Mountain Views-News SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2024
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Stuart Tolchin
Harvey Hyde
Audrey Swanson
Meghan Malooley
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Dinah Chong Watkins
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta ShambleE
Remember “Reader’s Digest”? 102 years ago newlyweds Dewitt and
Lila Bell Wallace launched the magazine. Calling it a general-interest
family magazine, the couple hoped they could make income of about
$5,000 a year. How did they fare?
Six years later in 1929, Reader’s Digest had 290,000 subscribers and a gross income of
$900,000 a year. By 1962 they were publishing 40 international editions in 13 languages
and Braille. The “Digest’s” format consisted of 30 articles per issue (one per day). The
publication also contained several regular special interest pages such as “Humor in
Uniform”, “Life in these United States”.
“Reader’s Digest” greatest contribution in my world? I can draw nuggets of useful
factoids equipping us with fascinating talking points useable at dinner parties and
other social events. As I have stated for years ad nauseum, my desire is to entertain you,
and to also equip you with “conversation starters” shareable at the various functions
that populate a week in your life. So, here we go…again!
How big is the Empire State Building? Well, it has its own ZIP code. The number is
10118 in case you need to know.
Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can. Up to 40 minutes. Dolphins
need to come up for air every 10 minutes!
Know what an anagram is? A word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another
word or phrase. Believe it or not, someone with too much time on their hands figured
out that “Albert Einstein” is an anagram for “Ten elite brains”.
Roller coasters were invented in the 1880s to distract Americans from sin. Businessman
LaMarcus Thompson hated that Americans were tempted by saloons and brothels. So,
he built America’s first roller coaster in the most immoral place he could think of:
Coney Island in New York.
Lobsters taste with their…feet! Those spiny critters have their taste buds in their
pincers. Oh, and lobsters’ teeth are in one of their 3 stomachs.
Blue whale tongues can weigh as much as an elephant. In fact, their hearts weigh almost
a ton and beat just once every 10 seconds.
The Eiffel Tower was originally intended for Barcelona Spain. Barcelona city fathers
thought the design was just too ugly. So, Gustave Eiffel pitched it to Paris…as a
temporary landmark. By the way, the French didn’t like it much either.
A woman was elected to Congress 4 years before women were given the right to vote.
In 1916, Jeannette Pickering Rankin was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives
representing Montana. She introduced legislation that eventually became the 19th
Amendment granting unrestricted voting rights to women commencing in 1920. Ms.
Ranking, in addition to being a suffragist, was also a Republican.
What did people use before toilet paper was invented? Americans used to use corn
cobs. How? Don’t ask me. In the absence of corn cobs, our rural society used pages
from periodicals like the “Farmers Almanac”. Which is why the publication came with
a hole through it. So it could hang in outhouses.
The next time you take a picture of a group of people don’t tell them to say “cheese”.
Tell them to say the word people were encouraged to say in 1840. Okay, everybody, say
“prunes”. “Prunes” will keep their mouths taut.
What’s the smallest country in the world? Vatican City. This tiny country measures
0.02 square miles.
And finally, what was the last letter added to the alphabet? No, it’s not “Z”. It’s the letter
“J” as in “Johnson” or “JJ Jukebox”. “J” began as an “i” with a “swash”; a typographical
embellishment of the letter “i”. Italian scholar Gian Giorgio Tissino gave the letter
“J” it’s official status. Mr. Trissino, in the early 1500’s, defended the addition pointing
to Jesus. It was improper to translate the Hebrew word “Yeshua” as the Greek word
“iesus”. We needed the hard “J” sound.
Have a good week. And remember this truism: “Wherever you go, there you are!”
If life is a game who’s winning and who’s
losing? What are the rules and how did
they get created or discovered? (More about
this creation versus discovery later) For now are winners the
ones who live the longest, or have the most fun, or have the
greatest impact upon society, or check most of the boxes on
their personal bucket lists, or is it those who live most in accord
with their own ideals and beliefs? What are ideals anyway and
where do they come from?
Let’s talk about creation versus discovery. Sometime during
my early Grammar School years, a teacher went on about how
Columbus “discovered” America in 1492. Some kid, not me
but I wish it were, blurted out, “What about the Indians?” I do
not remember much about the teacher’s response other than
that she was flustered. I think at that moment there began my
realization that what we were being taught was not truth but
just somebody’s view of what was convenient or acceptable.
Last week I got a surprise call from a friend I had met on the
golf course, I had been trying to call him, but my calls were not
being accepted. He explained to me in a kind of light-hearted
way that he had just been told by his oncologist that he had
less than a month to live. I asked if I could come over and visit
and he said, “Sure, come over tomorrow”. As perhaps you can
imagine this was a vastly different kind of visit for me.
First off, my friend did not seem ill at all. He was standing
in the doorway and greeted me with his usual “Hello, young
man.” It’s funny because we are both due to turn 80 in the next
couple of months (I would say God willing but that is one of
the subjects I want to discuss.) In a large room there stood a
huge standing structure of the number 80 prepared for a party
which, I guess, will never take place. My friend is devout (does
that just mean following the rules?) Mormon who is proud of
his living 61 children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
He explained to me that he has already spoken to all his family
members that it is God’s will that this life of his will soon end
but there is nothing to grieve about. He expects to see his
deceased parents in Heaven and expects to see his still living
family members in Heaven when they eventually pass from this
life. Somehow the subject of coffee came up and I mentioned
that I rarely drank it because of the caffeine it contains. One
of the grandchildren corrected me by saying “we don’t drink
coffee because IT’S A RULE not because of the caffeine.
The entire experience seemed to be like entering into another
world wherein people were certain that they were living
within the rules brought down from their Creator through
his messengers on Earth. To put it mildly, this all had a very
unsettling effect on me. I have absolutely no connection
with religion and don’t want one but I was still moved by the
experience of being with these people while I am so stressed
about my own condition.
The next morning, I got an email from an old friend who was
concerned about the stress I mentioned in last week’s article. He
suggested I read the book authored by Noah Feldman, TO BE
A JEW TODAY which somehow connected with my experience
with the Mormon family of the day before. I bought the book
and began reading. So far it has not provided many answers,
but it has left me with many questions such as the questions
I mention in the first paragraph of this article. What I have
gathered so far is that the most important quality one identifies
with being Jewish is the quality of respect.
Respect for what? Respect for other people no matter what
their beliefs or opinions. Respect for God’s will even if there
is no God. A fair understanding of the satisfaction one has
in his or her own life and the ability to notice the living life
all around you and how we, humans, animals, vegetables, the
environment, and the cosmos are all connected. The point
I think is to not get stuck in one’s own beliefs but to freely
observe all that you can. I don’t know all the answers, I don’t
even know all the questions, but that realization for now makes
life more interesting, tolerable, and actually satisfying.
See you next week, God willing or even unwilling, I guess.
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