Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 6, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 5


Mountain Views News Saturday, July 6, 2024

of California 
Blvd to Start

Health Department Warns of 
Higher Risk of Dengue Virus

Access and Safety 
Enhancement Project

 Pasadena Director of 
Public Works, Tony Olmos, 
announced Tuesday that 
construction on California 
Blvd. between Pasadena 
Ave. and Orange Grove 
Blvd. Is set to begin 

 According to Olmos, 
the project consists of 
sidewalk improvements, 
street resurfacing, traffic 
signal enhancements, 
reconstruction of non-
compliance ramps, and 
striping modifications. 
Upon completion, the 
improvements will mitigate 
vehicular traffic and will 
also enhance pedestrian 
safety along the corridor. 

 The project is funded by 
the Measure R Mobility 
Improvement Program 
thru Metro.

 The project is expected to 
last until early December 
he said.

 For more information 

 Pasadena Public Health 
Department (PPHD) 
encourages the community 
to take action in preventing 
mosquito-borne dengue, after 
the Centers for Disease Control 
and Prevention (CDC) issued 
a health advisory notifying the 
public about the increased risk 
of dengue virus in the United 
States. This year, a higher-than-
normal number of cases have 
been identified in travelers who 
visited countries where dengue 
is found.

 A person can be infected 
with the dengue virus from 
an infected Aedes mosquito, a 
type of mosquito that inhabits 
Pasadena. About one in four 
persons develop mild or severe 
dengue symptoms including 
fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, 
and body aches. Symptoms of 
dengue typically last two to 
seven days and although severe 
and even life-threatening illness 
can occur, most people recover 
after about a week. There 
are no specific medicines or 
vaccines to prevent this disease. 
Supportive treatment may 
include monitoring for early 
signs of serious illness, drinking 
fluids, and resting.

 Risk of exposure to dengue for 
Pasadena residents remains low. 
PPHD recommends standard 
precautions for preventing 
all mosquito-borne illnesses, 
such as dengue, and urges the 
community to take simple steps 
to reduce mosquito populations 
and lower the risk of mosquito-
borne diseases including:

Eliminating standing water 
in clogged rain gutters, rain 
barrels, discarded tires, buckets, 
watering troughs, and anything 
that holds water for more than 
a week.

Ensuring that swimming pools, 
spas, and ponds are properly 

Changing the water in pet 
dishes, birdbaths, and other 
small containers weekly.

Reporting neglected swimming 
pools in your neighborhood to 
your vector control district.

To prevent mosquito bites, 
PPHD recommends the 
following to residents 
and individuals traveling 
internationally to countries 
that report a higher-than-usual 
amount of dengue cases:

 Wear insect repellent 
containing CDC and EPA-
approved active ingredients: 
DEET®, picaridin, IR3535, or oil 
of lemon eucalyptus.

Wear loosely fitted, light-
colored, long-sleeved shirts, and 
long pants.

In 2023, PPHD announced 
the first locally-acquired case 
of dengue in California. After 
an enhanced community 
investigation, PPHD discovered 
a second dengue infection in 
a Pasadena resident with no 
recent travel history. Prior 
to 2023, all reported cases 
of dengue in Pasadena were 
acquired while travelling.

 San Gabriel Valley Mosquito 
and Vector Control District 
conducts routine mosquito 
control activities in the 
Pasadena region. 

 To find your local vector district 
agency and for tips on mosquito 
prevention and approved 
mosquito repellents, visit: Additional 
information regarding dengue 
is available from the California 
Department of Public Health 
and the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention at: cdc.

Caltech Observatory Removed from Hawai‘i

 Caltech officials announced 
Tuesday that the final 
components of the Caltech 
Submillimeter Observatory 
(CSO), including its 
foundation, silver geodesic 
dome, and on-site buildings, 
have been removed from 
a valley atop Maunakea in 
Hawai‘i, and the land at the 
site has been restored. 

 According to Caltech physics 
professor and CSO Director 
Sunil Golwala, this officially 
concludes the physical 
decommissioning of CSO, a 
process that was initiated in 
2015 and began in earnest 
in 2022 in accordance with 
the State of Hawai‘i’s 2010 
Decommissioning Plan for 
the Maunakea Observatories. 
For the next three years, the 
site will be monitored to 
document passive natural 
repopulation by summit flora 
and fauna and the results 
reported he said.

 “The physical site 
decommissioning was 
undertaken with great care 
by our prime deconstruction 
contractor, with constant 
oversight by local cultural, 
archeological, environmental, 
and construction monitors 
as well as the Center for 
Maunakea Stewardship 
(CMS),” