Mountain View News Saturday, July 23, 2022
Library Tax tobe Placed on
Nov. 8 Ballot
The Pasadena City Council
unanimously voted Monday
to place the ‘Pasadena
Public Library Services
Continuation Measure’
on the November 8 ballot.
Voters will decide whether to
continue a dedicated, special
revenue source for Pasadena
Public Library programs and
services. If voters approve this
measure, it will continue to
generate approximately $2.8
million annually for the next
15 years in dedicated, locally
funds for Pasadena’s libraries.
According to a statement,
since its inception over 135
years ago, the Pasadena Public
Library has attained a unique
position as a highly regarded
educational and cultural
institution. With more than
3,000 on-site programs,
free Wi-Fi services, and an
extensive collection of printed
books, periodicals, media,
and cloud-based eBooks,
the Pasadena Public Library
serves as a life-long learning
center and cultural beacon
for the greater Pasadena
In June of 1993, voters chose
to save the Pasadena Public
Library’s existing services
and operations when they
approved a Special Library
Tax with 79.9 percent of the
vote, which has since been
renewed twice with more
than the required two-thirds
support of all voters. In 1997,
it was supported with 84
percent of the vote and in
2007 it was supported with
80.4 percent of the vote. The
current parcel tax has a sunset
date of February 2023.
These revenues are used to
keep Pasadena libraries open
and well maintained. They
are also used to purchase upto-
date books and materials,
support library programs
and services, provide
access to computers, Wi-Fi,
and technology, and retain
well-qualified librarians. It
has enabled the Pasadena
Public Library to enhance
its services by implementing
an advanced search engine,
a computerized magazine
and newspaper index, a new
online library catalog, and
public access to the internet
with terminals at all library
If the existing funding
through the Pasadena
Public Library Services
Continuation Measure is
not maintained, the City
would lose approximately
20 percent of the library
budget or $2.8 million
annually, which may lead to
the closure of neighborhood
library branches, a reduction
of books and collections, a
reduction in library hours,
the loss of qualified librarians,
and cuts in other significant
programs and services offered
to our community.
The Pasadena Public Library
Services Continuation
Measure is not a new tax. The
Measure is meant to maintain
a revenue source that has
been in existence over the
last 29 years. Extending the
current source of revenue
will protect current funding
With voter approval, these
funds will only be used for
the Pasadena Public Library
benefiting the residents of
Pasadena. The funds will be
subject to annual independent
audits and public disclosure.
For more information visit:
For more on the Pasadena
Public Library Services
Continuation Measure
City Mourns the Passing of John Kennedy
Monday's citycouncil meetingcanceled
Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo
sent out a heartfelt public
statement, on behalf of city hall,
Thursday after lifelong resident
and District 3 Councilmember
John Kennedy passed away
suddenly, from an illness, earlier
that day.
Soon after Gordo’s statement,
the community organized a vigil
in front of city hall. The event
brought out many dignitaries,
city leaders and residents,
including Pasadena resident
and Social Activist James
Farr, Assemblymember Chris
Holden, Councilmember Steve
Madison and Councilmember
Tyron Hampton along with
many others.
Echoing the sentiments of
others, Hampton said that
Kennedy’s death came as a
shock and tremendous loss. He
also said that Pasadena was a
better place because of him.
Officials announced Friday that
Monday’s regular city council
meeting has been canceled in
Kennedy's honor.
Councilmember Kennedy
proudly and tirelessly served
District 3 since 2013. During
his tenure on City Council, he
was chair of the Public Safety
Committee, served on the
Finance Committee, and was
one of three City representatives
to the Burbank-Glendale-
Pasadena Airport Authority.
He served on a variety of
local boards, including the
Community Health Alliance of
Pasadena, the Pasadena Police
Foundation, and the Tom
Bradley Legacy Foundation
at UCLA. He was an ardent
supporter of affordable housing,
paying workers a liveable wage,
and hiring locally, city officials
Councilmember Kennedy was
born and raised in Pasadena.
From a young age, he dedicated
his life’s work to serving
others. He served as student
body president at Blair High
School and student senator
at the University of Southern
California, where he received
dual degrees in International
Relations and Economics. He
earned a juris doctor degree
from Howard University School
of Law, and was the youngest
person to have served as
president of the Pasadena branch
of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP).
On remembering his friend
and longtime colleague, Mayor
Victor Gordo shared, “While
we are all deeply saddened
by the sudden loss of our
friend and colleague, John
Kennedy, we should always
remember and celebrate his
many accomplishments and
contributions to our city and
beyond. John Kennedy loved
Pasadena and the people of
Pasadena. He worked hard
every day to make Pasadena a
better place for everyone. He
dedicated himself to helping
others, and we are all better off
Pasadena Fire Thrills Kids
at Boys & Girls Club Event
More than 150 kids at each
of the Boys & Girls Club
of Pasadena clubhouses
participated last week in a “rig
demo” with the Pasadena Fire
Department. Great excitement
rang out as the kids dressed up
in fire gear and learned all about
how the fire truck operates.
“It’s a fun and instructional
thing we like to do each Summer,
and the PFD is just great with
the kids!” said Lisa Cavelier,
CEO of Boys & Girls Club of
Pasadena. “And the questions
they ask the firefighters are
never boring!”
The Club’s Summer Session has
run since June 6 and will end on
July 29. In addition to unique
opportunities like that with the
PFD, kids have had a great time
swimming, taking field trips,
playing games, dancing, doing
robotics activities, and more.
Since 1937, the Boys & Girls
Club of Pasadena has enriched
the lives of young people in
our community, enabling them
to reach their full potential as
productive, caring, healthy, and
responsible citizens. Serving
more than 2,000 youth, ages
6 – 18 annually, BGCP focuses
on Academic Success, Healthy
Lifestyle, and Good Character
and Leadership. The Club
operates two main Clubhouse
locations in Pasadena: Slavik
Branch on E. Del Mar Blvd.,
and Mackenzie-Scott Branch
on N. Fair Oaks Avenue; and
two school-site Clubhouses on
the Odyssey Charter Schools
campuses in Pasadena and
Kennedy, photo courtesy of the City of Pasadena
because of his efforts. His was a
life well-lived.”
At the request of Mayor Gordo
and City Council, flags at all
City facilities have been lowered
to half-staff in solemn tribute to
Councilmember Kennedy. We
and our family of employees
send our condolences and
prayers to the entire Kennedy
family and residents of District
At the request of
Councilmember Kennedy’s
family, in lieu of flowers,
contributions can be made to
a scholarship fund held in the
name of the Kennedy family
at the Pasadena Community
No other information was
given about Kennedy’s illness.
Kennedy had just been
reelected, in June, to the city
council for a third term.
The next city council meeting
is scheduled for Monday,
August 1.
Night OutEvents
August 2
The San Marino Police
Department will be
hosting National Night
Out on Tuesday, August
2 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
National Night Out is a
nationwide community-
building campaign that
enhances the relationship
between neighbors and Law
Enforcement. The event will
be held at City Hall, and will
feature food, games, fun,
safety demonstrations, and
Millions of neighbors
take part in National Night
Out across thousands of
communities from all fifty
states, U.S. territories and
military bases worldwide
Other local cities such as
Pasadena, South Pasadena,
Altadena, Sierra Madre
and others hold similar
National Night Out events.
For more information, visit: For San Marino
For Pasadena visit:
Zebreda Dunham is This
Year’s Robert Gorski
Access Award Recipient
City of Pasadena officials
announced Wednesday that
they have recognized Zebreda
Dunham (pictured) as the
2022 recipient of the Robert
Gorski Access Award—an
award established by the city’s
Accessibility and Disability
Commission and presented
annually to a Pasadena resident
with a disability who has made
a significant contribution
toward improving accessibility
and quality of life for people
with disabilities. Zebreda will
be honored at the next city
council meeting.
Zebreda was born in 1978
with Arthrogryposis Multiplex
Congenita (AMC). The
symptoms of AMC are physical
and can differ greatly in range
and severity from one person to
another. Typically, individuals
with AMC have joint stiffness
that affects the range of motion
of their legs and arms.
Zebreda’s life has been filled
with both extraordinary
challenges and achievements.
She moved to Pasadena in 2005
and has been a familiar face
throughout the city ever since.
A self-described “MacGyver,”
Zebreda is well-known for
her work designing, creating,
modifying and adapting a wide
range of tools, equipment and
devices that support activities
of daily living, many of which
can be viewed on her YouTube
channel, Zebreda Makes It
Work! Her work enjoys an
international following of
persons with disabilities,
assistive technology specialists,
designers, engineers and
service providers working on
accessibility-related products
ranging from simple DIY
tools to high-tech interfaces.
Zebreda has participated in
projects hosted by both Google
and Apple, and was the first
recipient of RESNA’s Do-It-
Yourself Assistive Technology
Contest for her modification of
a key turner. In 2015, she was
invited to virtually present at
the Enable Makeathon hosted
in Bangalore, India.
Always with a smile and
positive attitude, Zebreda
has made Pasadena a more
inclusive and welcoming city.
Over the last few years, she has
helped the City’s Accessibility
and Disability Commission
initiate Pasadena’s annual
Adaptive Sports Festival and
integrate accessible features
into the Union Street Protected
Bike Lane Project.
Zebreda is also an avid sports
enthusiast and member of
the SoCal Vaqueros Power
Soccer Club. She encourages
others throughout Southern
California to compete in
adaptive sports.
Manuel Carmona Named
Interim CIty Health Director
Interim City Manager Cynthia Liaisons (PEDAL) Committee.
Kurtz has appointed Public “I am honored to have
Health Deputy Director Manuel the opportunity to serve as
Carmona to serve as Pasadena the interim director for the
Public Health Department public health department and
Director interim public health lead such a committed and
director. The move came after talented public health team. I
the recent announcement that am confident in our ability to
current Health Officer Dr. continue our work preserving
Ying-Ying Goh is taking a one-and protecting public health in
year leave of absence. the Pasadena community,” says
Carmona has served as Carmona.
deputy public health director Carmona joined Pasadena
since January 2020 and Public Health Department
has directed non-clinical in 2014 as a management
department operations and analyst, where he managed
provided administrative and the Administration and
fiscal management guidance Finance Division. Carmona
in support of the health is an alumnus of Health Equity
department’s COVID-19 Awakened and Leadership
pandemic response. He Pasadena. In 2020, he
developed and maintained participated in the National
critical community programs Leadership Academy for the
in the areas of violence Public’s Health (NLAPH). He
prevention; health equity; currently sits on the board
and maternal, adolescent and of directors of Leadership
child health. Carmona has Pasadena and Central Altadena
also led special initiatives, Little League.
including strategic planning For more information
and reaccreditation, and served about Pasadena Public
as co-chair for the Pasadena Health Department visit:
Elderly and Dependent Adult
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285Email: Website: