Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 7, 2023 OPINIONOPINION 11
Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 7, 2023 OPINIONOPINION 11
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Stuart Tolchin
Audrey SwansonMeghan MalooleyMary Lou CaldwellKevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Dinah Chong WatkinsHoward HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James SnyderKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
Despina ArouzmanJeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely TotenDan Golden
Rebecca WrightHail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
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NOTE: This article was submitted
on Thursday, prior to
McCarthy winning on the 15th
It’s been a political clown
It’s been a variation of the old
truth that you shouldn’t watch
sausage or legislation being
It’s been a rare primetime
glimpse into the minds of
politicians who’d rather break
up into factions and fight with
their own party members than
find common ground and
fight against their natural political
I’m referring, of course, to this
week’s prolonged soap opera
in the House of Representatives,
where the Republican
Party is now narrowly in control,
222-213, yet appears to be
unable to elect a speaker.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy was always
the favorite to replace
the dethroned wicked queen,
Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
But he needs 218 votes from
his fellow Republicans to win
the job and after 11 votes in
the House, as of Thursday
evening about 20 hardline
conservatives were still refusing
to vote for him.
The conservatives don’t have
a guy of their own for speaker.
They also don’t have a plan for
what they want the House to
do or focus on. They just don’t
want McCarthy.
Whether McCarthy or someone
else is ultimately elected,
the prolonged fight over who
gets to be House Speaker is a
bad omen for Republicans.
After the midterms, they were
all fired up to
stop the Biden
administra tion’s
at home and
abroad and
maybe even
do some good
things to reverse
some of it.
But if they can’t
even agree
on electing a
speaker, and if individual
House members get the power
they want to hold up any bill
whenever they want, what’s
going to happen when Republicans
have to address something
big, like the debt ceiling?
No GOP speaker is ever going
to have “Pelosi Power.” No Republican
House will ever become
a speaker’s rubber stamplike Pelosi’s. Republicans are
notoriously hard to keep together
– they’re like herding
cats. Feral cats.
That means some Republicans
are going to want the House to
spend the next two years holding
hearings to investigate
Hunter Biden, his family and
Others will want to investigate
Anthony Fauci and the CDC,
or find out who screwed up in
Afghanistan. Others will want
to focus first on the southern
border, inflation or Ukraine.
In the case of going hard after
Hunter Biden, it would be a
complete waste of the Republican
Party’s time and political
We already know Hunter’s a
criminal. We know he’s been
selling access to his father
to foreign governments and
companies for decades.
But does anyone seriously
think that the Biden Department
of Justice is going to take
down Hunter or investigate
“the Big Guy”? Or that the
mainstream media will cover
it properly? No.
The Democrats, as bad as they
are, are not dysfunctional as
a party. The Republicans, as
good as they might be, are absolutely
dysfunctional – and
this week they’ve proved it.
The party needs a strong leader
to stand up in the House
and be allowed to lead. You
can’t lead with a small caucus
of hardline conservatives that
can change week to week.
If you ask me, I’d pick Steve
Scalise. He’s an real GOP hero.
And no Republican is going
to vote against someone who
took a bullet for the party.
In any case, unless the anti-
McCarthy forces in the House
can come up with their own
leader, they need to just shut
up and get back to work.
The most important thing for
Republicans to do now is to
unite and begin working to
prevent Bidenism from wrecking
any more of the country.
If Republicans don’t get their
act together soon and start doing
the business of the people
who elected them, it’s a cinch
they won’t be in control of the
House after the 2024 elections.
If that happens, we might be
better off with the Democrats
running the House forever,
because it seems Republicans
are much better at leadingfrom behind than the front.
Michael Reagan, the son of
President Ronald Reagan, is
an author, speaker and president
of the Reagan LegacyFoundation.
Bandit. Beggar. Protector.
Mule-Headed. Mind Reader.
Snore Buddy.
