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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 3, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 2018 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SENATOR PORTANTINO IS COMMITTED TO LETTER TO EDITOR Inside This Section: ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT OPINION BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS LEGAL NOTICES Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: PREVENTING GUN VIOLENCE WITH SB 1100 Sacramento, California – Today, Senator Anthonyall of us,” commented Senator Portantino. J. Portantino, D–La Cañada Flintridge, submittedPreviously, Senator Portantino was the authoramendments to SB 1100 to prevent gun violence.of SB 497 which included the purchase limitationsThe bill would prohibit a person from making morein these amendments. This bill was supported bythan one firearm purchase within a 30-day periodthe California Chapters of the Brady Campaign toin California and increase the age requirementPrevent Gun Violence, All Saints Church Pasadena, for purchasing all firearms to 21 years. SenatorCalifornia Teen Council, Coalition against GunPortantino has a long record of supporting gunViolence, Courage Campaign, Law Center to Preventcontrol and has previously authored legislationGun Violence, Physicians for Social Responsibility, to prevent gun violence. He successfully authoredand Women against Gun Violence. Portantinolegislation to end the open carry of firearms onwill once again seek community support for theseMain Street California. sensible and necessary proposals. “Like most Americans, I was horrified by Amendments to SB 1100 have been submitted and recent events in Florida. As a father of a high will be available on line shortly. Until they have beenschool sophomore I can’t stop thinking about the processed see the attachment to review the language. unnecessary nightmare that this tragedy caused Sen. Portantino represents nearly 930,000 for the affected families. I feel it is imperative that people in the 25th Senate District, which includesCalifornia leads when Washington refuses to act. Altadena, Atwater Village, Bradbury, Burbank, Our amendments create a simple fix to existing Claremont, Duarte, Glendale, Glendora, La law. While Washington bows to pressure from the Cañada Flintridge, La Crescenta, La Verne, LosNRA and the President continues to struggle with Feliz, Monrovia, Montrose, Pasadena, San Dimas, gun safety in spineless leadership, in California San Marino, Shadow Hills, Sierra Madre, South the safety of every citizen should be a priority for Pasadena, Sunland-Tujunga, and Upland. Reverend Billy Graham touched many people throughout the world . Bob Dylan in an interview with AARP mentioned the lifelong impact Billy Graham had on his life .He called Billy Graham “the greatest preacher and evangelist of my time -that guy could save souls and did”......when he spoke ,he brought the storm down. Clouds parted .Souls got saved ,sometimes 30 or 40,000 of them .If you ever went to a Billy Graham rally back then you were changed forever.There’s never been a preacher like him.He could fill football stadiums before anybody He could fill Giant Stadium more than even the Giants football team .......I saw Billy Graham in the flesh and heard him loud and clear. In an interview with Carl Cannon Graham mentioned that his friendship with Martin Luther King went back to 1957 when they met at his New York Crusade. King asked him to call him Mike the nickname Martin Sr used ,Graham said ..”Mike you go into the streets and I’ll stay in the stadiums but I’ll demand total integration in all the communities and everything else.” We lost a Wonderful spiritual leader and role model. Michel D. Antonovich COUNTY TO EXPAND PROGRAM TO PREVENT SCHOOL VIOLENCE LOS ANGELES COUNTY – Supervisor Kathryn Bargerwith local law enforcement to respond to reports ofannounced that the Board of Supervisors has unanimouslypotential school violence. In the past year, START approved a motion she co-authored with Supervisorconducted interventions with 127 students and in the pastJanice Hahn to enhance the role of the county’s Schoolweek START has received 63 referrals. Since the deadlyThreat Assessment Response Team (START) program.shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Topreventcampusviolencethroughearlyidentificationlocal law enforcement have intervened in credible threats and intervention of at-risk youths and young adults, theof violence against schools in Whittier, Long Beach, SantaDepartment of Mental Health created START in 2009Clarita, Inglewood, Bellflower, Los Angeles, and Cerritos. to partner with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to“I have no doubt that START has saved lives,” said develop a regional approach to targeted school violence.Supervisor Hahn. “But they are stretched thin. In a county “Early identification and intervention are vital in ourof 10 million residents, we need more than 10 peoplemutual effort to identify and prevent possible incidentsworking on this issue. We need to give them the resourcesof school violence,” said Supervisor Barger. “We cannotthey need to take every single threat seriously because ourignore the red flags and we must actively seek out troubledchildren’s lives are at stake.” young people and get them the help they need before aCounty staff will provide a report back to the Boardtragedy occurs.”in 30-days with recommendations to enhance START START is currently staffed with 10 clinicians working including program expansion. REWARD EXTENDED IN ALTADENA MURDER CASE LOS ANGELES COUNTY – The Board of residence to visit an acquaintance in PomonaSupervisors unanimously approved a motionbut may have returned to the Covina/ by Supervisor Kathryn Barger reestablishing aAzusa area at some point before he went$20,000 reward for information leading to themissing. The Medical Examiner-Coroner arrest and/or conviction of a suspect or suspectshas determined the mode of death to be a responsible for the murder of Marcus Nieto.homicide. The $20,000 reward offer approved Nieto’s body was discovered on the by the Board in April, 2014 has since expired. Altadena Crest horse trail by two riders onSupervisor Barger encourages anyone withhorseback on February 16, 2013. Investigatorsinformation about this heinous crime to contact have confirmed that Marcus Nieto left his Sergeant Robert J. Gray at (323) 890-5500. | ||||||||||||||||||||