Mountain View News SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2024
Mountain Views News SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2024
ALL THINGS By Jeff Brown
Meaning of Life According to Non-Duality Philosophy
Non-duality philosophy, also known as Advaita Vedanta in Hinduism, emphasizes the fundamental
oneness or unity of existence. The concept of the "meaning of life" is approached from a
perspective that transcends dualistic thinking. Here's a brief overview.
1. Oneness: Non-duality philosophy asserts that at the deepest level, all apparent distinctions
and dualities dissolve into a singular, undivided reality. From this perspective, the meaning
of life is to realize and embody this fundamental oneness. This realization involves recognizing
that the separation we perceive between ourselves and the world is illusory.
2. Self-Realization: The primary goal in non-duality philosophy is often described as self-
realization or self-awareness. This involves understanding one's true nature beyond the ego or
individual identity. The meaning of life, then, becomes the journey of awakening to this deeper
reality and experiencing the inherent unity of existence.
3. Freedom from Suffering: Non-duality philosophy teaches that suffering arises from attachment
to the illusory sense of self and the belief in separateness. Therefore, the meaning of
life can also be understood as the liberation from suffering through the realization of one's true
nature as the unchanging, limitless essence of existence.
4. Living in Harmony: Understanding the oneness of existence naturally leads to a sense of
interconnectedness and compassion for all beings. Thus, the meaning of life includes living in
harmony with others and the universe, recognizing that everything is part of the same underlying
5. Transcending Dualities: Non-duality philosophy invites individuals to transcend dualistic
thinking, including concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, and self and other. Instead,
the meaning of life lies in embracing the paradoxes and complexities of existence without being
bound by them.
In summary, the meaning of life according to non-duality philosophy revolves around realizing
the fundamental oneness of existence, liberating oneself from the illusion of separateness, and
Birthday wishes to Sierra Madre residentMarna Korell who celebrated
her 100th Birthday earlier this week!
National Women's Political
Caucus Greater Pasadena
Area is excited to announce
that our March 28, 2024
chapter meeting will feature
an open mic
session where members can
share their own personal
women's history stories.
We believe that each of our
members has a unique and
inspiring story to tell, and
we would love to hear from
Whether it's a story about
a woman who has inspired
you, a personal achievement
you are proud of, or a
moment that has shaped
your journey as a woman,
we encourage you to share
it with us at the open mic
This is a wonderful
opportunity to celebrate
the diverse experiences and
contributions of women
who are members of our
National Women's Political
Caucus Greater Pasadena
Area chapter.
If you are interested in
participating in the open
mic session, please email
chair@nwpcgpa.org and let us know in advance so we can allocate time for 2 minutes to share your
women's history story. We also encourage you to invite friends and family members to join us for
this special event.
visit: nwpcgpa.org.