Bill to Curb Noise Pollution Tournament Releases NASA InSight RecordsPasses Senate Committee Community Impact Report Monster Quake on Mars
Senate Bill 1079, a measure local jurisdictions to use
for years to come.”
introduced by State Senator sound-activated enforcement
Estimated to be The large quake comes
Anthony Portantino to devices to capture vehicle
as InSight is facing new
monitor noise pollution noise levels that exceed legal magnitude 5, the challenges with its solarby using sound activated limits. Under California quake is the biggest panels, which power thedevices, passed the Senate Vehicle Code, exhaust noise mission. As InSight’s
ever detected on
Judiciary Committee last is limited to 95 decibels
location on Mars enters
week. Streets for All, a (dbA) for vehicles and another planet. winter, there’s more dust in nonprofit organization that 80 dbA for motorcycles. the air, reducing available
advocates for street safety, is However, vehicle owners can
NASA’s InSight Mars lander sunlight. On May 7, 2022,
a sponsor of the measure. install new exhaust systems
has detected the largest the lander’s available energy
“Although there are or make other vehicle
quake ever observed on fell just below the limit that
regulations in place for modifications that change
another planet: an estimated triggers safe mode, where the
vehicles that contribute to the level of sound produced Football Playoff Foundation
magnitude 5 temblor that spacecraft suspends all but
harmful noise pollution, there by their vehicle. These illegal Impacting people to provide teacher grants
occurred on May 4, 2022, the most essential functions.
is no universal procedure to modifications are accessible through charitable totaling $340,000 over two the 1,222nd Martian day, This reaction is designed monitor and enforce these and easily installed at any giving, volunteerism years to Pasadena Unified or sol, of the mission. This to protect the lander and restrictions,” stated Senator in-home garage, resulting School District teachers.
and community adds to the catalog of more may occur again as available
Portantino. “Loud modified in much louder noise Investing in the community:
than 1,313 quakes InSight power slowly decreases.
exhaust systems harm the disruptions than would be involvement Addressed COVID-19
has detected since landing on After the lander completed
health and wellbeing of those allowed by law. relief and local needs by
Pasadena Tournament of Mars in November 2018. The its prime mission at the
around them. SB 1079 is an “Noise pollution is a public contributing $100,000 to largest previously recorded end of 2020, meeting its
Roses Association, known for
effective way to reduce noise health hazard shown to nine Pasadena-based food quake was an estimated original science goals,
the Rose Parade presented by
and pollution and improve increase risks of heart pantries, which distributed
Honda and Rose Bowl Game, magnitude 4.2 detected Aug. NASA extended the mission
the quality of life in our disease, high blood pressure, more than 2,912,180 pounds
released a Community 25, 2021. through December 2022.
communities.” low birth weight, and other of food in 2020.
Impact Report last week that InSight was sent to Mars JPL manages InSight for
Noise pollution is an physical, cognitive, and Strengthening community
shows their commitment to with a highly sensitive NASA’s Science Mission
unwanted or disturbing emotional issues,” stated business partnerships:
serving the community. seismometer, provided by Directorate. InSight is
sound that causes adverse Michael Schneider, Founder Partnered with the
“With many challenges, 2020 France’s Centre National part of NASA’s Discovery
reactions for humans and of Streets for All. “SB 1079 and 2021 were unprecedented City of Pasadena and d’Études Spatiales (CNES), to Program, managed by the other living creatures. Loud would automatically enforce various community-
years. While the COVID-19 study the deep interior of the agency’s Marshall Space
noises in the street can existing noise limits and based organizations,
pandemic may have resulted planet. As seismic waves pass Flight Center in Huntsville,
disrupt walking or cycling combat the rise in noise from including Day One and
in a canceled parade and through or reflect off material Alabama. Lockheed Martin
and may lead to hearing loss. illegally modified mufflers the Pasadena Community
relocated game in 2021, in Mars’ crust, mantle, and Space in Denver built the
They also pose dangers to while protecting vulnerable Coalition, to promote the
the Pasadena Tournament core, they change in ways InSight spacecraft, including
physical and cognitive health. Californians. With a City’s #VaccinatePasadena
of Roses Association still that seismologists can study its cruise stage and lander,
Exposure to loud sounds has first violation warning, initiative.
had momentous years to determine the depth and and supports spacecraft
been shown to raise levels of exemptions for those unable Creating experiences that
and continued to have a composition of these layers. operations for the mission.
stress hormones, including to pay the fines, buffer periods make a difference: Partnered
significant social impact,” What scientists learn about A number of European
cortisol, adrenaline, and between violations, and with the Mexican Consulate
said Executive Director/CEO the structure of Mars can partners, including CNES
noradrenaline. Chronically allocating funds generated in Los Angeles and The
of the Pasadena Tournament help them better understand and the German Aerospace
high levels of these from tickets to implement Lucille & Edward R. Roybal
of Roses David Eads. “If there the formation of all rocky Center (DLR), are supporting
hormones can impact heart traffic calming measures, this Foundation to host the first
is anything we have learned worlds, including Earth and the InSight mission. CNES
disease, hypertension, stroke, bill protects the privacy of all and second annual Día de los
from the past two years, it its Moon. provided the Seismic
immune responses, and Californians and eliminates Muertos Art competitions,
is that this Association is a A magnitude 5 quake Experiment for Interior
cognitive functioning. the risk of harm to those awarding $12,000 in
cornerstone of the Pasadena-is a medium-size quake Structure (SEIS) instrument
SB 1079 would authorize most vulnerable.” scholarships and prizes.
area community. Our local compared to those felt on to NASA, with the principal
The Rose Parade and the
impact, volunteering and Earth, but it’s close to the investigator at IPGPPolice Looking for Suspect investing in our community Rose Bowl Game, two upper limit of what scientists (Institut de Physique du
world-class events enjoyed
remain critical components hoped to see on Mars during Globe de Paris). Significantthat Set a Victim on Fire of our work.” by millions around the InSight’s mission. The contributions for SEIS came
world, are the result of our
The Pasadena police are The engagement and impact science team will need to from IPGP; the Max Planck
spirit of giving put into
asking for the public’s help efforts include developing study this new quake further Institute for Solar System
action. Utilizing the highly
finding a suspect(s) wanted and implementing before being able to provide Research (MPS) in Germany;
visible platform of America’s
in connection with the programs around enhancing details such as its location, the Swiss Federal Institute of
New Year Celebration®,
murder of a man set on fire. educational opportunities, the nature of its source, and Technology (ETH Zurich) in
the Tournament of Roses
According to police, investing in the community, what it might tell us about Switzerland; Imperial
continues to invest and
on January 1, 2021, at strengthening community the interior of Mars. College London and Oxford
engage in communities at the
approximately 8:00 a.m., business partnerships, and “Since we set our University in the United
local, regional and national
officers from the Pasadena creating experiences that seismometer down in Kingdom; and JPL. DLR
police responded to the make a difference. Examples December 2018, we’ve been provided the Heat Flow and
For the complete 2020-2021
700 block of Rockwood Rd. include: waiting for ‘the big one,’” Physical Properties Package
Community Impact Report,
regarding a “Man Down” Enhancing educational said Bruce Banerdt, InSight’s (HP3) instrument, with
please visit:
call. Upon arrival, officers follow-up investigation opportunities: Partnered with principal investigator at significant contributions
located 30-year old Ulises revealed Nieto-Cabrera was the Pasadena Educational NASA’s Jet Propulsion from the Space Research
Nieto-Cabrera (pictured) intentionally targeted and set Foundation and College Laboratory in Southern Center (CBK) of the Polish
bloodied and suffering from on fire. California, which leads the Academy of Sciences and
severe burns. Nieto-Cabrera, Detectives have acquired mission. “This quake is sure Astronika in Poland. Spain’s
a Salvadorian national and Reward Increased in to provide a view into the Centro de Astrobiología
new information and know
Los Angeles resident, was there are people whom planet like no other. Scientists (CAB) supplied the
transported to a local hospital possess intimate knowledge Murder of Altadena Boy will be analyzing this data to temperature and wind
in grave condition. He later about Nieto-Cabrera’s learn new things about Mars sensors.
succumbed to his injuries. murder. The Los Angeles County Board old Salvador Esparza III in
Detectives from the Pasadena The Pasadena Police of Supervisors approved a Altadena.
