The World Around Us | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, May 12, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE WORLD AROUND US 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 12, 2018 NASA’S FIRST DEEP-SPACE CUBESATS SAY: “POLO!” NASA has received radio signals indicating that the first-ever CubeSats headed to deep space are alive and well. Engineers will now be performing a series of checks before both CubeSats enter their cruise to deep space. Mars Cube One, or MarCO, is a pair of briefcase- sized spacecraft that launched May 5 along with NASA’s InSight Mars lander from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Central California. InSight is a scientific mission that will probe the Red Planet’s deep interior for the first time. The name stands for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport. The twin MarCO CubeSats are on their own separate mission: rather than collecting science, they will follow the InSight lander on its cruise to Mars, testing out miniature spacecraft technology along the way. Both were programmed to unfold their solar panels soon after launch, followed by several opportunities to radio back their health. “Both MarCO-A and B say ‘Polo!’ It’s a sign that the little sats are alive and well,” said Andy Klesh, chief engineer for the MarCO mission at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which built the twin spacecraft. The computers inside each MarCO CubeSat haven’t been turned on since being tested at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, in mid-March, where they were prepared for launch by Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems of Irvine, California. Each spacecraft had to do a lot of things right by itself for the team to hear a signal: batteries had to retain enough charge for the spacecraft to deploy their solar arrays, stabilize their attitude, turn toward the Sun and turn on their radios. A couple of weeks will be spent assessing how the MarCO CubeSats are performing. If they survive the radiation of space and function as planned, they’ll fly over the Red Planet during InSight’s entry, descent and landing in November. They each have a special antenna to relay InSight’s vital signs during the infamous “Seven Minutes of Terror,” the crucial phase which has claimed the majority of humanity’s probes sent to land on the Red Planet. CubeSats are a kind of boxy satellite invented to teach engineering students how to build spacecraft. Today, they offer access to space for private companies and research institutions. They’re just one kind of “SmallSat,” which includes a broad range organized by weight class. CubeSats are generally under 33 pounds and can weigh as little as about five pounds. They’re distinctively modular, which makes it easier to buy “plug-in” parts rather than custom-design every part of the spacecraft. NASA is taking the opportunity to test several experimental systems with MarCO. Their radios, folding high-gain antennas, attitude control and propulsion systems are all included to prove new technologies in deep space. “We’re nervous but excited,” said Joel Krajewski of JPL, MarCO’s project manager. “A lot of work went into designing and testing these components so that they could survive the trip to Mars and relay data during InSight’s landing. But our broader goal is to learn more about how to adapt CubeSat technologies for future deep-space missions.” You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges A LOOK AT MOTHER’S DAY A LIFE ALTERING DISCOVERY: MOTHERS ARE NOT FATHERS [Nyerges is the author of “Til Death Do Us Part?”, “Squatter in Los Angeles,” “How to Survive Anywhere,” and others. He conducts field trips and seminars. For more information, contact him at Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or on-line at He also participates in the exploring the real meaning of holidays via WTI, at] One of the victims of our uniquely “American”- style capitalism and greed is the demise of real meaning within our many holy days and holidays. There is plenty of blame to go around for this, even beginning with the marketing of holiday “stuff” by the various stores, the media for going-along-with the pablum messages, and the general population for passively accepting this dumbing-down of our sacred traditions. When we reduce what should be a time of great reflection and learning to a time of buying foods and “stuff,” we become the victims of our own ignorance. We deprive ourselves of these annual reminders that our lives should be something more, something greater than merely going through some pointless physical motions. Mother’s Day is therefore not alone in the way it has been outright perverted. And this is really sad, since everything begins at home. A child learns all his or her values in the home. We have heard it said that charity begins at home, but much more begins at home. He who is undisciplined at home will practice that same undisciplined thinking in the workplace, at school, and in the community, even though such is easier to hide “out there” than it is at home. He or she who practices hypocrisy and dishonesty at home will practice the same in the workplace, at school, and in the community. This is so, despite the defensive denials of so many public officials who want the gullible among us to believe that what they do at home is wholly separate from “their job.” No! That’s a big lie. The idea that we can think and act one way at home, and another in the community, is absurd! The home is the fundamental “training ground” where one’s ideas and ideals and principles can be practiced and tested “safely,” and where one can grow and evolve, hopefully amidst a loving and concerned family. The mother is more often than not the heart of family, carrying on a 24-hour a day job. The ultimate essence of motherhood is self-discipline. First, self- discipline to conduct one’s self in a manner that is a fitting example to one’s children. After all, children “learn” the most from watching what their parents do. Then there is the self-discipline of motherhood to see that all the physical and emotional and spiritual needs of the children are tended to. In the traditional family where the father works at a regular job and the mother raises the children, the mother’s job is far more important and far harder than men ever give them credit for. The average man’s job is relatively simply. He get ups, eats breakfast, goes to a job, works, comes home, eat dinners, maybe goes to a meeting in the evening, goes to bed, and repeats it all the next day. But the scope of responsibility of a mother at home is much vaster than the father’s. The mother who exemplifies the Principle of Motherhood is working at a level akin to a CEO of a company, focusing on the education, security, nutrition, and spirituality of the children. The mother, more often than not, is the