Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 12, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 5

Mountain View News Saturday, November 12, 2022 

Public Invited 
to Mayor’s 
Annual Tree 

Join Pasadena Mayor 
Victor Gordo in kicking 
off the holiday season 
December 2 at Pasadena’s 
free family holiday 
celebration at City Hall. 
Enjoy festive musical 
performances by local 
youth and a holiday craft 

 The event will take place 
from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 

 Mayor Gordo will light 
the City’s official tree at 
6 p.m., so come early 
for parking and a prime 
viewing spot.

 If you have the means, 
please help Pasadena Fire 
Department give local 
underserved children 
and teens a holiday to 
remember. Pasadena 
firefighters will be at the 
tree lighting event to 
collect your donation 
of new unwrapped toys, 
sports equipment and gift 
cards for the annual Spark 
of Love Toy Drive.

 For more information 
visit: or 
call (626) 744-7500. 

Stitch it! 
A Visible 
for Teens 

The South Pasadena 
Public Library’s Teen 
Advisory Board (TAB) 
invites middle and high 
schoolers, to “Stitch It,” a 
visible mending workshop 
on Wednesday, November 
16 at 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 
in the Library Community 
Room. The mending party 
will be led by Karen Veitch 
and Lorrie Dieckmann, 
two South Pasadenans 
who are committed to 
and interested in fostering 
a culture of recycling, 
re-purposing, and reuse. 
Sharing different 
stitching options, they will 
demonstrate and guideteens in how to mend 
clothes and repurpose 
fabric scraps into patches 
that could be sewn over 
clothing holes in this 
hands-on workshop. 
Participants may bring 
their own jeans to mend or 
create a patch from fabric 
scraps provided by the 
presenters. Since space is 
limited, interested teens 
must register at:
register or call (626) -403. 

Largest Lottery Jackpot in U.S. History 
Ticket Sold at Altadena Gas Station 

California’s schools 
to receive $156.3 
million from the 

 It was still unclear Friday 
if anyone will come forward 
and claim $2.04 billion, the 
largest jackpot-winning 
Powerball, matching all six 
numbers, after the ticket 
was sold at an Altadena gas 

 “Most winners take a couple 
of months to come in,” said 
lottery sales manager David 
Kauls “It’s very rare that we 
get a winner in very quickly.”

 California Lottery officials 
made the announcement 
early Tuesday morning at 
Joe’s Service Center at 15 
West Woodbury Road. 

“Joe’s Service Center had the 
privilege of selling the only 
Powerball jackpot-winning 
ticket, said California Lottery 
spokesperson Carolyn 

 The ticket matched the 
numbers 10-33-41-47-56 
and the Powerball number 

10. Joe’s Service Center will 
receive the maximum bonus 
of $1 million for selling the 
winning ticket. 
“The people in the 
community, they spend their 

money, buy the ticket, they 
deserve to have a winner,” 
said gas station owner Joe 

 Chahayed said he plans 
to help his family with the 

 Becker said that the winner 
may know by now they won 
and that they need to keep 
the ticket safe, “you do need 
your ticket to claim that 
prize,” she said.

 According to Powerball 
officials, Monday’s Powerball 
drawing was delayed 10 
hours due to another 
participating lottery – not 
California – needing extra 
time to complete the required 
security protocols.

The Powerball drawing was 
performed at 5:57 a.m. at the 
Florida Lottery draw studio 
in Tallahassee.

 California’s schools will 
receive $156.3 million from 
this jackpot and all the rolls 
leading up to it. This is the 
highest contribution to 
education generated from a 
single rolling sequence in the 
Lottery’s history

 The California Lottery’s 
mission is to provide 
supplemental funding to 
California public schools, 
including kindergarten and 
grades 1-12, community 

Exclusive Tour and Reception 
at the 1999 Don Hensmandesigned 
Moseley House 

Pasadena Heritage is inviting to this classic contemporary 
the public to the finale of residence. Guests will be 
Preservation Pasadena an shuttled up to the home and 
exclusive reception Sunday enjoy the sunset sipping 
at the Alex and Jaylene wine and surrounded by the 
Moseley House. Taking full art and architecture of this 
advantage of the sweeping stunning place. Wine, drinks, 
view of the Rose Bowl and and heavy hors d’oeuvres will 
entire San Gabriel Valley, be served. 
this 1999 house designed by The event times are 3:30 
Don Hensman epitomizes p.m. – 5:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m. 
the ideal of integrating a – 6:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 
structure and its site. The p.m. 
magnificent entry court, For more information 
with its roof-high waterfall, or to buy tickets visit: 
provides a dramatic welcome 

colleges, the California State 
University, the University 
of California, and other 
California public educational 
entities. The funds the 
Lottery transferred to public 
education totaled more 
than $1.88 billion for fiscal 
year 2020-21, according to 

