Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 10, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, March 10, 2018 CITY SEEKS RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON NEWLY FORMED CITIZEN’S FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City of Arcadia is seeking qualified candidatesmust be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office on orto serve on the newly formed Citizen’s Financialbefore the close of business on Thursday, May 24, Advisory Committee. The City Council will2018. Appointments are expected to be made in appoint Committee members to serve in anJune. advisory capacity to help review the City’s long-termFor additional information about serving on thefinancial forecast, and provide recommendationsCitizen’s Financial Advisory Committee, pleaseto the City Council for revenue enhancements andcontact the City Clerk’s Office at 574-5455. cost containment. The commitment is expected tobe for a period of no more than six months, butAbout Arcadia will require intense review and discussion aboutNestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, the City’s financial future.Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with a Due to specialized nature of this Committee,population of just over 56,000. Located approximatelyprospective candidates with a background in20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadiafinance are preferred. To serve on the Committee, is known for combining small-town charm withcandidates must be at least 18 years of age, athe conveniences and amenities of a mid-size city. registered voter, and a resident of the City ofArcadia is a full-service charter city governedArcadia. by a five member City Council. Recognized for Qualified candidates with an interest in servingexceptional education and recreation opportunitiesmay pick up an application from the City Clerk’sand beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also definedOffice, located at 240 W. Huntington Drive,as the “Community of Homes” and has twice beenor print one off of the City’s website at www. designated the “Best City in California in which Applications Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. HISTORIC PRESERVATION FACT SHEET March 9, 2018 – Recently, the City of Arcadiais currently no timeframe to do so. “We wanted toreleased a Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance provide a definitive guide for Arcadia residents tofor public review and comment. The purposereview,” said Assistant City Manager/Developmentof this Ordinance is to provide a framework toServices Director Jason Kruckeberg. “There is aprotect certain structures and resources thatfair amount of confusion about how a Historic are important to the heritage or history of thePreservation Ordinance may impact Arcadia, City. Following its release, however, a numberand the Fact Sheet is intended to be a resource for of questions were raised by the public regardingresidents.” There will be additional opportunitiesthe Draft Ordinance. As a result, the City hasfor the public to review and comment on the Draftdeveloped a Historic Preservation Fact Sheet toOrdinance and the merits of Historic Preservation. provide information regarding efforts to date. TheTo ensure broad public outreach, the guideFact Sheet contains frequently asked questionshas been translated into simplified Chinese. Inand answers, provides a broad overview of theaddition, a postcard is being mailed citywide thatCity’s ongoing community-based process, andexplains where to find the Fact Sheet. Pleasesummarizes the public comments the City hasvisit the City’s website at received on the Ordinance. historicpreservation to view the Fact Sheet and for The Ordinance has not been adopted and there more information on the project. Catch breaking news at: MONROVIA IN THE NEWS By Joan SchmidtCollection will be on display at the Depot! It is free and In the last few weeks, so many wonderful events haveopen every WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAYbeen happening in Monrovia. First, on Sunday, Februaryfrom 1-4 pm from March 3-April. 24, there were the Dedications of the Santa Fe Depot andThursday March 1 also had two great events. Firstthe Bob Bartlett Memorial at Station Square. The SantaMonrovia Reads unveiled its Mobile Literacy Van inFe Depot is such a beautiful building, and it is trulyfront of the Monrovia Library. This Van will be used toamazing what contractors Samuelson and Fetter wereaugment the after school Village Program at elementaryable to accomplish. Built in 1926 by architect Williamschools in Monrovia through a joint effort of the Library H. Mohr, the iconic building had been decaying forand School District. The Van will have WIFI and permit45 years. At the groundbreaking last March, we metstudents to check out and return library books whenthese two contractors and wondered how they couldit visits the school sites during the Village Program. accomplish such a feat, but they did and the results areAttending were Mayor Tom Adams, School Boardmindboggling. Present at Sunday’s Ribbon Cutting werePresident Terrence Williams and Foundation President, Hector Elizalde, representing Congresswoman Graceformer Mayor, Mayor Mary Ann Lutz. I thought, “HowNapolitano, Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Mayor Tomawesome for students who cannot get up to the Library”! Adams, Mayor Pro Tem Gloria Crudginton, CouncilMr. Williams echoed my sentiments: “The van will bringMembers Larry Spicer and Becky Shevlin. Representingthe library closer to the community”; as did Mrs. Lutz: the Monrovia Arcadia Duarte Town Council were “This will take the Library outside its four walls.” ThankPresident Dave Hall, Vice President Terrence Williams you to Publisher Sponsor, Foothill Credit Union and(Also president of the Monrovia School Board), andAuthor Sponsor, Greater Los Angeles New Car. Council Member Linda Sells. Supervisor Barger felt theAfter the unveiling of the Mobile Literacy Van at theDedication of the Depot symbolized the past, present,Monrovia Library, many walked across to the Monroviaand future of transit in the San Gabriel Valley.Community Center. Assemblyman Chris Holden held There also was the Dedication of the beautiful Bob a Public Safety Panel Discussion, “Prop 47, Prop 57 andBartlett Memorial. Known as “Mr. Monrovia”, the Assembly Bill 109: What You Need to Know. The featuredlate “Gentle Giant” played an integral role in makingPanelists included Secretary Scott Kernan, CaliforniaMonrovia the great city it is today. Before we moved hereDepartment of Corrections and Rehabilitation; Stephenin the mid 80’s, there was a time when parts of MonroviaWalker, Government Affairs Director, California were not so pretty. He worked so hard to bring inCorrectional Peace Officers Association; Arcadia Police businesses, and improvements to the area. While on myChief Bob Guthrie, Los Angeles County Police Chief’sfirst tenure on the Town Council, I met Bob and wished Association President; and Daniel Torres, FlintridgeI lived in the City, so HE could be my Mayor! What aCenter reintegration Specialist. Also Monrovia Citywell deserved and so appropriate Memorial to such aManager Oliver Chi and LA County Deputy Chiefwonderful man. Probation Officer Reaver Bingham were available for The Monrovia Historical Society will be sharingquestions. It was a most informative meeting and Mr. photos here at the Depot! A sample of nearly 100Torres’ story of how he turned his life around was trulyphotographs of Old Monrovia from the Legacy inspiring. MONROVIA ICON FRED BOWDEN PASSES AWAY Services Will be Held on Friday, March 23, 2018on Friday, March 23, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. at Our As we shared last week, Fred Bowden – an Savior Lutheran Church (512 West Duarte Road, individual who did more to help spur theArcadia). All of us here at the City pass along ourrevitalization of Monrovia than just about anyonemost heartfelt condolences to the Bowden family – passed away on February 17, 2018, at the age offor their loss, as we also share our most sincere 75. Memorial services are being coordinated underappreciation for all that Fred did to help makethe direction of Douglass & Zook, and we wantedMonrovia the brightest gem in the crown that isto share that the funeral proceedings will be held the San Gabriel Valley. ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER For the period of Sunday, February 25th, through Saturday,in the 1100 block of South Fourth Avenue regarding aMarch 3rd, the Police Department responded to 871 callsburglary. An investigation revealed unidentified suspect(s) for service, of which 105 required formal investigations. Theentered the residence by smashing a rear sliding glass door. following is a summary report of the major incidents handledThe suspect(s) ransacked the residence and fled the scene. by the Department during this period. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. The investigation is ongoing. Sunday, February 25:Just before 9:30 p.m., officers were dispatched to a Just before 8:30 a.m., an officer noticed a vehicle stoppedresidence in the 500 block of East Live Oak Avenue regardingat a green light on Santa Anita Avenue near the 210 Freeway.a domestic dispute. The suspect wrestled his fiancée to theThe officer discovered the driver had fallen asleep. Furtherground, grabbed her head and placed his hands around herinvestigation revealed the driver was in possession offace to prevent her from screaming. This left visible injuryfraudulent credit cards and a credit card skimming her face. The 41-year-old male from Arcadia was arrestedThe 29-year-old male from Arcadia was arrested andand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Just after 2:00 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on aThursday, March 1: vehicle in the area of Baldwin Avenue and Fairview Avenue Just after 6:30 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stopfor an equipment violation. Upon contacting the driver, theon a vehicle in the area of Huntington Drive and Santaofficer discovered the 34-year-old male from Arcadia wasAnita Avenue for driving erratically and having expireddriving without a license. He was cited and released in theregistration. Upon contacting the driver, the officer detectedfield. The vehicle was left legally parked. a strong odor of marijuana emitting from the driver. Through a series of tests, the officer determined the 59-year-old maleMonday, February 26:from Monrovia was driving under the influence marijuana. At approximately 11:00 a.m., officers responded to aThe suspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia Cityresidence in the 2000 block of Highland Oaks AvenueJail for booking. regarding an audible alarm. An investigation revealed theJust before 10:00 p.m., officers responded to Arcadiasuspect smashed the kitchen window of the home. DuringGarden Café, 850 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding thethe investigation, officers were notified of a second burglaryreport of an attempted robbery. The victim stated the suspectthat had just occurred in the area. Officers respondingcame up from behind her and tried to pull her purse off ofto the second burglary located a vehicle parked with theher shoulder. The suspect eventually fled without the purse. driver reclined all the way back in his seat, with the engineHe was described as a male Hispanic, approximately fivestill running. Officers contacted the driver and discoveredfeet, ten inches tall, medium build, wearing a black hoodedhe had dropped off the burglary suspect and was waitingsweatshirt and a blue bandana covering his nose and mouth. for him. A perimeter was established, but the burglarysuspect was not located. The 17-year-old male driver fromFriday, March 2: Los Angeles was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaJust after midnight, an officer contacted a bicyclist ridingCity Jail for a crosswalk without required light equipment, in the area Just before 9:30 p.m., an officer, who was patrolling theof Sixth Avenue and Duarte Road. A consensual search of the area of First Avenue and Alta Avenue, contacted a bicyclistsubject revealed she was in possession of drug paraphernalia. riding on the sidewalk. A consensual search of the subject ledThe 34-year-old female from Arcadia was issued a citationto the discovery of a stolen badge and methamphetamine.and released at the scene. The 27-year-old male from San Gabriel was arrested andJust after 7:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched to Victoria’stransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Secret, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. An investigation revealed a male suspect removed aTuesday, February 27:collapsible tote bag from inside his jacket. He filled it with 45 At approximately 6:00 p.m., an officer responded tobras valued at $2,633.00 and fled the scene. He was described Nordstrom, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theftas a male Hispanic between 25 and 30-years-old, wearing areport. The victim placed her purse on the counter to pay forgray jacket and blue denim pants. her items when the unknown suspect came up from behindher, stole her purse and ran out of the store. The suspectSaturday, March 3: was described as a male Hispanic wearing a black hoodedJust before 4:30 p.m., an officer responded to the Peacocksweatshirt and a baseball cap. The investigation is ongoing.Parking Structure of Westfield Santa Anita, 400 South Just before 8:00 p.m., a witness reported that she wasBaldwin Avenue, regarding a subject yelling and spitting atfollowing a possible drunk driver who struck a guard railmall security officers. Upon contacting the 34-year-old malealong the 210 Freeway. The suspect vehicle exited the freewayfrom Los Angeles, the officer noticed symptoms of alcoholand parked in a parking lot on Foothill Boulevard. Officersintoxication and determined the suspect was unable to carearrived and contacted the driver. Upon contacting the driver,for himself. He was arrested and transported to the Arcadiathe officers detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromCity Jail for booking. the driver. Through a series of tests, it was determined thatAt approximately 8:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched tothe 48-year-old male from Pasadena was driving under theSanta Anita Park, 285 West Huntington Drive, regardinginfluence of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was arresteda subject in custody for trespassing. The subject was a pastand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. employee who was warned not to return to the location. The officer determined a valid arrest by private person had beenWednesday, February 28:made. The 25-year-old male from El Monte was transportedJust after 11:20 a.m., officers responded to a residence to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. MONROVIA RENEWAL SOUTH SECTION INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS TO BREAK GROUND IN APRIL 2018! Last week, we reported that Sequel Contractors in stages to progress efficiently while minimizing would be mobilizing to complete the Monrovia impacts to the nearby residents and businesses. Renewal South Section Infrastructure Work typically progresses in the following manner: Improvements Project in the middle of March 2018. 1. All necessary underground work related to This week, the Monrovia Renewal Project team water pipelines. met with representatives from Sequel Contractors 2. Repairs and replacements of curbs, gutters, to establish the project plan and schedule. As a and driveway approaches. result, Sequel Contractors has indicated that they 3. Street repairs and rehabilitation. Streets will actually mobilize the week of April 3, with scheduled for repairs may receive one of four work ramping up the week of April 10. This is due, treatments: slurry seal which is a new sealant/top in part, to the availability of crews and the winding coat; micro-surfacing which is an enhanced type down of other jobs they are currently working on. of slurry seal, a grind and overlay, which removes This revised schedule will have no impact on the the top two inches of asphalt pavement and completion schedule for the project at large and replaces it with new surface, or full reconstruction it is on target to be completed by the end of the which means the street is removed down to dirt calendar year.and fully reconstructed. In addition, streets paved The Monrovia Renewal South Section with concrete will be repaired. Infrastructure Improvements Project includes For the South project section, there will be the area of the City that is located below the an additional bit of work involved to install a 210 Freeway. The scope of work includes the sidewalk, trees, shrubs and irrigation on the north removal and replacement of concrete sidewalk, side of Duarte Avenue, east of California Avenue. curb and gutter, and driveway approaches, the Prior to construction, the contractor will replacement of water service lines, sewer lining provide a number of notices and postings in the and point repairs at various locations, pipeline and impacted areas. If you have any questions or valve improvements to the City’s water system, concerns regarding the construction activities, installation of drainage improvements, and a please contact Public Works at (626) 932-5575 complete battery of roadway improvements. or More information is also available at the Monrovia Three Stages of Construction Work:Renewal website. There is a variety of work taking place, including Monrovia Renewal – Outreach Meeting for underground utilities, concrete construction, and South Section Scheduled to Take Place at Santa Fe street construction. The work is being executed Middle School on April 19, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER During the last seven-day period, the Police Departmentthe rear balcony glass door and gained entry to the home. handled 431 service events, resulting in 90 investigations. ToNothing was taken. This investigation is continuing. see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to http://www. for crime mapping.Hit & Run Traffic Collision March 1 at 2:15 p.m., a For Police Department news and information, visit ourdriver called police to report a hit and run collision in website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Nextdoor. the 300 block of E. Huntington. The driver was traveling west on Huntington and a light blue vehicle collided intoVehicle Burglary March 1 at 1:49 a.m., an officer was their vehicle. The caller pulled over to the right in a safeextra patrolling a parking structure in the 100 block oflocation as required by law; however, the other vehicle W. Colorado, when he saw a vehicle with a shattered continued driving and did not stop. This investigationwindow. The officer was able to locate the owner, who is continuing. advised a remote control was stolen from inside the vehicle that opens the gate to the parking structure. ThisGrand Theft Auto March 1 at 2:34 p.m., the owner ofinvestigation is continuing. a vehicle reported his gray Honda Accord had been stolen from a business parking lot in the 300 block ofTraffic Collision with Injuries March 1 at 6:57 a.m., W. Huntington while he was inside shopping. Officersa vehicle collided into the back of another vehicle searched the area for the vehicle, but were unable to during morning rush hour traffic at the intersection oflocate it. This investigation is continuing. Monterey and Huntington. One of the drivers allegedthey had pain from the collision, but no injuries wereDUI – Suspect Arrested March 1 at 4:43 p.m., an officer wasvisible. The driver who was at fault was issued a citation on patrol the 1800 block of S. Peck, when she saw a vehiclefor the driving violation. travel through an intersection against a red light signal. The officer stopped the vehicle and approached the driver. SheResidential Burglary March 1 at 13:46 p.m., a residentialcould smell alcohol coming from the driver’s breath, soburglary was reported in the 100 block of N. Sutterfield sobriety tests were conducted. The driver was arrestedCreek. While the resident was away, someone shattered for DUI. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||