Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 2, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 4


Mountain View News Saturday, December 2, 2023 


by Deanne Davis

Christmas! It’s the most wonderful time of the 

Here they are, friends, and neighbors, my lighted, 
head-nodding reindeer. I can see John, my 
adorable husband, now up in heaven, shaking 
his head. He didn’t like them, didn’t want them, 
thought they were tacky and refused to even 
entertain having them. Well, I absolutely love 
them and they’re the first things I put out every 
Christmas. Of course, he was so good for all 
the years we lived on Alegria to put lights up on 
the house, on the fence on the bushes. When we 
were somewhat younger, he put icicle lights all 
around the roof, risking his life on a ladder. As 
time went by, we decided we didn’t need those, 
but he still did the fence and put lights on all the 
bushes in front. It was always beautiful. But no 
reindeer. Now I have a star shower and reindeer.

I realize December has just started, but we’re already 
starting to stress over everything we have 
to do. I’ve given you this before, but it can’t hurt 
to pass it along again…

Five Ways to Slay Holiday Stress

Change Your Perspective

Sometimes all that needs to be slain is your 
mindset. This season, take a good, hard look at 
all you are doing and then question everything. 
You could be stressing yourself out because of 
expectations and values that aren’t really yours. 
Examine what your core beliefs are and live 
those out; not some totally imaginary magazine 
Christmas decorations

Let Go

Who says you need to do it all? Unless you’re 
Martha Stewart, you don’t have to. Besides, 
she has Minions to fetch and carry for her. You 
probably don’t. Choose 1 item to cut from your 
must-get-done-before Christmas list and just 
say no. I’m not talking simply crossing it off 
your list, I’m saying cut it out and throw it away 
for good. Maybe you’ll decide not to do cards 
anymore or bake 6 different kinds of cookies. 
Whatever. The point is to stop doing 1 activity 
and give yourself that time to do something you 
really want to do, like sit down and read.

Plan Ahead

Obviously, you’re not going to cut everything 
from your holiday season. Decide on what 
you’ll keep. Remember, you are being proactive 
by choosing what you will keep and what 
you won’t then whip out your calendar and plan 
those things into your schedule. If you fail to 
plan, you plan to fail. Putting things off till the 
last minute causes undue anxiety. Decorating 
for Christmas inside and out seems to be one of 
the things that’s at the top of just about everybody’s 
list so go ahead and enjoy that. But only 
do as much as you really want to do. 

Shop Online

Books make great gifts and are just a click away. 
So is just about everything you can imagine. 
You’ll avoid crowds and save time (and gas) 
driving to and from various stores and malls. 
Yes, you might end up paying for shipping (unless 
you’re a wise Amazon Prime customer) but 
in the long run, if it saves you time and energy, 
it’s totally worth it.

Say No

This one is the hardest of all because your heart 
is big and you want to help everyone who has a 
need. Or you just simply don’t want others to 
think badly of you if you just don’t have the time 
or energy to serve on their committee or be one 
of Santa’s Elves for Pictures with Santa. Dear 
friend, in order to lessen your stress, you might 
just need to start saying no. And if you do, guess 
what? Everyone will still love you and there will 
be someone else who can do what you can’t. 

“Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts!”

“Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come 
from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…

 means a little bit more!” Dr. Seuss “How the 
Grinch Stole Christmas”

There now, don’t you feel better? Take a breath, 
or two or three, drive ‘round town and enjoy

everyone’s lights and decorations and remember 
this precious truth: Jesus is the reason for the

season! Go to a Christmas concert. Watch one of 
the Christmas movies on the Hallmark

channel. Tell someone you love them. And smile. 
A lot! 

One final thought…December 7th, is Pearl Harbor 
Day, observed annually to remember and 
honor the 2,403 Americans who were killed in 
the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii 
on December 7, 1941, which led to the United 
States declaring war on Japan the next day and 
thus entering World War II. President Franklin 
D. Roosevelt stated in his address to the Nation 
on December 8th that December 7th is: “A day 
that will live in infamy.”

Another tragic anniversary from 60 years ago 
was November 22nd when John F. Kennedy, 
the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated 
while riding in a presidential motorcade 
through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. I 
came across this quote of his: “As we express our 
gratitude, we must never forget that the highest 
appreciation is not to utter words. But to live by 

I’m hoping all your Christmas memories this 
year are merry and bright, and all the gifts you

receive are exactly what you wanted and all the 
gifts you give are exactly what they wanted, too.

The picture this week is, of course, my lighted 

“Christmas, it’s almost here! My favorite, favorite 
time of year!

Think mistletoe and holly, children’s faces jolly.

Carols on the radio, happy smiles each place you 

Whatever kind of tree you have, fake or fantastically 
real that fills the house with that marvelous 
evergreen smell, I hope decorating it brings you 
joy and pleasant memories. One of the things 
that will definitely bring you joy is to shop 
and dine right here in town. You might even 
walk downtown to shop and enjoy our beautiful 
Christmas decorations. Kersting Court has 
never been a more pleasant place to be.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” 
Is. 9:6

My book page: Deanne Davis

Christmas is just a few short weeks away 
and my book:

“Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”

Would be a really nice gift for everyone you 
know. It’s on

“Star of Wonder” a delightful Christmas 
Kindle story, where four lonely people find 
love following a strange new star on Christmas 
Eve, is there, too. 



Our holiday show begins this Friday! Cori Cable Kidder's Holiday Spectacular: A 1940s 
Christmas Revue will play on our stage from Nov 24 (the day after Thanksgiving) 
through Dec 23.

These original WWII-era military-themed holiday concerts star Sierra Madre Playhouse's 
Patsy Cline, Cori Cable Kidder, who received an Ovation nomination for her 
2015 Sierra Madre Playhouse performance following a four-month run of sold-out performances 
of Always...Patsy Cline. You won't want to miss Cori performing military 
and holiday classics of the 1940s, with live musical accompaniment by Sean Paxton on 
piano and a 3-piece band.

For this Black Friday weekend only, use code CHEER20 to take 20% off regular ticket 

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