These and others are some of
the names I bestow upon mybest friend. And while yes,
some of these can also apply
to my husband, in this case
I’m writing about my dog.
Baozi - the Chinese word for
Dumpling, was more of a giant,
mutant hamster than
a 4 week old Chow Chow
puppy when I first met her in
Shanghai. She was careening
around the closet- sized “pet
store”, giddy to be free of the
tiny cage the vendor locked
her in. Although I wasn’t familiar
with Chows, Baozi's
vivaciousness won me over
and if Martha Stewart had
Chows, they had to be good,
after all, she’s the woman
who elevated Pigs in a Blanket
to the elites.
If you combined an aristocratic
princess from the
17th century, a dog, a cat, a
lone wolf and a pubescent
teenager; you would get a
Chow. Intelligent, aloof and
studiously clean (okay, so
not like a teenager), they are
a one-person dog who maddeningly
knows what you’re
telling them but is too cool
to do it (so very much like a
Unlike Labradors or Border
Collies, Chow Chows have
the attitude of “What have third dog trainer took 6 sesyou
done for me lately?” sions and finally Baozi could
rather than “Pleasing you fetch items on command -
pleases me.” “command” meaning I must
first show her the treat. It’s a
Of course, the fact that Chow fair exchange. Baozi doesn’t
Chows look like real-life Ted-view me so much as her
dy Bears mean they can melt “owner” than her “staff”.
the hearts of serial killers or
even a hard-nosed IRA Audit It’s been touted that Dia-
Specialist. And their loyalty monds are a Girl's Best
knows no bounds. Loyalty Friend. But diamonds are
is the friend who drives 30 slippery, pokey and small
miles to the airport at the (unless you’re a Kardashian),
break of dawn to deliver her wear them in the wrong place
friend's passport who needs at the wrong time and you
it to go on his Cabo vacation. may be relieved of it and the
Loyalty is the family who finger it was stuck on. A dog
sticks by you during conseon
the other hand doesn’t
quences that leave you isolatcare
what you look like, what
ed and abandoned. Loyalty is afflicts you, whether you've
a Chow Chow who forsakes made the rent or whether you
all others for only you. feel you deserve to be loved.
But then, this combination There’s an over-abundance
is totally awkward when we of dogs and cats at the local
take Baozi for walks as her shelters now hoping for their
Brad Pitt magnetism attracts fur-ever family, chances are
people who gleefully want your best friend is there wait-
nothing better than to pet ing for you.
and cuddle her. Their squeals
of delight are met by Baozi's (Sung to My Best Friend with
total indifference as she apologies to Harry Nilsson)
walks away to sniff at some People let me tell you 'bout
dog's old pee markings. my best friendShe’s a warm hearted puppyWe took the basics steps to who'll love me 'til the end
train Baozi - Sit, Stay, Heel People let me tell you 'bout
was accomplished but when my best friendwe wanted more advance She’s a one girl cuddly curl,
training that would require my up, my down, my pride
a professional, this became a and pearl
problem. People let me tell you 'bout
her she's so much fun
The first dog trainer I called Whether we're walkin' in the
hung up as soon as I told sun or whether we're snug-
him I had a Chow. The secgling
one to oneond was more optimistic but 'Cause she’s my best friendinsisted I buy a full board Yes she’s my best friend
package with a weekly follow
up. When I told her I only Dinah Chong Watkins col-
needed my dog to fetch she umn appears every 1st and
laughed and hung up. The 3rd Saturday of the month.
What came first, the chicken or the
egg? And when it comes to newspapers,
what is more important, the headline
or the article? The truth is no matter how good your article is, without
a killer headline no one will read it. So, as a service I have collected
screwy headlines over the years. Let me share a few of my favorites:
“Tokyo Train Crash! Four killed; Three Seriously” (Fortunate for that
one who was killed but not seriously.)
“Nine Volunteers Put in Church Furnace” (I guess there was a wood
and coal shortage.)
“Man Found Dead in Cemetery” (What else can I say.)
Figure this one out: “Highway 4 Bypass Overpass Bypassed.”
“Teacher Strikes Idle Kids” (Ouch!)
“Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures” (That must have been before
global warming.)
“Stolen Painting Found by Tree” (I wonder what reward the tree got.)
“Panda Mating Fails: Chief Veterinarian Takes Over” (Let’s just not go
“Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told” (That will do it every
“Mayor Says D.C. is Safe Except for Murders” (Well, if that’s all.)
“One-Armed Man Applauds the Kindness of Strangers.”
“War Dims Hope for Peace.”
“Kids Make Nutritious Snacks”
“Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors”
Speaking of highways “Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge.”
“Slowdown Continues to Accelerate.”
“Police Arrest Everyone on February 22nd!”
“Federal Agents Raid Gun Shop, Find Weapons.”
“Utah Poison Control Center Reminds Everyone Not to Take Poison.”
“Voters to Vote on Whether to Vote.”
Saturday night, January 21st, my band, JJ Jukebox will be performing a
“Crosby, Stills, and Nash” like acoustic concert at Corfu Restaurant in
Sierra Madre. 6:00-9:00pm. Call (626) 355-5993 for reservations. Corfu
is a wonderful Mediterranean Cuisine Restaurant (they also serve
Greek Food). Located at 48 West Sierra Madre Blvd. (1/2 block west of
Baldwin, south side). Parking in the public parking lot directly behind
the restaurant.
Barbara Walters might never have become a
powerful force in broadcast journalism had she
lacked the chutzpah to extract a promise from
her bosses at NBC News in 1973.
As she explained it to me, she had already
worked at the “Today” show for a dozen years,
serving first as a writer and then as the “Today
girl” on set — a bubbly balance to the program’s
male host, the journalist Frank McGee. If McGee were ever to leave,
NBC pledged, she would be named co-host, an unprecedented role for
a woman.
Eight months later, McGee died of cancer. Five days after that, Walters
was named co-host and given a voice in selecting her new on-air partner,
the unassuming newsman from local TV, Jim Hartz.
Almost every obit about Barbara Walters, who died Dec. 30 at 93, mentions
that she “broke the glass ceiling” in TV news. A measure of the
enormity of that challenge was contained in Frank McGee’s own arrangement
with NBC, stipulating that during in-studio interviews he
would always ask the first three questions, lest viewers conclude that the
woman at his side was of equal status.
I suppose it would be considered a compliment to say that McGee was
a shrewd negotiator. But to use the same term about Walters would be
perceived quite negatively, especially a half-century ago. She was, indeed,
shrewd. And demanding. And often manipulative in dealing with
superiors, writers like me who covered her and, most of all, the wide
range of politicians and showbiz celebrities whom she persuaded to
open up — even shed tears — on camera.
She left NBC in 1976 to become TV’s highest-paid news anchor at the
time, seated alongside Harry Reasoner on the “ABC Evening News.”
Her $1 million annual salary was roughly double what CBS icon Walter
Cronkite was earning.
Privately, Reasoner dismissed the new pairing as so much network gimmickry.
For her part, Walters acknowledged on her first broadcast that
some viewers might have tuned in, “out of curiosity, drawn by the rather
too much attention and overblown publicity given to my new duties and
my hourly wage.”
She survived the flop that the ABC newscast turned out to be and managed
to parlay it into a robust career focused primarily on interviewing,
for which she was best known. Even that included careful calculation.
Though she did interviews both live and recorded, she preferred the latter
format. “Whoever holds the scissors controls the entire interview,”
she told me.
Whenever I wrote about her, even a brief mention, I received a handwritten
thank you note in the mail. I wasn’t flattered so much as I was
impressed by a woman who knew she had to work harder to compete in
a male-dominated field.
There are a lot of women in broadcasting today who would like to send
Barbara Walters a note of thanks.
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