Police Department’s Robbery motion Tuesday to extend and The motion was made by Lake Avenue Church to
Department is urging anyone
increase the reward amount Supervisor Kathryn Barger.
/ Homicide Unit have been with information regarding
offered for information leading Esparza was shot while standing Install New Senior Pastor
tenaciously conducting this murder to contact the
to the identification and on the porch of a home in
following up investigation Pasadena Police at (626) 744
arrest of the person involved unincorporated Altadenasince January 1, 2021. The 4241. in the murder of four-year-on July 5, 2016. Emergency Members of the Lake
Avenue Church announced
responders found him lying onthe porch with a single gunshot Wednesday that the
wound to his head. Reverend Dr. Mathew
“My heart aches for John (pictured) is set to be
Salvador’s family, their loss is formally installed as the new
unimaginable,” Barger said. senior pastor of Pasadena’s
“This innocent preschooler Lake Avenue Church on
was robbed of his potential and
Sunday, May 15, at the 9:30
future. I’ve doubled the reward
a.m. service. A reception
amount from $25,000 to $50,000
will follow the service.
with the hope that it will lead to
“Matthew brings a unique,
the arrest of the perpetrator of
this terrible crime.” innovative perspective
Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo that both builds on the
shared his sentiments as well. legacy of the church and
“Thank you, Supervisor Barger, also integrates new ideas,”
cinema and theology.
for your leadership and support Church Chair Dan Crichton
Having resided in four
in not only extending, but also said. “This will enable Lake
increasing the reward monies countries, he has had first-
Avenue to continue its
to help identify and arrest those hand experience with
rich tradition of service to
responsible for the death of 4 different worldviews and
the local community and
year-old ‘Chavita’ Esparza. I hopes to use his unique
beyond. We look forward
am appealing to the public to experiences to minister
step up and provide needed to celebrating the Lord’s to Lake Avenue Church’s
information to help us solve the faithfulness to Lake Avenue
diverse family, the local
horrific killing of this innocent Church as we mark this
community, and the world.
little boy.” significant milestone in our
Prior to accepting the
The murder is being 125-year-old history.”
senior pastor position, John
investigated by the Los Angeles John is an electrical engineer
County Sheriff ’s Department was Pastor of Missional
from India who pursued a
(LASD). Sergeant Dominick Outreach at the church.
corporate career in Kuwait,
Recchia, a member of LASD’s In selecting John, the
then transitioned from
Homicide Bureau, encouraged church’s Pastoral Search
technology to theology in
anyone with information to step Committee felt that his
Canada. He earned a Master
forward. unconventional career path
“Any bit of information related of Theological Studies
had well prepared him to
to this shooting is helpful and degree from the University
lead in such a time as this.
can be the missing link to of Toronto and a Ph.D. in
For more information
solving this murder. We protect Intercultural Studies with
the identity of all individuals a specialization in film
Lake Avenue Church
who provide tips, so please don’t
and theology from Fuller
hesitate to contact us. We won’t is located at 393 N. Lake
Theological Seminary in
rest until the person responsible Avenue in Pasadena, at the
Pasadena. He has authored
for this senseless murder is corner of Lake Avenue and
multiple books in the fields
arrested.” the 210 Freeway.
LASD investigators believe of world religions, world
the suspect is a gang member,
and that the shooting was
gang-related. Investigators also
believe that the young boy andhis family were not the intended
To report a tip or provideinformation call (323) 890-5500.
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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