Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, June 27, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 7


Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 27, 2020 


COVID-19 UPDATE 6/26/2020

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills


Recently I picked up some cherries at Vons, and, boy, were they ready to eat! You see, I have a secret love affair 
with the cherry -- it is my all time favorite fruit. When they are good they are oh soooo good; when they aren’t 
they just well… aren’t worth it. I got to thinking there must be a food day for most every day, and... I was right. 

June is National Fruit and Vegetable Month. Yes, I know, there are a million of these designated titles for the 
month of June (and every other month, too!) Half of them hold about as much weight as your doctor telling you 
that you should go to bed at the same time every night (like that’s possible…). There’s “National Rocky Road Day”, 
“I drink too much day” and of course “I’ll have another day”. 

Instead of letting the label slip your mind like all those other futile holiday labels, use this one as an excuse to 
mindfully “healthify” your diet. The upcoming months are filled with fresh, seasonal produce, which makes the 
process of eating your fruits and veggies a whole lot cheaper, easier, and tastier. 

 Fruits and Veggies in June

• Arugula * Broccoli * Blueberries *Cabbage *Cauliflower * Cherries * Dandelion Greens *Kale *Leaf 
Lettuce * Okra * Peas * Rhubarb * Raspberries * Spinach * Spring Onions * Strawberries * Swiss Chard.
• What does July hold for us? Listen to my show on 
Sunday Morning on Go Country 105 

Fun cherry facts: Its name comes originally from the Greek, 
and in Latin means of or for the birds, due to the birds’ obvious 
love of the fruit. The English word cherry originates from 
the Assyrian karsu and Greek kerasos. The tree was beloved 
by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans both for its beautiful 
flowers and its versatile fruit. 

• Although a different species of cherry was already 
strongly established in America by the time the first colonists arrived, the new settlers brought along their favorite 
European variety and eventually cross-bred the two. Today, 90 percent of the commercial cherry crop is grown in 
the U.S., mostly in Michigan, California, Oregon and Washington.

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County 
Department of Public Health (Public Health) 
is reporting increases in COVID-19 cases, 
hospitalizations and the positivity rate for 
testing over the last several weeks. The 7-day 
average of daily new cases is now 1,979; an 
increase from the 1,379 average two weeks 
ago. There are 1,676 people who are currently 
hospitalized. This is higher than 1350 
to 1450 daily hospitalizations seen in recent 
weeks. Testing results are available for over 
1,020,000 individuals with 9% of people testing 
positive. Both the cumulative positivity 
rate has increased from 8% to 9%, and the 
7-day average of the daily positivity rate has 
increased to 8.8%. Public Health reminds 
everyone that you remain safer at home and 
to always wear a face covering securely over 
your nose and mouth and keep six feet apart 
from others not in your household when out 
and about.

Today, Public Health has confirmed 25 new 
deaths and 1,809 new cases of 2019 Novel 
Coronavirus (COVID-19). Nineteen people 
who died were over the age of 65 years old, 
four people who died were between the ages 
of 41 and 65 years old, and one person who 
died was between the ages of 18 and 40 years 
old. Twenty-two people had underlying 
health conditions including 19 people over 
the age of 65 years old, two people between 
the ages of 41 to 65 years old, and one person 
between the ages of 18 and 40 years old. 
One death was reported by the City of Long 

To date, Public Health has identified 93,232 
positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas 
of LA County, and a total of 3,267 deaths. 
Ninety-four percent of people who died had 
underlying health conditions. Of those who 
died, information about race and ethnicity 
is available for 3,041 people (99 percent of 
the cases reported by Public Health); 43% 
of deaths occurred among Latino/Latinx 
residents, 28% among White residents, 17% 
among Asian residents, 11% among African 
American/Black residents, less than 1% 
among Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander residents 
and 1% among residents identifying 
with other races. Upon further investigation, 
44 cases and four deaths reported earlier 
were not LA County residents.

“Many across our communities have lost 
loved ones to COVID-19, and our hearts go 
out to all of you. You are in our thoughts 
and prayers every day,” said Barbara Ferrer, 
PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. 
“While we did anticipate increases in cases as 
sectors reopened, we did not expect the increases 
to be this steep this quickly. Without 
immediate actions to slow the spread, we risk 
having too many people requiring hospital 
care and possibly overwhelming our healthcare 
system. Preventing the continued surge 
in cases and hospitalizations calls on each 
of us to do our part. The time for all of LA 
County to do the right thing is now. Please 
don't take a chance infecting someone else - 
wear a face covering and keep your distance."

As the weekend approaches, Public Health 
underscores the collective responsibility 
shared between everyone including businesses 
and residents to slow the spread of 
COVID-19. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 
weekend visits to nightlife spots like bars, 
breweries, wineries, lounges and dive bars 
was around 700,000. Once Safer at Home 
went into effect, weekend visits dropped to 
around 200,000. Recent estimated number 
of visits to nightlife spots in LA county have 
shown between April 6, when nightlife visits 
were at their lowest since the Safer at Home 
order was in effect, and June 20, the weekend 
after these businesses were permitted 
to reopen following infection control directives, 
visits increased 157%. It is estimated 
that over 500,000 people visited LA County 
nightlife spots on June 20. Because this virus 
has not changed and is still easily transmitted 
among people in contact with each other, it is 
important for everyone to follow the directives 
and to do their part every day to keep 
everyone as safe as possible.

The best protection against COVID-19 continues 
to be to wash your hands frequently, 
avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth 
with unwashed hands, self-isolate if you are 
sick, practice physical distancing, and wear 
a clean face covering when in contact with 
others from outside your household. It’s 
important if someone thinks they could be 
positive for COVID-19 and are awaiting testing 
results, to stay at home and act as if they 
are positive. This means self-isolating for 10 
days and 72 hours after symptoms and fever 
subside, or until they receive a negative result. 
If a person tests positive for COVID-19, 
they should plan on receiving a call from 
a contact tracer to discuss how to protect 
themselves and others, to find out where they 
may have been, and who they were in close 
contact with while infectious. People who 
have underlying health conditions remain 
at much greater risk for serious illness from 
COVID-19, so it will continue to be very important 
for the County's vulnerable residents 
to stay at home as much as possible, to have 
groceries and medicine delivered, and to call 
their providers immediately if they have even 
mild symptoms.

The Reopening Protocols, COVID-19 Surveillance 
Interactive Dashboard, Roadmap 
to Recovery, Recovery Dashboard, and additional 
things you can do to protect yourself, 
your family and your community are on the 
Public Health website, www.publichealth.

COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations and Positivity Rates Increasing

2020CENSUS.GOVConnect with us 
@uscensusbureauFor more information:
D-FS-GP-EN-023 May 4, 20202020 Census Operational 
Adjustments Due to COVID-19The 2020 Census is underway, and more than 
half of the households across America have 
responded and more are responding every day. 
Online, phone, and mailed self-responses will 
continue throughout the data collection pro-
cess. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the U.S. 
Census Bureau has adjusted 2020 Census opera-
tions in order to:
• Protect the health and safety of the American 
public and Census Bureau employees.
• Implement guidance from federal, state, and 
local authorities regarding COVID-19.
• Ensure a complete and accurate count of all 
The Office of Management and Budget and the 
Office of Personnel Management have provided 
federal agencies with guidelines for resum-
ing operations on an epidemiologically sound, 
data-driven basis, adhering to the latest federal, 
state, and local guidance. The Census Bureau 
continues to monitor the changing conditions at 
the state and local level, and in consultation with 
the appropriate officials, update its planned start 
dates for selected operations in selected states. 
The information the Census Bureau receives 
daily from FEMA and state and local authorities 
guides Census Bureau decisions on timing. As a 
result, selected field operations will resume on a 
phased schedule on a geographic basis.
Under the adjusted 2020 Census operational 
plan, the Census Bureau is conducting a series 
of preparatory activities so we are fully ready to 
resume field activities as we continue to advance 
the mission of the 2020 Census to ensure a 
complete and accurate count. In-person activ-
ities, including enumeration, office work, and 
processing activities, will always incorporate the 
most current guidance from authorities to ensure 
the health and safety of the public and Census 
Bureau employees.
Activity/OperationOriginal ScheduleNew ScheduleSelf-Response Phase (online, phone, mail)March 12–July 31March 12–October 31Group Quarters (e-Response and Paper 
April 2–June 5April 2–September 3Update Leave—StatesideMarch 15–April 17Selected Area Census 
Offices starting May 4Update Leave—Puerto RicoMarch 15–April 17Needs further review and 
coordination with outside 
partners and stakeholders. 
Update EnumerateMarch 16–April 30June 14–July 29In-Person Group Quarters EnumerationApril 2–June 5July 1–September 3Mobile Questionnaire AssistanceMarch 30–July 31Needs further review and 
coordination with outside 
partners and stakeholders. 


6/26/2020 3:30pm 

LOS ANGELE COUNTY 6/26/20 6/19/20 6/12/20

 Total Cases 93,232 79,609 70,476

 Deaths 3,267 3,063 2,832

STATS BY CITY Population Cases Deaths 

 (last week's stats in parenthesis)

Pasadena 14,1371 1213 (1099) 89 (89)

Uninc- East Pasadena 6,403 4 (4) 0 (0)


City of Arcadia 57,754 147 (125) 8 (7)

Uninc. - Arcadia 7.981 20 ( 17) 1 (1)

City of Bradbury 1,069 6 (4) 0 (0)

City of Duarte 22,016 177 (154) 18 (17)

Uninc.- Duarte 4,428 32 (25) 1 (1)

City of Monrovia 38,800 264 (207) 28 (27)

Uninc - Monrovia 3,881 30 (24) 0 (0)


City of Sierra Madre 10,989 28 (23) 2 (2)

City of So.Pasadena 26,053 153 (140) 21 (21)

Uninc.- Altadena 43,260 214 (197) 7 (6)

For updated information go to:

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: