Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, June 15, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 15, 2019 

WALKING SIERRA MADRE - The Social Side by Deanne Davis


“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take 
us there,

But a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” Unknown

“The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” Antoine 
Francois Prevost

“I’ve said it before, but it’s absolutely true: My mother gave me 
my drive, but my father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him I 
could see a future.” Liza Minnelli

Father’s Day is tomorrow, and if you still have a father, by all 
means celebrate him. It’s not too late to get a card if you haven’t 
already. But at least make a phone call to tell him you love him 

I am fortunate to have married an exceptional man who was a 
fantastic father. As I grew up without one, I had no clue how this 
worked, but John showed me that a father is patient, he is kind, 
he isn’t proud, doesn’t dishonor the children or his wife, not self-
seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs. A good 
father rejoices with the truth. Always protects, always trusts, always 
hopes, always perseveres. That means explaining the same 
algebra problem for the nineteenth time without throwing the 
book or the child on the floor. It means going to get a daughter 
and bring her home from a bad situation. It means staying awake 
at night when someone isn’t home who should be, and gently 
grounding them for a year or till they’re 30. It means being so 
proud of every achievement, no matter how minor. This sounds 
a whole lot like that 1 Corinthians 13 in the Bible thing, doesn’t 
it. I have frequently said, and totally mean it, that John raised all 
five of us: Leah, Patti, John, Crissy and me! 

Our son, the aforementioned John, is an excellent father, dealing 
simultaneously with adult children, a six-year old and a four-year 
old. He may not have the energy of younger dads, but he’s ready 
to take his little guys on all sorts of excursions and be active in 
whatever they are doing, want to do, or are involved with. John’s 
oldest daughter, Ashley, is a registered nurse and she and her husband, 
Trevor, are the parents of an adorable little girl. Trevor, too, 
is an amazing dad, taking care of Addie when Ashley is working. 

My son-in-law, Patti’s, husband, Dave, is an splendid father. He 
and Patti have raised four exceptional people: David, who lives 
in Germany and is a wonderful father to his little girl, Erin, and 
his son, Jamison; Nicole, who works at Wildlife World Zoo, 
Aquarium & Safari Park in Litchfield Park, AZ as one of the sea 
lion trainers; Blake, who has graduated from Biola and USC with 
Engineering degrees galore and has now gone back to school for 
a Master’s Degree; and Luke, who is talented, charming, bright, 
graduated from USC a month or so ago and will surely star on 
Broadway one day. Watching the Tony Awards show last Sunday 
I had no trouble seeing Luke in the starring role in Beetlejuice! 
Dave is unfailingly available to his family and to his children.

My Arizona son-in-law, Chris, is the father of two little girls, Jessie 
who is 11 and Emily who is 8. These girls are adopted foster 
children, born of drug addicted mothers. These are not easy little 
people, but Chris and Crissy will keep on keeping on, being the 
best parents possible, rejoicing in these girls’ accomplishments 
and the neat people they are becoming. This week they are attending 
not one, but two Vacation Bible Schools at our two local 
churches. One in the morning and one in the evening. I have 
to laugh about VBS and these girls... “Cheez-its loves me, this I 
know, for the Bible tells me so!” That’s what they came home with 
their first year at VBS.

I don’t know about you, but I have a mental image of Jesus, who 
loved hanging around with little kids, in addition to tax collectors 
and ladies of questionable virtue, laughing heartily at 
“Cheez-its!” The picture is of Nicole, Jessie and Emily Easter 
Sunday morning.

Take a look at the guys around you who are fathers, and tell them 
they are God’s appointed and anointed men and you appreciate 
them. I got to tell my Dad I loved him many times before he 
died, we missed that father-daughter thing, but I’ve seen the best 
at work in my family. I hope you have, too. Happy Father’s Day! 

As you can see below here, my new book is available and there’s a 
copy at just waiting for you to order it for yourself. 
I talk about my own dad in there. It’s a good story!

“Sunrises & Sunflowers Speak Hope” is here! 

Look for it on my book page: Deanne Davis 

Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look!


Follow me on Twitter, too!

OF THE AMERICAN DESERT WEST8888888888a presentation 
BY JEFF LAPIDESSierra Madre Public LibraryJUNE 22, 2 P.M. 

Meet author Linda LaRoche 

Award-winning local author Linda LaRoche 
unveils her third book, Echoes Amongst Us, at 
the Sierra Madre Public Library on Saturday, 
June 29 at 1:00 pm. 


Echoes Amongst Us is a memoir that follows 
the life of a woman through love, work, betrayal, 
and disappointment while her biological 
clock is ticking. It speaks to women with 
creative and romantic impulses, who question 
love within the context of social norms. 


Attractive, curious and single, Linda is on a 
spiritual quest to discover her life’s meaning. 
Searching for pieces of her life’s puzzle, she 
finds answers—primarily in her sleep. A prophetic 
dreamer since childhood, her dreams 
cause her to give up her belongings, quit her 
job in Hollywood and head to Berlin, then 
to New York. Why was she given this ability, 
when it is so intrusive? She goes through the 
eradication of everything she ever thought 
she was supposed to do or be. As time wears 
on, harrowing experiences cause her to lift the 
veil, and see her true identity. 


LaRoche is a journalist, screenwriter, teacher, 
and public relations specialist. 


Copies of the book will be available at the signing 
and on her website. 


A panel discussion on Climate Change: 
Causes, Effects & Solutions will be held 
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 from 7:00-9:00 
pm at the Sierra Madre City Hall Chambers, 
232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. 
Panelists will include Melissa Aguayo, 5Gyres.
org; Robert Haw, Citizens’ Climate Lobby; 
Marcel Schoppers, JPL; and Michael Zelniker, 
Climate Reality Project. This free event is 
co-sponsored by Sierra Madre Activists 
Rebuilding Together (S.M.A.R.T.) and the 
city’s Energy, Environment and Natural 
Resources Commission. Doors open at 6:30 
pm. Seating is limited; please register at 



A while back, the public was warned you about the “one ring” scam. 
That’s when you get a phone call from a number you don’t know, and 
the call stops after just one ring. The scammer is hoping you’ll call 
back, because it’s really an international toll number and will appear 
as a charge on your phone bill — with most of the money going to the 
scammer. Well, the scam is back with a vengeance, and the FCC just 
issued a new advisoryabout it. Read the FCC’s advisory for more detail, 
but the advice from both agencies remains the same if you get one of 
these calls:

• Don’t call back

• Report the robocall to the FTC at and to the 
FCC at

• Always check your phone bill for suspicious or unusual charges


The 4th of July Committee is looking for Classic 
Cars to drive local dignitaries across the two-
mile 4th of July Parade route.

If you have a classic car and are interested, 
please contact Clarissa Lowe by phone at (626) 
355-5278 or

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: