Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 20, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 20, 2018 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 20, 2018 
Jeff’s Book PicsBy Jeff Brown FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett 

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish around us every day.While the Danes are theSecrets to Happy Living by Meik Wikinghappiest people on the planet, happiness isn’tEmbrace Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) andexclusively Danish; cultures around the worldbecome happier with this definitive guide have their own unique approaches to leadingto the Danish philosophy of comfort, a contented, fulfilled life. For his work at the 
togetherness, and well-being.Why are DanesHappiness Research Institute in Copenhagen,
the happiest people in the world? The answer,Meik Wiking travels the globe from Dubaisays Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happinessto Finland, Rio de Janeiro to Bhutan, South 
Research Institute in Copenhagen, is Hygge.Korea to the United States, to discover the 
Loosely translated, Hygge is a sense of comfort,secrets of the very happiest people.In thetogetherness, and well-being.

book, Meik identifies the 
“Hygge is about an atmosphere

six factors that explain theand an experience,” Wiking

majority of differences in 
explains. “It is about being with

happiness across the world— 
the people we love. A feeling

togetherness, money, health,
of home. A feeling that we are

freedom, trust, and kindness— 
safe.”Hygge is the sensation

and explores what actions weyou get when you’re cuddled

can take to become happier. Asup on a sofa, in cozy socks

he reveals, we can deepen ourunder a soft throw, during a

blissfulness and contentment 
storm. It’s that feeling when

with little adjustments in ouryou’re sharing comfort food

behavior, whether it’s eatingand easy conversation with 

like the French (sitting aroundloved ones at a candlelit table. 

a table and savoring our time)
It is the warmth of morning

or dancing the tango likelight shining just right on a

Argentinians in Buenos Aires.
crisp blue-sky day.The Little

With his trademark warmth 
Book of Hygge introduces 

and wit, Meik explores the 
you to this cornerstone of

happiness gap for parents, howDanish life, and offers advice 

much money you really need toand ideas on incorporating it

buy happiness, how we can beinto your own life, such as:Get

healthier without having to gocomfy. Take a break.Be here

to the gym, how we can learnnow. Turn off the phones.Turn

to build trust and collaboration, 
down the lights. Bring out the

how we can help ourselves bycandles.Build relationships. 

helping others, and why ourSpend time with your tribe. 

expectations often outweighGive yourself a break from

our reality. Weaving togetherthe demands of healthy living.

original research and personalCake is most definitely Hygge.

anecdotes, The book is a globalLive life today, like there is no

roadmap for joy that offers a newcoffee tomorrow.From picking

approach to achieving everydaythe right lighting to organizing 

happiness that not only improve 
a Hygge get-together to 

our own lives, but help us builddressing hygge, Wiking shows

better communities and a better 
you how to experience more joy

and contentment the Danish 

All There Is by Tony Parsons 

Seeking is the most effective

way to avoid liberation. TheThe Little Book of Lykke: 

contents of this book are totallySecrets of the World’s 

radical and uncompromising.Happiest People by Meik 

This message is a rare andJoin the happiness revolution!


singular expression of absoluteThe author of the New York 

non-dualism. It bypasses theTimes bestseller The Little 

mind and speaks directly toBook of Hygge offers more 

the very core of a wisdom thatinspiration and suggestions for

is imminent in all of us. When 
achieving greater happiness, 

there is a readiness to hear, all 
by practicing Lykke (LOO

seeking and need for personalka)—pursuing and finding the

endeavor falls away, leavinggood that exists in the world 

simply the wonder of what is. 

All Things By Jeff Brown 


Central Idaho is officially a stargazars’ of Americans “look up to skies so polluted withparadise,said Rocky Barker in the Idaho man made light that the Milky Way is virtuallyStatesman.A 1400 square mile chunk of theinvisible,” The night sky is pristine above theSawtooth National Recreation Area has been Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve, located lesscertified as an International Dark Sky Reserve,thethan 3 hours from Boise.Each night, after the skyfirst such reserve in the U.S. and the 12th darkens,you’ll see a lot than the familiar stars andworldwide. While there are 40 dark sky parksplanets, said Keith Ridler and the Associated Press.
across the country,they don’t qualify as reserves,The skies are so clear that it’s easy to make out thewhich are much larger and require a dark corevast interstellar dust clouds that darken the arms 
that’s entirely free of light pollution.Where as 99% of the Milky Way.From The Week Magazine. 


If you carry debt, do not assume that your death orincapacity will make it automatically disappear. Tothe contrary, the money you owe may eat away at theassets you were planning to leave to your heirs or -- ifyou owe a large amount of money -- may wipe outyour estate completely. Debt comes in many differentforms including credit cards, student loans, car 
payments, mortgages, and other financial obligations. 

Not Just About Assets 
Estate planning lets you name people you trust tomanage your affairs if you’re unable to do so and letsyou indicate who will receive your property uponyour death. While estate planning typically focuseson ensuring your assets will be distributed to yourintended beneficiaries upon your death, the collectivepurpose behind financial and estate planning is toensure that you’re building the largest nest egg possibleand then protecting your family and loved ones in theevent of your death or incapacity. For this reason,
knowing what your debts are and implementing theproper estate planning will allow you to ensure thoseyou leave behind are not left drowning financially. Youwill also be able to rest easy knowing what you’ve builtwill go to those you want, rather than to the creditors.

There are two types of debts: secured and unsecured. 

Secured debt is a loan that has been guaranteed bysome form of collateral. If a borrower defaults on a 
secured loan, the lender can recover the collateral. 
House and car loans are the most common forms of 
secured debt. Unsecured debt, on the other hand, 
does not involve collateral. If the borrower defaults on 
an unsecured loan, the lender typically needs a courtorder to recover a judgment against the borroweror the borrower’s estate. The most common types ofunsecured debt include credit cards, most tax debt, 
personal or signature loans, student loans, or paydayloans. 

While some debt, like many federal studentloans, goes away upon your death, others do not-- like mortgages and home equity loans -- leavingyour family potentially on the hook. Secured debtsessentially become the responsibility of the deceased’sestate because if the payments stop then the bank canretake the collateral. If you have a will-based estateplan, the process of paying off debts and distributingwhatever assets are left over (if any) is a court processknown as probate. If you are using a trust, then yoursuccessor trustee will follow a similar process, but itwon’t necessarily involve the courts. 

Benefits of Estate Planning

While the tools typically used in estate planningmay appear to be interchangeable, the planningprocess and the resulting documents, like a will, trust,
and power of attorney, are as unique as the person.
While naming proper beneficiaries is key whenprotecting these larger assets from creditors afteryour death, a comprehensive estate plan is needed toprotect your family against the impact your debt mayhave on your estate. A little bit of planning can go along way in ensuring your family and loved ones areprotected in the event of a tragedy.

Dedicated to empowering your family, buildingyour wealth and defining your legacy, 

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a missionto help parents protect what they love most. His office 
is located at 55 Auburn Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 
91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talkabout ensuring a legacy of love and financial securityfor your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit www. for more information. 


The latest on Business News, Trends and 
By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA 


“Knowledge is power” is a familiar saying that is onlyThe thing that stands between knowledge and actionpartially true. The fact is there are millions of peopleis fear. 
who have attained knowledge in certain disciplines,When knowledge and action are combined, thesome to the point of being regarded as experts. Foroutcome can be seemingly miraculous. All of us have 
those whose goal it was to simply attain a certainhad to go through the process of mastering a bodylevel of knowledge, mission accomplished. For the of knowledge before moving on to apply it. From 
others who have ideas about using the knowledgea simple task like learning the rules of the road andtoward some greater personal or business purpose,how to drive a car as an adolescent, to mastering theit’s important to take action if there is any real interestoperation of a heavy piece of machinery, the processin making progress.moves from knowledge to action to practice. The 

Every entrepreneur who has built a successfulrepetition of this cycle results in what most wouldbusiness venture from the ground up, has had refer to as experience, skill or expertise. The more 
to develop an arsenal of specialized knowledgetimes the individual completes the cycle, the easierabout some aspect of the industry in which theirand more effortlessly the task is to execute until itbusiness operates. Some people think that the meremay seem automatic.
acquisition of knowledge is all that is needed to startInstead of gliding through life with recycledand operate a business. If that were the case, there daydreams about their dreams and aspiration, 
should be a steady stream of new enterprises beingentrepreneurs demonstrate that knowledgeestablished by individuals completing workshopscombined with action, followed by practiceand classes. Gaining knowledge is one thing, havingand repeating the process is one of the keys to 
the confidence to do something with it is another. success. 

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