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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, May 12, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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7 JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 12, 2018 CELEBRATE NATIONAL WILDLIFE WEEK HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Happy Tails by Chris Leclerc While scanning through Facebook the other day I came across a friend’s post about National Wildlife Week, an annual event that observes, celebrates and educates on the remarkable wild animals that dwell in our continent’s natural spaces. And as we locals well know, many tend to spend a good amount of time among us in our neighborhoods, too. As I read the post, it inspired me to find out more about this important annual celebration. I am embarrassed to say I do not recall having heard of it before, and I wondered if there may be other animal and nature lovers out there who, like me, are unaware but would be interested in knowing that there is a week specifically set aside each year, to show our appreciation for the wild creatures we so adore. The week-long event is organized by the National Wildlife Federation, and on their website - - they have a page specifically dedicated to informing the public about it. I found it to be so interesting, I decided to share it in this week’s column and encourage those who hold a special place in their heart for the preservation of our wonderful wildlife, to observe and help celebrate National Wildlife Week, 2018. Details of the event provided on the NWF website were so eloquently and informatively written, I’d be hard-pressed to do it justice with words of my own, so I’ve taken the liberty to borrow some of their language in sharing the important points. Credit goes to www.nwf. org and I want to thank the people behind this amazing movement for all the work they do to manifest what could have stopped at being only a dream, into a reality. NWF puts it all very well in a nutshell; “The rich history of National Wildlife Week dates all the way back to its first celebration in 1938. As our longest- running education program, National Wildlife Week connects budding conservationists of all ages to the awesome wonders of wildlife. Now more than ever, these connections serve as a vital component to recovering vulnerable wildlife. For people across the nation, this week is a chance to learn more about animals native to North America, their habitats, and how we can help them thrive.” This year National Wildlife Week will be held March 12-16 and since the future of our planet is ultimately in the hands of our youth, NWF offers 10 practical programs for students to participate in. There are live links to each of the referenced materials to review, download and print. NWF makes the objective quite clear; “Today’s students will play a vital role in saving wildlife for future generations. These resources, assembled by the National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-School USA program, provide ways for students to connect with wildlife in their backyard, schoolyard, and beyond. Here are 10 ways to take action:” 1) Get to know this year’s Final Fur competitors - Download the Final Fur trading cards for stats on each player. Join us as we highlight 32 native species that will go head-to- head for the championships title. Fill out your bracket anytime between March 12-15, then stay tuned on Friday, March 16, when we reveal the winner. 2) Browse the Wildlife Guide - Learn more about some of the featured species for 2018, such as the Hawaiian monk seal or the Florida panther. 3) Research threatened and endangered species in your state - Start your search online with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, then develop an action plan that will support the species’ habitat needs. 4) Conduct an audit - Investigate and assess how your school engages with biodiversity or Schoolyard Habitats. 5) Develop an action plan to build wildlife habitat at school - Once habitats are built, apply for a Schoolyard Habitat certification designation. 6) Conduct species-specific citizen science - Support professional researchers by getting involved with a citizen science program. 7) Volunteer to remove invasive species from local parks - Invasive species can decimate wildlife habitat. 8) Participate in or host a watershed cleanup event - Many local plant and animal species rely on healthy waterways to meet their habitat needs. 9) Partner with a local college or university to assist in research about a particular species. 10) Adopt an animal - Visit the National Wildlife Federation’s adoption center to symbolically adopt a wildlife species. Let’s all do our part to preserve what wildlife we still have by supporting the National Wildlife Federation and participating in National Wildlife Week, March 12-16, 2018. Love and let live! ALL IS WELL —IN MY BELLY Did you know, according to Ayurveda(the sister science to yoga), digestion is the single most important determinant of good health? When we don’t absorb the nutrients from food we eat, the body slowly turns the undigested excess into toxins. These toxins can be harmful in all ways – physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual. The physical asana practice can substantially improve digestion. Poses that bend forward or create a twist are especially helpful. As expected, diet plays a huge role in healthy digestion. One of the best dishes to improve digestion is called Kitchari. Some yogis make Kitchari once and a while and others make this lovely dish once or twice per week as a gentle cleanse. I thought I’d share an excellent recipe to help get you on the road to wellness! Recipe credit