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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 24, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 24, 2018 8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 24, 2018 8 ODE TO THE TREE Shelter and protection for birds and numerous otherwild creatures. Shade on a sunny day and, by way ofan amazing photosynthetic process, oxygen for theair we breathe. Leaves that fall and provide (given achance) fresh soil, fruits and nuts that give us food toeat. Endless is the list of what trees do to sustain us. The tremendous tree is one of the most remarkable living things we are blessed to cohabitate with, andin many ways, the giver of life on this planet. Yet, sooften we humans can forget. We go from day to day, taking their presence very much for granted. During a walk in Arcadia, I saw a woman standingin her front yard and I overheard her say to herhusband, “This tree is making too much of a mess onour driveway…we should cut it down.” In this week’s column, I felt compelled to takethe opportunity to celebrate the beauteous and life- giving attributes of the trees we get to benefit from onplanet earth. I used to be one of those people who’d fail to acknowledge and appreciate them from oneday to the next, but that changed when I quit mycorporate job and started my daily endeavor of dogwalking. On any given summer afternoon, I become whatone might call a “shade hopper“. With leashed dogin tow, I run from one tree-covered spot to the next, doing my best to avoid the burning pavement for myfurry friend’s feet and prevent the harmful rays of thesun from bearing down brutally on our backs. I’vememorized the routes where there are tree canopiesto protect us as we walk. And every time I see that atree has gone missing, I sincerely mourn its loss. The birds that dwell among us rely heavily on thelocal trees, particularly the tall strong ones. Thosedelicate yet determined little creatures seek refuge inthe branches where their predators cannot see them. They work hard to build their nests and foster theirfamilies in the safety of the limbs. Without our localtrees, the birds would be forced to leave or perish. The aesthetic beauty that can be seen in a groveof trees cannot be emulated through any workperformed by the hands of man. Only the Creatorcan bring about such wonder. Wireless serviceproviders have made brave attempts to recreate thegreatness. They’ve tried and failed tremendously tomimic this Maker’s miracle with their camouflagetechnology. Let me just say - not even close! When the wind blows, the trees dance to it’s rhythmas if to remind us that life is a party to be participated FOSTERS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR SHY CATS & KITTENS! Lifeline for Pets is in urgent needof foster homes for our shy cats. YOU can make the difference for one, like Gigi, andothers, who are too shy to taketo adoptions butwho can blossom in a loving fosterhome. Gigi is a beautiful all black girl, age 3. She doeslove treats, and that would be how a patient fostercould win her over. You can see and meet Gigi at ourcat pad. There is no fee to foster, just provide food, litter, safety, and love. We take care of any vet expense, if needed. Happy Tails by Chris Leclerc there’s the odiferous eucalyptus and the fruit-bearingfig, the evergreen ash and the ever-healing ginkgo. But let us not forget the prayerful palm with frondsthat seem to humbly bow down to the Creator. Many of the trees we get to see as we venture outor our four walls and into our small town are not indigenous to this region (but who among us is?), yetthey have willingly acclimated and evolved as theyhave found to be necessary in order to survive andthrive in their new surroundings. We should all beso tenacious in our own endeavor to bend, mend and blend in. There are jubilant jacaranda with showypurple flowers lining the sidewalks of our streetsand donning the backdrops of our blocks. Howbreathtaking is the plethora of autumn color thatcomes from the sweet gum liquidambar, bringingwarmth to our hearts during that one time of yearwe have designated to be thankful. From the incredible crepe myrtle to the tirelesstentative tulip, the magnificent magnolia to themedicinal mulberry, so many are the talents of ourdear friends, the trees. There’s the luscious laurel and the bountiful bottlebrush, the stately stone pine andthe purple-leaf plum with pink buds so divine. Thelist goes on and on. With complete abandon, they display their waresin such stunning presentation no man-made designcan begin to compare. Trees come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Their grandeur shouts strengthinto the sky and instills hope in the darkest, coldestheart. I could rave for days about the wonders oftrees, indeed their majestic presence brings me tomy knees. Instead I’ll bring this anthem to an end with afew of my favorite woody friends, which I hope willcontinue to grow strong and tall in our small town. The grandiose oak with meandering branches, thesavvy, scenic sycamore grows swift, strong and dandy. And last but not least is the apt avocado holding fastand determined through the driest of droughts, stillbearing fruit for those here and abouts. And so this ends my ode of praise to the trees, for the glorious gifts they bestow upon me. Be sureto appreciate the ambience they bring to what mayotherwise be quite a stark surrounding. Water andcare for them, tell them you love them, for they, too, are living beings, not so different at all from you and me. We really need you!! Call 626-676-9505. See moreof our shy kitties at shy-cats-need-homes-too.html Yogic Wisdom for Everyday LifeYOGA IS HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Yoga IS Yoga is breath. Yoga is movement. Yoga is asana. Yoga is action. Yoga is meditation. Yoga is learning. Yoga is studying. Yoga is chanting. Yoga is awareness. Yoga is seeking. Yoga is finding yourself. Yoga is being yourself. Yoga is self-reflective. Yoga is self-love. Yoga is a state of being. Yoga is calming the mind. Yoga is balancing energy. Yoga is compassion. Yoga is service. Yoga is union with highest self. Yoga is a practice and a state of being. It encompasses all the practices that lead us to a state of deeper within, mastering the mind and living with purpose. Yoga IS NOT: Just asana or exercise. About mastering poses. Just for one age or body type. Yoga is for every body, any age. Exclusive; it’s inclusive. For the “faint of heart” as someone I love says… A religious practice; it is spiritual and honors all faiths. A remedy for all, but empowers each practitioner to find the help they need. Yoga is a practice and journey that ever ends. There’s always more to learn, absorb, and implement in life. It is rich with knowledge and techniques to nourish body, mind and spirit. Yoga helps us wake up and find freedom from fear and dis-ease. In short, do YOGA. Contact me to learn more, keely@ Namaste, Keely Totten, E-RYT 500, Yoga & Meditation Teacher BEST FRIEND Tammi is a tender six-year-old loving and forever family thatGerman Shepherd pup with a can show her all the goodsoft black and tan coat, lively things in life. If you are lookingauburn eyes and perky signature for a quiet, tender girl to shareGerman Shepherd ears. Tammi your home and your heart withsports the classic gorgeous forever, then Tammi is the girlGerman Shepherd looks and has for you! Her adoption fee isthe loyal and regal personality to $145 and includes spay surgery, match! vaccinations, microchip and Tammi is a survivor who is feels a free wellness exam at a better about the world around participating veterinarian. Feelher and herself every day. She free to call us at (626) 286is initially shy but with a little 1159 for more information. patience and some tender loving He currently resides at thecare, she warms up to others. She San Gabriel Valley Humanedoes excellent on the leash and Society located at 851 E. Granddoes not require much exercise other than daily walks.Avenue in San Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel She does not know how to play with toys but she doesBlvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. enjoy treats and strolls around the park. This lovely girlTo arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any timeis a very special dog with a forgiving heart and a resilientfrom 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. spirit who deserves a second chance in life with a caring, THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO in. “Lighten up and stop taking yourselves soseriously”, they seem to scream. When the heavywind bends them to a point where we fear theymay fall, even then they remain flexible and allowtheir branches to be blown and cleansed by thepassing storm. What a lesson we can learn fromthe trees’ ability to bear up under pressure. From the delicate mimosa with its pastel pinkpoms to the stately cedar with its blue-greenneedles and egg-shaped cones, few views cancompare to these breathtaking life forms. Then Ida Keeling is 102 years old. Often we honor people for reaching the century mark. That’s not what makes Ms. Keeling special. She just published her first book and what makes her noteworthy is at age 67 she crawled out of a depression after her two sons were murdered and became a cross-country runner. Now she’s a world record holder for her age group. She didn’t allow herself waste her life, wallowing in the past and regret. Now she inspires people all over the world. This thing called life, how do you do it? How can you live a productive, fulfilling life? Don’t you want to make sure you squeeze all of the juice out of it? Lick the bowl. Empty the tube. Leave nothing to waste. GET IT ALL. Make sure that you get that good to the last drop, drop? Life is so good when you’re awake and living it. Youhave to continue to pay attention. Every day we are makingchoices. Some are unimportant, but some decisions, when we are attentive, can change the trajectory of our life. You will not always knowthe importance at first. You willonly realize the consequencesin hindsight. As Steve Jobs said, Lori A. Harris “you can’t connect the dots goingforward.” Don’t expect to feel sure all of the time, but once youget started, there is some excitement in the unknown. Rather than feeling afraid, you may feel the excitement ofhaving made a decision and taken the first step in supportof the decision. You might next experience a rush fromthe momentum going toward your dream. Taking actionfeels good, thinking about doing something ...not somuch. “Take every chance that comes your way.” “Do what you need to do, not what you want to do.” IdaKeeling- Lori A. Harris Creator of the Gratitude Train App, available in the AppStore and Google Gratitude, get on board!!! Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||