Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 15, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain View News Saturday, July 15, 2023 



by Deanne Davis


October 25, 1931 – November 13, 2022

Richard Leroy Johnson, affectionately known as Dick Johnson, 
passed away November 13th, 2022 of Natural Causes. He was 91. He 
was preceded in death by his lovely wife Elva Johnson who passed 
in March of 2021. 

On Saturday, July 22nd from 1:00pm to 3:00pm the family will celebrate 
his life and legacy at the Sierra Madre Methodist Church. 

“July is hot afternoons and sultry nights and mornings 
when it’s a joy just to be alive. 

July is a picnic and a red canoe and a sunburned neck, a 
softball game and ice tinkling in a tall 

“Everything good, everything magical happens between 
the months of June and August.” 

Jenny Han

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.” 
Sam Keen

July, July, you make me cry!

You’re burning my trees, 

And there’s never a breeze.

July, July, we’re going to fry.

Turn down the heat…

You probably can’t, but you could try! 

Deanne Davis

That last observation is totally true. Shamelessly, I’m enjoying old movies on the 
Turner Movie Channel and anywhere else I can find them. Sean Connery in “The 
Wind and the Lion” with Candice Bergen, Brian Keith and John Huston from 1975 
was an absolute joy. Sean Connery at his most handsome, Candice Bergen so gorgeous, 
Brian Keith as Teddy Roosevelt. Connery is the leader of a band of insurrectionists 
and she is an American kidnapped from her home with her two children. 
Time frame is 1904 and the political situation is hot. It was great.

Shameless old movie #2: “The Great Train Robbery” also starring Sean Connery 
from 1978. Exciting movie based on a novel by Michael Crichton, written and directed 
by Michael Crichton. This is based on a true story where in 1850’s England, a 
brilliant gang did indeed rob a moving train of 250,000 pounds in gold, which was 
supposed to pay troops fighting in the Crimea.

Donald Sutherland was fantastic and Lesley-Anne Down was gorgeous. The stunt 
work, Sean Connery on top of a fast-moving train jumping from car to car across 
the roof was awesome.

Shameless old movie #3: “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” with Spencer Tracy, 
Katherine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier from 1967. This was quite shocking back then. 
A wealthy Caucasian couple’s only daughter brings home Sidney Poitier and introduces 
him as her fiancé. Watching Tracy and Hepburn work together was just a joy. 
They were a legendary cinematic couple, both on- and off-screen. They worked in 
nine films together and had an affair – an open secret in Hollywood – that lasted 26 
years, ending with Tracy’s death.

All the Indiana Jones movies, “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” “Temple of Doom,” “The 
Last Crusade” (1989, with Sean Connery still just as athletic and good looking as 
ever playing Indy’s father), and “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal 
Skull” have been playing on the cable channels constantly and Crissy, Emily and I 
have tickets to see the new one, “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” on Wednesday. 
Word has it we won’t be disappointed and I am looking forward to seeing it. 

“How can the country that created electricity and the Oscar Mayer weenie whistle 

not be purely awesome!” Steven Crowder

The Mountain Views News this past week was an absolute joy to look at online with 
all the pictures of our parade. This had to have been the best one ever…I say that 
every year… but it’s true! Our Rose Parade float looked fabulous and all the people 
looked so happy. This is such a wonderful event and I am so proud of our community 
that we keep it going and getting better and better. Love all the dear friends riding 
in classic cars, Susan Henderson, Queen of the Mountain Views News and Rich 
Johnson looked especially classy as did Clem and Nina Bartolai. 

Came across an article by Harvey Mackay that made an impression on me and I 
thought I’d pass some of it along to you. “Mistakes Can Be Learning Opportunities.”

He quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Finish every day and be done with it. You have 
done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in. Forget them 
as fast as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. It is too dear with its hopes and invitations 
to bring along dread of the past. You should not waste a moment on the rotten 
yesterdays.” More than 200 years later, this is still good advice in dealing with the 
mistakes that will inevitably enter our lives.

According to John Maxwell, New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker 
who has sold more than 30 million books, “Mistakes are messages that give us feedback 
about life. Interruptions that should cause us to reflect and think. Signposts 
that direct us to the right path. Tests that push us towards greater maturity. Awakenings 
that keep us in the game mentally. Keys that we can use to unlock the next 
door of opportunity.”

President Ronald Reagan put it this way: “What should happen when you make a 
mistake is this: You take your knocks, you learn your lessons, and then you move 

Stay cool, friends and neighbors, and be sure to hydrate! Forgive yourself and others 
for mistakes and celebrate everything! Especially birthdays, barbeques, swim 
parties, a cold glass of wine with some nice cheese and crackers. And each other. 
Celebrate each other! The picture is a donkey thinking…July, July, you make me cry!

My book page: Deanne Davis

Where you’ll find the Emma Gainsworth Kindle novelettes, 

Along with other goodies like “A Treasure Map, A Drunken Owl

And 47 Rattlers in A Bag” True Tales of Early California


Left to right: Pamina Yung (Arcadia High School), Jaxson Tierney (facsimile! Harvard Westlake School), 
Julia Pevsner (Maranatha High School), Lorielle Campos Martel (Alverno Heights Academy), Andrew Lai 
(LaSalle College Preparatory School)

The Sierra Madre Civic Club is pleased to announce 
the recipients of the 2023 Educational Awards. Each 
student received a $1000 Award at the May 11, 2023 
Club meeting at the Hart Park House, followed by a 
reception for the students and their families.

To be eligible, applicants were to be seniors in 
high school who planned to attend college or trade 
school. They also either lived in Sierra Madre, attended 
school in Sierra Madre, or were employed in 
Sierra Madre. The Educational Awards Committee 
evaluated applications based on volunteer activities, 
interests/talents/hobbies, and educational plans and 
career interests. Applicants were also asked to write 
a short essay about a person, place, or event which 
made an impact on their lives.

An outstanding volunteer spirit and love of the 
community was unmistakable in these Sierra Madre 
youths. Stories about life experiences and individuals 
that influenced their future plans were truly 
inspirational. In addition, each of them expressed 
gratitude to the Sierra Madre Civic Club for its support 
at the May 11 event.

Members of the Sierra Madre Civic Club Educational 
Awards Committee were: Sharon Lefler (Chair), 
Judie Cimino, Darlene Crook, Nancy Dorn, Carolyn 
Lanyi, Jeanne Martin, Irene Nakagawa, Ruth Torres, 
and Geri Wright.

The Sierra Madre Civic Club is a not-for-profit, 
community service organization proud to have been 
supporting the community since 1944 through volunteering, 
fundraising and philanthropic activities. 
Since 1944, Civic Club has grown to over a hundred 
members of all ages who are committed to creating 
a better community. Learn more about Sierra Madre 
Civic Club at:

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: