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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 10, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2018 SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2018 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MONROVIA PROVIDES INSIGHT AND EDUCATION ON SUBJECT OF HEPATITIS A BY KEVIN MCGUIRE The City of Monrovia held a community meeting toraise awareness and answer concerns about HepatitisA, in the wake of the recent outbreak in the San Diego area. The meeting was led by the Los AngelesCounty Department of Health and took place onTuesday, February 27 in the Monrovia Public LibraryCommunity Room. What is Hepatitis A? Hepatitis A is a liver disease that is highlycontagious and spread from person-to-personthrough the hepatitis A virus. Severe cases, thoughrare, can last several months and, in some instances, can be fatal. More common, mild instances can last a few weeks. Those at a greater risk of contractinghepatitis A include homeless individuals, recreationaldrug users, and men who engage in sex with other men. The meeting was facilitated by Crystal Cadavid, a public health nurse for L.A. County, who isheadquartered at Monrovia Health Center (330 W. Maple Ave.). Concerns and questions aroseafter a hepatitis A outbreak hit the San Diego area. On September 1, 2017, San Diego declared a localemergency, as a result of the outbreak within thecommunities dealing with homelessness and illicitdrug use. The emergency was lifted on January 23,2018 and, by February 27, 2018, there has been 583cases reported in San Diego County, including 20deaths and 399 hospitalizations. Though Los Angeles did not see an outbreakas immense as San Diego, the county felt it wasnecessary to provide education and address some ofthe concerns Los Angeles residents had. As of March1, 2018, Los Angeles had 37 cases of hepatitis A, 20leading to hospitalization and no deaths reported. “Around the summertime last year L.A. Countynoticed a couple of cases they were able to link to SanDiego, and immediately went into outbreak mode,” Cadavid said. “We’ve done a good job to control it. Itcould have been so much worse.” How is it Spread? Hepatitis A can spread in a number of waysincluding: - Through food, drinks or objects that have come incontact with feces from individuals who already havehepatitis A. - By not washing hands after using the bathroom orchanging diapers. - Having sex with someone infected by the hepatitisA virus and, - Sharing needles and other items to take drugs. What are the Symptoms? Symptoms of hepatitis A vary from person-toperson and can be some symptoms can be common to many other conditions. They can include: fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomachpain, dark urine, grey stool, diarrhea, joint pain andyellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). Symptomsusually occur two to six weeks after initial infection. “The people who are at risk for severe illness arepeople 50 years or older, and anybody whoseimmunity is compromised by illness or medications, especially people who have hepatitis B or C, becausetheir liver is already compromised from having towork so hard,” Cadavid said. “The disease can also last longer in people with diabetes.” Treatment and Prevention Most persons infected with the hepatitis A virusrecover completely with no permanent damage tothe liver. Treatment includes rest, proper nutrition, plenty of fluids and medical monitoring. In moresevere cases, hospitalization may be necessary. Thereis a two-part vaccination for prevention of hepatitisA which is very effective. The shots occur six monthsapart, and are good for a lifetime. Children one-yearand older should get the vaccine, as well as thoseplanning to travel to foreign countries where hepatitisA is prevalent. It is also important for those to getvaccinated who work with the homeless and drugusers, such as first responders, sanitation workers, social workers and those who work at shelters. You can receive the vaccine from your doctor’s office, orby calling 2-1-1 to find a local clinic. Washing handswith soap and water before preparing food is one ofthe best ways to prevent the disease, especially afterusing the bathroom or changing diapers. Homelessness in Monrovia As the discussion about hepatitis A came to aclose, the discussion about homelessness in the Monrovia area heated up, especially as encampmentsin Library Park have become more prominent. OliverChi, Monrovia’s City Manager, was also at hand toaddress some of the concerns; though solving thehomelessness issue within the city seems to be a taskhard to overcome. “It’s certainly an issue here in thecommunity that has generated a lot of passion. Wecertainly, I don’t think, have found consensus inMonrovia on how best to address this issue, but that doesn’t mean we won’t keep on trying,” Chi said. Sources: Los Angeles County Department of Health, www. “Hepatitis A Outbreak” http://publichealth. “San Diego Hepatitis A Outbreak” https://www. phs/community_epidemiology/dc/Hepatitis_A. html. SENATOR PORTANTINO RECOGNIZES YASMIN BEERS AS 2018 WOMAN OF THE YEAR YVONNE VASQUEZ Glendale, CA – Senator Anthony J. Portantino, D – LaCañada Flintridge has selected Glendale City ManagerYasmin Beers as the 2018 Woman of the Year. She is the first woman to serve as city manager and her roleis to supervise nearly 2000 city employees. Formerly, she has served as the city’s Chief Operating Officer, the Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Managerand Interim City Manager. She was previously amember of the Soroptismist International of Glendaleand a Board Member of the Salvation Army and theAmerican Red Cross. In 2011, Yasmin was recognizedby the Glendale Chamber of Commerce and in 2013she was a recipient of The Armenian AmericanWoman of Excellence Award. “It is such an honor to be able to recognize Yasmin asWomen of the Year from Senate District 25. She is an outstanding administrator who engages in numerousacts of civic responsibilities, volunteerism, and community services. Her advocacy and dedication toGlendale serves as a sterling example for all of us tofollow. Yasmin is just a great person serving an equallygreat community,” commented Senator Portantino. The California State Legislature first recognizedMarch as Women’s History Month in 1987 and hascontinued the tradition. Each year, members of theState Legislature recognize the exceptional women intheir district with a celebration commemorating theirefforts. This year, Senator Portantino is recognizingYasmin. She began her career in 1987 as an employeein the Glendale Public Library while attending HooverHigh School. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree inPolitical Science from the California State University, Northridge and a Master’s degree in OrganizationalLeadership from Woodbury University. Today, Yasmin and her husband Dan currently live inGlendale with their two children. Inside This Section: ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT OPINION BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS LEGAL NOTICES Enjoy Wistaria Festival 2018! If you are thinking of buying or selling, please contact me for a FREEmarket analysis on your home. Be sure to stop by the Podley Properties booth for Refreshments & a Historic Sierra Madre Homes Map! Kersting Court — 30 N. Baldwin Avenue Diane Hatfield 626.833.3171 #01418407Top Producer Circle 2015, 2016, 2017 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||