Dear Savvy Senior:
What is the best way to deal with older drivers who probably shouldn’t be driving anymore? My dad, who’s 86, is
bound and determined to keep driving as long as he’s alive. Backseat Daughter
Dear Backseat:
For many families, talking to an elderly parent about
giving up the car keys can be a very difficult and sensitive
topic. While there’s no one way to handle this issue,
here are a few suggestions that can help you evaluate
your dad’s driving and ease him out from behind the
wheel when the time is right.
Take a Ride
To get a clear picture of your dad’s driving abilities, a good first step, if you haven’t already done so, is to take a
ride with him and watch for problem areas. For example: Does he have difficulty seeing, backing up or changing
lanes? Does he react slowly, get confused easily or make poor driving decisions? Does he drive at inappropriate
speeds, tailgate or drift between lanes? Also, has your dad had any fender benders or tickets lately, or
have you noticed any dents or scrapes on his vehicle? These, too, are red flags.
If you need some help and your dad is willing, consider hiring a driver rehabilitation specialist who’s trained
to evaluate elderly drivers and provide safety suggestions. This type of assessment typically costs between $200
and $400. To locate a professional in your area, visit or
Transitioning and Talking
After your assessment, if you think it’s still safe for your dad to drive, see if he would be willing to take an older
driver refresher course.
These courses will show him how aging affects driving skills and offers tips and adjustments to help keep him
safe. Taking a class may also earn your dad a discount on his auto insurance. To locate a class, contact your
local AAA ( or AARP (, 888-227-7669). Most courses cost around $20 to $30
and can be taken online.
If, however, your assessment shows that your dad really does need to stop driving, you need to have a talk with
him, but don’t get carried away. If you begin with a dramatic outburst like “Dad, you’re going to kill someone!”
you’re likely to trigger resistance. Start by simply expressing your concern for his safety.
For more tips on how to talk to your dad about this and evaluate his driving skills, the Hartford Financial
Services Group and MIT AgeLab offers a variety of resources to assist you. Visit and
click on “Publications” on the menu bar, then on the “We Need to Talk” guidebook.
Refuses to Quit
If your dad refuses to quit, you have several options. One possible solution is to suggest a visit to his doctor who
can give him a medical evaluation, and if warranted, “prescribe” that he stops driving. Older people will often
listen to their doctor before they will listen to their own family.
If he still refuses, contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles to see if they can help. Or call in an attorney
to discuss with your dad the potential financial and legal consequences of a crash or injury. If all else fails, you
may just have to take away his keys.
Alternative Transportation
Once your dad stops driving, he’s going to need other ways to get around, so help him create a list of names and
phone numbers of family, friends and local transportation services that he can call on.
To find out what transportation services are available in your dad’s area contact Rides in Sight (RidesInSight.
org, 855-607-4337), and the Eldercare Locator (800-677-1116), which will direct you to his area agency on
aging for assistance.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim
Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
By Marc Garlett
If you are running a business, it’s easy to give estate planning less priority than
your other business matters. After all, if you’re facing challenges meeting next
month’s payroll or your goals for growth over the coming quarter, concerns over
your potential incapacity or death can seem far less urgent.
But the reality is, considering what would happen to your business in the event of your incapacity or when you
die is one of your most pressing responsibilities as a business owner. Although estate planning and business
planning may seem like two separate tasks, they’re inexorably linked. And given that your business is likely one
of your family’s most valuable assets, estate planning is crucial not only for your company’s continued success,
but also for your loved one’s future wellbeing.
Issue #1: If your estate plan consists of only a will, your business and its assets must go through probate when you
When it comes to creating an estate plan, most people typically think of a will. While it’s possible to leave your
business to someone in your will, it’s far from the ideal option. That’s because upon your death, all assets passed
through a will must first go through the court process known as probate.
During probate, the court oversees your will’s administration to ensure your assets (including your business)
are distributed according to your wishes. But probate can take years to complete and be quite expensive, which
will seriously disrupt your operation and its cash flow. What’s more, probate is a public process, potentially
leaving your business affairs open to your competitors.
Issue #2: If you become incapacitated by illness or injury and you haven’t legally named someone to manage your
business assets, the court will choose someone for you.
Another issue with relying solely on a will is that a will only goes into effect when you die and offers no protection
for your business if you’re incapacitated by accident or illness. With just a will—or no estate plan at all—
the court will appoint a financial guardian or conservator to assume control of your business until you recover.
Like probate, the court process associated with guardianship can be long and costly. And whether the guardian
is a family member, employee, or outside professional, it’s doubtful that individual would run your business
exactly how you would want them to, and this can seriously disrupt your operation. Not to mention, having a
court-appointed guardian managing your business affairs can lead to serious conflicts and strife within both
your team and family, particularly if you’re out for a lengthy period.
Issue #3: If your business partner dies and you don’t have a legal agreement that allows you to purchase your
partner’s share of ownership in your company, along with a source of liquidity to fund that purchase, you could
find yourself in business with your partner’s heirs.
If you share ownership of your business with one or more other people, it’s crucial that you have a legally binding
plan in place designating what would happen to each partner’s ownership interests should one of you leave
the company, get divorced, die, or become incapacitated. Without such a plan in place, along with the funds
needed to execute that plan, all sorts of potential problems and conflicts can arise.
For example, should your partner die without such a plan in place and the partner’s children inherit his share of
ownership in your business, you could find yourself in business with your partner’s kids or be forced to pay an
inflated price for their share of the business. A similar situation could arise should your partner get divorced,
and your partner’s former spouse is awarded a share of the company in the divorce settlement.
Issue #4: If you name a family member to run your company after your death and you don’t provide them with a
detailed plan, your business can be ruined by just a few poor decisions.
There are countless stories of family members assuming control of multi-million-dollar businesses and running
things into the ground in just a short span of time. And if such massive fortunes can be squandered so
easily, it’s seriously doubtful that smaller operations like yours will fare much better.
Even if your successor doesn’t destroy your company, he or she can cause serious conflicts among your staff,
clients, and family simply by managing the business radically differently than you. For this reason, simply naming
a successor to take the reins in your absence is not enough.
Secure Your Business, Your Legacy, and Your Family’s Future with Estate Planning Solutions
If you haven’t taken the time to create a proper estate plan, your business is missing one of its most essential
components. You should work with a trusted attorney to create a comprehensive estate plan to ensure the
company and wealth you’ve worked so hard to build will survive—and thrive—no matter what happens to you.
Your comprehensive plan should include, at the very least, a living trust, powers of attorney, healthcare directives,
and business succession plan. Furthermore, we recommend that every estate plan addresses your
personal and inter-personal legacy, which will greatly facilitate your ability to preserve and communicate your
most treasured values, insights, stories, and mementos with your loved ones so you can rest assured that your
business and legacy will offer the maximum benefit for the people you love most.
Mountain View News Saturday, February 19, 2022
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …February Birthdays*
Tracy Verhoeven, Beatrice DaRe, Catherine Adde, Hilda Pittman, Anne-
Marie Stockdale, Susan Henderson, Allie Attay, Ursula El-Tawansy, Gladys
Moser, Sylvia Lorhan, Ana Ptanski, Winifred Swanson , Janet Gillespie,
Marian DeMars, Vickie Vernon, Mary Beth Knox, Sharon Lefler.
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required
Every Monday and Wednesday, 10-10:45 am
Please join us for some gentle stretching, yoga, balance exercise and overall relaxation
with Paul. Classes are ongoing and held in the Memorial Park Covered
Every Friday, 10-10:45 am
Bring a lei, your flower skirt or just your desire to dance! Hula in the Park is back
and waiting for you to join in on all the fun! Memorial Park Pavilion.
Wednesday 1:00 pm-2:00 pm
Beginning February 2nd – April 6th, Don Brunner is available for income tax
consultation. Appointments are required: Please call 626-355-5278 x704 .
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
When it comes to vegetables, I am no connoisseur at all. The only vegetable I
really like is carrot cake. According to The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage,
that is not a vegetable.
We often discuss vegetables, and she has brought to me a lot of proof that carrot cake is not a
"Why then," I argue, "do they use the word carrot when they talk about this particular cake."
She will then stare at me, one of her vicious stares by which I get the message.
Then we argued that an apple fritter is not a fruit.
She wins in both of these arguments, but I still have yet to give in to her argument. Sometimes,
as a famous psychologist says, it's better to be happy than to be right. I understand completely
what he's talking about.
Then recently, I heard my wife say that something was "as cool as a cucumber."
I've heard that phrase so many times and still do not quite understand what it really means. I
know that a cucumber is a vegetable, but I'm not really cool about vegetables.
We were driving somewhere, she was in the driver's seat, and I'm not quite sure what we passed,
but she said to me, "Look at that. That's as cool as a cucumber if you ask me."
I wish I could remember what it was, but I was very confused when she made that comment.
Up to this point, I had never heard her mention that phrase before. I've heard a lot of people
say it, and I just shrug it off, but now you have The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage using
that phrase which was rather stunning to me
At the time, I looked at her and said, "What's so cool about a cucumber?"
As she was driving, she laughed and said to me, "Oh, you know what I mean."
For a veteran husband such as I, to know what his wife means when she says anything is beyond
the realm of reality. I like to live in reality, but oftentimes, I don't.
I think during my life I have eaten a cucumber. It's not that I don't like a cucumber; I would
rather have something else like a vegetable of my own choosing, a carrot cake, for instance.
I'm not sure what cucumbers are, and I don't want to ask my wife because then she will tell me
and at the next lunch or dinner, there will be several cucumbers on my plate. So I don't want
that to happen.
I know what being cool is all about; I just don't know how a cucumber can be cool about
If a cucumber is the standard of coolness, I will never be cool.
I could come up with different slogans, like, "As cool as an apple fritter."
If I understand the word cool, nothing is more cool than a fresh apple fritter. If you've ever
had an apple fritter, you know exactly what I'm talking about. To me, being cool has nothing
whatsoever to do with vegetables.
Of course, if you're a vegetarian, you will disagree with me all the way. I'm not a vegetarian;
I'm more of a fruitarian. In my mind vegetables aren't cool, but some fruit is rather cool to me.
I know my definition of fruit is not the same as my wife's definition. As long as we have been
married, over 50 years, this is the only argument we have yet to settle. So I let her think she's
right along this line, which makes me happy. Can you imagine if she ever found out that I was
actually right along this line, how unhappy she would be?
I may not really understand the phrase, but I will say, to this date, our marriage has been "as
cool as a cucumber." I may not understand it, but I am happy if it makes my wife happy.
Whatever a cucumber has to do with anything, I'm not too concerned about. Let her have her
cucumbers as long as she lets me have my apple fritters. A good marriage allows the other to
have their way as long as their way is not my way.
Even after 50 years, I'm still trying to navigate this marriage ship. So, the other day I thought
I could make a little more progress in this. I said to her, "My, you're as cool as a cucumber."
I thought I was making progress, but as soon as I said it, she looked at me and said, "So, you
think I'm a cucumber?"
You try to get along, and sometimes it doesn't really get you too far ahead. I meant it in the best
sense of the word, but she thought I was just joking. And here I thought she had high regards
for a cucumber.
That proves that I’m not cool was a cucumber.
As I thought about this a wonderful passage of Scripture came to mind. “9 Two are better than
one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his
fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up”
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
I guess it’s nice to know where you are in life And that you have a partner in life.
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