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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, December 2, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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B2 Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 2, 2017 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS B2 Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 2, 2017 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Jeff’s Book PicsBy Jeff Brown FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett acts of kindness to doing what’s right,A Tablespoon of Love, A this book shows how positive attitudesTablespoon of Laughter: and good deeds can change the world.Cookies & Casseroles, Prayers This book shines a bright light on the& Praises, Soups & Stories, & Joy widespread goodwill in our world A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of ... All the Way by Deanne Davis as everyday heroes demonstrate Laughter is a collection of short stories, acts of kindness, compassion andfavorite recipes, psalms, prayers and a commitment to others. The stories in dash of humor. Oh dear friends, what Chicken Soup for the Soul: Randomis a book without humor! Tablespoon Acts of Kindness will uplift you, will make you smile, with every turn of inspire you, and brighten your day. the page, and frequently cause you tolaugh right out loud. Enjoy our family Boy’s Life Mass Market by Robert McCammon pictures which will remind you, in the In me are the memories of a boy’s life, maybe the family you plan to have. This gentlest way, of your own family; or spent in that realm of enchantments. is one woman’s journey through many These are the things I want to tell wonderful years with the same sweet you.... Robert McCammon delivers man, and the children who grew up “a tour de force of storytelling” and had children of their own; proving (BookPage) in his award-winning that the parents’ curse does work and masterpiece, a novel of Southern nothing is funnier than watching your boyhood, growing up in the children produce children that are 1960s, that reaches far beyond that just like them! Each of the recipes in evocative landscape to touch readers Tablespoon is a favorite and, hopefully, universally. Boy’s Life is a richly will become one of your favorites too. imagined, spellbinding portrait of But, like the book says: “This is not the magical worldview of the young really a cookbook, or maybe it’s not -- and of innocence lost. Zephyr, merely a cookbook. It’s a lot about life Alabama, is an idyllic hometown for too. Life really is like a potluck supper. eleven-year-old Cory Mackenson -- a The best part is what others bring to place where monsters swim the river the table.” And I always like to bring a deep and friends are forever. Then, Tablespoon of Love and a Tablespoon one cold spring morning, Cory and of Laughter. Bon Appétit! By the way his father witness a car plunge into a the author lives in Sierra Madre! lake -- and a desperate rescue attempt brings his father face-to-face with a terrible, haunting vision of death. Chicken Soup for the Soul: As Cory struggles to understand Random Acts of Kindness: 101 his father’s pain, his eyes are slowly Stories of Compassion and opened to the forces of good and evil Paying It Forward by Amy that surround him. From an ancient Small gestures can make a big Newmark mystic who can hear the dead and difference in someone’s day, evenbewitch the living, to a violent clan someone’s life. This collection of 101 uplifting,of moonshiners, Cory must confront the secrets true stories will help you see the beauty in small,that hide in the shadows of his hometown -- for meaningful gestures and how such acts can makehis father’s sanity and his own life hang in the a difference in someone else’s life. From random balance.One of my favorite books! All Things By Jeff Brown PREHISTORIC WOMEN WORKED SO MUCH THEIR ARMS WERE STRONGER THAN TODAY’S FEMALE ROWERS If you’re a hard-working lady, you probablyagricultural communities over almost 6,000already suspected what scientists have confirmedyears, says lead author Alison Macintosh, antoday: prehistoric women worked their butts off.anthropologist at Cambridge University. “Now weThe bones of 94 women who lived in farmingcan kind of see, actually there’s these thousandscommunities in Central Europe from 5300 BCEof years of rigorous manual labor that had beento around 850 AD reveal that prehistoric womencompletely underestimated,” she tells The Verge. had stronger arms than living women, including“It’s really important to be able to understandsemi-elite female rowers. That’s likely becausethe contribution of women.”The study has somethese farming women from the past workedlimitations: the researchers couldn’t take into incredibly hard — tilling soil, harvesting, andaccount genetic factors, for instance, which cangrinding grain by hand. And they probablyinfluence whether a person has stronger bonesstarted at a very young age, according to athan another. All the women in the study werestudy published today in Science Advances.also from Cambridge, so results could be differentThe findings show that prehistoric ladies didn’tfor women living elsewhere. Still, it’s an “excellentleave the physical labor to the men. In fact, theystudy,” that finally confirms what scientists havetoiled long hours and were a key “driving force”long suspected: that prehistoric women were hardbehind the social and cultural development of workers — and we all have to thank them for that. FREE EVENT: BUS STOP AT SIERRA MADRE PLAYHOUSE ON DECEMBER 11 Sierra Madre Playhouse continues its series ofand a young girl who works in the cafe also getsfree monthly staged readings of American playsher first taste of romance. on December 11 at 7:30 p.m. with Bus Stop byWilliam Inge is the playwright. His otherWilliam Inge, directed by Barbara include Picnic (Pulitzer Prize winner) , The In the middle of a howling snowstorm, a busDark at the Top of the Stairs, Come Back Little out of Kansas City pulls up at a cheerful roadsideSheba, A Loss of Roses, Where’s Daddy?, Naturaldiner. All roads are blocked, and four or five wearyAffection, Summer Brave. travelers are going to have to hole up until morning.Barbara Schofield directs. She returns to Sierra Cherie, a nightclub chanteuse in a sparkling gownMadre Playhouse, where she has previouslyand a seedy fur-trimmed jacket, is the passengerserved as a resident director and board member. with most to worry about. She’s been pursued,She has also directed locally at Open Fistmade love to and finally kidnapped by a twenty-Theatre Company, and in New York, Boston andone-year-old cowboy with a ranch of his own andKansas City, for a broad range of classical andthe romantic methods of an unusually headstrongcontemporary works. bull. The belligerent cowhand is right behind her,“Mr. Inge has put together an uproariousready to sling her over his shoulder and carrycomedy that never strays from the truth.”---Newher, alive and kicking, all the way to Montana.York Times Even as she’s ducking out from under his clumsybut confident embraces, and screeching at himMonday, December 11, 2017 at 7:30 P.M. At fiercely to shut him up, she pauses to furrow herSierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre forehead and muse, “Somehow deep inside of meBlvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. This is just east ofI got a funny feeling I’m gonna end up in MontanaPasadena. There is ample free parking behind the…” As a counterpoint to the main romance, thePlayhouse. Admission: Free. Donations accepted. proprietor of the cafe and the bus driver at lastReservations are not necessary. Phone: (626) 355find time to develop a friendship of their own; a4318. Website: middle-age scholar comes to terms with himself; free-reading-series.php experience a new sense of discipline in maintainingtheir finances which can help with saving forretirement, a big purchase, or other goal. In addition to the personal benefit of financial control, an estate planallows you to dictate exactly how and when your heirsreceive an inheritance. This is particularly importantfor minor heirs or those who need additional guidanceto manage an inheritance, like a disabled child. 3. Identify Risks: An important aspect of a goodestate plan is to mitigate against future and currentrisks. One example is becoming disabled and unableto support your family. Another is the possibility ofdying early. Through an estate plan you can chosewho will be in control of your personal assets, insteadof the court appointing a legal guardian -costingmoney and becoming a distraction for your family. While contemplating these types of risks is never fun, preparing ahead of time ensures your loved ones willbe prepared if an unfortunate tragedy does occur. 4. To Maintain Your Privacy: In the absence of a fullyFOUR GOOD REASONS funded, trust-based estate plan, a list of one’s assetsare available for public view upon death. This occursWHY ESTATE PLANNING during probate, the legal process by which a courtadministers the deceased person’s estate. A solid estateISN’T JUST FOR THE RICH plan will generally avoid the need for involvement by the probate court, so your family’s privacy can beThere is a common misconception that estate plansmaintained. are only for the ultra-wealthy - the top 1 percent, 10%, or some other arbitrary determination of “enough” The Bottom Line: Seek Professional Advice money. In reality, nothing could be further from theThere are numerous benefits to working with a truth. People at all income and wealth levels can benefitprofessional team when it comes to estate planning. from a comprehensive estate plan. Yet sadly, many willEstate planning attorneys, financial advisors, insurancenever sit down to get their legal house in order.agents, and others have a broad and deep knowledge According to a 2016 Gallup News Poll more thanof money management, financial implications, andhalf of all Americans do not even have a will, let alone the law. When you work with a qualified team toa comprehensive estate plan. Gallup noted that 44implement an estate plan you can rest easy knowingpercent of people surveyed in 2016 had a will place,your family will be taken care of no matter whatcompared to 51 percent in 2005 and 48 percent in 1990.happens in the future. Also, over the years, there appears to be a trend of fewerDedicated to empowering your family, building yourpeople even thinking about estate planning.wealth and securing your legacy, When it comes to estate planning, the sooner youstart the better. Below are four reasons why everyone - no matter what income or wealth level - can benefit from a comprehensive estate plan: 1. Forward Thinking Family Goals: Proper estateplanning can accomplish many things. The first step isto ask what your goals are. They may include caring forA local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a missiona minor child, an elderly parent, a disabled relative, orto help parents protect what they love most. His office distributing real and personal property to individualsis located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, who will appreciate and maintain these assets prudently.CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down andUnderstanding your family wants and needs is a greattalk about ensuring a legacy of love and financial securitystarting point for any estate plan. If you can sit downfor your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit www. and spend time planning your vacation, you for more information. do the same for your estate. Your future self, and yourHis office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, loved ones, will thank you.Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment 2. Financial Confidence Now and After You Are Gone: to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of loveOne immediate benefit of having a finished estateand financial security for your family by callingplan in place is that you will be in total control of your626.587.3058 or visit for more finances, possibly for the first time ever. Many people information. By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA BUSINESS TODAY The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques HOLIDAY CHEER CAN PAY OFF ALL YEAR Business owners, you still have time to sow seedsday. It may be a “free” item, or included with a purchase. of generosity to customers and the community thisExamples: A coffee shop offers a different tasting of tea, holiday season. After all, “it’s the thought that counts,” free or with the purchase of a pastry. A restaurant offers and if you’ll give it some thought, your expression ofa free mini-portion appetizer with each bar purchase. generosity doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to makeA few extra bucks to spare? Host a holiday open an impression that may translate into more sales in thehouse, which will serve the purpose of thanking your upcoming year. Short on funds or have no budget tocustomers, but will also give them another reason to do something nice? Think again. Here are a number visit your establishment. Apple cider, cookies, fruit of recommendations to fit budgets (and non-budgets)tray or a more elaborate spread of refreshments or hors’ of all sizes: dourves will add liveliness to any gathering. Your open No budget? For businesses with physical locations,house can be scheduled as a time-limited gathering onit begins with a few decorations to tap into the holidaya specific day or evening, or you may decide to host theme that your customers are enjoying at othera weeklong open house that offers refreshments to establishments. Hopefully you have some ornaments,everyone who visits during certain hours. The purposetinsel or lights to add a festive accent to your store. If is to give you or your staff an opportunity to greet andnot, take a stroll to local parks and collect fallen pineconnect with everyone who walks through your doors. cones and sprigs from trees to create a basket. Find red There are recommendations for home-based and green cloths or scarves to use as a table cover andentrepreneurs or those who perform work at theiras a sash to tie around the basket or container. Have clients’ places of business as well. No budget? Make someone with nice penmanship to write a “Happya personal phone call to thank each customer for Holidays from (Your Company Name)” or prepare andbusiness during the year, then follow-up with anprint one from your computer. Place this sign on, or animated e-mail holiday greeting. If possible, invest innear your display.a box of greeting cards to send the old-fashioned way, See if you have any inventory items that you have notor deliver in person, with a candy cane or other sweetbeen able to sell, and that you may have thought abouttreat attached with a ribbon. Small budget? Purchase a discarding. Wrap each item in packing paper and tiebottle of sparkling apple cider and invest in an attractivea ribbon around it, or attach a colorful card or small wine gift bag available at your local “99¢” or “Dollar” decoration to each package. You may want to use see-store and make your rounds in person or have the itemsthru wrapping to allow customers to select particulardelivered. Extra cash to spare? Hopefully you haveitems. If you don’t have room for a small Christmas tree,gleaned some information about the personal tastes orcreate a “gift area” and direct each person visiting yourhobbies of your clients, so it’s time to look at how muchstore to select a gift. You may wish to have a differentyou plan to spend and make your shopping list. Be sure selection of gifts as an extra thank you for customersto include a greeting card with a personal note from who make These gifts can be mailed in advance or delivered Place a small basket filled with small wrapped candiesin person. or small gifts, on the sales counter or small table. Punch The celebratory nature of the holiday season presents a small hole through your business cards, lace a smallopportunities to connect and strengthen relationships piece of ribbon through each one and tie it to yourwith existing customers and to provide an introduction holiday take-away. Customers are more likely to keepto potential customers. So get into the holiday spirit your business card, as opposed to a paper tag or flyer.with a little generosity toward your customers, you Small budget? A “12 Days of Christmas” thememay find these small gestures as the “gift that will keep can be used to countdown your final sales day up toDecember 25th. Offer a different small gift or treat each on giving” to your success throughout the following year. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||