belongs to the cookbook: Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing, by Asha Lad & Dr. Vasant Lad. Here goes: MUNG DAL KITCHARI (Serves 4 –ingredients can be found at Whole Foods or an Indian Market) 1 cup basmati rice . cup yellow split mung dal 3 tbs ghee 1 tsp black mustard seeds 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 pinches hing . tsp turmeric . tsp salt 4 cups water Wash the rice and mung dal well. If you have time, let the mung dal soak for a few hours before cooking as it helps digestibility. In a saucepan over medium heat, heat the ghee and add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds and hing. Stir a moment until the seeds pop. Add the rice, mung dal, turmeric, salt and stir until well blended with the spices. Add the water and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, uncovered, stirring occasionally. Turn down the heat to low and cover, leaving the lid slightly ajar. Cook until tender, about 20-25 minutes. Enjoy this staple recipe for great digestion and healthy living! Don’t hesitate to add in a yoga practice filled with gentle folds and twists. To learn more about Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, please contact me via email Namaste, Keely Totten Yoga & Meditation Teacher Lori A. Harris THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual LETTER TO THE EDITOR To Chris Leclerc, re: Are Pets People Too? Count me in as a huge YES! I’m sure that all the millions of pet owners, rescue and shelter organizations, veterinary offices, groomers, etc., will heartily agree! And, along those lines, people can and should provide for their pets in case they are unable to care for them. Can’t tell you how many sad stories we hear about this. Love your articles, Chris! ~Darlene PapaLifeline for Petswww. THE MOTHERS THAT CAME BEFORE US It all started with my sister's simple text, "What was our great grandmother's first name?" I didn't know. I had the answer within 20 minutes; her name was Henrietta, but I fell into to the rabbit hole of the internet. I'm a naturally curious person, on a mission to find out more, and from the comfort my home I searched the archives of two distant states. I was reviewing the 1900 census, and I found the names of three relatives, the expected information was all there, but the education responses stopped me in my tracks. At age twenty, Henrietta was a married woman with a five-year-old child, and she could not read or write. My grandmother Charity always talked about her third-grade education, and I missed the point. My grandmother could read and write, that was a big deal. Her father, also illiterate, was a farmer, a demanding profession, and her mom was a domestic who died at the age of forty-one. My grandmother lived to the age of 91 and was proud of her work in the catering business and her ability to take care of herself. As you spend time with your family and friends this Mother's Day, there is so much to appreciate in our family trees. I often feel gratitude for my anonymous relatives for all that they endured for me to live the life I now have, but I realize that I can deepen my practice. Life was hard, and it wasn't that long ago. One hundred years ago it wasn't merely an agrarian society. It was a deeply divided time. Our country legally separated folks by gender and race, but we also separated by education and opportunity. This Mother's Day I will appreciate my ancestors who lived in a world that shut them out with words. I am thankful for my parents who sat with me and taught me to read before I went to school. I will appreciate the leaders that fought to provide the free public schools for everyone and I will be grateful for the women who continue the struggle for equality. Happy Mother's Day! BEST FRIEND Alex is a sweet little dog who was found running loose in Rosemead and was brought to the shelter for his own safety. No one has come to find him, so he is now hoping to find a new family to love him. His breed is shown as long-haired Chihuahua. He is 5-years-old and weighs a dainty 6.3 pounds, just the right size for a lapdog. Alex has the most beautiful soft black and white coat of long fur that glistens when he has had a bath. Alex has a calm disposition and seems to prefer being cuddled in a lap to physical activity. He is a little shy at first, but really seems to like people once he is comfortable. He has shown an interest in other dogs that share his calm nature. Alex is looking for a safe, secure home with a loving person or family. He would probably be more comfortable in a quiet setting rather than a very active home. If Alex sounds like the new family member you are looking for, come and meet him soon. His adoption fee is $130 and includes neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness exam at a participating veterinarian. Feel free to call us at (626) 286- 1159 for more information. She currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday.Website:www.sgvhumane. org. WHO DO YOU CHOOSE? We call them, “The Buggsies,” age 1. Since their all white mother was named June Bug, we continued with the cute buggy names. The male is HOPPER, all white with some light gray on top of his head. LADY BUG, female, is a Hopper look- alike, and CRICKET, female, is all soft black. Hopper is playful, mild, and likes to chill. Lady Bug is a tad shy, but warms up quickly. Cricket is active, friendly, and sweet. Adopt one, two, or all three! Use our Twofur Offer, & they will come spayed/neutered, current on vaccines, and microchipped. Call 626- 676-9505 or email us at for more information. See more pictures and adoption information on our website, Can’t adopt? You can sponsor, donate, or foster! Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||