. No suspects were seen and nowitnesses were located. 

Wednesday, October 11:

Shortly after 7:17 a.m., an officer located a suspicious vehiclein the parking lot of Santa Anita Wine and Spirits, 1002 NorthSanta Anita Avenue. Upon contacting the two subjects insidethe vehicle, the officer detected a strong odor of marijuana.
After providing the officer with false identifying information,
a records check revealed the passenger was on probation.
During a consensual search of the vehicle, the officer located 

methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. The 39-year-oldfemale from Chatsworth was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.

At about 9:58 a.m., an officer responded to the intersectionof El Dorado Street and Fifth Avenue regarding a trafficcollision. An investigation revealed the driver admittedto being under the influence of a Xanax while driving.
The 31-year-old male from Glendora was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

Before 7:48 p.m., an officer responded to the Santa AnitaMall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding an activationof an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Arcadia 
PD detectives had previously deployed decoy bicycleswith tracking devices to combat the increase in bike theftsthroughout the city. An investigation revealed a 35-year-oldmale from Rosemead, a 32-year-old male from MontereyPark, and a 30-year-old male from Temple City were inpossession of the stolen bicycle and GPS tracker. A recordscheck also revealed the 32-year-old male had an outstandingmisdemeanor warrant and the 35-year-old male had twooutstanding misdemeanor warrants. The suspects werearrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 

Thursday, October 12:

Around 2:04 p.m., an officer responded to the ArcadiaRetirement Village, 607 West Duarte Road #329, regardinga grand theft report. The officer discovered an unknownsuspect stole $1,036.00 from one of the residents as he wasmoving out. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 

Friday, October 13:

At about 10:23 a.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 400 block of Naomi Avenue regarding an audible alarmactivation. The officer discovered an unknown suspectentered the location, ransacked the home, and fled with 
an unknown amount of property. The house was beingfumigated while the burglary occurred. The investigation isongoing.

Just before 2:31 p.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 1100 block of Englemann Court regarding a fraudreport. The reporting party discovered an unknown suspectfraudulently withdrew $16,000.00 from her father’s checkingaccount while he was out of the country. The victim andreporting party do not know how the suspect obtained hispersonal information. The investigation is ongoing. 

Saturday, October 14:

Shortly after 10:01 p.m., officers responded to a residencein the 1100 block of Englemann Court regarding a burglaryreport. An investigation revealed unknown suspect(s)
smashed a rear window, ransacked the home, and fled 
with an unknown amount of property. The investigation isongoing.

At approximately 1:10 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 00 block of Christina Street regarding asubject brandishing a weapon. The victim stated he wasstaying at the residence as an AirBnB renter when he wasawaken by the suspect, a house cleaner sent to the homeon behalf of the owner. An altercation ensued between the 
victim and the suspect resulting in the suspect waving ahandgun in a threatening manner. The suspect fled by thetime officers arrived. The suspect is a 49-year-old male fromArcadia. The investigation is ongoing. 


During the past few weeks, staff has been coordinatingcommand of the Operations Division, while Roberto 
an internal personnel assessment to address the pendingwill be charged with overseeing the Services Division.
vacancies in the Police Department, given the upcomingWe are excited about these appointments, as both Heathretirement of Police Chief Jim Hunt and Captain Nelsand Roberto have demonstrated a commitment to our 
Ortland, and the appointment of Captain Alan Sanvictorespeople and community. In addition, both individuals also 
as our next Police Chief. demonstrated for Captain Alan Sanvictores that they truly

After coordinating the overall evaluation, we are sobelieve and behave in a way which exemplifies our values ofpleased to announce that Lt. Heath Harvey and Lt. Robertoserving with humility, hunger, loyalty, and smarts.
Wilken have been promoted to the rank of Captain,Please take a moment to congratulate Heath and Robertoeffective October 22, 2017! Heath will be tasked with when you have a chance! 


Just a quick note to let everyone know that we are The event will begin with an introduction by staff.
coordinating details related to the swearing in of CaptainThe City Council will then be provided with an
Alan Sanvictores as our next Chief of Police. The event is opportunity to provide comments / remarks.
scheduled to take place prior to our City Council meetingOur City Clerk, Alice Atkins, will then formally swear
on November 7, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. Invitations for the Alan in as our next Police Chief. 
event will be distributed this week, however, we did want Following that event, Alan will be asked to make a few
to provide everyone with a quick overview of the detailsremarks, and then a reception will follow in the EOC.
related to the event. We are looking forward to this event! 


If you’ve seen a pink-hued police vehicle inahead and had one of our police patrol vehiclesMonrovia lately… don’t worry… you’re not seeingwrapped in pink! Many people have commentedthings! In support of the Pink Patch Project to raisethat the vehicle looks great, and the photo belowawareness for breast cancer research, the City went will let you make that judgement for yourself! 



Doing Business As, 
Fictitious Business Name Filing 

80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre 

Obtain Street Address - Business Stationary - Flyers 
Rubber Stamps -Business Cards - Mailing Service

During the last seven-day period, the Police 
Department handled 419 service events, resulting in78 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimesreported, go to
map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For PoliceDepartment news and information, visit our websiteand follow us on Twitter. 

Warrants – Suspects Arrested October 12 at 7:26 
p.m., officers completed a location check at a hotelin the 700 block of W. Huntington due to ongoingcomplaints. During the location check, they contactedfour subjects in one of the rooms and a computercheck revealed three of the subjects had outstandingwarrants for their arrest. The subjects were arrestedand held pending their court appearances. 

Driving Under the Influence / Public Intoxication –
Suspects Arrested October 14 at 4:29 a.m., an officer 
stopped a vehicle in the 200 block of E. Huntingtonfor a vehicle code violation. The driver displayed signsof intoxication and further investigation determinedthe driver was driving under the influence. The 
driver was arrested for DUI and two passengers werearrested for public intoxication. 

Public Intoxication / Warrant – Suspects Arrested

October 14 at 5:09 a.m., officers were dispatched to adisturbance in the front yard of a residence in the 700block of Montana. They contacted several subjects.
One subject was taken into custody for publicintoxication and held for a sobering period. A secondsubject was arrested for an outstanding warrant. 

Warrant / Trespassing – Suspect Arrested October 
14 at 8:52 a.m., a former tenant that had been evicted 
several days earlier had returned to the residencein the 700 block of W. Duarte Road. He has been 
asked to stay away from the location. He has broughtproperty back to the location and made statementsthat he is staying there. A computer check of thesubject revealed he had a warrant for his arrest. Hewas arrested for the warrant and served with a no-
trespassing order for the location. 

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested October 14 at 3:06 
p.m., loss prevention at a business in the 500 blockof W. Huntington phoned police to report a subjectthat had stolen merchandise and when confronted, 
became combative. Officers responded, confirmedthe theft and the suspect was arrested. 

Possession of a Controlled Substance – SuspectsArrested October 14 at 7:56 p.m., an officer conducteda traffic stop on a vehicle in the 200 block of W.
Huntington for a vehicle code violation. The vehiclewas occupied by five subjects. One of the passengershad a warrant for his arrest and officers located drugparaphernalia and methamphetamine inside thevehicle. Two subjects were arrested and taken intocustody. Counterfeit Currency / Possession of aControlled Substance / Warrant – Suspect ArrestedOctober 15 at 10:24 a.m., the owner of a business 
in the 600 block of S. Myrtle called police to report 

a subject that paid their bill with a counterfeit $100bill and left the location. An employee followed thesubject outside and called police. Officers arrivedand detained the subject. The subject was arrested forpossession of a counterfeit bill and was found to bein possession of heroin. He also had an outstandingwarrant for his arrest. The subject was arrested andtaken into custody for the charges. Stop 

Grand Theft Auto October 16 at 12:38 p.m., officersresponded to the 800 block of W. Walnut regardingthe report of a suspicious vehicle. Officers arrivedand as they attempted to contact a male subject whowas exiting the vehicle, he fled the area on foot. Anarea search was conducted with the assistance of 
the Foothill Air Support Team helicopter, but thesuspect was not located. The vehicle was found tobe a reported stolen vehicle and mail from variouslocations was found inside, indicating the suspect 
was most likely involved in fraud activities. The 
investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft October 17 at 10:18 a.m., an officer 
was dispatched to the 300 block of Heather Heightsregarding the theft of a lawn mower. The victim toldthe officer the theft actually occurred on October

10. The victim had his lawn mower chained to the 
bed of his truck while he was doing yard work in thebackyard of a residence. When he returned to thetruck, he discovered his lock had been cut and the 
mower was missing. The investigation is continuing. 
Theft of Mail October 17 at 4:21 p.m., a theft of mailwas reported at a residence in the 300 block of W.
Walnut. A suspect was seen opening the resident’smail on the porch and removing the contents. Thesuspect was described as a male Hispanic, shavedhead, wearing black glasses, a black t-shirt and bluejeans. The suspect fled on a bicycle prior to policearrival. A search was conducted, but the suspect wasnot located. The investigation is continuing. 

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested October 17 at 5:58 
p.m., a business in the 300 block of HuntingtonDrive called police to report a theft. A securityguard at the location confronted a subject that wasconcealing merchandise in a shopping bag. Thesubject returned the merchandise to the shelf, butthen became aggressive toward the security guard.
The subject advanced on the security guard and astruggle ensued. Officers responded and the subjectwas arrested and taken into custody. 

Grand Theft – Suspect Arrested October 18 at 6:22 
p.m., a business in the 600 block of W. Huntingtoncalled police to report a grand theft. An employeehad used a loyalty rewards account to steal moneyfrom the business. The employee had confessed whenhe was confronted. The suspect came to the policestation to give a statement and confessed his crimeto the investigating officer. He was arrested for grandtheft. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: