Mountain View News Saturday, January 7, 2023
with Driving
Tesla Off Cliff
A well know radiologist
at Providence Holy Cross
Medical Center in Los
Angeles, and Pasadena
resident, is now suspected
of attempted murder and
child abuse after allegedly
deliberately driving his
Tesla off a 250 foot cliff in
Northern California.
According to San Mateo
County Sheriffs, deputies
responded Monday
shortly before 10: 30 a.m.
to a solo vehicle over the
side of Hwy 1 south of
the Tom Lantos tunnel.
“Two adults suffered non-
life threatening injuries
and two children were
The site of the crash along
Pacific Coast Highway
is notoriously known as
“Devil’s Slide.”
A rescue team of
firefighters said they
were shocked when they
saw movement through
binoculars. The incident
turned from what was
likely a recovery of bodies
to a seven hour rescue
operation in heavy winds
and rain amongst crashing
waves. Jaws of Life tools
were used to cut the family
out of the car. A helicopter
using a basket and rope
brought the victims up to
At press time Friday the
driver, Dharmesh Patel,
41, remained hospitalized
at Stanford Hospital.
Investigators said he will
be booked and charged
once released.
According to local
reports, Patel and his
family, including is wife
Neha and kids; a 7-yearold
girl and 4-year-old boy
have lived in a home in the
Linda Vista neighborhood
for the last five years.
Neighbors described
the couple as extremely
happy and peaceful.
Before leaving to Northern
California, Patel gave his
next door neighbors a
Christmas gift.
Police investigators said
they do not have a motive
but developed probable
cause to believe the crash
was intentional.
In statement hospital
officials said “Providence
Holy Cross Medical
Center is deeply saddened
to learn of a traffic
incident involving one
of our physicians and his
family. We are extremely
grateful there were no
serious injuries. We will
not respond further, as
this incident is under
Investigators also do
not believe the Tesla was
operating in self-driving
mode at the time.
Rose Parade Turns a Perfect Corner
By Dean Lee
Under the threat of rain the Pasadena Rose
Parade sneaked by Monday with beautiful
skies between massive storms fueled by an
atmospheric river from the Pacific Ocean
that drenched the entire state later in the
The 2023 Sweepstakes Trophy, the most
beautiful entry: encompassing float design,
floral presentation and entertainment, was
presented to Donate Life (pictured above).
There was very little to note wrong with this
year’s parade. The Louisiana Tourism float
stalled shortly after hosting the mid-parade
performance with singer Laine Hardy from
Livingston, Louisiana singing “Born on the
Bayou.” The float was back moving within
five minutes.
Although Tournament of Roses officials
apologized Tuesday for The NASCAR float,
Snapchat float and the Fresno State Bulldog
Marching Band not being seen on the
national broadcast due to ‘unforeseen delays’,
(Above) Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo cheerfullywalks in the parade after the 1907 Autocarbus he was riding in broke down. (Below)
Tournament of Roses Amy Wainscott waves tothe crowd. (Bottom) Los Hermanos Banuelosfrom Altadena founded in 1995 by a group ofbrothers. All photos courtesy of the Tournamentof Roses
viewers were quick to point out that there
was no issues from KTLA 5.
Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo and actor
Danny Trejo walked the parade after the
1907 Autocar bus they were riding in broke
down. They did ride partway as the airbus
was being towed according to Pasadena
Public Information Officer Lisa Derderian.
There was also an extremely long unexplained
gap in the parade after La Canada Flintridge
float. Reports also suggested that the crowd
size of parade goers was way down, most
likely due to the parade being Jan. 2. and the
The Tournament has a longstanding
tradition not to hold the parade on a Sunday.
(Above) The 104th Rose Queen Bella Ballardand the 2023 Royal Court (Below) The ValleyHunt Club. In 1890 the club began what theRose Parade became today. (Below middle)
The Spirit of the West Rider rides on behalfof the John Wayne Cancer Foundation. Thegroup is local from Arcadia. (Bottom) ThePasadena City College Tournament of RosesHonor Band.
Pasadena Honors The Burger
During Cheeseburger Week
Put those New Year’s documented by Hamburger
resolutions on hold for America, the Los Angeles
seven days and celebrate all Times and even Time magazine
things cheeseburger during in its obituary of Sternberger.
Cheeseburger Week from To celebrate Sternberger’s
January 22 to January 28. burger masterpiece, Pasadena
During Cheeseburger Week, restaurants are offering specials,
presented by the Pasadena unique creations and the tried
Chamber of Commerce, and true. From the nationally
Pasadena honors Lionel recognized cheeseburger at Pie
Sternberger’s genius in being ‘n Burger to the innovatinve
the first to put cheese on a and delightful Zacatecas Burger
hamburger and serve it at the at El Portal and Yahaira’s,
Rite Spot in Pasadena Pasadena’s burger purveyors
It is anticipated that thirty of pull out all the stops with
Pasadena’s favorite restaurants, special menu items and pricing.
lounges and burger joints offer Dog Haus offers its acclaimed
their signature burgers, some Haus Burger for $6.99 at both
special creations and great deals Pasadena locations.
during Pasadena Cheeseburger Pasadena may be best known
Week. for our New Year events but I I
In 1924, as legend has it, would be willing to bet billions
teenaged Lionel Sternberger of people the world over
burned one side of a hamburger have enjoyed a cheeseburger
patty at The Rite Spot, his over the past 99 years or so,”
father’s roadside stand along said Pasadena Chamber of
Colorado Boulevard (then Commerce President and CEO
Colorado Street) in west Paul Little. “This is a week
Pasadena. Rather than throw for Pasadena to have a little
away the spoiled burger, he culinary fun and host visitors
masked his mistake with a for a delicious experience.”
piece of cheese and served it to Patrons can find a terrific
a very appreciative customer. burger experience, from
Word soon spread and top-of-the-line fine dining
customers flocked to The experiences to burger stands
Rite Spot for The Aristocratic and lounges. There are plenty
Burger, A Hamburger of opportunities for those who
with Cheese. Sternberger’s want to keep their resolution
achievement is the first verified or prefer something that is
instance of someone serving not beef or meat based. Those
a hamburger with cheese to a wanting a variety of experiences
customer. can organize a cheeseburger
Over the years, Sternberger crawl or follow one of the preperfected
his Aristocratic planned themed crawls.
Burger, much to the delight of Information on venues,
customers at The Rite Spot. specials, cheeseburger crawls
Sternberger’s culinary and more can be found at:
achievement in 1924 has been
Pasadena Symphony Kicks off
with Mendelssohn and Mozart
The Pasadena Symphony kicks off the New Year with
Mendelssohn & Mozart on Saturday, January 21 at Ambassador
Auditorium with both matinee and evening performances at
2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Acclaimed conductor Joseph Young, who
serves as Music Director of the Berkeley Symphony among other
major posts across the US, returns as Artistic Partner to lead the
orchestra on an aural journey through the Italian countryside
with Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 4 “Italian”.
The Composer’s Showcase will open the concert with Grammy-
nominated composer Anna Clyne’s Sound and Fury. Inspired by
Shakespeare’s Macbeth soliloquy and Haydn’s 60th Symphony.
Guests can arrive early to enjoy the outdoor, tented Symphony
Lounge, which opens 2 hours prior to show time. The Symphony
Lounge offers sandwiches, salads and desserts by Love Birds,
coffee, cocktails and fine wines from The Michero Family, before
the concert and during intermission.
Ambassador Auditorium is located 131 South St. John Ave.
Single tickets starting at $40 may be purchased online at or by calling (626) 793-7172.
The Pasadena Public Health Department recommends all guests
either be fully vaccinated or obtain a negative COVID-19 test and
wear a mask.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285Email: Website: