South Pasadena / San Marino | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, May 12, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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4 SOUTH PASADENA - SAN MARINO Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 12, 2018 Talk: What Can We Do About Global Warming The Wonderful Collection of Norma LeValley Library Exhibit on South Pasadena Pacific Electric The family of Norma Gardiner LeValley, who passed away on July 22, 2017, has donated her extensive, impressive personal book collection, including many dozens of rare local history titles, to the South Pasadena Public Library and the Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library. Before her peaceful passing, Norma gave so much of her time, talents, and energy to South Pasadena, where she resided for more than 55 years. Norma was a self- professed ‘bookaholic’ and wrote hundreds of stories and editorials for the “South Pasadena Review” for which she worked for more than 20 years. She had a very gentle interviewing style that helped her subjects open up to her and her stories sparkled with insights. According to an autobiography provided by her family, Norma was “brought up” in Upstate New York and attended the University of Buffalo where she married a medical student. The young couple moved to San Francisco for his new job at the Letterman Army Hospital on the Presidio. After transferring to Alaska, and then on to Kentucky, the pair made it back to Northern California before purchasing a “For Sale By Owner” house in South Pasadena in 1962. Norma returned to college after a 17-year absence and earned a Journalism degree at Cal State LA. She was appointed to both the Preservation Foundation and the Library Board of Trustees, for whom she wrote publicity for three years. Norma then went to work for the “South Pasadena Review” and was soon chosen to become its editor. She became the first female president of the South Pasadena Kiwanis Club and assumed the post of Editorial Coordinator for the “Quarterly Magazine” for whom she wrote many incisive, knowledgeable features about local happenings and history. In doing so, her keen interest and strong zeal for all things ‘South Pasadena’ deepened even further. Norma worked devotedly with an impressive array of local organizations, including the South Pasadena Health and Safety Commission, the Tournament of Roses Parade Committee, the Natural Resources Commission, the Police Department, the PTA, the Girl Scouts, the TreePeople, the Huntington Westerners, and the American Association of University Woman, and many others. While doing so, Norma also helped the City acquire its official Tree City USA designation. Characteristically, she also served as a board member of South Pasadena Beautiful, the “Relay for Life” walkathon, and coordinated Arbor Day programs for children at the Library. In addition, Norma penned her own book for kids entitled “A Tree For Me”. LeValley was in “Who’s Who of American Women” and was presented with the “Older American’s Recognition Award by the 5th Supervisorial District of LA County, but still considered her recognition as “Citizen of the Year” in South Pasadena in 2006 to be her favorite honor. Norma is survived by her two daughters, Lisa LeValley and Nancy LeValley Vos, and their supportive partners, John Harmon and son-in- law Douglas Vos, as well as her two grandchildren, McLean Goldwhite (22 years) and Zachary Vos (13 years). Donations in her honor may be made to the Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library. Informed individuals are well aware of climate change from the countless reports continually appearing in the media. What is less well known is the state of progress in dealing with its mitigation. On Tuesday evening, May 22 at Crowell Public Library, USC Professor Emeritus Thomas Flood will present a program that summarizes the changes necessary to head off the most serious consequences that will likely occur if society continues on the path of “business as usual.” These changes include: a shift to renewable technologies as the exclusive sources of energy; abandonment of the internal combustion engine with all transportation and machinery driven by renewable electricity; reversal of deforestation; and revision of agricultural practices. The scientific and technological knowledge exists to accomplish most of these goals. Climate change mitigation is not all-or- nothing. If we cannot get to 100% renewables right away, it is still extremely important to get to 50 or 60% as soon as possible. The change to renewable energy can be accomplished as a net positive for society. After receiving his doctorate in Chemistry at MIT, Professor Thomas Flood spent most of his forty years at USC conducting research on how metal- containing molecules react with hydrocarbons. The work had direct relevance to fossil fuels and led to his interest in energy sources and the effects of their use on the environment and on climate. Professor Flood has presented courses at USC on atmospheric chemistry and pollution, conventional and renewable energy sources, and global warming and climate change. He has participated in Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project Leadership Training program, the Citizens Climate Lobby, the Sierra Club, and the Union of Concerned Scientists. Since retiring in 2012, he has given lectures on climate change, renewable energy and sustainable transportation for UCLA Extension, the Emeriti College at USC, and for various community organizations in the greater LA area. It is very clear that if we ignore the global warming, it will likely lead to wide- ranging destructive and expensive consequences. Learn more when Crowell Library presents Professor Thomas Flood on Tuesday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Barth Community Room. Scholar of ‘All Things South Pasadena’ Donated to Library Thomas Flood During the month of May, Pacific Electric photos, models, and books are exhibited in the display case in the entryway to the main room of the Library. From 1901 to 1951, South Pasadena was served by the Pacific Electric Railway, the largest electric interurban railroad in the U.S. Dan Evans prepared the exhibit for the South Pasadena Preservation Foundation. The Library is locaed 1100 Oxley Street. For more information call (626) 403- 7340. Memorial Day Service and a Call for Veterans A special Memorial Day ceremony will be held on Monday, May 28 at 9 am at Lacy Park. The public is invited to join the City of San Marino in honoring the dedication and sacrifices the men and women of our Nation’s Armed Forces have made. The event will include recognition of veterans, special guest speakers, and patriotic music. Lacy Park is located at 1485 Virginia Road. For more information, call the Recreation Department at (626) 403-2200. Draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Available For Review The City of South Pasadena is currently in the process of updating its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). This plan helps prepare the City by reviewing the hazards and risks associated with its facilities related to natural and human caused disasters. The LHMP has been reviewed by both the City’s Public Safety Commission and the Planning Commission. In addition to these bodies, the document is also available for public review by the City’s residents. Please got to southpasadenaca. gov to view the plan. If you are interested in making a comment on the LHMP, please email them to Acting Captain Robert Bartl of the South Pasadena Police Department at: rbartl@southpasadenaca. gov. The Public Review periods closes on Saturday, June 2. Movies in the Park The South Pasadena Community Services Department is screening two movies at Garfield Park this summer: June 22 - Despicable Me 3 August 10 - Coco Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and low seat lawn chairs. Movies begin 8:15pm (dusk) Garfield Park 625 1/2 Stratford Avenue For more information, please contact the Recreation Office - 626-403-7380 San Marino Fourth of July Event Pre-sale Wristbands The community of San Marino is invited to attend the City’s annual Fourth of July event on Wednesday, July 4 at Lacy Park. The celebration will include food booths, a fun zone, a community parade, entertainment, and a fireworks display at 9 p.m. All guests will need a wristband to enter the park. The Virginia Road entrance to Lacy Park will open at 7 a.m. No one will be allowed to enter via St. Albans Road until 3 p.m. Guests may reserve areas using blankets and chairs; no stakes or ropes will be permitted. Pre-sale wristbands will be available to San Marino residents for $5 each. Proof of residency is required and residents must present an identification card with their address or a utility bill. Pre-sale wristbands will be available for non-residents for $15 each. Children ages 2 years and under are free. Wristbands can be purchased Monday, June 11 through Tuesday, July 3 at the Recreation Department, Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and at City Hall, Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Friday from 7 to 11 a.m. Wristband sales begin at Crowell Public Library on Monday, June 18, Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Wristbands purchased on Wednesday, July 4 are $20 each, regardless of residency. Children 2 years and under are free. For more information, call (626) 943- 2627. The Rotary Club of San Marino will present its Annual Fourth of July Parade. Children on decorated bikes accompanied by an adult are invited to participate. Bikes parade in a special section at the front and no registration is needed. Bands are also welcome. If you would like to drive a vehicle in the parade, registration is required. For more information, call (626) 440-1959. Schedule a Bulky Item Pick-up A free bulky item pick- up day in San Marino is scheduled for Saturday, July 14. Please call the City’s trash hauler, Athens Services, to make an appointment if you have bulky items you would like removed. Athens customer service number is (888) 336-6100. “Bulky” items are those that are oversized or overweight, such as stoves, refrigerators (Freon free), water heaters, washing machines, furniture, sofas, mattresses, box springs and large rugs. For more information visit: Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||