Repairs to 

In August Allendale Branch 
Library closed for seismic 
and roofing repairs. As with 
the nature of construction 
projects, the full extent of 
work is not known until the 
work actually begins and 
structural components are 
exposed. In this case, the 
earthquake retrofit brackets 
designed to strengthen 
the ties between the roof 
and walls at Allendale 
must be altered to different 
specifications due to newly 
uncovered wall construction 
design not shown on plans. 
The alterations will require 
reworking the original 
design and potentially 
manufacturing new 
brackets. These changes 
will result in an extended 
closure of Allendale Branch 
Library to ensure work is 
done correctly, according to 
earthquake retrofit building 

 With work completion, 
restocking the backlog of 
returned materials, and 
preparation for reopening, 
the branch is expected to 
reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 

 Until then, Allendale 
patrons’ nearest available 
libraries are: 
Hill Avenue Branch Library 
55 S. Hill Ave. | (626) 7447264 
Monday -Saturday | 10 

a.m. - 6 p.m.
San Rafael Branch Library 
1240 Nithsdale Rd. | (626) 
744-7270 Monday - Saturday 
| 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 
City Receives $187,000 
Bicyclist Safety Grant 

The City of Pasadena 
Department of 
Transportation’s efforts to 
enhance safety for bicyclists 
citywide has received a 
financial boost thanks 
to a $187,000 grant from 
the California Office of 
Traffic Safety (OTS) for 
its Pedestrian and Bicycle 
Safety Program. The grant 
funds will be used for a 
pedestrian and bicyclist 
safety outreach program to 
help raise awareness of the 
dangers and consequences 
of vehicular speeding.

 A November 2020 study on 
traffic patterns conducted 
by Department of 
Transportation staff found 
that average speeds were at 
least 1 to 2 miles per hour 
faster during post-Safer 
at Home Order months 
compared to the same time 
in 2019 and remains faster 
to this day. These increased 
speeds had a measurable 
effect on pedestrian- and 
bicycle-involved crash 
data. Transportation data 
from 2019-21 revealed 
that speeding is a growing 
primary collision factor in 
pedestrian- and bicycle-
involved crashes. Unsafe 
speed rose as a primary 
collision factor in these 
crashes to 15.4 percent, up 

5.5 percent from 2019. 
Education and outreach 
efforts funded by the OTS 
grant will help promote 

safe driving behaviors by 
emphasizing the need to 
drive at safe speeds in order 
to keep all road users safe. 
Safety information will be 
distributed to community 
members at high-traffic 
locations across the city. 
Physical media, such as 
transit signage, will also 
be utilized, and digital 
outreach materials will be 
shared across the City’s 
social media channels. This 
grant will be administered 
in coordination with the 
OTS grant that was recently 
awarded to Pasadena Police 

The OTS grant also provides 
for a traffic database software 
upgrade that will allow 
transportation staff to better 
analyze and evaluate traffic 
safety behavioral data at 
locations where pedestrians, 
bicyclists and motorists 
travel. Both the education 
outreach and traffic 
database upgrade provide 
an opportunity for the City 
of Pasadena to potentially 
reduce the percentage of 
pedestrian- and bicyclist-
involved collisions, and 
reduce the number of 
fatalities and severe injuries.

 Funding for this pedestrian 
and bicyclist safety program 
is provided by a grant from 
the California Office of 
Traffic Safety, through the 
National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration. 

Pasadena Libraries will be 
CLOSED in observance of: 

November Christmas Holiday: Sunday & 
Thanksgiving Eve: Wednesday, Monday, Dec. 25 & 26 
Nov. 23 - All Pasadena Public New Year’s Eve: Saturday, 
Libraries will close at 5 p.m. Dec. 31 - All Pasadena Public 
Thanksgiving Holiday: Libraries will close at 5 p.m. 
Thursday & Friday, Nov. 24 & January 
25 New Year’s Holiday: Sunday & 
December Monday, Jan. 1 & 2, 2023 
All Libraries will OPEN at Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: 
noon on Thursday, Dec. 8 Sunday & Monday, Jan. 15 & 
Christmas Eve: Saturday, Dec. 16, 202324 - Pasadena Public Libraries For more information visit: 
will close at 5 p.m. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285Email: Website: