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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Local City News: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Support Your Local Businesses: The Good Life: Best Friends: Opinion … Left/Right/Center: Legal Notices (2): Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2021 SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2021 THE VOLUME 15 NO. 21 WEBB-MARTIN GROUP SIERRA MADRE CRIME RATE DECREASES Police Chief Rod Armalin Proudly Releases Annual Report Trail Ave. to Suffolk Ave., Mariposa Ave. dispatchers. There is also a part-time staff of six to Lima Ave. to Montecito Ave. The sec-police officers, six reserve police officers, three ond highest crime rate lands in Zone #3 dispatchers and 13 volunteers. The dispatchers with 18.60% of all crimes reported. This handled 31,500 citizen calls in 2020. area consists of Orange Grove Ave. to TRAININGLima Ave. to Michillinda Ave. to Monte-In 2020, SMPD completed the following traincito Ave. ing programs. 7 WAYS TO STAND OUT IN A COMPETITIVE The lowest crime areas are Zone #1 which Instituted “In-House” Training Programencompasses the North-West area with “Train the Trainer” the Alverno Heights Academy in the peOff- set training costrimeter of Michillinda Ave., Montecito POST ComplianceAve., and Lima Ave. and Zone #8 in the North-East area of the canDe- Escalation & Implicit Bias Trainingsyon next to Mary’s Market. Cognitive Impairment Practical Application SELLERS' MARKET TrainingThe crime rate in Sierra Madre remains very low compared to surrounding cities. Violence Indicators and De-Escalation Tech-There were 11 property thefts reported in niques Training (DMH)Sierra Madre in 2020, 33 in Pasadena and 70 in neighboring Arcadia. Sierra Madre “Why’d You Stop Me?” saw three home burglaries, compared to 21 in Arcadia, but surpassed Arcadia and COMMUNITY OUTREACH Pasadena in car burglaries with nine. Sier-Some of the community outreach programs the ra Madre also saw more cases of fraud and SMPD have on tap are expected to be expanded forgery than Arcadia and Pasadena with a in 2021. These include: By Kevin McGuire total of 10. There were four reports of vandalism in Sierra Madre in 2020 as well. Of the 612 40 Block Clubs crimes reported in Sierra Madre in 2020, 536 ofIn the pleasant outdoor setting of Memorial First Annual Community Safety Weekthose cases are closed.Park, Sierra Madre Police Chief Rodrick Ar§ National Night Out HERE'S WHAT BUYERS CAN DO 1. Make a realistic offer 2. Give a large escrow deposit 3. Offer more cash down (when possible) 4. Shorten inspection period malin presented the 2021 Annual Report of § Department of Fish and Wildlife/Pasa- TRAFFICthe Police Department before the City Council dena Humane SocietyLess people were driving in 2020 due to theduring their regular meeting on May 11, 2021. § Pasadena Humane Societypandemic, which may explain the steep drop in § Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team citations. There were 478 citations for movingThe positive report shows crimes in Sierra Social Media Platforms violations in Sierra Madre in 2020, comparedMadre steadily dropping 15% with 612 crimes § Expanding team to 837 in 2019. Of those, 145 were for speedingreported in 2020, compared to 717 in 2019. This § Updating website compared to 351 in 2019.is a continuing, downward trend as in 2019, Si5. Avoid contingencies 6. Close quickly erra Madre saw a 10% drop in crimes from the Established Downtown Business Watch STAFFINGprevious year. First Meeting – May 19, 2021Sierra Madre Police Department currently Community Academy (July 2021) 7. Have a pre-approval letter holds 20 full-time sworn positions including:Sierra Madre is broken down into eight recog-Coffee with the Chief Police Chief, Captain, four Sergeants, Detecnizing zones. Zone #4 had the highest rate of For more information about the Sierra Madre tive, two Corporals, traffic officers, six policereported crimes with 22.67%. This covers the Police Department, visit cityofsierramadre. officers, Service Division Supervisor, and fourdowntown area with a perimeter of Mountain com/cityhall/departments/police_department. SIERRA MADRE FIRE DEPARTMENT PARTICIPATES IN GOODEN SOLD $187,000 OVER LIST PRICE AT $1,337,500 IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS SCHOOL'S FIRE 446 Theresa Lane 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 1,700 sf SAFETY CLASS! Sierra Madre, 91024 446TheresaLane.com Thank you to the Gooden School for including SMFD in their fire safety class and for shar-ing these adorable photographs with us. The Sierra Madre Fire Department provided educational bags and fire helmets for all of the participating Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. students. We can’t wait to have all of the students stopby for a station visit, once it is Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 jan@jangreteman.com safe to do so again. jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL DECLARES NO korth@dppre.com #00942500 CONFIDENCE IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY GEORGE GASCON We are active and doing business Story on Page 6; Related Story on Page 7 safely and successfully. Call us today if you are looking to buy or sell! MOUNTAIN VIEWS broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, BankrateWe're still here for you! We can show you homes and meet with you over video. NEWS TO HONOR 2021 GRADUATES The June 5th edition of this paper will be dedicated to the Class of 2021! In order to be included, please send your grads senior picture, their full name, age and school. These grads are making history, and the Mountain Views News wants to celebrate their accomplishment. Send to: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Subject: Class of 2021 ln§ide The Mountain View§ ew§ Thi§ Week. SpecialAnnouncements..........Page 2 Around San Gabriel Valley...Page 7 Walking Sierra Madre.............Page3 Education and Youth............Page 8 Community Calendar..............Page4 The Good Life......................Page 10 Pasadena News This Week....Page 5 Best Friends.........................Page 11 Arcadia/Monrovia News..........Page 6 Opinion.................................Page 12 Altadena/South Pasadena......Page 6 LegalNotices........................Page 13YEARS LA County Goes Orange -COVID 19 UPDATES............Page 72007-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |