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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 24, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 Mountain View News Saturday, March 24, 2018 WISTARIA FESTIVAL DRAWS THOUSANDS The weather was perfect. Cool and Dry. The several thousand additional visitors that came world famous Vine, while not yet in full bloom, to partake of Sierra Madre's unique downtown, attracted over 4,000 visitors on Sunday, The lines over 100 crafters, artists and food vendors, and were long but well worth the wait. Pictured above the Auto Show. A snapshot of the activities can are harpist and former Sierra Madre resident Ron be found on page B10. Longo as visitors wander through the yards of The annual event is presented by the Sierra Madre Bob and Nell Solt. The adjacent property, owned Chamber of Commerce as one of many activities by Tony and Claire Held was the point of entry that supports local businesses and helps with the for vine viewers.branding of Sierra Madre as a 'destination'. Meanwhile, back in Sierra Madre, there were Photo by Dave Felt SIERRA MADRE POLICE BLOTTER During this period, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 3 0 5 day and night time calls for service. Wednesday, March 14 Between the hours of 2:30 p.m. on this date and 9:30 a.m. on Thursday 3/15, several vehicles werebroken into and ransacked with a few that had property missing. In most cases the vehicles were locked and parked in the driveway. These events of burglary or vandalism occurred in the 400 block of Grove St., the 300 block of E. Grandview and the 300 block of Toyon Rd. Case to Detectives Thursday, March 15 At about 1:07 a.m. officers stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. The driver admitted to be in possession of methamphetamine. Following an investigation, along with the methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia was also found in the vehicle. The driver was arrested and transported to thePasadena Police jail and his vehicle was stored. Case to Pasadena DA’s office. Saturday, March 17 Officers responded to a suspected drunk driver in the 00 block of Kersting Ct. Officers conducted a DUI investigation and arrested the man for a DUI. The subject was transported to the Pasadena Police Jail. Case to Pasadena DA’s office. Bees and hummingbirds feasting on the blossoms on ourchicken breast kebab, a boneless, skinless chicken breast lemon trees. barbequed and served with grilled veggies, hummus, The flowering cherry/plum trees all over town...glorioustabbouleh and pita bread. This chicken is so tender andshades of pink.tasty, and the hummus! All the teams ordered big bowlsMy tiny wistaria vine twining itself around the fenceof hummus and pita to keep their strength up. Sooooagain.good! The sunrises every day this week. OK, back to Trivia. There were sixteen Trivia fans in attendance, broken up into four teams. CategoriesThese things listed above are the most beautiful thingswere General Knowledge/Geography; U.S. Presidents/ I’ve seen this week. Today is the first day of Spring andHistory; Oxymorons; Movie Sidekicks and, lastly, Iconiclooking around our neighborhood and all around town,Movies Named After Women. Our team got all thethe following verse pretty much says it all: Iconic Movies right... here are a few of the ladies; Audrey Hepburn, Joan Crawford, Sally Fields Bette Davis and“You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hillstheir movies... you guys would all get these right: Funnywill burst into song, and the trees of the field will clapFace for Audrey; Mildred Pierce for Joan; Sybil for Sally, their hands!” Is. 55:12 Jezebel for Bette. A couple of the oxymorons – you know what those are Could we have asked for a more delightful weekend for– a figure of speech in which apparently contradictorythe Wistaria Festival? Probably not. Once again, crowdsterms appear in conjunction: Jumbo shrimp, goodflocked to see the world’s biggest Wistaria Vine, strolledgrief, crash landing.. you get the idea. Our team didaround downtown, enjoyed Sierra Madre and probablyfairly well with that one. I won’t get into the generalwished they could live here, too. I’ve been keeping an eyeknowledge/history stuff but we excelled there, too, on my own favorite Wistaria vine, on Grandview, northmostly due to daughter, Leah, son-in-law, Chuck andside of the street, almost to Santa Anita, and it has just athe rest of our team. Now then, The Movie Sidekicks... few blossoms on it so far but as I drive past it on my wayHow many did you get? And did you recognize #5 asto Physical Therapy I can check it out twice a week – yes,devastatingly handsome Dennis Weaver, playing Chesterfriends and neighbors, my newly replaced knee (Januaryon Gunsmoke? You got Tonto, I’m sure (#2) whose16th) is coming along nicely but isn’t what you’d call a real name was not Jay Silverheels, but something else“normal” knee yet. Dr. Owens, my surgeon, says, ratheraltogether and he was originally from Canada! Whoseoff-handedly, “Oh, it takes about six to eight months...” sidekick was Andy Divine? Gene Autrey. Gabby Hayes? Seriously? I’m past the two month mark and have noRoy Rogers. And #1, the Cisco Kid’s sidekick, Pancho. intention of taking six to eight months to get back toThis was so much fun and we’re all hoping Rich doesbeing able to walk around town. We called this column:it again. You’d be amazed at how much you know. We“Walking Sierra Madre!” not driving Sierra Madre!certainly were. They’re making a movie in town and the formerA little unfinished business, Robert Gjerde corrected aPetunias is now attractively decorated as “The Seasidecouple of items in the interview we did a couple of weeksCoffee Shop” and with the blue gingham curtains, looksago: “The fire department is staffed by three firefighters, charming. Not sure what the movie is, but somebodynot CERT members. The “Internet” probably won’t bewill know and enlighten us all.working after a major disaster, but the emergency data We have a new business in town where Goody Bagsnetwork we are building, will.” Thanks, Robert! was on Sierra Madre Blvd. “Craft.” I’m planning to stopIt’s been a good week in Sierra Madre and our ownin and will have the details for you next week. I think apersonal mountains have never been more spectacular!. craft shop is a great idea for us as we don’t have anythingMy book page: Deanne Davis like that and we’re kinda too far from Michael’s to be able Check out “The Crown” now that we are heading forto stop in and pick up a couple more of whatever we needEaster... for our current project.If you’ve ever wondered what happened to that crown OK, you’ve looked at the picture and are wondering...of thorns, what in the world!! Well, here’s the scoop: The amazingly“The Crown” is perfect for you! talented Rich Johnson of JJ Jukebox fame, hosted the Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look! inaugural night of Trivia at Corfu, right here in town.Blog: Incidentally, if you haven’t dined at Corfu, you’reFollow me on Twitter, too! not being good to yourself. I find I am craving their playwrightdd FRIENDS OF THE SIERRA MADRE LIBRARY BEST USED BOOK SALE The Friends of the Sierra Madre Public Library areThe PARKING LOT will feature boxes of DC and looking forward to the April Best Used Book Sale.Marvel comic books at only $.25 or 5/$1.00. TheyThe sale will be held on Friday, April 6 from 3:00are in great condition and protected with Mylar – 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 7 from 10:00 a.m. –covers. There is also a large number of Children’s 2:00 p.m. behind the library.and Teen books this time which are priced from Featured in the BASEMENT this time will $.25 - $1.00 each. Small paperbacks and Bargainbe a BUY ONE – GET ONE FREE sale on our Books go fast at our always low prices, so comepopular Cookbooks, Gardening, Decorating andearly for the best selection. Craft sections. This sale will also apply to a recent,We hope to see you at the April Book Sale, wherevery large donation of new Quilting books. Weyou will find wonderful books in great condition. also have many NEW boxed CD sets and a largeThe sale will be held behind the Sierra Madre number of single nearly new CDs and DVDs in theLibrary, 440 West Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierrabasement. As always, the Table will be filled withMadre. All proceeds are used for services, “coffee-table” type books on Art, History, Sportsacquisitions and programs of the Sierra Madreand Contemporary Culture as well as great pricesLibrary. We look forward to talking about bookson our shelves of fiction and non-fiction. with you at the Best Used Book Sale! Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||