Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 14, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 17


Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 14, 2023 

Each workshop attendee will receive a downloadsampling of lessons and worksheets directly from TheGrantbuilder Workbook, 4th Edition. No purchase isrequired to participate in any of our free workshops.
WEDNESDAY on ZoomOctober 18, 2023Day Session: 12pm-1pm (PST) 
Evening Session: 6:30pm-7:30pm (PST )
Tap Into Grants using 5 Easy StepsComplimentary Step-By-Step WorkshopThis free online workshop is ideal for:
Schools and Educators (K-12 andCommunity College)
Arts agencies, theater groups andindividual artistsNonprofit staff with grant writing orgrants management responsibilitiesIndividuals with an interest in becomea grantwriter (full-time, part-time or asa free lanceconsultant)
Register to attend: 
(Upcoming Workshops tab)
Locate and tap into millions available in government, corporate and foundationgrants for community programs and nonprofits.
You’ll Get An: 
Overview of the The Grantbuilder’s signature 5-Steps process to prepare 10Building Blocks of information required on all grant applications.
You’ll Learn How To: 
Altadena Historical Society Presents:
Between Two WorldsAn Armenian-American Woman’s Journey HomeOn Monday October 23,2023, Dr. Jemela Macer, clinical psychologist,
professor, consultant, and author will discuss her memoir, BetweenTwo Worlds, An Armenian-American Woman’s Journey Homeat AltadenaHistorical Society’s October program, Monday,
October 23, at 7:00 p.m. at the Altadena CommunityCenter, 730 E. Altadena Drive.
Southeastern Altadena andNortheastern Pasadena have longbeen home to Armenian families.
Dr. Macer’s talk will focus ongrowing into adulthood inAltadena in the 50s and 60s andher familial, cultural, and spiritualquest to integrate her Armenian ancestry with herAmerican self. 
A grandchild of four Armenian genocide survivorswho were silent about the past, Dr. Macer, whoseparents raised their children to be Americans, soughtto learn more about her Armenian roots. The result isa moving memoir describing her travels and experiences, both physicaland spiritual, inspiring us to take a closer look at our own relationshipswith our ancestral pasts.
For more information about the program, please email AHS or call us at 1-625-797-8016. Books willbe available for purchase at the event.
7:00 p.m. Monday, October 23, 2023 
in the Altadena Community Center730 E. Altadena Drive 
SSttaarrtt wwiitthh aann IInnssppeeccttiioonn WWee’’llll AAnnsswweerr YYoouurr CCaallll 2244//77 
New Roof, 
Roof Repair 
Attic and 
sierra madre 
car show8:00 am - 12:00 pmdowntown sierra madrekersting courtnovember 11, 2023sierra madre 
car show


Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: