Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 23, 2024
1. Type of help center
6. Fake tooth
9. What geysers do
13. Lagoon wall
14. Acronym, in brief
15. Syrup producer
16. Papal court
17. It often comes with Aloha!
18. External
19. *Richard III: "A horse! A horse! My ____ for
a horse!"
21. *Romeo and Juliet: "Parting is such sweet
23. Animal's nose
24. Fail to mention
25. Capone's family
28. *Hamlet: "O, this is the poison of ____ grief"
30. Soap froth
35. Iris holder
37. "He ____, She Said"
39. ____ Apso
40. Cheap form of payment?
41. Bert's roommate
43. Not in favor
44. Hipbone-related
46. The Destroyer, in Hinduism
47. Thomas the Engine's warning
48. "Heart of Darkness" author
50. Brewer's kiln
52. Beer choice
53. Not a verb
55. Comic cry
57. *The Tempest: "We are such stuff as ____
are made on"
60. *As You Like It: "All the world's a stage
and all the men and women merely ____"
64. Primatologist's concern, for short
65. "This land is your land"?
67. *Macbeth: "Our ____ master's murder'd!"
68. Scoundrel
69. Hi ____ monitor
70. Wombs
71. "A Visit from St. Nicholas" beginning
72. Teacher's favorite
73. Got ready for a close up
1. Nordstrom's outlet
2. Purse for the red carpet
3. Cape on Tierra del Fuego
4. Set straight
5. Like a knife
6. Comes before a storm?
7. The "place with the helpful hardware folks"
8. Spectrum maker
9. Wild ox of India
10. Plotting (2 words)
11. Multitude
12. Having Everything Revealed, singer and
15. *Hamlet: "When we have shuffled off this
____ coil"
20. Corpulent
22. Tin Woodman's "medicine"
24. "Two cents"?
25. *Twelfth Night: "If ____ be the food of love,
play on"
26. Convex molding
27. Nigeria's western neighbor
29. Listening devices
31. *Hamlet: "To be, or not to be: ____ is the
32. Capital of Vietnam
33. Bar by estoppel
34. Indian restaurant condiment
36. Petri dish filler
38. Prima donna
42. Artist's tripod
45. High tea sandwich
49. P rignon's honorific
51. Destroy a document (2 words)
54. Seize a throne
56. City in Japan
57. Type of sailing vessel
58. Capital of Latvia
59. Outback birds
60. "Blast from the ____"
61. "The ____ of Tammy Faye," movie
62. Uncommon
63. Went down slippery slope
64. Cathode-ray tube
66. *Merchant of Venice: "But love is blind,
and lovers cannot ____"
Solutions will appear next week!
Last next weeks Solutions
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