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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 3, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 3, 2018 11THE WORLD AROUND US ESO’S VLT WORKING AS 16-METER TELESCOPE FOR FIRST TIME Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 3, 2018 11THE WORLD AROUND US ESO’S VLT WORKING AS 16-METER TELESCOPE FOR FIRST TIME The ESPRESSO instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile has used the combined light of all four of the 8.2-meter Unit Telescopes for the first time. Combining light from the Unit Telescopes in this way makes the VLT the largest optical telescope in existence in terms of collecting area. One of the original design goals of ESO’s Very Large Telescope was for its four Unit Telescopes (UTs) to work together to create a single giant telescope. With the first light of the ESPRESSO spectrograph using the four-Unit-Telescope mode of the VLT, this milestone has now been reached. After extensive preparations by the ESPRESSOconsortium (led by the Astronomical Observatory of theUniversity of Geneva, with the participation of researchcenters from Italy, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland) and ESO staff, ESO’s Director General Xavier Barcons initiated this historic astronomical observation with the push of a button in the control room. ESPRESSO instrument scientist at ESO, Gaspare Lo Curto, explains the historical significance of this event: “ESO has realized a dream that dates back to the time when the VLT was conceived in the 1980s: combining the light of all four Unit Telescopes on Cerro Paranal to feed a single instrument!” When all four 8.2-metre Unit Telescopes combine their light-collecting power to feed a single instrument, the VLT effectively becomes the largest optical telescope in the world in terms of collecting area. Two of the main scientific goals of ESPRESSO are the discovery and characterization of Earth- like planets and the search for possible variability of the fundamental constants of physics. The latter experiments in particular require the observation of distant and faint quasars, and this science goal will benefit the most from combining the light from all four Unit Telescopes in ESPRESSO. Both rely on the ultra-high stability of the instrument and an extremely stable reference light source. Due to the complexity involved, the combination of light from all four Unit Telescopes in this way, at what is known as an “incoherent focus”, had not been implemented until now. However, space for it was built into the telescopes and the underground structure of the mountaintop from the start. CHRISTOPHER Nyerges FUNDAMENTAL SURVIVAL [Nyerges is the author of “Howcouldn’t get gas, just going to buy food would be a to Survive Anywhere,” “Self-hardship. Sufficient Homes,” “Foraging Those who study sustainable societies and California,” and other sustainable technologies know that only the low-tech books. He leads on-goingmethods are sustainable long-term. For example, classes in self-reliance and one excellent low-tech technology is the zeer pots, sustainability. He can be reached at www.SchoolofSelf-which would help to preserve foods that spoil]without a refrigerator. Zeer pots are cheap and easy to I study survival skills because I feel it imparts me withset up. This is essentially a clay pot in a clay pot. Youa here-and-now feeling of self-reliance and confidenceneed a very large unglazed clay pot, or flower pot. in my daily life. I don’t learn about primitive skills andCover the bottom with about 2 inches of wet sand. wild foods because of irrational fears of a Mad Max Be sure to plug the hole in the bottom of the pot. world in the distant future. Still, everyone who I knowThe second pot must be able to fit inside the largerwho’s made “survival skills” a serious avocation knows pot, and you tuck in wet sand all around the sides, that there are some very real fears that always lurk inbetween the two pots. The smaller pot can be glazed, the background, in the possible and potential future.or you use a copper or an aluminum pot as well. Make “Grid down” is a very rational fear, as some of yousure the sand between the pots is all wet. Cover the might have concluded after reading my review of Tedtop with a wet cloth. Place in the shade where a breezeKoppel’s book “Lights Out.” will hit it. You keep your food in the inner pot. This Since our entire way of life is so linked to thewill keep a lot of foods from spoiling before you canavailability of electricity, we need to recognize that theeat it, and it works! “grid” is a very fragile thing. The U.S. actually has threeDetails of the zeer pot can be found in my “How togrids that are linked—Eastern, Western and Texas. AsSurvive Anywhere” book, pages 81-83. Mohammedprivate individuals, we have no control of the grid. We Bah Abbah, a potter in a small Nigerian village, live in our world of electricity --power, lights, gas,invented the method to meet a local need where there and all that goes with it. Private or state-sponsoredwas no electricity. Abbah won several awards for this terrorists could inject a virus to cause havoc in oursimple technology in 2001. computer-driven age.In a grid-down world, without electricity, your life EMP is another legitimate fear for disruptingwould be far different – a world which most of us have the grid. Millions heat their homes and light theirnever known. world with electricity. Many oil heaters use anI think we take for granted certain services that areelectric switch to turn them on. If an EMP hit, our almost invisible, like garbage pickup. Since that happylove affair with computers would be over or at leastservice will be gone, you will see how amazingly fast aseriously challenged. Most systems in your homeplace will fill up with garbage. Of course, if you simplywould no longer work. If you have solar electricity incouldn’t go to a store and buy something, an amazingyour home, you might be able to keep a few thingsamount of that garbage will be pressed into service andgoing, like your refrigerator for a few hours a day. Inrecycled to fill some need. some cases, those who have generators will be ableEven during times of prolonged crises – such asto continue running some things, but generators usewar or economic depression – people have learneda lot of fuel. How much fuel does the average personto survive and thrive by filling the everyday needs ofhave stored? Enough to last a week or a month? Whattheir fellow neighbors. These skills that never go outhappens after that?of style include gardening, canning and drying foods, Most folks do not have a large supply ofelectrical repairs, auto repairs, maintaining bicycles, batteries. How long before those are gone?making clothing, etc.etc. In a grid-down world, we will not be able to buy gas,I really hope none of the potential tragedies that seembecause those pumps are all electric. Though you couldalways potential never happen. Our wonderful way ofstore fuel, most urban folks do not do so because it is life could be erased in a minute. But if you find that thenot considered worth the while. unsustainable slowly or suddenly because nonviable, Kerosene stores for a very long time, and with frugaland things change rapidly, be positive and flexible asuse, you would be able to cook on camp stoves and haveyou work with others towards viable solutions. I don’told time lanterns for light. Today, they have excellentthink of myself as a “survivalist” but I do know thatkerosene heaters that are fairly inexpensive. It might the skills of camping, bushcraft, food production, localbe prudent to have a few on hand.organization, self-defense (an/d many related skills) are Wind generators are common in the high wind areasthe glue that binds us, and keeps us alive as a civilizedof the local deserts, but they are noisy and generally notculture. practical for urban homes. They also have maintenanceBut don’t pursue “survival skills” because ofproblems which solar panels do not. Still, windfear. There is a feeling of joy and fulfilment that goesgenerators could be a viable option for some.hand-in-hand with learning and applying the skills that If you have a bike in a post grid-down scenario, itour forefathers took for granted. Learning these skillsmight work well for personal transportation. If youin a group setting is a great way to bring family andhave a horse, that could work also. We have grown sofriends together, and is therefore an amazing solutionaccustomed to private vehicles that if we all suddenly to so many of the problems facing us all. infrastructure. information never previously available. This new Light from the four Unit Telescopes is routinely facility is a game-changer for astronomy with high- brought together in the VLT Interferometer for resolution spectrographs. It makes use of novel the study of extremely fine detail in comparatively concepts, such as wavelength calibration aided by bright objects. But interferometry, which a laser frequency comb, providing unprecedented combines the beams “coherently,” cannot exploit precision and repeatability, and now the capability the huge light-gathering potential of the combined to join together the light-collecting power of the telescopes to study faint objects.four individual Unit Telescopes. Feeding the combined light into a single You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ instrument will give astronomers access to OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder WISHING CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH The last several months have been rather busy with been carrying this shingles virus all these years. hardly a break anywhere. Sometimes the Gracious I did not know I had a “carrying license” for Mistress of the Parsonage and I get so busy we shingles. Why doesn’t the government get on that? forget about the necessity of taking a break every The visit with the doctor was just the beginning. now and then. Soon one day becomes just like the From then on, these shingles went crazy. They were last day. And tomorrow? Will be just like today.dancing up and down my right arm as though they We did take a little break and went out for supper owned it. one evening at one of our favorite restaurants. This I really would not mind the dancing it was the has become a rather rare occasion and so we tried pain that caught my attention. to enjoy the moment as much as we could.Up to this point, I thought I knew what pain We were chit chatting and enjoying our was all about. Boy was I wrong. company as the waitress brought our food to us. It The shingles virus affects the nervous system was a delicious meal and I was beginning to enjoy and it was from the top of my shoulder to the tip myself, maybe just a little too much.of my fingers. I never experience pain like this “You know,” I said rather cheerfully, “what I before. really wish for?”For the next week, my wish for nothing to do Not knowing where I’m coming from my wife came true, proving my wife was really wrong. I said, “I really have no idea what you’re wishing for spent most of the time in bed doing nothing but right now. Just be careful what you wish for.” groaning in pain. I’m not sure this was what I had Staring off into space a little bit I responded in mind in my wish. by saying, “I wish I could take a week off and do For every bad thing that happens there is always nothing.” something good that comes out of it. The good When she finished laughing she said, “Don’t that came out of this was I lost 11 pounds during wish for something that you can’t follow through that week. I’m not recommending this as a form on. You know that’s not possible.” of diet, but I did lose that weight and I guess I’m Together we laughed and enjoyed that far-thankful for that. reaching impossible idea.However, for every good thing that happens A week later, almost to the day, I was scheduled there is always some bad element to it. The good to go to my doctor for blood work. I don’t know was I lost 11 pounds. The bad was, my trousers why doctors are so interested in blood, especially now won’t stay up. I must be careful as I walk my blood. It was on a Monday and the day before around because I might lose those trousers. (A full I had pain in my right shoulder all the way down moon tonight.) to my fingertips. I figured I would ask the doctor I was feeling really sorry for myself. My right when I was in for my scheduled appointment. I arm is only about 75% active right now. That assumed I had a pinched nerve a real bummer to be sure. I managed to go to I showed my arm to the doctor and there was Wendy’s and as I was in the drive-through lane a little rash beginning to develop near my elbow. waiting for my turn to order I saw a man come out The doctor looked at that, smiled wickedly and of the restaurant and he did not have a right arm. said, “You have shingles.” When I saw that I became thankful for the pain I have heard of shingles, but I did not know I had because at least my arm was intact and one anything about it. I did not know if I should call for day this pain will go away. some roofing contractor to work on my shingles or The apostle Paul understood this when he what. wrote, “Giving thanks always for all things unto After further examination, he confirmed his God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus first guess and said, “You do have shingles and it’s Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). good that you’re here today because we got it just It’s very easy to complain about something that in time.” you are going through, but when you see someone The doctor went out of the room, came back in else going through something worse, it is a point the room, went out of the room and came back in to which you can really thank God. My thanks to the room all the time smiling. Up to this time, he God is not based upon good times, but rather the had not been able to find anything wrong with me. faithfulness of God to get me through bad times. His comment always has been, “A person your age Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God should have something wrong with them.” Fellowship, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife Well, now I have something wrong with me. in Silver Springs Shores. Phone 352-687-4240 orAre you happy now, Dr. Dracula?e-mail The church web site In first grade, I had chickenpox and so I have is A system of mirrors, prisms and lenses transmits the light from each VLT Unit Telescope to the ESPRESSO spectrograph up to 69 meters away. Thanks to these complex optics, ESPRESSO can either collect the light from up to all four Unit Telescopes together, increasing its light- gathering power, or alternatively receive light from any one of the Unit Telescopes independently, allowing for more flexible usage of observing time. ESPRESSO was specially developed to exploit this YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! 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