Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, May 21, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 4

Mountain View News Saturday, May 21, 2022 


Sierra Madre, CA. – May 19, 2022 

Sierra Madre Police officers responded to a call of a physical altercation at the Sierra Madre Public 
Library between an 86-year-old male and a 33-year-old male. 

The two subjects were inside the Library when they began to have a loud, verbal disagreement. 
The pair was disruptive to other patrons and Library staff asked the pair to leave the Library. As 
the two men exited the Library the 33-year-old male punched the 86-year-old male in the face. 
Library staff called 9-1-1 and SMPD officers immediately responded. 

A class from Sierra Madre Elementary School was visiting the Library and sitting in the western 
Library Garden when the assault occurred. However, no children were in the immediate area of 
the altercation and no child was injured in the incident. 

Sierra Madre Police Officers quickly gained control of the situation and took the 33-year-old aggressor 
into custody. The individual is being charged with elderly abuse and is currently being 
held at Pasadena Jail. 

The 86-year-old male suffered some visible cuts and bruises to the face but declined any medical 

WEAPONS continued from page 1 

Under noise-flash diversionary devices and munitions containing tear gas or OC, the Department 
has one Pepperball FTC launcher/Live Pava. They are seeking two additional devices. 

The Department doesn’t currently use any equipment from the military surplus. 

What About the Money? 

The Police Department is seeking funds to pay for the added equipment, some of which could 
come out to the General Fund. Other possibilities are: 

• Capital Improvement Project Funds 
• Asset Forfeiture Funding 
• Local, State, and Federal Grants 
• Repurposing of City Equipment/Resources 
• Transfer of Department of Defense property to Law Enforcement Agencies (obtaining 
through the 1208 or 1033 programs 
Annually, the Department would have to submit a report discussing each type of military equipment 
in use and the cost. 

The ordinance was passed unanimously. 


Wednesday, June 15 from 4:30 pm-7:30 pmHart Park House Senior Center 

Traditionally the Senior Community Commission would be honoring one very special individual 
who has given themselves selflessly to volunteering in our community. 

This year the Commission has made a very special selection...they have selected to celebrate ALL 
of our seniors! As we begin to rediscover our friends, loved ones and neighbors, we are learning 
how incredible and resilient each of you are and each one of you deserves to be celebrated! 

Please join the Senior Community Commission as we enjoy an evening of finger foods, wine, 
laughter and celebration. The theme this year is “Age My Way” so please come with some fun 
stories and words of wisdom that we can share with our fellow and future seniors. 
No reservations are required. 

Please call Lawren at 626-355-5278 or email 
with questions that you may have. 


by Deanne Davis 

“If they can make penicillin 
out of moldy bread, they can 
sure make something out of 
you.” Muhammad Ali 

“As you set off into the world, 
don’t be afraid to questionyour leaders. But don’t ask too 
many questions at one time 
or that are too hard because 
your leaders get tired and/or 

Will Farrell 

“Now that you’ve graduated, 
just remember bosses don’t 
usually accept a note from 
your mother.” 

Yes, friends and neighbors, 
it is indeed graduation season 
and last Thursday night, 
I attended granddaughter, 
Jessie’s 8th grade graduation. 
Today’s picture is of Jessie, 
clowning around before 
school. She will be starting 
high school in August and 
we are all nervous about that. She’s spent several fairly comfortable years at her 
familiar elementary school where all the teachers and support staff know her, understand 
her, and love her. High school, on the other hand, is going to be a huge 
new world, filled with lots of people who don’t know her. There is an introductory 
day in a couple of weeks where all incoming 9th graders are escorted around the 
school, meet teachers and get lunch. If it’s macaroni and cheese, the coming year 
will be a success. 

“My dear terrified graduates, you are about to enter the most thrilling and uncertain 
period of your lives. The stories you are about to live are the ones you will be telling 
your children, your grandchildren and your therapists.” Lin-Manuel Miranda 

I vividly remember just one small part of my graduation from 8th grade. I was forced 
to wear one of the ugliest dresses ever made, purchased from J. C. Penney’s. All the 
girls were required to wear white dresses and the boys wore suits. We marched 
down the middle aisle at St. Paul’s Catholic School in Westwood, where we were 
living at the time, and eventually were seated on a platform. The thing I remember 
most is that we all sang “This Is My Country” with heavy emphasis on the MY. 

“This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.” 

“This Is My Country” was composed in 1940 by songwriters Don Raye and Al Jacobs. 
I’m sure there was an inspirational message by a guest speaker, but all I remember 
is the dress and the song. 

Thinking how many graduations we have attended, John and I, through the years 
is daunting. At least six college, nine high school…should have been ten, but we 
missed our son’s high school graduation having booked a trip to the Bahamas 
months before without thinking what would be happening in June. The guilt lingers 
on. We attended daughter, Leah’s, Law School graduation and granddaughter, Ashley’s, 
when she graduated from Chico State as an RN. There were two at Cal State 

L.A. which were interminable as thousands and thousands of students marched by 
and we baked in the blazing sun. 
Here's excellent advice from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at the 
University of Georgia in 2008: 

“Thank the people who put up with your antics and loved you through it all. Thank 
the people who paid your tuition and your expenses. There are those who helped 
and counseled you through difficult times or when you made hard decisions. There 
are those who were compassionate enough to tell you what you needed to hear, not 
what you wanted to hear.” 

For Jessie in this coming year of her life, entering high school, here are some 
thoughts to take along: 

“The best teachers don’t give you the answers. They just point the way and let you 
make your own choices and your own mistakes. That way you get all the glory and 
you deserve it!” 

“High school changes people. Some for the better, some for the worst. But if one 
thing is true; you find out who your real friends are.” 

And one last thought…not everybody shines at school.
Richard Branson dropped out at 16.
Simon Cowell barely passed any exams and dropped out at 16.
Benedict Cumberbatch barely made it through school.
Mark Twain 
Thomas Edison 
Abraham Lincoln 
Charles Dickens 

All we can ask of any of our students, graduating or not, is that they do their best. 

Hoping all the graduations you attend are terrific, with a great speaker who is inspirational, 
funny, and, best of all, brief. 

My book page: Deanne Davis 
Where you’ll find “Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”
And “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter”
Take a look at both of these books, stuffed with hope and some really good recipes.
And there are Kindle treasures galore you can send straight to your Kindle.
Check me out, friends and neighbors! 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
Email: Website: