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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Altadena · So. Pasadena · San Marino: Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Education & Youth: Best Friends and More: The Good Life: Support Your Local Businesses: Section B: F. Y. I. : Sierra Madre: Sierra Madre: Opinion: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SPECIAL COVERAGE: THE MEADOWS AT BAILEY CANYON -PROS & CONS......SECTION B SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2022 VOLUME 16 NO. 8VOLUME 16 NO. 8 real estate Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 korth@dppre.com #00942500 Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. We're doing very well for our clients in buying and selling homes. Call us today for a free home assessment with no obligations. THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP Our team consistently sold our listings in less time for over asking with multiple offers on all. In the 4th quarter alone, prices went up by 25% partially due to less homes to sell. This is NOT over. If you have a home to sell, let us help you. HERE IS SOME GOOD NEWS ABOUT 2021 2020 2021 Total # Sold: 111 138 Average Sold Price: $1,166,319 $1,392,451 Average Sq. Ft. 2,027 2,026 Avg. Price Per Sq. Ft. $624 $726 2020 2021 Total # Sold: 16 21 Average Sold Price: $730,275 $746,329 Average Sq. Ft. 1,538 1,466 Avg. Price Per Sq. Ft. $481 $521 Single-Family Homes Condo/Townhomes Was last year really better than the year before? SIERRA MADRE REAL ESTATE TRENDS InSIDE THIS WEEK SECTION B THE MEADOWS AT BAILEY CANYON PROS & CONS Pages B1-B3 NOTICE OF INTENT TO CIRCULATE PETITION.............B1 OPINION.,............B4 CONVERSATIONS ..............................B5 LEGAL NOTICES ..............................B6 WHAT'S NEW IN SIERRA MADRE -----------------------B7 SECTION A Sierra Madre News Pages 1,3,4 Pasadena/AltadenaPage 5 So. Pas./San Marino Page 6 Arcadia/Monrovia/ Duarte News Page 7 Around San Gabriel Valley Peter Dills Page 8 Education & Youth Page 9 Guess The Breed Contest Page 10 The Good Life Page 11 SIERRA MADRE $899,000 2 beds 1 baths 1,224 sfSIERRA MADRE $1,100,000 3 beds 2 baths 1,282 sfSIERRA MADRE $3,200 / Mo 2 beds 2.5 baths 1,610 sfCITY COUNCIL RETURNS TO IN PERSON MEETINGS The Sierra Madre City Council will resume in person meetings beginning on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 5:30 pm. Residents will also have the op- tion of also participating virtually on Zoom. The Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity to make public comments at any public meeting. Public comment may also be made by e-mail to PublicComment@CityofSierraMadre.com by 3:00PM on the day of the meeting. Emails will be acknowledged at the Council meeting, filed into public record and scanned onto the City website for public review. Any member of the public may also join the meeting as an attendee to provide their comments. To provide public comment as an attendee, please join the meeting at the start of our scheduled meeting time. At- tendees will be muted upon entry into the meeting and will remain muted until any Public Comment period is opened. Attendees will be able to watch and listen to our meeting live to all topics being discussed by the Council. Once the Public Comment period is opened, you will utilize the “Raise Hand” feature in the Zoom Client, or dial *9 from a landline or phone. You will then be placed in the queue for public comment and allowed to speak in the order that you entered the queue. To participate in public comment call: 669-900-9128Webinar ID: 886 9228 1449 Passcode: 91024 To join from your computer: https://bit.ly/CSMCC2022 Passcode: 91024 To join using Zoom: www.zoom.com/joinMeeting ID: 886 9228 1449 Passcode: 91024 The meeting will also be streamed live on the City’s website at www.cityof- sierramadre.com, on Foothills Media website at http://www.foothillsme- dia.org/sierramadre and broadcast on Government Access Channel 3 (Spectrum) SIERRA MADRE NEWS BRIEFS SIERRA MADRE HONORS DINNER RESCHEDULED TO APRIL 27, 2022 The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce and the City of Si- erra Madre are pleased to an- nounce the rescheduling of the Citizen of the Year and others who have made major contri- butions to the community dur- ing 2021. The original date for the event was in January and was postponed do to the rise in Covid-19 cases. A virtual event was scheduled in it's place, however, the preference of both recipients and the community at large was to wait and have an in-person, outdoor event. As the incidence of new cases have continued to decline (See related story on page 8), a new date of April 27, 2022 has been selected. Honorees of the event include, Bob Spears as the 2021 Citizen of the Year, Paul Mansour phar- macist and owner of Best BuyPharmacy as the Business of the Year. Other honorees include: The George Maurer Lifetime Achievement Award f to Ward and Louise Calloway known most notably for their work with the Sierra Madre Play- house and Pioneer Cemetary, The Spirit of Sierra Madre Award will be presented to ex- traordinary volunteers Sharon Pesvner and Heidi Hartman; The Mayor's Special Award to Pat and De Alcorn ; City of Sier- ra Madre Employee of the Year to Roberta Maltiafano of Public Works and the Exemplary Ser- vice Award to Christian Del- gado, of the Information and Technology (IT) Department. Awardees were selected from nominations received from members of the community. The awards will be presented at the Honors Dinner on April 27, 2022. New Reservations are required and must be made by April 20, 2022. The event is free. Please call 626-999- 3614 or email HonorsDinner@ cityofsierramadre.com to re- serve your seat. On February 1st, Chief Rodrick Armalin added Samil Siddiqi to the SMPD team as the new Commu- nity Service Officer. Siddiqi was born and reared in the area and is, " proud to finally give back to my community." Siddiqi is excited about the opportu- nity to work with residents and busi- ness owners in Si- erra Madre. He believes his task to be simple, ".......to provide the public with a partnershipin law enforcement and to address our communities concerns." His goals include expanding the Neighborhood Watch Program, implementing the much anticipated Citizens Academy, and as- sist in strengthening the Police Department’s partnership with community members. He shares, "Many of you may have heard Chief Armalin express his desire to get feedback and input from community members on the service we provide, and any crime or quality of life concerns they may have. At his request, to ac- complish this we will soon be conducting community surveys to better hear your voices. Working together in partnership, we at the Police department and you our wonderful community mem- bers, can continue to make Sierra Madre one of the safest cities in the state! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding the mentioned programs. I look forward to connecting with the Sierra Madre Community!" SIERRA MADRE WELCOMES SAMIL SIDDIQI, NEW SMPD COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |