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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 10, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 Mountain View News Saturday, March 10, 2018 5 Mountain View News Saturday, March 10, 2018 Police Activities LeagueNews Briefs Local Area Golden Badge Awards Officers in Altadena Altercation Reassigned Two Pasadena police officers have been reassigned from the city’s gang enforcement unit and placed on desk jobs following an ongoing investigation into a traffic stop in November that led to a violent arrest of Christopher Ballew during its mission to “Encourage a traffic stop in Altadena The 16th Annual Golden Badge Pasadena Area Youth to be according to reports Awards Dinner will be held on Good Citizens through a Wednesday. Thursday, March 22 at Noor Partnership with the Pasadena In December, Pasadena in Paseo Colorado. This year’s Police Department.” The goal Police Chief Phillip Sanchez, Golden Badge Awards will be is to reach youth at an early age said the department was presented to Abel Ramirez of in support of their development El Portal Restaurant and Sindee by fostering positive attitudes investigating the incident Riboli of Sharp Seating for their toward authority figures, while and both Zachary Lujan commitment to supporting providing a safe and stable and Lerry Esparza would the youth of Pasadena. The environment after school remain on duty. PAL Service Award will be to do homework, socialize Late last month the presented to a product of the and participate in structured Altadena Town council sent By Dean Lee book takes place in Pasadena, to many members of society: PAL Program, Officer Roxanne summer activities. Sanchez and city officials a Author Nathalia Holt it just feels right,” Holt said. women, men, teens, readers or Haines. The PAL Center is located at letter requesting that Lujan (pictured middle) discussed “…It’s fun to come back and to non-readers. The book should The PAL program n average of The Salvation Army Recreation and Esparza stop any police her experiences writing Rise of see some of the women that I also inspire a conversation. 85 students participates daily in Center, 960 East Walnut Street. business in Altadena. They the Rocket Girls Thursday night profiled in the book. I feel lucky Hany said that many of the the after school program, with The program enjoys the to an audience full of past and that I got to know them, spend One City One Story events an average of 110 members support and leadership of also asked the department current JPL employees —the time with them.” center on Science, Technology, actively participating during Chief Phillip Sanchez, whose from proactively patrolling the summer program. There is commitment to enhancing the famed laboratory, in the 1940s Catherine Hany, Engineering and Mathematics Altadena until doing a a waiting list of more then 200, lives of Pasadena Area youth is and 50s, was the setting for her Communications for the (STEM). For a full list of events review of their use of force the proceeds from the event resolute. book. Pasadena Public Library said see page 3. procedures. are dedicated to reducing the The event will include auctions For the first time in its 16 year everything aligned, and that The officers stopped Ballew waiting list by increasing PAL and a raffle drawing courtesy Nov. 9 initially for driving history, Pasadena’s One City, having Holt’s author event programs.of Pasadena jeweler Mimi et with tinted windows and One Story Selection Committee, discussing the true story of the Woman’s The PAL Center offers an Cie. The event begins at 6:00 missing a front license plate. this year, chose a nonfiction women who launched America book, “Rise of the Rocket Girls: into space on International Civic League array of activities designed p.m. with cocktails followed by An altercation between The Women Who Propelled Us, Women’s Day was perfect. to enhance the educational, dinner at 7:00 p.m. For more from Missiles to the Moon to She added that the in selecting Luncheon athletic, and artistic experience information and tickets visit Lujan, Esparza and Ballew Mars.”the work the committee’s of young people. PAL or call (626) left Ballew with a black eye The Woman’s Civic “I was so thrilled that I was criteria include that the book continuously strives to realize 791-1225. and a broken leg. Video of League of Pasadena’s selected for this because it is a and author should have some tie the incident by a bystander nonfiction book, so much of the to Pasadena and should appeal monthly luncheon will be went viral. Civil rights on Monday, April 2nd at Sandra Chen Lau to run activists had demanded 12 noon at the Women’s the officers by placed on City Club, 160 N. Oakland, for PCC Board of Trustees Celebrate leave. Demonstrators had Pasadena. Free parking Pasadena resident Sandra disrupted Mayor Terry behind the Clubhouse on Pi Day, the Chen Lau, a museum executive Tornek’s State of the City Madison. This year the and non-profit development Address January 16 over group has chosen Club 21 consultant, announced today NASA Way policing issues. and Shepherd’s Door as that she will run for a seat on the Ballew was arrested for their very worthy grant Pasadena City College Board of March 14 is Pi Day, a celebration stars, and how astronomers recipients. A presentation assault on a police officer Trustees in the election on June of the beloved number known although the Los Angeles predict the occurrence of solar will be made at the 5th. as pi. JPL is celebrating Pi Day County District Attorney eclipses. The new problems will luncheon. Cost for lunch “I’m proud to be part of a with the fifth annual “Pi in the be posted online on March 9, is $25 at the door. Lunch generation of women steppingfailed to file the charges. Sky” illustrated math challenge, and solutions will be posted forward to provide new Ballew also filed a lawsuit in reservations must be made featuring pi-related space on March 15. You can find leadership. I decided to run late December against the problems that you can do at the previous years’ challenge by March28th. There is no because I believe so strongly Police Department. home. cost to attend the ‘program problems online as well. in PCC and its mission. I’m an Pi is often abbreviated as only’ beginning at 12:30pm. The challenge is geared toward example of a student whose 3.14 (which is why Pi Day is For more information students in grades 5 through life was turned around by celebrated on March 14, or visit our website at www. 12, and JPL offers additional Pet of the community college, and I want 3/14), but there are actually resources for teachers and future students (including my an infinite number of digits in educators who want to use the and to make luncheon own two kids) to have the sameBoard, and on PCC’s Pacific Week pi. Using computer programs, problems in the classroom. reservations, call 626-888 opportunities I had – or better!”Islander Advisory Council. I’m mathematicians have calculated But Lutz said adults love trying 9404. “PCC is an excellent school also Associate Vice President of trillions of those digits so far. out the problems as well, and but, it also has serious problems.the Japanese American National Pi can be used to derive everyone should attempt the Yet another President resignedMuseum and serve on Pasadena’s characteristics of a circle or a challenge even if they aren’t Annual recently. We’re now lookingNorthwest Commission.” sphere, such as circumference familiar with space exploration. at six presidents in less than “As a Trustee, my goals will be or surface area. Scientists “The Pi in the Sky problems Pasadena ten years – seven, if there’ssimple: Work to rebuild campus and engineers at NASA’s give people a little glimpse another interim appointment!morale and stability. Focus Jet Propulsion Laboratory, into what goes on at JPL,” Lutz Meanwhile, the college was on success for all students – Egg Bowl Pasadena, California, said. “And that’s empowering, recently on academic probationincluding returning veterans. frequently use pi to learn about because it shows people that The annual Pasadena Egg for two years, at risk of losing itsAnd build for the future within moons, planets, stars and other accreditation.”a strong framework of fiscal they can understand some of Bowl is back and better than spherical bodies, and to track the magic that goes into space ever! Bring your family for a “I am well-prepared to addressresponsibility.” the orbits of satellites and these issues and to provide “I’m pleased that so many exploration.”hoppin’ good time March 31 spacecraft. Pi belongs to a special class of from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. as you the leadership PCC needs. college and community leaders The “Pi in the Sky” challenge, Vanilla (A409032) is For over a decade I worked have already endorsed my numbers known as “irrational hunt for eggs on the Rose Bowl created by JPL’s Education a 2-year-old guinea pig in higher education, helping campaign. And I look forward numbers.” These numbers field. Enjoy a delicious all-you- Office, features math problems searching for a new home. run successful developmentto talking with voters about contain an infinite number can-eat breakfast, pictures that illustrate how pi can be of digits that do not repeat or with the bunny, exclusive campaigns at UCLA, USC andmy plans and dreams for the She came to PHS when used to learn about all kinds of Pacific Oaks College. I currentlyamazing community asset that is show any pattern, and they activities and a VIP egg hunt her owner moved to a new curious features of the universe, serve on the PCC Foundation Pasadena City College.” cannot be represented as a on the Rose Bowl field! All place that does not allow including earthquakes on Mars, ratio of two integers. (Integers attendees are required to pets. They report she’s a helium rain on Jupiter, and include all whole numbers, purchase tickets in advance of very cuddly girl. Vanilla planets orbiting other stars. as well as their negative the brunch. Free February Events at loves to be petted (except “All of the problems in the ‘Pi counterparts, such as -1, -2, -3, BRUNCH TIMES: in the Sky’ challenge are real under her chin) and sit etc.) Pi enthusiasts regularly 8:00AM - 9:00AM Pasadena Senior Center problems that JPL scientists and in your lap. Her favorite use Pi Day as an opportunity to 9:00AM - 10:00AM engineers solve using pi,” said snacks include cilantro and There is something for Myer, a Pasadena community test their memorization skills, Sign up for the all-you-can- Ota Lutz, a senior education everyone in March at the Gold Award Girl Scout candidate. grape tomatoes. Vanilla because the random nature of eat brunch at cityofpasadena. specialist at JPL who helped net. Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Arthritis Foundation the digits makes them difficult needs regular nail trims and create the Pi Day Challenge. Holly St. You do not have to beExercise Program – Mondays to remember. Members of the was a frequent visitor to the In previous years, Pi in the a member to attend. Some events and Wednesdays to April 11, at public are encouraged to share Pasadena Humane Society Sky featured problems about Paul Stein require advance reservations as11 a.m. Using low-impact and photos and stories from their Nail Trimming Clinic. how NASA space probes gather noted. low-intensity exercises, seniors Pi Day celebration activities The adoption fee for Friday Movie Matinees –with arthritis can increase their information about objects in through the Education website in Concert guinea pigs is $10. Stop by our solar system, how scientists Fridays at 1 p.m. Everyone flexibility, range of motion and at search for planets around other Paul Stein, retired Los our Shelter Shop on the way enjoys movies and the muscle strength during this day-whats-going-round. Angeles Philharmonic home to get your guinea pig pleasures they bring. March 16: six-week program that can bepellets, treats and timothy violinist, will solo with the “Groundhog Day” (1993, PG)modified for each person’s need, Journey towith our peacock celebrationCrown City Symphony, starring Bill Murray and Andiewhether sitting, standing or on hay. India on featuring Indian classical March 17 at 2:00pm at MacDowell. A weatherman finds the floor. Register by callingand folk dances, arts, crafts, the Altadena Community View photos of adoptable himself inexplicably reliving the626-685-6732. pets at pasadenahumane. same day over and over again.Cal-Med Connect – Peacock Dayand food. The peacocksChurch, 943 E. Altadena org. Adoption hours are March 30: “Good Night, andThursday, March 15, at 10 a.m. We take a cultural will be in their full springDr., Altadena and March 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; Good Luck” (2005, PG) starringCal-Med Connect is a State of journey to the countryplumage! Simply gorgeous.18, at 2:00pm at the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday David Strathairn and GeorgeCalifornia insurance program of origin of ourPeacock Day is organized inFirst Baptist Church of through Friday; and 9 a.m. Clooney. Broadcast journalistthat combines Medicare and famous peacocks.collaboration with the Hindu Pasadena, 75 N. Marengo. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Edward R. Murrow decides to Medi-Cal into one plan to Temple Heritage Foundation, Mr. Stein will perform the Pets may not be available try and bring down U.S. Senatorprovide additional benefits for Saturday, March 24, 2018,a non-profit organization“Poeme” by Chausson. Also for adoption and cannot be Joseph McCarthy during themanaged medical care. Specific 10am-3pmdevoted to preserving andon the program will be senator’s communism witch benefits and eligibility are among held for potential adopters Peacock Day celebratespromoting the rich heritageOverture to “Rosemunde” hunt. the topics that will be discussedIndia, the ancestral home of Indian culture. by Schubert, and “Morceau by phone calls or email. Tech It Up! The Basics andduring this program. Presented Beginning March 22, the Benefits of Technology – by Health Net. of the beautiful blue Indian Regular admission applies ($9Symphonique” by Cesar Pasadena Humane Society Mondays to March 26, from 3 Founded in 1960, the Pasadena species which reside at to $4); Arboretum membersFranck. Dr. Paul Sherman & SPCA is hosting a fee- to 4:30 p.m. Do you ever feel lostSenior Center is an independent, the Los Angeles County freeis the conductor. Both waived “Sweet 16” adoption during conversations about socialnonprofit organization that Arboretum and Botanic Los Angeles County concerts are free and event to celebrate the 2018 media, apps and technology?offers recreational, educational, Garden. Our famous birds Arboretum and Botanic handicapped accesible. NCAA March Madness During this four-week program,wellness and social services are descendants of several Garden 301 North Baldwin Stein will also perform Tournament. Learn more learn how to use some popularto people ages 50 and older pairs of peafowl broughtAvenue. Thursday, April 5 at about adopting a pet or travel apps. March 5: a welcoming environment. from India by Elias J. “Lucky”For more information Crowell Public Library in March 12: Uber and Lyft. MarchServices are also provided sponsoring a pet adoption Baldwin in late 1800s. Take visit: or callSan Marino. See page 2 for 19: Maps/GPS. March 26: Yelpfor frail, low-income and a cultural journey to India 626.821.4623 details. at and Expedia. Presented by Jade homebound seniors. marchmadness. One City, One Story Author Welcomed Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||