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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, May 12, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 Mountain View News Saturday, May 12, 2018 WALKING SIERRA MADRE... The Social Side By Deanne Davis “When you buy something from an artist, you’re buying more than the object. You are buying hundreds of hours of errors and experiments. You are buying years of frustration and moments of joy. You are not buying just one thing, you are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul...a small piece of someone else’s life.” What with one thing and another, including seeing “School of Rock” at the Pantages...which was fabulous, fun and just like the 2003 movie starring Jack Black. If you have a chance to see this, by all means, go! The children in the show were incredible and my theater buddy, Leah, and I couldn’t have enjoyed it more. Walking out laughing and happy is the way I like to leave a theater. As I was saying, what with one thing and another, I didn’t get to the Art Fair till late Sunday afternoon and one of the first things I saw was the quote above, displayed in a frame at one of the artists’ booths. This is so true, friends and neighbors. Certainly true of those who write. When I emailed my editor, Debby Alten, the manuscript of my book, “Star of Wonder,” she read it and then informed me I had used the word, “that,” 763 times and the word, “just,” 624 times. I was horrified and immediately started removing as many “thats” and “justs” as possible. Writer, Donald Miller, author of “Blue Like Jazz,” says the first rule of writing is never use “that” ever! So when this artist spoke of hundreds of hours, she hit the nail right on the head. The Art Fair was wonderful, as always. One of my favorite things were the clocks by Terry Cross. These gorgeous creatures made with mahogany, red oak and other beautiful woods had hand etched and hammered copper faces and pendulums, some featured a unique tile under the clock face and each one was exceptional. I also really liked the watercolors by Thomas Hoerber. These were exquisite in the use of colors and water colors aren’t that easy to do. My Dad, a very successful artist himself, gave me a water color of elephants that is one of my favorites of his. This is another case where what looks so simple just plain wasn’t that easy to do. Jeff Nadler’s wildlife photography was another place where I stopped to look and look as each of his photos represented an animal caught unawares. Jeff said wildlife photography requires patience and really fast reflexes. Irene Estrin, pictured here with some of her unusual pottery pieces, displayed ceramic ornamentals in many varied colors, all with tiny places where one could insert a twig of rosemary, a flower, something live. These were really special. I saw some nifty ceramic noodle bowls with a hole in the side to hold one’s chopsticks, and the chopsticks were included. The Sierra Madre Garden Club, much to my delight, were selling Epiphyllum cuttings at half price. These things are fabulous. Years ago, my Dad... in addition to being a world class artist, was also a gardener with green thumbs on both hands... gave me some Epiphyllum cuttings in a bright fuschia and a lovely coral. They grow like crazy and I’ve shared cuttings with son-in-law, Chuck Seitz, and his plants produce more flowers than mine do. Hearing some really nice fiddle playing in the band shell, I sat down in the shade for a bit and enjoyed Jean Sudbury’s renditions of “Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans,” and a Mexican waltz Jean gave us the name of in Spanish then said, “It means, ‘Hey, It’s My Song!’” This was a delightful way to cool off and enjoy her relaxed set of music as other folks joined me in the shade with huge plates of food from the Olvera Street taquitos and tamales “Since 1938” food truck which was parked close by. Leaving the park with the Kensington straight ahead of me, was the best display of wistaria I’ve seen, right in the middle of their outside courtyard. Take a look as you drive by. Have you seen Sierra Madre’s own Triple Crown jockey, Victor Espinoza’s, TV commercial? It’s really cute...he’s seated aboard a winning horse who promptly eats the flowers off a lady’s hat and Victor uses his phone to wire her $120 for a new hat. Watch for it. Congratulations to Steve Heydorff on being selected the July 4th Grand Marshall. My favorite memory of Steve is going to his and Charlie Childs’ Sierra Madre Brewing Company when it was in the Old Ice House on Montecito, having a glass of wine and eating peanuts in the late afternoon sunshine with my best friend and peanut connoisseur, John, now residing in heaven. Miss him, miss those good times. Have a glass of wine with someone you love this week and tell them you love them. My book page: Deanne Davis Kindle books of all sorts and hardcover “Tablespoon of Love” are on there, as is “Star of Wonder.” Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look! Blog: Follow me on Twitter, too! playwrightdd Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||