Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 23, 2024
Let’s just start off by saying the following isn’t my
“opinion.” We're talking about something important
here: kids' brains. There are legitimate concerns
regarding head injuries and long-term brain
damage from boxing expressed by the American
Medical Association, Centers for Disease Control,
the American Academy of Neurology and
the Brain Injury Association of America. The
American Academy of Pediatrics vigorously opposes
boxing as a sport for children and adolescents
due to the risk of head injuries and other
potential health consequences. These organizations
have the facts. They have researched the
risks. Still parents love to enroll their kids in boxing
programs. Why?
Many argue that boxing can instill discipline, focus,
and physical fitness in children. It requires
dedication, hard work, and self-control, which
can translate into valuable life skills. And yes,
jumping rope, shadow boxing, hitting the pads
and the bags are good forms of physical activity
that can increase fitness abilities and health.
But there are physical and mental health risks.
Boxing is also a combat sport that involves physical
contact and can lead to injuries, including
concussions and long-term brain damage. Children's
bodies and brains are still developing, making
them more susceptible to harm from repetitive
Consider the emotional and psychological impact boxing can have on children too. While some
kids may thrive in a competitive environment, others may find it stressful or damaging to their self-
esteem. Coaches and parents should be attentive to children's mental well-being and know if this
type of aggressive combative sport is suited for each child.
Then there’s money. Scholarships, sponsorships, prize money; funding for training/travel, athletic
endorsements are all powerful incentives. For underprivileged kids it offers opportunities for success,
recognition, and escape from poverty and adversity.
The decision to involve children in boxing should involve informed consent from parents or guardians.
To fully understand the risks and benefits associated with the sport and carefully consider
whether it aligns with their child's interests, abilities, and well-being. If you’re considering boxing
for your child do some thorough investigating. Read the studies, listen to the experts and keep your
child’s temperament, physical abilities and interests foremost.
If children are involved in boxing, strict safety measures must be in place. Get specifics about appropriate
protective gear such as headgear and mouthguards, proper coaching to emphasize technique
and safety, and supervised sparring sessions to minimize the risk of injury. This includes information
on age-appropriate training programs, limits on the duration and intensity of sparring sessions,
and regular medical evaluations.
While boxing can offer certain benefits, there are also numerous alternative activities that can promote
fitness, discipline, and character development without the inherent risks of combat sports.
These include martial arts such as judo or taekwondo, team sports like soccer or basketball, or
individual activities like swimming or gymnastics. Fencing is also gaining popularity, particularly
among youth.
Combative sports are going to be in the news more in the near future, especially here in CA where
there’s a push to ban tackle football for kids under age 12. Same reasons. To protect kids from
the risk of brain damage. Studies on football players show that the longer a person plays the more
likely they will suffer serious brain injuries. Specifically concussions and CTE (Chronic Traumatic
Encephalopathy). Kids need all their brain cells and optimal brain function. There are many other
sports and activities that can provide the same benefits without the same level of risk.
My own personal opinion? I don’t think any activity that encourages participants to hit each other
in the head is a good one. Especially when it comes to kids. Participating in such activities from
a young age may desensitize children to violence and reinforce aggressive behaviors as a means of
conflict resolution. Children’s brains are still growing, not fully developed until they reach their
mid-twenties. I wouldn’t risk having my child play ANY kind of sport based on intentional repeated
blows to the head. Having a master’s in psychology, I’m biased into thinking that kids need their
full cognitive function for academics, memory and learning. Head injuries can produce emotional
and behavioral changes too like irritability, mood swings and aggression which can have a negative
effect on their long-term relationships. Plus, we're not sure how many neurological diseases are
caused by repeated brain injuries
Why not consult the pros about these risks? Who better to ask about brain injuries than boxing
legends like Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Robinson? Or football stars like Junior Seau, Mike
Webster, Dave Duerson, or Aaron Hernandez? Oh that’s right we can’t ask them. They’ve all died.
All gone before hitting 67. All except Muhammad Ali, who battled Parkinson's Disease for a whopping
32 years, managing to stick around until 74.
NFL DRAFT - Combine and Scouting
On top of everything else that is going on in sports, it’s soon
coming up to the NFL Draft days. I’ve been through lots of these
in my time, but it seems more crazy every year. Why? Draft
choices can mean the difference between winning and losing
for teams. AND for those scouts and evaluators it can mean the
difference between keeping and losing your job! Evaluations
of players before the draft is so important. You can’t make a
mistake. Draftees must make your permanent roster, and your
number one picks better be great ones!
Real evaluation begins when a player enters college, and goes on the entire season. NFL
divides areas into regions and each team has scouts for each region. No school is too small
to have players evaluated. A scout better not miss a player, no matter what the level of competition.
If someone else finds this player in your region.. Questions are asked. A scout will
spend all day on the campus, watching teams… practicing, drilling, working out, playing in
a game situation. When they see a potential player, they watch films, talk to coaches, equipment
men, trainers, academic people. They want to see situations and skills and personalities.
They go back to the hotel in whatever city they are in, and write up a report on their
observations. Reports are recorded and filed and reviewed.
The “Combine” is held every year in Indianapolis. The top 300 college players in the country
are invited to attend. Head coaches, position coaches and staffs attend the event. Players are
tested in all areas size, speed, agility, attitude, height, weight. You mention it, it is graded.
A lot of eyeballing going on during these days. The combine days are televised, players are
interviewed, commentators are discussing and predicting where certain players are going.
So not only professionals and the media can judge, so can the general public watching TV.
Some players do not participate in the Combine…why? Afraid of injury… of not performing
Then comes, “pro day” on school campuses when NFL team representatives are invited to
the campus for more observing and discussion and personal interviews. This is when teams
are looking at certain positions once again, and can see those who may not have participated
in the Combine. Before all of theses are a few “all star” games. Top prospects are asked to
play in the Shrine bowl, the Senior Bowl etc and NFL staff are there to coach these games
and to watch what happens. Now prospects are seen in full uniform, playing and doing individual
drills and going against an opponent.
Teams and drafts and prospects become more important as money becomes a real issue
and players are looked at as valued items. I’ve been through this process with several of my
players, Randall Cunningham, Ickey Woods, Terrell Davis. Up until the last moment of the
drafting process teams are calling college coaches to ask “just one more question.” Scouting
reports are very critical to teams. What if you missed a great player that another team recognized
and drafted. What if you strongly recommended a player who was drafted and he did
not pan out at the position and skill the team wanted or needed. Evaluating and predicting
outcomes is key. Some examples:
I got a call from the Eagles about Randall Cunningham. He was the first quarterback taken
in the second round of the draft. Several teams passed on him. I told the Eagles he was MVP
of our conference, East /West Shrine team MVP, player of the game in the Japan Bowl. I told
them if you pass on him you will be fired cuz another team will win with him. His rookie
year, Buddy Ryan used him as the 3rd down QB with the question: “will he run, pass or
punt.” He is now in the College Football Hall of Fame.
Ickey Woods didn’t play in high school his senior year in Fresno because of a knee injury. We
offered him a scholarship based on his junior year performance. We were the only school to
offer him a scholarship. The Bengals drafted him and he played in the Super Bowl against
San Franscisco …. And he did introduce us to the “Ickey Shuffle” celebration in the end
Terrell Davis out of San Diego is in the NFL Hall of Fame. I insisted that Long Beach State
give him a scholarship. We were the only school to recruit him out of high school. He was
the 191st player drafted in the NFL draft. I tried to tell them take him higher but they did
not listen. His team with John Elway’s Broncos won the Super Bowl.
College football is a great game! I hope it isn’t ruined with all the money and greed issues
with teams and players. And I say to football players, “Don't worry, wherever you go. Your
time will come if you are good enough.” They will find you!
Follow me at harvey hyde.com/ or @coachhyde on X
Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness
professional who offers semi-private/virtual fitness
classes. Contact Michele at michele@kid-fit.
com. Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness
Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com