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SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 40 SIERRA MADRE EDITION TWENTY INNOVATOR HUMANITARIAN NOMINEES ANNOUNCED SIERRA MADRE’S VOLUME 11 NO. 40 SIERRA MADRE EDITION TWENTY INNOVATOR HUMANITARIAN NOMINEES ANNOUNCED SIERRA MADRE’S SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2017 COUNCIL APPROVES REORGANIZATION OF SIERRA MADRE FIRE DEPARTMENT The Sierra Madre City Coun-staff report is as follows: As part of the reorganization, the Dr. William ‘Bill’ Patzert Among Nominees cil unanimously approved thefollowing positions will be eliminated: Rotary of Sierra Madre is proud to announce theCommunicates the power of NASA’s exploration reorganization of the city's fireThe current staffing structure of thefive (5) parttime Engineer positions, and one (1) part-time Captain posi twenty innovators embodying service todepartment in an effort to cor-Fire Department consists of a Fire tion. The newly created positions will Chief, three (3) full-time Captains, rect the current deficiencies in humanity nominees for the Humanitarian be posted as an internal promotional along with one (1) part-time Captain, staffing. City Manager Gabe awards to be presented on November 4, opportunity and any current employ- five (5) part-time Engineers, sixteen Engeland brought the issue to 2017. ee meeting the minimum criteria of (16) part-time paramedics, and seven The Rotary Humanitarian STAR the council's attention at a previ-(5) auxiliary Firefighters.the position will be eligible to apply. (Science, Technology, Aerospace, ous meeting in September not- After evaluating the operations and Staff recommends the reorganiza- Robotics) Awards recognize and celebrate ing that due to changes in amongstructure of the Fire Departmenttion go into effect immediately uponscientific achievements that significantly other things, personnel, Sierraand the realization that our current approval and that staff be directedimprove lives. Our goal is to raise public Madre could no longer afford tomodel is not adequate, staff is recom-to begin implementing the new Fire Department staffing structure; by have a fully or partially Volun-mending implementing a 3/2 model awareness of scientific advances and their beginning the internal promotional consisting of a full-time Captain, En- teer Fire Department and pro- positive impacts on humanity. recruitment as soon as possible. The gineer, and a Firefighter/Paramedic vide the services the city needs. To honor and bring to light City will implement its existing layoff to operate the fire engine and two Currently the department is achievements to support, advance and procedures for any employee in an single-function paramedics in the res- inspire humanitarian accomplishments, woefully understaffed and iscue ambulance (RA) for each of theeliminated classification who does not the Rotary Club of Sierra Madre, not capable of receiving Auto-three shifts. The term "3/2" indicatespromote into one of the newly createdembodying the pursuit to serve humanity,story, cutting through political & cultural issues,matic Aid from neighboringthree paid personnel on the Fire En-classifications. offers the Rotary Humanitarian STAR Awards.reminding us what humankind can do together. departments.gine and two paid personnel staffing The proposed changes to the Sierra Madre Fire Department will make Within today’s science and technologically advanced Several former Firefightersthe ambulance. the Sierra Madre Fire Department society, public focus can become dominated by searchesFrances H. Arnold, Ph.D. Professor of Chemical Eng.,including recent retiree's Bob In order to move forward with the more like our peer agencies in the transition, staff is recommending cre for information and entertainment, while previouslyBioengineering & Biochemistry; Director, DonnaBurnett and Christine Lowe and Verdugo system. This is important to ating four new classifications of full- inconceivable innovations addressing our most crucialand Benjamin M. Rosen Bioengineering Centerretired SMFD and LA City Fire-maintain our mutual aid relationship time Engineer, full-time Firefighter/ humanitarian needs remain unknown. Developed highly active enzymes (cellulolytic fighter Gary Hood were amongwith our peer agencies. Paramedic, full-time singlefunction Beyond screens and devices are creative mindsand biosyntheticthose who spoke and stressed thefirefighter, and full-time single- discovering ways to explore oceans and skies, methodsenzymes) and microorganisms to convert renewableimportance of making the neces-function paramedics. If adopted,Engeland has identified the biomass to fuels and chemicals. of information sharing, disaster relief, and healing forsary changes to restore SMFD tothe new staffing structure of the Firefunds to support the changes inovercoming obstacles to personal and planetary wellAutomatic Aid status.Department will consist of a Firethe