psychologist and nurse, and provider of entertainment and stimulating mental activities. Of course, all this is taking place while the mother must put many of her personal desires on the back burner. The point that is lost on so many of us today is that we have confused “the Principle of Motherhood” with a female body who has given birth to at least one child. This is a serious error in our thinking. The Principle of Motherhood is a Universal Principle, which means it’s there to be studied and learned by anyone, including men (actually, especially men). The principles of motherhood can and should be studied, and practiced by all. It begins with a way of thinking, a way of taking responsibility, a way of embracing, a way of loving. Men are the most deficient in motherhood principles because they have been duped (by their peers, by society, by themselves) into thinking that since they reside in male bodies, they needn’t be concerned about that female stuff. Men attempting to learn the principles of Motherhood create balanced and stronger men. This is equally true for women attempting to learn and apply the principles of Fatherhood. Men perform spiritual violence upon our beloved mothers when we fall for the grossest Mother’s Day marketing campaigns -- such as buying chocolates, perfume, or jewelry. (Did you already do that? Well, there’s always next year!) We have attempted for years to explore the real underlying meanings of each holiday and Holy day, and this effort has opened our eyes to how ignorant we have all chosen to become. Becoming part of the solution to this problem may seem difficult and socially-unacceptable. Though picnics and heart-felt hand-written cards have their place, it is also good to take the time on Mother’s Day to recognize and honor our mothers, and to find ways that all of us can emulate those highest principles of Motherhood. Celebrating another “Mother’s Day,” gave opportunity to reflect on the influence and importance of mothers in our society today. I think for the most part mothers get a bad rap these days, or at least they don’t get the kind of appreciation they truly deserve, and they sure don’t get the pay-package they earn. Of course, if they did nobody could afford a mother. Sometimes it’s great to remember the personal influence a person’s mother has had on them throughout the years. It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “All I am or ever hope to be I owe to my mother.” Perhaps he said this in lieu of a Mother’s Day card. Why didn’t I think of that? Because of the way God has designed things, a person’s mother is the first relationship he or she has in life. If it is a good relationship, it will have a positive influence throughout a person’s lifetime. Of course, there are those who have never known their mother. Perhaps she died in childbirth or maybe a few days or months after giving birth. The cause is not important, the real importance is the fact that a person never really gets to know his or her mother. Even for us who have had mothers in our lives, it is often difficult to say we knew our mothers. Because nothing in all of God’s creation is quite like a mother. All I know is, they start out as women, which may explain a lot. From my youth I recognized a big difference between my mother and my father. I could never really put my finger on it until years after I left home. Looking back over my life and appreciating some of her influences in my life, I began to understand some things about my mother. The most astounding thing I discovered about my mother is that mothers are not fathers. I know this may come as a shock to many people; it came as a terrific shock to me. I’m not sure I have gotten over it yet. I knew there was a difference somewhere, but I really could not put my finger on it until I made this awesome discovery. Once the shock of this truth waned, I gave this some thought and came up with a few comparisons that helped me understand the difference. For example, I remember my mother always having a funny smell about her not quite like the good earthy aroma my father had. My mother always went to great pains so she would smell “pretty.” I never did like perfume. It made my nose burn. I remember liking the smell of my father. It was just more natural. And some days it was more natural than other days. As I think of my mother, I remember she was highly allergic to dirt, while my father was quite at home with it. Whenever I would come into the house with dirt from head to toe, my mother would go into some kind of hysterical fit wanting me to take off all my clothes and get in the tub right away, and sometimes, it was not even Saturday night. Father, on the other hand, seemed happier when he was the dirtiest. Dirt never seemed to bother him. Grease spots or grass stains never offended him at all. But all of this offended my mother. With a “holier-than-thou” air she would always say, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” I’ve often thought to myself, if God did not like dirt why did he make so much of it? And, why was it so much fun to play in? Another thing I noticed about my mother was that she didn’t know how to play catch in the backyard with her children. When she tried, she always threw like a girl. Father, on the other hand, caught everything, especially flak from mother. He caught everything she could throw, even a fit or two. My mother was always laying down the law while father just lay down. I think my mother had some kind of nervous problem because she never could sit still long enough to really relax. Dad, could relax just about anywhere, and he did... often. My mother and father made a good team, particularly in the building business. I can remember my mother always raised the roof while father enjoyed painting the town. My brother, sister and I enjoyed the painting exercises of my father, which may explain why his finances were always in the red. Another thing I observed about my mother and mothers in general for that matter. There are times when mothers will have a good bawl for no reason, while fathers just loved having a ball for no reason. I’m sure there were other differences between my mother and my father. When I realized that mothers are not fathers, the whole world began to make more sense to me. A good father is a perfect balance between a mother and a boy. The Bible encourages us to honor both our father and mother. “My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:” (Proverbs 6:20). Perhaps wise Solomon had our generation in mind when he wrote, “There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.” (Proverbs 30:11). Mothers may not be fathers but they are exactly what God ordered. The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@ The church web site is www.whatafellowship. com. We’d like to hear from you! What’s on YOUR Mind? 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