Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 12, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, November 12, 2022 
Mountain View News Saturday, November 12, 2022 
San Marino Upcoming As Psyche Mission Moves Traditional Thanksgiving 
Events & Programming Forward, NASA Responds Meal at The Senior Center 

East Meets West Wednesday, November 16. to Independent Review Membership for Thanksgiving luncheon is 

only $15 for members and 

Parent Education Club Meetings the Pasadena Senior 

$20 for non-members of all 

(EMWPEC) Recreation Commission 

Center is not required ages. To register, visit www. 

Saturday, November 12 at Meeting 

2 PM, Barth Community Monday, November 14 at 

 Eat, drink and give thanks and click on Activities &

Room 6:00 PM; Teleconference 

Thursday, Nov. 24, at noon Events, then Special Events 

 EMWPEC is hosting a and Barth Room at Crowell 

when the Pasadena Senior 

or call 626-795-4331. 

Positive Parenting Seminar Public Library 

Center, 85 E. Holly St., will Proof of COVID vaccination 

titled “Plan Your Summer Design Review Committee 

offer a traditional turkey is required to attend; masks 

Activities” featuring Tammy Wednesday, November 16 

feast with all the gobbling are optional. 

Huang-Acacleto, John Ulin, at 6:00 PM; Teleconference 

good trimmings. Members In addition to online 

and Vanessa Yang. The panel and Barth Room at Crowell 

and nonmembers of all ages classes, onsite events and 

will provide information and Public Library 

are welcome. 

other activities, members 

opportunities so attendees Rainstorm Response

 The Scott Pavilion at the 

and nonmembers of the 

can walk away with great Public Works staff worked 

“We welcome this center will be adorned with 

plans for Summer 2023. hard on Tuesday, November The mission is moving Pasadena Senior Center 

opportunity to hear the Thanksgiving and autumn are encouraged to visit 

Register online. 8th, to respond to issues forward as previously 

independent review board’s décor. Diners will enjoy the website regularly for a 

Pumpkin Spice DIY Body caused by the rainstorm 
Scrub (Grades 6-12) that occurred throughout 
announced, and NASA findings and have a chance a delicious, traditional quarterly online magazine, 
Tuesday, November 15 at the day and into the early will incorporate to address the concerns,” Thanksgiving meal, as well free food delivery for older 

recommendations from said Thomas Zurbuchen, as vegetarian options, in a adults in need, COVID 

3:30 PM, Barth Community morning hours of November 
the board to ensure its associate administrator of festive and fun atmosphere, updates specifically for older 

Room 9th. Staff placed “Flooded” 

NASA’s Science Mission accompanied by Larry Klug adults and more. 

 What’s fall without pumpkin signs throughout the City, success. 

Directorate in Washington. on piano. The center is an independent, 

spice? Teens who can’t get removed fallen trees, palm 

“It’s job notice “For most of 2020 and 2021, donor-supported nonprofit 

enough of it are invited to fronds, and other debris our to 

 NASA and the agency’s Jet issues early – this report is during the worst part of the organization that has 

make their own pumpkin from City streets, collected 

Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) essentially a canary in the COVID pandemic, older served older adults for more 

spice body scrub so they broken streetlight globes, 

in Southern California, coal mine – and address adults were mostly isolated than 60 years. During the 

can live their PSL dreams unclogged storm drains, 

which leads Psyche, shared them. Information like at home and the Pasadena pandemic, doors are open 

without spending a fortune and handed out sandbags 

a response Friday to the this helps us for more than Senior Center was closed Mondays through Fridays 

on coffee. Registration is not to residents who stopped 

results of an independent just Psyche, but also for for everything except the from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

required. by City Hall. In addition, 

review board convened to upcoming key missions such most basic social services,” for social services as well as 

Smarter Living Series: standby staff responded to 

determine why the mission as Europa Clipper and Mars said Akila Gibbs, executive the library, Sy Graff Fitness 

Property Tax a report of a fallen parkway 

to study a metal-rich Sample Return.” director of the center. Center, computer lab and 

Wednesday, November 16 tree after hours. Overall, 

asteroid of the same name The independent review “Now we have reopened limited occupancy for 

at 1 PM, Barth Community staff was able to effectively 

missed its planned 2022 board also looked at JPL as and can once again serve events. Rooms are sanitized 

Room and efficiently respond to 

launch opportunity. a whole. The report made as a place for people to after each use. 

 In this free workshop, issues reported by residents 

 The mission is moving recommendations to address congregate for activities In accordance with 

Darrell Done will advise to ensure impacts of the 

forward as previously what it called inadequate and events, including Pasadena Public Health 

participants on how to storm were mitigated as 

announced, and flight project staffing – in holiday celebrations, in an Department guidelines, 

transition from their current much as possible. Residents 

NASA will incorporate both number of personnel environment of safety and proof of COVID vaccination 

to future home, while who wish to report non-

recommendations from the and experience – as well as camaraderie.” is required for everyone 

keeping their property tax emergency issues such as 

board to ensure its success. erosion of line organization Reservations are required who uses the fitness center 

base using Proposition 19 these in the public right

The review board – technical acumen, and no later than Monday, or attends onsite activities 

guidelines. Registration is of-way or City streets may 

convened at the request the post-pandemic work Nov. 21. The cost for the indoors. 

not required. do so via the San Marino 

of NASA and JPL – found environment. 

Kids’ Night Out Service Request Center: 

Saturday, November 19 a significant factor in the In response, changes to JPL’s Library Celebrates Nativedelay was an imbalance organizational reporting 

from 5 – 10 PM, Barth Recent Happenings 

between the workload and structure and reviews are Community Room The San Marino Fire the available workforce at in work, which along with American Heritage Month

Cost: R: $40 / NR: $46 Department is currently in 

JPL. NASA will work closely other actions, are designed 

 Kids’ Night Out provides the process of completing 

with JPL management to increase institutional November is nationally share something about 

children a night of fun, annual fire prevention 

over the coming months to insight and oversight of recognized as Native the book you read. There 

so parents and guardians inspections of properties 

address the challenges raised missions including Psyche. American Heritage Month. are unlimited eBooks and 

can enjoy an evening out within San Marino’s 

in the report. The board will JPL also is instituting new Established in 1990 under Audiobooks from this series 

or a quiet night at home. commercial districts. 

meet again in spring 2023 to internal staffing approaches President George H. W. available for download from 

Recreation staff offer dinner, This effort will include an 

assess progress. and working with industrial Bush. The work to establish hoopla at: hoopladigital. 

themed games, movies, inspection of the entire 

 For the Psyche mission, partners to support staffing national recognition for com/series/6281301551. 

snacks, and supervision for Huntington Library. 

the board recommended needs and to redouble efforts the contributions the first Also available are print 

children ages 5-12. Reserve The Fire Department 

increasing staffing, to strengthen experienced Americans made to the copies for checkout; check 

your spot by November 11. continues to focus training 

establishing open leadership at all levels. establishment and growth of out any copy from the series 

Turkey Time Excursions efforts on the department’s 

communications and an “I appreciate the the United States date back at the Hastings Branch while 

Monday, November 21 from probationary firefighters. 

improved reporting system, thoughtful work of the to as early as 1914. supplies last. To attend the 

9 AM – 8 PM, Knott’s Berry Probationary firefighters 

as well as strengthening Psyche independent review Pasadena Public Library program, sign up at: 

Farm are evaluated on firefighter 

the review system to better board,” said Laurie Leshin, joins libraries across the 

Cost: R: $100 / NR: $116 and EMS skills at 4-months, 

highlight what issues might JPL director. “The board country in celebration of signup. 

Tuesday, November 22 from 8-months, and 12-months. 

affect mission success. members worked diligently Native American Heritage Saturday, Nov. 19, 4 p.m., 

9 AM – 7 PM, Great Wolf After the 12-month 

 In response, the Psyche over the past several months Month, a time to recognize Hastings Branch Library, 

Lodge evaluation, probationary 

project has added to help JPL uncover and the important contributions 3325 E. Orange Grove Blvd. 

Cost: R: $115 / NR: $133 firefighters are assigned 

appropriately experienced understand issues related of Native people and Stories to Share

 Do you want to keep a special project to be 

leaders and project staff to the delay of the Psyche celebrate their rich and Join us for a special storytime 

your kid busy during completed by the end of 

throughout the project, launch. Their insights are diverse cultures, traditions, featuring stories written by 

Thanksgiving Break? The their 16-month probation. 

including filling the helping JPL and NASA take and histories. Throughout Native American authors. 

Recreation Division is Two candidates are currently 

project chief engineer and the steps necessary to ensure November, children, teens For ages 3-5 years. 

offering two theme park in backgrounds to fill two 

guidance navigation and success on Psyche and future and adults alike have the Wednesday, Nov. 9, 10:30

trips for kids in grades 4 - 8! vacant probationary 

control cognizant engineer missions.” opportunity to participate a.m., Santa Catalina Branch 

Transportation, supervision, firefighter/paramedic 

positions. JPL also formed To support JPL’s staffing in an array of programs and Library, 999 E. Washington 

and admission ticket are positions. 

a team to actively manage needs, NASA anticipates crafts designed to delight Blvd. 

provided in the cost of the For more information about 

the staffing shortage across delaying the launch of the and inform. Crafts 

trip. Registration is required. thees events, programs visit: 

multiple projects including Venus Emissivity, Radio Events Take & Make: The Three 

Reserve your spot by 

Psyche. Science, InSAR, Topography, Adult Book Club - Pasadena Sisters – Bean Mosaic 
and Spectroscopy Readers: Ceremony Celebrate one of the Three 
(VERITAS) mission Pasadena Readers book club Sisters of Native American 
for at least three years. will discuss Ceremony by Agriculture with this 
This choice would allow Leslie Marmon Silko. Tayo, charming bean mosaic. 
experienced staff at JPL to a young Native American, Sign up for your kit at: 
complete development of has been a prisoner of the cityofpasadena.libwizard. 
strategic flagship missions Japanese during World com/f/the_bean_mosaic. 
further along in their War II, and the horrors of Sign-ups begin on Nov. 13. 
development. A delay of captivity have almost eroded Kits can be picked up at 
VERITAS, a mission in early his will to survive. His Hastings Branch Library, 
formulation, would also free return to the Laguna Pueblo while supplies last. 
up additional resources to reservation only increases Take & Make: The Three 
enable the continuation of his feeling of estrangement Sisters – Brown Sugar 
Psyche and positively affect and alienation by the Roasted Acorn Squash 
other planetary funding rejection he encounters Celebrate one of the Three 
needs. from his people. Tayo’s quest Sisters of Native American 

 VERITAS is a JPL-led for comfort and connection Agriculture with this 

mission designed to search leads him back to the Indian delicious acorn squash 

for water and volcanic past and its traditions, to recipe. Sign up for your 

activity on Venus. It was beliefs about witchcraft kit at: cityofpasadena. 

selected in 2021 as one of and evil, and to the ancient 

two Venus proposals for stories of his people. The pumpkin_craft. Sign-ups 

the agency’s Discovery search itself becomes a ritual, begin on Nov. 20. Kits can be 

Program, a line of low-cost, a curative ceremony that picked up at Hastings Branch 

competitive missions led by a defeats the most virulent of Library, while supplies last. 

single principal investigator. afflictions—despair. The Pasadena Public 

The mission, with planned Monday, Nov. 21, 3 - 4:30 Library is an information 

contributions from the p.m., Santa Catalina Branch center for the Pasadena 

Italian Space Agency, Library, 999 E. Washington community in order to 

German Aerospace Center, Blvd. preserve and encourage 

and French Space Agency, Children’s Book Club - Read the free expression of ideas 

was originally expected Around the World Book essential to an informed 

to launch in December Club Visits the Windy Lake citizenry. A variety of 

2027. The mission is now First Nation highly vetted programs are 

scheduled to launch no For kids in grades 3-5 whose presented for children and 

earlier than 2031. minds and hearts know no adults and they represent 

 For a VERITAS delay, borders! Learn about the the research and opinions 

JPL will stand down Cree people of Canada and of the presenter and do not 

their management and the northern U.S. through reflect an endorsement by 

engineering teams for Michael Hutchinson’s the City of Pasadena nor the 

the mission and release Mighty Muskrats mystery Pasadena Public Library. 

the staff to other projects, series. Participants are Pasadena Public Library’s 

while funding will be required to read one of the Native American Heritage 

continued for science team Mighty Muskrat mystery Month programs are 

support. NASA’s response series books before the book sponsored by The Friends of 

to review board, and copies club meeting. At the meeting, the Pasadena Public Library. 

of the report: go.nasa. the books will be discussed For more information, call 

gov/3UtmbOz broadly. Be prepared to (626) 744-4066. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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