city's existing budget with- Jeff and Karen Weigel being. From outer to inner space; from satellites to The plan presented is PhaseChief, three (3) full-time Captains,out increasing taxes or cutting Coordinated efforts with locals & professionals robotics and microchips, the impossible becomes ourI of the department's overhaulthree (3) full-time Engineers, threeother city services. He will be- worldwide to bring clean water & sanitation(3) full-time Firefighter/Paramedics, promise for the future. said Engeland. The goal in Phase gin the process with a search for infrastructure to Fiji. fulltime single-function firefighters I is to bring the department tothe Fire Chief who will in turn and paramedics, part-time paramed-The nominees are: Titanium Robotics Team what is known as a 3/2 model.ics, and auxiliary firefighters. (Thelead the selection and trainingKimberly A. Shriner, M.D., F.A.C.P.Promoting STEM research and educationThe second phase to be imple-new classification descriptions for theof all personnel. Director, Founder, The Phil Simon Clinic to inspire the future generation locally and globally mented in the future is known full-time Engineer and full-time Fire- The complete report is avail- Pasadena medical teams bring medical scienceas the 4/2 Model. An analysis offighter/paramedic classifications areable on the city's website. to Tanzania through lectures, workshops & clinicsAllan Y. Lee Ph.D. Aeronautics & Astronautics the changes as presented in the attached to the Resolution 17-52)S. Henderson/MVNews to sustainably relieve diseases such as HIV, parasitesNASA JPL Preliminary design of a human Marsand much more within the country, saving lives. lander using a Hyper-sonic Inflatable AerodynamicSIERRA MADRE ROSE FLOAT ASSOCIATION IS Decelerator entry technology with descent andJack Lloyd, Chairman Bioengineering Industrial landing trajectory subsystem. PLEASED TO PRESENT OUR 2018 PRINCESSES AdvisoryBoard at Berkeley. Developed the first pulse oximeter,Jim Lux Ph.D., Telecommunications Specialist Vmeasuring oxygen in blood, leading the way to aat JPL. FINDER: Portable device using radarfundamental breakthrough in anesthesia and critical technology to find victims trapped beneath rubble. care. Richard Myers, Ph.D., President, ScienceAlbert Waldo, MD, PhD, Walter H. Pritchard ProfessorDirector & Faculty Investigatorof Cardiology, Professor of Medicine, & BiomedicalHudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology. Engineering, Case Western Reserve University.Integrates functional genomics, epigeneticDiscovery of a pacing method; enabling diagnosisand genetic data to understand how genomesand termination of Arrhythmia. are involved in cancer, brain disorders, ALS, children born with developmental disorders, Nagin Cox, Tactical Mission Lead - Curiosity Roverautoimmune diseases and other traits. NASA JPL, STEM speaker for the US State Department. (continued on page 11) City of Sierra Madre PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TO: CITYWIDE FROM: THE CITY OF SIERRA MADRE SUBJECT: ORDINANCE 1394–AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO AMEND THE 2016 CITY BUILDING CODE APPLICANT: CITY OF SIERRA MADRE PROJECT LOCATION: CITYWIDE The City of Sierra Madre gives notice, pursuant to State of California law, that the City Council will conduct public hearings to consider Ordinance 1394, amending the Municipal Code to amend the City Building Codes. The amendments to the Building Code would eliminate the permit requirement for fences up to six (6) feet in height and permit wood roofcoverings on buildings except in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. DATE AND TIME OF HEARING PLACE OF HEARING City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra MadreCity Council meeting City Council ChambersTuesday, October 24, 2017 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. (Hearing begins at 6:30 p.m.) Sierra Madre, CA All interested persons may attend this meeting and the City Council will hear them with respect thereto. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3), this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). APPEAL: If in the future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the City Council in court, one may be limited toraising the issues that were raised or presented in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or before, thescheduled public hearing. For further information on this subject, please contact the Development Services Department at (626) 355-7138. Announcement Ceremony was held Sunday, October 1st at The Lodge at Sierra Madre. We thank Roger Joe, DDS for his gracious donation of the use of the facility. Emily Verdin (Alverno Heights Academy). Petra Shair (Pasadena High School), Emma Allen (Pasadena High School), Amy Stapenhorst (Westridge School) For information, please call Donna Sutcliffe at 626-355-8579. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |