Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 24, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page B:1


FY18 Omnibus Includes $22.9 Million for ShakeAlert Development and Limited 
Public Rollout 

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff I am grateful to my colleague, Congressman Ken(D-Burbank) announced that a record-level $22.9Calvert, for his continued leadership and assistancemillion in funding for a West Coast earthquakein securing this vital funding.”
early warning system (EEW), also known asThe FY2018 omnibus provides $12.9 million forShakeAlert, was included in the FY2018 omnibus continued development of EEW and for its firstspending bill which just passed the House. Schifflimited public rollout, a $2.7 million increase fromhas led the Congressional effort to secure fundingFY2017. The spending bill also provides a one-timefor EEW technology since 2014.$10 million investment for capital costs associated

“The omnibus includes record-level funding forwith the buildout of EEW. 
a West Coast earthquake early warning system. IfSchiff first secured $5 million in funding for thesigned into law, the additional funds will significantlysystem in FY15. Congress increased funding tobuild out the system, of which there will soon be$8.2 million for FY2016 and then again to $10.2 fora limited public roll-out this fall,” said Rep. Schiff.FY2017. It is estimated that a full system of sensors“The system will not only help protect infrastructurewill cost $38.2 million to build out along the Westand businesses, but also prevent injuries and saveCoast, with annual operating and maintenancelives across California, Oregon and Washington. costs of $16.1 million. 


By Joan Schmidt

In 1987, March became Women’s History Month. 
From our sixth grade reading series, I learned of two 
great women from the past, Katherine Stinson and 
Laura Bridgeman. Katherine’s story begins prior to 
World War I; she never dreamed she’d be a pilot or 
of her family’s Stinson School of Flying in Texas.

Katherine’s goal was to become a great piano 
teacher. First, she would have go to Europe to 
study, but that cost a lot of money, and her family 
was not wealthy. In 1910, possible and low-paying 
job prospects included secretary, store clerk, and 
teacher. She’d be ninety years old before she could 
save enough! One day, she saw an ad for a stunt 
pilot; pay could be $1000 a day! That was for her, 
but she’d have to get her parents’ permission. Mom 
was easy, but Dad took a lot of convincing. First 
hurdle passed. Now she needed a teacher and that 
was difficult. In 1910 there were only 200 licensed 
pilots worldwide and only three were women! 
She contacted Max Lillie of Chicago, who initially 
refused. (Katherine was only five feet tall and 101 
pounds.) But she convinced him. 

Katherine performed in shows in the US and 
abroad. She would travel by train and would take 
her plane apart and put it back together upon 
arriving at her destination! They loved her in Japan! 
Katherine broke the world long-distance record by 
flying the San Diego to San Francisco route over 
treacherous mountains in southern California and arithmetic, grammar, history and geography. Her 
was the first woman to fly mail in the country.teacher and great friend was Mary Swift. However, 

During World War I, Katherine drove ambulances Mary eventually left and Laura was upset for a while. 
in Europe and developed tuberculosis, which ended Then Sarah Wright taught Laura. Sarah permitted 
her flying career. After she recuperated, she studied Laura to help others. This gave her a purpose in life.
architecture, became an award-winning home Laura lived out her years in a cottage at Perkins. 
designer and lived to be eighty-six.She maintained a correspondence with former 

The second woman was Laura Bridgeman.students. She had deep sympathy for anyone 
Our reading selection was from The Remarkablesuffering physical affliction. She heard of a boy 
Education of Laura Bridgeman by Richard B. Lyttle.who lost both feet in an accident and raised money 
Laura was the FIRST deaf/blind person worldwideamong friends to send to him with a letter of 
who was able to be educated. And if it weren’t for encouragement. She passed away at age fifty-nine 
Laura, perhaps, there may have been no Helen Keller.and was truly an inspiration to many.

Laura was born in December, 1829 in Hanover, Helen Keller was a bright, happy toddler, left blind 
New Hampshire. She was weak in her infancy, but by and deaf after an illness. Her parents were going 
twenty months, was healthy and robust. Six months through a horrific time; she was wild and unruly. 
later, tragedy occurred. She contracted scarlet fever, Her father and others wanted Helen committed, 
and within seven weeks, lost her hearing and sight.but her mother said, “I have heard of a girl, blind 

Laura was such a cheerful child; a neighboring and deaf like Helen at Perkins Institution but was 
farmer would take her for walks and into the barn, able to be educated. I will write to Dr. Howe and see 
where he guided her hand to collect the eggs.if Helen can be helped.” Of course everyone knows 

At this time, all attempts to teach children both Helen’s remarkable story, how she overcame her 
deaf and blind were unsuccessful. But Dr. Samuel handicaps and inspired so many. What if Helen’s 
Gridley Howe of the Perkins Institution for the Blind mother had not read about Laura Bridgeman? 
in Boston heard of Laura and went to Hanover to Thirty years ago, when we read of these ladies, I 
see her in fall, 1837. If her parents would consent, had limited access to Internet. PLEASE go on line 
he wanted to take her to Perkins. and type in their names. Today, the photos and 

At Perkins, Laura learned the manual alphabet, information are mind-boggling. Great reading and 
vocabulary, and then had a formal education of info for our children. 

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