Memorial Day Swing Band Portantino’s Statement on San Marino UpcomingConcert at the Senior Center the Governor’s May Revise Events & Programming
Memorial Day is a time to available. Doors to the dance
honor our nation’s fallen military studio adjacent to the patio will Senator Anthony Portantino Brain Aerobics & Lip Reading
heroes. A Memorial Day swing be open for anyone who wants a released the following Monday, May 23 from 12:30 – 2:30 PM;
band concert Monday, May 30, dance floor. statement on Governor Tuesday, May 24 from 9:30 – 11:30 AM at the Barth Community
on the spacious patio at the The concert is free for members Newsom’s May Revise and Room
Pasadena Senior Center will of the Pasadena Senior Center the California Blueprint: This popular class led by Francine Katz (MA, SLP, & CCC)
take place at 2 p.m. and only $5 for nonmembers concentrates on lip reading and memory. She provides seniors a“With an unprecedented
The Great American Swing of all ages. Register online at: fun way to fight the common problems of diminished hearing and surplus of $97 billion, this
Band will perform popular (click memory as people age. Registration is not required, but regular year’s proposed budget
patriotic songs and music of on Activities & Events, then attendance at sessions is encouraged.
days gone by while guests kick Special Events) or by calling makes critical investments San Marino Historical Society Speaker Series: David Judson
up their heels and dance or 626-795-4331. at historic levels. The Monday, May 23 from 7 – 8 PM at the Barth Community Room
simply tap their toes and sing The center is located 85 E. Governor’s proposal would In its Speakers Series, the San Marino Historical Society presents
along. Light snacks will be Holly St. provide financial relief to quarterly talks covering San Marino, Southern California, and
offset inflation costs, tackle beyond. This month’s speaker will be David Judson, an artistPASADENA CRIME BLOTTER homelessness and affordable those in need of help. This is established in Pasadena during the heyday of the Arroyo Culture
housing challenges, address an issue that needs to be at and author of Judson: Innovation in Stained Glass. Registration is
our mental health crisis, the forefront of our budget not required.
April 18 at 4:44pm: Pasadena Coffee, Tea, & Chat
significantly affect public investments and legislative
The critical events detailed Officers conducted a traffic Friday, May 27 at 9:30 – 11:30 AM at the Thornton Conference
below are merely a snapshot stop at Sunset Ave. and Glorieta education, continue support agendas.
of the calls received to the for small businesses, and Earlier this year in his budget Room
St. for a vehicle code violation. Connect with your neighbors to learn about the community
announcement, Governor
Police Communications Center Officers contacted the driver protect communities from and its traditions, as well as tools to navigate the challenges of
every day. Interim Police Chief and learned he was driving the effects of climate change. Gavin Newsom had our busy, modern lives. This month’s topic is inequity versus
Cheryl Moody continues to on a suspended license. The Expanding on last year’s included a $20 million dollar inferiority. This program is presented in Mandarin by the United
adhere to the principles of the officers arrested the suspect investment for the relocation Charity Foundation for ages 18+. Registration is not required
stimulus package, the
“Pasadena Way” as she leads the and conducted a search of the of the Carnegie Institution
$18.1 billion inflation relief
Police Department into its new vehicle. During the search,
for Science to Pasadena – a
chapter. These principles will officers located a loaded firearm package includes financial Engineers Investigating
assistance for Californians request that I was pleased
forever have a lasting impact on inside the car. Along with the
to offset high costs due to initiate. The new center Voyager 1 Telemetry Dataall employees who serve in the firearm, officers located drug
organization, as they continue paraphernalia. The driver was to inflation. The proposal of scientific discovery will
to police with compassion and arrested for felon in possession makes investments through work on strategies to solve
best intentions. of a firearm and possession of direct payments and tax environmental, biological
April 15 at 7:45pm: Pasadena a controlled substance while refunds, emergency rental and energy threats to
Officers responded to the area armed. assistance, support for past-California and the world.
of Foothill Bl. and Sierra Madre April 20 at 1:23pm: Pasadena More than two hundred new
due utility bills, free public
Villa Ave. regarding a robbery. Officers conducted a traffic hires and relocated staff will
transit, expanding affordable
As the victim left an ATM, he stop of a vehicle for multiple
be housed at the research
health care and retention
placed items in his pocket. vehicle code violations near
facility. I am grateful to
Moments later, the victim was Washington Bl. and El Molino stipends for hospital and
Governor Newsom for his
assaulted from behind and the Ave. The driver of the vehicle nursing home staff, fee
suspect grabbed the items from granted consent to search waivers for childcare, and continued leadership
his pocket. The victim followed his vehicle. Further, it was a temporary pause of the environmental protection
the suspect as he called the learned the passenger was on diesel sales tax – all of which and for his recognition of
police. Arriving officers located probation with search and provide immediate financial the importance this new
the suspect and he was arrested seizure conditions. During a relief for low and middle research campus will have for The engineering team with also in interstellar space – a a short time later. The victim search of the vehicle, officers
income families. California and the positive NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft high-radiation environment
suffered only minor injuries. recovered a loaded firearm in impact it will have on
The May Revise once again is trying to solve a mystery: that no spacecraft have
April 16 at 7:11am: Pasadena the passenger’s property. The combating environmental
proposes the highest levels The interstellar explorer flown in before. So there
Officers responded the 100 passenger was arrested for threats.
of funding for our public is operating normally, are some big challenges for
block of W. California Bl. being a felon in possession of a
regarding subject pointing firearm. education system, including I want to also thank receiving and executing the engineering team. But I
a Governor Newsom for
a firearm at another person. April 23 at 2:25am: Pasadena investing in historic college commands from Earth, think if there’s a way to solve
Officers arrived and detained Officers responded to the savings accounts, after school proposing $10 million along with gathering and this issue with the AACS,
the subject with the firearm, 1000 block of Garfield Ave. programs, special education, in additional funding for returning science data. But our team will find it.”
which was later determined to regarding a known suspect as well as reforming our the Armenian American readouts from the probe’s It’s possible the team may
be a replica BB gun. The subject who had slashed the tires of public education system by Museum currently under attitude articulation and not find the source of the
was arrested for assault with a the victim’s vehicle and injured
adding a whole new grade -construction in the City of control system (AACS) anomaly and will instead
deadly weapon. the victim. Officers contacted
universal pre-kindergarten. Glendale. The proposed new don’t reflect what’s actually adapt to it, Dodd said. If
April 16 at 10:29am: Pasadena the uncooperative victim who funding would bring the
Also included in the proposal happening onboard. they do find the source, they
Officers observed the vehicle had a non-life threatening stab
taken on April 12th, 2022 wound. Witnesses recovered are important investments to state’s total investment in the The AACS controls the may be able to solve the issue
museum to $19.8 million.
during a carjacking, in the the weapon from the suspect, tackle declining enrollment 45-year-old spacecraft’s through software changes or
area of Lincoln Ave. and who had fled the scene prior to and infrastructure updates. Finally, it is critical that orientation. Among other potentially by using one of
Mountain St. A traffic stop was officer’s arrival. These investments are we invest in reproductive tasks, it keeps Voyager 1’s the spacecraft’s redundant
conducted and the driver was April 23 at 4:27pm: Pasadena critical to helping our youth health care, as the Governor high-gain antenna pointed hardware systems.
detained. He was determined Officers located a suspect the achieve academic success proposed. As the U.S. precisely at Earth, enabling It wouldn’t be the first time
to be the suspect from the area of Fair Oaks Ave. and and preparing the next Supreme Court is preparing it to send data home. All the Voyager team has reliedApril 12th carjacking and was Howard St. who was wanted for generation of leaders. to overturn Roe v. Wade, signs suggest the AACS on backup hardware: In subsequently arrested. an assault with a deadly weapon.
I am particularly pleased many states throughout the is still working, but the 2017, Voyager 1’s primary
April 18 at 10:43am: Pasadena The suspect initially barricaded
that the May Revise addresses country are also preparing telemetry data it’s returning thrusters showed signs of
Officers responded to the himself inside his vehicle
3400 block of E. Foothill Bl. when officers contacted him. children’s mental health with to pass laws that will restrict is invalid. For instance, degradation, so engineers
regarding two males fighting. After negotiations, officers de-a $65 million investment for access to reproductive health the data may appear to be switched to another set
Officers arrived and contacted escalated the situation and the care court and $4.8 billion care and ban abortions. randomly generated, or does of thrusters that had
a reluctant victim who told the suspect surrendered to officers. for wellness and mindful California will continue not reflect any possible state originally been used during
officer that an unknown male A firearm was recovered from programs, youth-led social to protect fundamental the AACS could be in. the spacecraft’s planetary
assaulted him. Officers learned within the vehicle. media campaigns, school reproductive rights, improve The issue hasn’t triggered encounters. Those thrusters
a verbal altercation escalated April 29 at 3:05am: Pasadena and community based crisis the availability of safe and any onboard fault protection worked, despite having beeninto the suspect trying to strike abortion
Officers responded to the 800 response, community based accessible and systems, which are designed unused for 37 years.
block of N. Lake Ave. regarding
the victim with a vehicle. The youth suicide prevention health care for all women. to put the spacecraft into Voyager 1’s twin, Voyager 2
victim was never hit by the a ShotSpotter Alert. Officers
and outreach, and career The $125 million investment “safe mode” – a state where (currently 12.1 billion miles,
vehicle and the suspect left the detained a group and one
scene. Shortly thereafter, the firearm was located next to one development and parental proposed in the May Revise only essential operations or 19.5 billion kilometers,
suspect confronted the victim of the members of the group. support. Millions of will ensure that women’s are carried out, giving from Earth), continues to
again and attacked the victim A second subject admitted to Californians, including at reproductive rights are engineers time to diagnose operate normally.
with a baseball bat. The suspect also possessing a firearm in his least 1 in 5 youth, live with not only protected but an issue. Voyager 1’s signal Launched in 1977, both
fled but was contacted later by vehicle. Officer recovered both mental health challenges and strengthened. hasn’t weakened, either, Voyagers have operated
officers and he was arrested for firearms and both subjects were we must continue to create I’m proud of our strong which suggests the high-far longer than mission
assault with a deadly weapon. arrested for firearms violations. meaningful ways to support fiscal foundation and look gain antenna remains in its planners expected, andforward to working with the prescribed orientation with are the only spacecraft to
San Marino Fire Preparedness Course Governor and my colleagues
Earth. collect data in interstellar
as we continue to make
The team will continue to space. The information
• Active Bleeding historical investments in monitor the signal closely as they provide from this
Join the San Marino Fire Department to learn
• Use of Tourniquets California’s future.” they continue to determine region has helped drive a
about first aid & safety for summer! All ages are • Choking
whether the invalid data is deeper understanding of
invited to learn valuable skills to keep you and • Use of Extinguishers
your family safe during the summer months and • Pool/Water Safety Police coming directly from the the heliosphere, the diffuse
beyond. Learn about: Call (626) 300-0735 for more information. AACS or another system barrier the Sun creates
• First Aid Skills Registration by email to fire@cityofsanmarino. Looking involved in producing and around the planets in our
• CPR org is encouraged but not required. sending telemetry data. solar system.for Murder Until the nature of the Each spacecraft produces
issue is better understood, about 4 fewer watts of
Suspect the team cannot anticipate electrical power a year,
whether this might affect limiting the number of
how long the spacecraft can systems the craft can run.
A Pasadena man was found collect and transmit science The mission engineering
dead last week after the
data. team has switched off various
ShotSpotter detection system Voyager 1 is currently 14.5 subsystems and heaters in
alerted police of gunfire in billion miles (23.3 billion order to reserve power for
Northwest Pasadena. kilometers) from Earth, science instruments and
According to police, on May and it takes light 20 hours critical systems. No science
2 at about 8:42 p.m., officers and 33 minutes to travel instruments have been
from the Pasadena Police that difference. That means turned off yet as a result of
Department responded to it takes roughly two days to the diminishing power, and
the 1700 block of N. Fair send a message to Voyager 1 the Voyager team is workingOaks Ave after receiving 9-1-and get a response – a delay to keep the two spacecraft
1 calls and an alert of “Shots the mission team is well operating and returningFired” from the recently accustomed to. unique science beyond 2025.
activated “ShotSpotter” “A mystery like this is While the engineers
gunfire detection system. sort of par for the course continue to work at solving
Officers located adult at this stage of the Voyager the mystery that Voyager
man down in the common mission,” said Suzanne 1 has presented them, the
area of an apartment Dodd, project manager for mission’s scientists will
complex suffering from Voyager 1 and 2 at NASA’s continue to make the most
multiple gunshot wounds. Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the data coming down
The victim, 28-year old in Southern California. “The from the spacecraft’s unique
Pasadena resident Eric Lynn spacecraft are both almost vantage point.
Thomas, was unresponsive 45 years old, which is far For more information
and pronounced deceased at beyond what the mission about the Voyager spacecraft
the scene. planners anticipated. We’re visit:
The suspect(s) and motiveare unknown at this time.
Anyone with information
is asked to call (626)-7444241
anonymously by calling“Crime Stoppers” by dialing(800) 222-TIPS (8477).
Catch breaking news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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