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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Conversations: Conversations: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Altadena · So. Pasadena · San Marino: Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte:
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SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2022 Visit ttps://sgvmwd.com/water-conservation/#rebates for water savings rebates from our water district.W en a water conservation p ase as been declared, outdoor irrigation is pro ibited between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., regardless of season. Please visit our website to confrm irrigation ours.Permanent Water Conservation MeasuresCity Council recently approved year-round measures to encourage water conservation as a way of life in Sierra Madre. Use of a hose to wash down patios, driveways and sidewalks is prohibited. Use a broom instead! No operating ornamental fountains or water features, unless water is part of a recycled system.Restaurants, delis, and cafés will serve water upon request only. All water customers shall repair leaks in a timely manner.Avoid watering your lawn, landscape or turf in a wasteful manner. No vehicle washing at home, unless you have a shut-off nozzle on your hose.Check and adjust your sprinklers frequently to prevent water runoff onto the sidewalk, house or street. ( *'A A"' ' "' A' '"' $Pacifc tandard ime: no irrigation between 9 a.m. and @ p.m$Pacifc aylight ime: no irrigation between ¥ a.m. and ¥ p.m.0or more measures and tips, visit cityofsierramadre.com/conservationVOLUME 16 NO. 24VOLUME 16 NO. 24 InSIDE THIS WEEK SECTION B Around San Gabriel Valley Education & Youth Best Friends Opinion Legal Notices Sports SECTION A Conversations... 2,3 The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Sierra Madre News/ Calendar Pasadena/Altadena So. Pas./San Marino Arcadia/Monrovia/ Duarte News The Good Life Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 lic #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 lic #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 lic #00942500 webbmartingroup.com real estate SUNDAY, JUNE 19th We are Proud to announce the return of our very own Harry Shahoian CONCERT IN THE PARK | 6:00-8:00pm Memorial Park Bandshell 222 West Sierra Madre Boulevard Please Join Us! Listed at $2,399,000 471 Auburn Avenue | 471Auburn.com 4 beds | 4 baths | 3,679 sqft | 11,179 sqft lot NEW PRICE Listed at $759,000 |Open Saturday & Sunday 2-4pm 618 Fairview Avenue #111 | 618Fairview.com 2 beds | 2 baths | 1,618 sqft JUST LISTED THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP IS PROUD TO SPONSOR ELVIS IS BACK! SIERRA MADRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES GRANTS SIERRA MADRE, CA June 6: The Sierra Madre CommunityFoundation (SMCF) recently awarded the following grants to lo- cal organizations: • The Sierra Madre Playhouse received a grant to help bringthe nearly 100-year-old theater into compliance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act (ADA), providing patrons with a safe, accessible and pleasurable experience. The funds will be used to purchase and install ADA-compliant double doors at entry points. • The Sierra Madre Pioneer Cemetery received a grant to replace deteriorated benches used by family visiting loved ones, as well as others visiting the cemetery. Combined with earlier grants, the SMCF has awarded more than $14,400 in grants this year to support local civic and community organizations, including the City of Sierra Madre’s Mt. Wilson Trail Kids Fun Run, Sierra Madre Search & Rescue and the Sierra Madre Public Library. “Through the generous giving of residents who participate in Community Foundation-sponsored events, along with individual donations, the board has increased its 2022 grants budget, provid- ing more funding to support additional local organizations,” said Frank Moore, Community Foundation chair. Sierra Madre Community Foundation is singularly devoted to the Sierra Madre and solicits donations to support and enhance the community. In addition, the SMCF assists other Sierra Madre community groups in the collection and distribution of their funds that enable ongoing program support and continued op- erations. Learn more at sierramadrefoundation.org. VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS VISITS MONROVIA! Vice President Kamala Harris took time out of her busy schedule to visit Monrovia. Pictured above addressing the Summit of the Ameri- cas. Story on page 8. Photo courtesy usoas.usmission.gov PETITION SIGNATURES CONFIRMED - MEASURE TO CHANGE MONASTERY ZONING TO APPEAR ON NOVEMBER BALLOT On June 6, 2022, the Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder - County Clerk certified that the petition proposed by Sierra Madre Residents Barbara Vellturo, Alexander Arrieta, and Gary Bacio, contained enough valid signatures to qualify for the November 8, 2022 General Election Ballot. In the staff report submitted to city council for Tuesday's meet- ing, Sierra Madre City Clerk provided the council with the fol- lowing information: ".. three proponents submitted their intent to circulate a petition with the City Clerk's Office on January 25, 2022 for the purpose of changing the zoning of the Monastery parcel (Mater Dolo- rosa) and any subdivisions of it, from Institutional to Hillside Residential Zone. Accordingly, the City Attorney prepared a ballot title and ini- tiative summary, pursuant to Elections Code§ 9203. The pro- ponents: Barbara Vellturo, Alexander Arrieta, and Gary Bacio submitted proof of publication of their intent to circulate an ini- tiative to the City Clerk's Office on February 24, 2022 The proponents submitted their completed petition to the CityClerk's Office on May 13, 2022. City Clerk Aguilar and two dep- utized City Clerks conducted a prima facie sampling of the col- lected signatures and subsequently forwarded the petition pages to the Los Angeles County Clerk's Office for a second analysis of the collected signatures. The Clerk's Office determined as follows: Number of signatures filed: 1,492 Number of signatures found sufficient: 1,300 The minimum number of signatures needed to qualify as a ballot initiative for a future election was 856 signatures. The proponents submitted their intent to circulate a petition with the City Clerk's Office on January 25, 2022 for the purpose of changing the zoning of the Monastery parcel (Mater Dolorosa) and any subdivisions of it, from Institutional to Hillside Residen- tial Zone. Accordingly, the City Attorney prepared a ballot title and initia- tive summary, pursuant to Elections Code§ 9203. The propo- nents: provided the city with a proof of publication of their intent to circulate an initiative to the City Clerk's Office on February 24,2022 The completed petition was submitted to the City Clerk's Of- fice on May 13, 2022. City Clerk Aguilar and two deputized CityClerks conducted a prima facie sampling of the collected signa- tures and subsequently forwarded the petition pages to the Los Angeles County Clerk's Office for a second analysis of the col- lected signatures, which the county confirmed on June 6th. On Tuesday's city council agenda the council will be presented with the qualified citizen petition for the Measure and staff is requesting direction regarding the now qualified petition. The council is being asked to consider the following options: 1. adopt the initiative ordinance, without alteration 2. submit the initiative, without alteration, at the November 8, 2022 general municipal election; 3. call for a Special Election to be held before November 8, 2022 and submit the initiative to a ballot at an upcomingSpecial Election; 4. direct the City Attorney to prepare a report pursuant toElections Code§ 9212. The meeting will be held on June 14, 2022 at 5:30pm in City Hall Chambers. S. Henderson/MVNews SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2022 Visit ttps://sgvmwd.com/water-conservation/#rebates for water savings rebates from our water district.W en a water conservation p ase as been declared, outdoor irrigation is pro ibited between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., regardless of season. Please visit our website to confrm irrigation ours.Permanent Water Conservation MeasuresCity Council recently approved year-round measures to encourage water conservation as a way of life in Sierra Madre. Use of a hose to wash down patios, driveways and sidewalks is prohibited. Use a broom instead! No operating ornamental fountains or water features, unless water is part of a recycled system.Restaurants, delis, and cafés will serve water upon request only. All water customers shall repair leaks in a timely manner.Avoid watering your lawn, landscape or turf in a wasteful manner. No vehicle washing at home, unless you have a shut-off nozzle on your hose.Check and adjust your sprinklers frequently to prevent water runoff onto the sidewalk, house or street. ( *'A A"' ' "' A' '"' $Pacifc tandard ime: no irrigation between 9 a.m. and @ p.m$Pacifc aylight ime: no irrigation between ¥ a.m. and ¥ p.m.0or more measures and tips, visit cityofsierramadre.com/conservationVOLUME 16 NO. 24VOLUME 16 NO. 24 InSIDE THIS WEEK SECTION B Around San Gabriel Valley Education & Youth Best Friends Opinion Legal Notices Sports SECTION A Conversations... 2,3 The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Sierra Madre News/ Calendar Pasadena/Altadena So. Pas./San Marino Arcadia/Monrovia/ Duarte News The Good Life Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 lic #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 lic #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 lic #00942500 webbmartingroup.com real estate SUNDAY, JUNE 19th We are Proud to announce the return of our very own Harry Shahoian CONCERT IN THE PARK | 6:00-8:00pm Memorial Park Bandshell 222 West Sierra Madre Boulevard Please Join Us! Listed at $2,399,000 471 Auburn Avenue | 471Auburn.com 4 beds | 4 baths | 3,679 sqft | 11,179 sqft lot NEW PRICE Listed at $759,000 |Open Saturday & Sunday 2-4pm 618 Fairview Avenue #111 | 618Fairview.com 2 beds | 2 baths | 1,618 sqft JUST LISTED THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP IS PROUD TO SPONSOR ELVIS IS BACK! SIERRA MADRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES GRANTS SIERRA MADRE, CA June 6: The Sierra Madre CommunityFoundation (SMCF) recently awarded the following grants to lo- cal organizations: • The Sierra Madre Playhouse received a grant to help bringthe nearly 100-year-old theater into compliance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act (ADA), providing patrons with a safe, accessible and pleasurable experience. The funds will be used to purchase and install ADA-compliant double doors at entry points. • The Sierra Madre Pioneer Cemetery received a grant to replace deteriorated benches used by family visiting loved ones, as well as others visiting the cemetery. Combined with earlier grants, the SMCF has awarded more than $14,400 in grants this year to support local civic and community organizations, including the City of Sierra Madre’s Mt. Wilson Trail Kids Fun Run, Sierra Madre Search & Rescue and the Sierra Madre Public Library. “Through the generous giving of residents who participate in Community Foundation-sponsored events, along with individual donations, the board has increased its 2022 grants budget, provid- ing more funding to support additional local organizations,” said Frank Moore, Community Foundation chair. Sierra Madre Community Foundation is singularly devoted to the Sierra Madre and solicits donations to support and enhance the community. In addition, the SMCF assists other Sierra Madre community groups in the collection and distribution of their funds that enable ongoing program support and continued op- erations. Learn more at sierramadrefoundation.org. VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS VISITS MONROVIA! Vice President Kamala Harris took time out of her busy schedule to visit Monrovia. Pictured above addressing the Summit of the Ameri- cas. Story on page 8. Photo courtesy usoas.usmission.gov PETITION SIGNATURES CONFIRMED - MEASURE TO CHANGE MONASTERY ZONING TO APPEAR ON NOVEMBER BALLOT On June 6, 2022, the Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder - County Clerk certified that the petition proposed by Sierra Madre Residents Barbara Vellturo, Alexander Arrieta, and Gary Bacio, contained enough valid signatures to qualify for the November 8, 2022 General Election Ballot. In the staff report submitted to city council for Tuesday's meet- ing, Sierra Madre City Clerk provided the council with the fol- lowing information: ".. three proponents submitted their intent to circulate a petition with the City Clerk's Office on January 25, 2022 for the purpose of changing the zoning of the Monastery parcel (Mater Dolo- rosa) and any subdivisions of it, from Institutional to Hillside Residential Zone. Accordingly, the City Attorney prepared a ballot title and ini- tiative summary, pursuant to Elections Code§ 9203. The pro- ponents: Barbara Vellturo, Alexander Arrieta, and Gary Bacio submitted proof of publication of their intent to circulate an ini- tiative to the City Clerk's Office on February 24, 2022 The proponents submitted their completed petition to the CityClerk's Office on May 13, 2022. City Clerk Aguilar and two dep- utized City Clerks conducted a prima facie sampling of the col- lected signatures and subsequently forwarded the petition pages to the Los Angeles County Clerk's Office for a second analysis of the collected signatures. The Clerk's Office determined as follows: Number of signatures filed: 1,492 Number of signatures found sufficient: 1,300 The minimum number of signatures needed to qualify as a ballot initiative for a future election was 856 signatures. The proponents submitted their intent to circulate a petition with the City Clerk's Office on January 25, 2022 for the purpose of changing the zoning of the Monastery parcel (Mater Dolorosa) and any subdivisions of it, from Institutional to Hillside Residen- tial Zone. Accordingly, the City Attorney prepared a ballot title and initia- tive summary, pursuant to Elections Code§ 9203. The propo- nents: provided the city with a proof of publication of their intent to circulate an initiative to the City Clerk's Office on February 24,2022 The completed petition was submitted to the City Clerk's Of- fice on May 13, 2022. City Clerk Aguilar and two deputized CityClerks conducted a prima facie sampling of the collected signa- tures and subsequently forwarded the petition pages to the Los Angeles County Clerk's Office for a second analysis of the col- lected signatures, which the county confirmed on June 6th. On Tuesday's city council agenda the council will be presented with the qualified citizen petition for the Measure and staff is requesting direction regarding the now qualified petition. The council is being asked to consider the following options: 1. adopt the initiative ordinance, without alteration 2. submit the initiative, without alteration, at the November 8, 2022 general municipal election; 3. call for a Special Election to be held before November 8, 2022 and submit the initiative to a ballot at an upcomingSpecial Election; 4. direct the City Attorney to prepare a report pursuant toElections Code§ 9212. The meeting will be held on June 14, 2022 at 5:30pm in City Hall Chambers. S. Henderson/MVNews PALMDALE $539,999 TEMECULA $625,000 SIERRA MADRE $1,100,000 4 bed 3 bath 1,948 sf 3 bed 2 bath 1,689 sf 3 bed 1.5 bath 1,282 sf Pool Home on large corner lot with Single Level Home with Open Traditional Home with Remodeled gated RV access. Floorplan in Temeku Hills Kitchen and Mountain Views | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |