Mountain View News Saturday, August 13, 2022 7ALTADENA - SOUTH PASADENA SAN MARINOMountain View News Saturday, August 13, 2022 7ALTADENA - SOUTH PASADENA SAN MARINO
Landmark Legislative NASA Studies Find Previously San Marino UpcomingBills Pass the Legislature Unknown Antarctic Ice Loss Events & Programming
A number of Assemblymember Commission to design the
Marino Fire Department
Chris Holden’s bills passed framework to achieve an eighty
Summer Concert feat. The participated in the San
the Senate Committee on percent net reduction in new
Appropriations Thursday and construction by 2045, which is Molly Miller Trio Marino Police Department’s
are headed to the Senate Floor. aligned with Executive Order The Old Mill Foundation is National Night Out Event.
The bills include: AB 1604 – B-55-18 that sets a statewide excited to host their second The Fire Department hosted
The Upward Mobility Act of goal of carbon net neutrality no summer concert, The Molly multiple stations to teach
2022: boards and commissions: later than 2045. Miller Trio, on Saturday, residents life-saving skills
civil service: examinations: AB 2632 would ban the use August 20th. Gates open at such as CPR, first aid, how
classifications, AB 1720 – Care of solitary confinement for 7 PM and music starts at 8 to use a fire extinguisher, facilities: criminal background certain populations including
PM. Members $20/ticket, and utility shut-offs.
checks, AB 2446 – Embodied people who are pregnant,
non-members $25/ticket. Fire Chief Rueda
carbon emissions: construction have disabilities, or fall within New research on Antarctica, natural cycle of calving and
Purchase your tickets online participated in the City’s
materials, AB 2632 – certain age limits. The bill also including the first map of replenishment that keeps
Segregated Confinement, AB defines solitary confinement as iceberg calving, doubles their size fairly constant over or at our office Tuesday to Public Safety Town Hall on
2515 – Proprietary and private any period of confinement that the previous estimates of the long term. Sunday between 11 AM - 2 Monday, August 1. Chief
security services, AB 2644 exceeds 17 hours a day in a cell, loss from ice shelves and But in recent decades, the PM. Rueda provided an overview
Custodial interrogation, AB requires facilities to document Family Storytime of the fire department
details how the continent is warming ocean has been
2773 – Traffic or pedestrian any instance in which solitary Tuesday, August 16 at 10:30 and answered questions
changing. destabilizing Antarctica’s
stops: notification by peace is used, and places limits on AM, Children’s Area from residents as part of a
The greatest uncertainty in ice shelves by melting
officers, AB 1919 – Youth the duration any person can be Storytime features moderated panel. Transit Pass Pilot Program: free held in this manner. forecasting global sea level them from below, making
activities for children ages 5 The Fire Department
youth transit passes, and AB AB 2515 would require a person rise is how Antarctica’s ice them thinner and weaker.
and under that will promote continues to focus training
1737 – Children’s camps: safety. registered as a proprietary loss will accelerate as the Satellite altimeters measure
early literacy and lifelong efforts on the department’s
“Meeting the needs of private security officer to deliver climate warms. Two studies the thinning process by
Californians today requires us a written report to the director published Aug. 10 and led recording the changing learning through songs, three probationary
to listen to our communities describing the circumstances by researchers at NASA’s Jet height of the ice, but until movement, fingerplays, firefighters. Probationary
and these bills are a reflection of surrounding the discharge Propulsion Laboratory in this study, there hasn’t been and books. Storytime is firefighters are evaluated on
that process. As this legislative of any firearm, or physical also an opportunity for firefighter and EMS skills
Southern California reveal a comprehensive assessment
session comes to a close, I will altercation with a member of caregivers to learn ways they at 4-months, 8-months,
unexpected new data about of how climate change might
continue to work with my the public while on duty, in a can incorporate learning and 12-months. After the
how the Antarctic Ice Sheet be affecting calving around
colleagues in the Legislature manner similar to the above-
activities into everyday 12-month evaluation,
and Governor Newsom to fully described report required from has been losing mass in the continent.
routines. Storytime occurs probationary firefighters are
implement these measures,” a person licensed as a private recent decades. That’s partly because
weekly on Tuesday through assigned a special project to
said Assemblymember Chris patrol operator. One study, published in satellite imagery has been
October 4. Registration be completed by the end of
Holden. AB 2644 recognizes that this age the journal Nature, maps challenging to interpret.
is not required. Please their 16-month probation.
AB 1604 would require range should also be shielded how iceberg calving – the “For example,” said Greene,
that State Personnel Board from improper interrogation breaking off of ice from a “you can imagine looking at watch our social media for Street Sweeping
(SPB) establish a process that methods. cancellations. In keeping with the City
glacier front – has changed a satellite image and trying
includes diversity and best AB 2773 would require a peace the Antarctic coastline to figure out the difference Toastmasters Talk of the Council’s priority of well-
practices in each aspect of the officer making a traffic or Town maintained infrastructure,
over the last 25 years. The between a white iceberg,
design, announcement, and pedestrian stop, before asking Thursday, August 18 at 6:30 the Parks and Public
researchers found that the white ice shelf, white sea
administration of examinations any questions, to state the PM, Thornton Conference Works Department works
for the establishment of reason for the stop, unless the edge of the ice sheet has been ice, and even a white cloud.
Room with Athens Services
employment lists. officer reasonably believes that shedding icebergs faster than That’s always been a difficult
Do you feel shy speaking to ensure that the City
AB 1720 would streamline the withholding the reason for the the ice can be replaced. This task. But we now have
in front of groups? Practice receives comprehensive,
licensure process for those that stop is necessary to protect life surprise finding doubles enough data from multiple
giving short speeches at this environmentally responsible
have been convicted of a crime or property from imminent previous estimates of ice loss satellite sensors to see a clear
to ensure that an unrelated prior threat. meeting. The leaders offer street sweeping services.
from Antarctic’s floating ice picture of how Antarctica’s
conviction does not prohibit a AB 1737 would require the shelves since 1997, from 6 coastline has evolved in coaching to foster greater Frequent street sweeping
qualified, rehabilitated person Department of Social Services; trillion to 12 trillion metric recent years.” self-confidence and personal not only improves the
from securing employment. in consultation with state tons. Ice loss from calving For the new study, growth for the participants. appearance of the streets,
The bill would not make major agencies, parents, and other Although Toastmasters but also prevents unwanted
has weakened the ice shelves Greene and his co-authors
changes to the procedure for stakeholders; to develop
charges a nominal fee to join materials from flowing into
licensing foster family homes, for and allowed Antarctic synthesized satellite imagery
recommendations the their organization, visitors storm drains, keeps job sites
certified family homes Legislature to protect children glaciers to flow more rapidly of the continent in visible,
are welcome to the Library clean, and helps minimize
resource family homes of a from harm while attending to the ocean, accelerating thermal infrared (heat),
meetings at no charge. tire damage. Residents can
licensed foster family agency. recreational camps. the rate of global sea level and radar wavelengths since
AB 2446 would require a life “We are collaborating to provide rise. 1997. Combining these Registration is not required. visit the Street Sweeping
cycle assessment to determine Californians with solutions that The other study, published in measurements with an FREE Sunset Summer page on the City’s website
the carbon intensity of both work; for the good of the public Earth System Science Data, understanding of ice flow Concert Series for more information on the
residential and non-residential and the planet,” said Holden. Friday, August 19, Lacy Park street sweeping schedule for
shows in unprecedented gained from an ongoing
buildings in the state. The For more information visit: Get your summer grove their neighborhood.
detail how the thinning of NASA glacier-mapping
bill would require the Energy on at the last free concert! Meetings
Antarctic ice as ocean water project, they charted the
The Kings of 88 will present Public Safety Commission
Bill Creating Regional Affordable melts it has spread from the edges of ice shelves around
a fun-filled collection of Monday, August 15 at 6 PM;
continent’s outward edges 30,000 linear miles (50,000 Housing Trust Heads to Governor into its interior, almost kilometers) of Antarctic classic piano rock hits. The Teleconference
concert begins at 6 PM. A Design Review Committee
Senate Bill 1177, authored and affordable home ownership doubling in the western coastline.
variety of food trucks will be Wednesday, August 17 at 6
by State Senator Anthony units. Due to insufficient parts of the ice sheet over the Losses from calving have
Portantino which creates an local funding, they have been past decade. Combined, the outpaced natural ice-shelf available. For questions, call PM; Teleconference
affordable housing regional unable to bring their backlog of complementary reports give growth so greatly that (626) 403-2200. Summer Sunset Concert
trust between the cities of affordable housing projects to the most complete view yet the researchers think it’s Recent Happenings Friday, August 19 at 6 PM;
Pasadena, Burbank, and completion. On August 2, the San Lacy Park
of how the frozen continent unlikely Antarctica can grow
Glendale, is headed to the “Housing is a regional issue
is changing. back to its pre-2000 extent
Governor’s desk for signature. and cities working together
In June, the Senator announced in partnership, together with Iceberg Calving by the end of this century. Pasadena POPS Concert the
that his budget request to the state is the best strategy to “Antarctica is crumbling at In fact, the findings suggest best of Billy Joel & Elton John
create and fund the regional constructing more affordable its edges,” says JPL scientist that greater losses can be
affordable housing trust had housing for our communities. Chad Greene, lead author expected: Antarctica’s largest The Pasadena POPS continue
been approved in the 2022-We are stronger when we work of the calving study. “And ice shelves all appear to be their one-of-a-kind, popular
2023 State Budget, allocating together,” stated Pasadena when ice shelves dwindle headed for major calving outdoor summer concert
$23 million to help finance Mayor Victor Gordo. and weaken, the continent’s events in the next 10 to 20 series with Michael Cavanaugh
affordable housing projects SB 1177, would create the massive glaciers tend to years. singing the best of Billy Joel
created by SB 1177. regional housing trust fund speed up and increase the Mapping 36 Years of Ice Loss and Elton John on Saturday,
“Burbank, Glendale and that would be administered August 27 at the LA County
rate of global sea level rise.” In the complementary
Pasadena have been at by a joint powers authority Arboretum. Hand-picked by
Most Antarctic glaciers flow study, JPL scientists have
the forefront of meeting (JPA) comprised of the cities Billy Joel himself, Cavanaugh
to the ocean, where they combined almost 3 billion
California’s housing needs. I’m of Burbank, Glendale, and got his start as the lead role in
happy to help them create and Pasadena. Under the bill, the end in floating ice shelves data points from seven the Broadway musical Movin’
fund this effort,” stated Senator JPA would be allowed to request up to 2 miles (3 kilometers) spaceborne altimetry Out, which earned him both
Portantino. and receive private and state thick and 500 miles (800 instruments to produce the Grammy and Tony Award
Burbank, Glendale, and funding allocations, as well kilometers) across. Ice longest continuous data set nominations. Acclaimed for
Pasadena have nearly 3,000 as authorize and issue bonds, shelves act like buttresses on the changing height of his highly energized piano
affordable housing units in to help finance affordable to glaciers, keeping the ice the ice sheet – an indicator and lead vocals, Cavanaugh
the combined development housing projects for persons from simply sliding into of ice loss – from as early as expanded his repertoire to and the excellent charts make
pipeline, including permanent and families of extremely low-, include an electrifying tribute this a must-have for both the
the ocean. When ice shelves 1985. They used radar and
supportive housing, senior very low-, low-, and moderate-to Sir Elton John, and he will orchestra and the audience.”
are stable, they have a laser measurements of ice
housing, workforce housing, income households. bring the music of both of these All concerts are held at the Los
elevation, accurate to within
superstars face-to-face for one Angeles County Arboretum
centimeters, to produce the
and Botanic Gardens. Grounds
San Marino Election Information night only this summer on the
highest-resolution monthly Arboretum stage.
open for picnicking and dining maps of change ever made Get in a “New York State of at 5:30pm and performances
of ice loss. Mind” with your favorite “Piano begin at 7:30pm. Don’t miss
The unparalleled detail in Man” and “Rocket Man” hits – the best outdoor dinner party
the new record reveals how “Italian Restaurant,” ”Uptown in town with spacious circular
long-term trends and annual Girl,” “Crocodile Rock,” “Tiny table seating with fine linens,
weather patterns affect the Dancer,” “Goodbye Yellow or lawn seating for those who
Brick Road,” “Bennie and the want to bring a blanket – each
ice. It even shows the rise
Jets,” “Candle in the Wind” option carries on the tradition
and fall of the ice sheet as
and many more. For this of picnic-dining with your
subglacial lakes regularly fill
exclusive Southern California family and friends listening to and empty miles below the engagement, Cavanaugh will the San Gabriel Valley’s premier
surface. “Subtle changes like breathe new life into these orchestra! Among many venue
these, in combination with rock ‘n roll classics for a night amenities, concert goers can
improved understanding of of sing-along favorites with enjoy pre-ordered gourmet
long-term trends from this the POPS orchestra and a full box dinners for on-site pickup
data set, will help researchers back-up band. “[Cavanaugh] just steps from their table or a
understand the processes has reinvented these songs variety of food truck options.
into something that dare I say The Arboretum is located
that influence ice loss,
sometimes improves upon the at 301 North Baldwin Ave.,
leading to improved future
originals.” (MD Theatre Guide). Arcadia, CA. Subscribers
estimates of sea level rise,”
This is not Cavanaugh’s first may purchase pre-paid onsite
said JPL’s Johan Nilsson, lead rodeo with the POPS, having
parking at the Arboretum, and author of the study. performed The Music of Billy all concertgoers can purchase
Synthesizing and analyzing Joel in 2016 and Elton John is guaranteed and convenient
the massive archives of 2019 to a sold-out audience. parking at Santa Anita Park,
measurements into a single, “Michael’s show is hands with non-stop shuttle service to
high-resolution data set took down the best contemporary the Arboretum’s main entrance.
years of work and thousands symphony pops show we have Tickets start at $25, and are
had the honor to present,” available by calling the box
of hours of computing time
commented Chief Executive office at (626) 793-7172, online
on NASA’s servers. Nilsson
Officer Lora Unger. “The at PasadenaSymphony-Pops.
says it was all worth it:
combination of popular songs, org or at the Arboretum on “Condensing the data into his talent as a superb showman concert days.
something more widely
useful may bring us closer
to the big breakthroughs we
need to better understand
our planet and to help
prepare us for the future
impacts of climate change.”
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