Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, May 21, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 9

Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 21, 2022 


Supervisor Kathryn Barger voiced her support to recall Los Angeles County District 
Attorney George Gascón today, citing a news report published by the Los Angeles Times 
as being the tipping point for her decision. 

“Learning that our D.A.’s ‘Zero Bail’ policy has interfered with a diversion program’s ability to 
serve people who are suffering from addiction, mental illness and homelessness is unacceptable 
and the last straw,” said Supervisor Barger. “Diversion programs like this one seize a narrow window 
of opportunity to offer treatment and housing to arrested individuals who’ve hit rock bottom. 
But the quick release option put in place by Gascón’s policies squanders that opportunity. If 
there’s no rock bottom, there’s no incentive to accept help – instead, we’re left with a squandered 
opportunity to end suffering and help heal some of our community’s neediest individuals. As a 
result, I feel compelled to add my voice in support of the recall effort.” 

Barger added, “I typically support election outcomes as a way of respecting the public’s right to 
choose, but our D.A.’s policies have led to disastrous consequences. Public safety in L.A. County 
has visibly deteriorated. I believe Gascón must be replaced with someone that is committed 
to championing victim’s rights, safety and justice. There is no doubt in my mind that recalling 
Gascón is an essential step so that we can course correct and refocus on creating safe and healthy 

Supervisor Barger joins the Los Angeles Association of Deputy District Attorneys, the LA Police 
Protective League and the LA County Professional Peace Officers Association in supporting the 
Gascón recall effort. 


Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) is working with state and national 
partners on an international outbreak of monkeypox. Yesterday the CDC confirmed a case 
of monkeypox in the United States in Massachusetts. In addition, the CDC is also tracking 
multiple clusters of monkeypox that have been reported within the past two weeks in several 
countries that don’t normally report monkeypox, including Portugal, Spain, and the United 
Kingdom. Currently there are no confirmed cases of monkeypox in Los Angeles County. 

Monkeypox is usually found in Central and West Africa, and it does not occur naturally in the 
United States or Europe. However, cases have occurred in these countries that are associated 
with international travel or animals imported from areas where the disease is more common. 
The current clusters involve persons who have not traveled to areas where the disease is common 
or had exposure to animals. It’s not clear how people in those clusters were exposed to 
monkeypox but cases include individuals who self-identify as men who have sex with men. 
CDC is currently working with international partners to better understand the risk factors 
associated with current cases and clusters. 

Monkeypox is a rare but potentially serious viral illness that typically begins with flu-like 
illness and swelling of the lymph nodes and progresses to a rash on the face and body. Most 
infections last 2-to-4 weeks. In parts of Central and west Africa where monkeypox occurs, 
people can be exposed through bites or scratches from rodents and small mammals, preparing 
wild game, or having contact with an infected animal or possibly animal products. The 
virus does not spread easily between people; transmission can occur through contact with 
body fluids, monkeypox sores, items that have been contaminated with fluids or sores (clothing, 
bedding, etc.), or through respiratory droplets following prolonged face-to-face contact. 

Illness could be clinically confused with a sexually transmitted infection like syphilis or herpes, 
or with varicella zoster virus. 

CDC is urging healthcare providers in the U.S. to be alert for patients who have rash illnesses 
consistent with monkeypox, regardless of whether they have travel or specific risk factors for 
monkeypox. The Los Angeles County DPH will work with California Department of Public 
Health and the CDC on any reported cases and continue to receive updates. 

What people should do: 

People who are concerned they may have been exposed or have symptoms of monkeypox, 
particularly the characteristic rash or lesions, should contact their healthcare provider for a 
risk assessment. Per CDC guidance, suspicion for monkeypox should be heightened if the 
rash occurs in a person who : 1) travelled to countries where monkeypox cases have been 
reported, 2) report having contact with a person with a similar rash or person who received 
a diagnosis of monkeypox, or 3) is a man who has sex with other men, and those who have 
close contact with them. 

The CDC plans to issue public information soon on poxvirus infections which, when available, 
will be found here: 

What healthcare providers should do: 

• If healthcare providers identify patients with a rash that looks like monkeypox, consider 
monkeypox, regardless of whether the patient has a travel history to central or west 
African countries. 
• Do not limit concerns to men who report having sex with other men. Those who have 
known close personal contact with people with monkeypox could potentially also be at risk 
for the disease. 
• Some patients have had genital lesions and the rash may be hard to distinguish from 
syphilis, herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, chancroid, varicella zoster, and other more 
common infections. 
• Isolate any patients suspected of having monkeypox in a negative pressure room, and 
ensure staff understand the importance of wearing appropriate personal protective equipment 
(PPE) and that they wear it each time they are near suspected cases. 
• Standard cleaning/disinfectants may be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s 
• Report all suspected monkeypox cases to the LA County DPH immediately. 
• For healthcare professionals please refer to for consult and reporting: http://publichealth. 

With Increases in Worksite Outbreaks and Positive Cases, the LA County 
Public Transit Masking Requirement Is Extended and Employers Are Urged 
to Use Safety Measures That Protect Workers and CustomersAs case and test positivity rates and hospitalizations increase in LA County, 
masking will continue to be required in all public transit and indoor transpor

tation hubs within LA County. 

Many residents and workers require public 
transportation to get to their jobs, secure essential 
goods and services, and connect with 
family and friends. 

Traveling on public transportation increases a 
person’s risk of getting and spreading COVID-
19 by bringing people in close contact with 
others, often for prolonged periods, in poorly 
ventilated spaces. 

To reduce this risk, the County’s Health Officer 
Order continues to require masks to be 
worn by everyone, 2 years of age and older, 
regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination 
status, on public transit and indoor transportation 
hubs within the county. This includes 
wearing masks on commuter trains, subways, 
buses, taxis, ride-shares, airport and bus terminals, 
train and subway stations, seaport or 
other indoor port terminals, or any other indoor 
area that serves as a transportation hub. 

Public Health will reassess this masking requirement 
when either the COVID-19 community 
transmission level in Los Angeles 
County decreases to moderate (<50 weekly 
cases/100,000 people) or within 30 days, 
whichever occurs first. 

Worksite transmission is also increasing in 
Los Angeles County and employers are urged 
to use common sense strategies to help keep 
employees and customers safe. 

The early alert metrics continue to document 
increased transmission at worksites, with 227 
worksite cluster reports received between May 
11th through noon on May 17th. This is more 
than 6 times as many clusters we reported for 
a 7-day period one month ago. 

Of these worksite clusters, 42% were reported 
from the Retail Trade sector alone, including 
in Building Material, Garden Equipment 
and Supply Dealers, and Food and Beverage 
Stores. Manufacturing, the second most frequent 
sector represented, accounted for 17% 
of all worksite cluster reports received. 

The vaccines continue to offer strong protection 
against the virus, and vaccination partners 
may be able to provide vaccination services 
for your workplace, organization, or special 
event. These mobile units offer vaccines and 
boosters to employees and customers and can 
be arranged by filling out this form or finding 
a provider at
ncorona2019/vaccine/providerfinder/ and 
contacting them directly. 

Employers are required to provide all employees 
at indoor worksites, where masking is optional, 
with medical grade masks and respirators 
for voluntary use.
In order to reduce transmission at worksites, 
employers are required to report any cluster of 
worksite COVID-19 cases to the Department 
of Public Health. A cluster is three or more 
laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 at 
the worksite within a 14-day period. Reports 
to Public Health should be made as soon as 
possible and no later than 48 hours after reports 
or knowledge of at least three cases. 
Worksites can report a cluster to Public Health 
online or by phone: 1-888-397-3993. If Public 
Health determines that there is an outbreak 
at a worksite, employees are required to mask 
both indoors and, if they can’t be socially distanced, 
outdoors as well. 

Residents or workers who are a close contact to 
someone with COVID-19 and have no symp-

COVID 19 Cases 

WHERE WE ARE MAY 21, 2022 VERSUS MAY 14, 2022 

Cases This Week ( 05/14/22) Deaths This Week (05/14/22) 
LA County 2,929,950 (2,903,779) 32,074 (32,016) 

Adults 12+ 88.1% Seniors 99.1% 
Cases Deaths Vaccinated 
Arcadia 8,591 (8,437) 167 (166) 90.5% 
Altadena 8671 (8588) 99 (99) 82.7% 
Bradbury 67 ( 67) 0 ( 0) 71.6% 
Duarte 5,332 (5,266) 120 (120) 84.0% 
Monrovia 8,551 (8,462) 104 (104) 81.0% 
Pasadena 29,522 (29,141) 414 (414) 85.4% 
Sierra Madre 1,623 (1596) 22 ( 22) 89.2% 
So.Pasadena 4,360 (4279) 61 ( 61) 94.3% 

toms are not required to quarantine but must 
wear a highly protective mask around others, 
monitor their health for 10 days and get tested 
3-5 days after they were last exposed. If they 
test positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 
days, they don’t need to test unless they get 
symptoms. If their test result is positive, they 
must isolate. 

Some close contacts must quarantine or be excluded 
from work if they live or work in select 
high-risk settings, including emergency shelters 
and cooling and heating centers; homeless 
shelters; healthcare settings; long-term 
care centers; adult and senior care facilities; 
and local correctional facilities and detention 

Some close contacts in other settings may be 
required to be excluded from work by their 

Workers concerned about possible COVID-19 
violations or other workplace safety concerns 
have several options for filing a complaint. 
To file a complaint with Public Health, which 
can be submitted anonymously, workers can 
call the Environmental Health Customer Call 
Center at (888) 700-9995 or click on the “Report 
a Problem” at 
To file a complaint with Cal/OSHA about employee 
safety, workplace safety, or hazardous 
conditions, workers can call (833) 579-0927 
or email the local Cal/OSHA Enforcement 
Office that serves the location of the job site. 

“I send my deepest sympathies and wishes of 
peace and comfort to the many families who 
have lost a loved one from COVID-19,” said 
Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of 
Public Health. “As we move into the CDC’s 
Medium Community Level and see elevated 
levels of concern among our early alert signals, 
the task in front of us is similar to work 
we had to do at other points over the past 2 
½ years: slowing transmission. We know what 
works- masking, testing, and vaccination, 
along with systems and policies that support 
the use of these and other effective safety 
measures. If each of us takes advantage of the 
good access to these effective resources, I am 
hopeful that we can slow transmission again, 
prevent strain on our healthcare system, and 
protect each other.” 

Today, Public Health reported 10 additional 
deaths and 3,180 new positive cases today. Of 
the 10 new deaths reported today, one was between 
the ages of 50-64, one was between the 
ages of 65-79, and seven were aged 80 years or 
older. Of the 10 newly reported deaths, six had 
underlying health conditions. One death was 
reported by the City of Long Beach. To date, 
the total number of deaths in L.A. County is 

Public Health has reported a total of 2,929,950 
positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of 

L.A. County. Today’s positivity rate is 3.7%. 
There are 401 people with COVID-19 currently 
hospitalized. Testing results are available 
for more than 11,957,743 individuals, 
with 22% of people testing positive. 

A wide range of data and dashboards on COVID-
19 from the Los Angeles County Department 
of Public Health are available on the 
Public Health website at http://www.publichealth. 


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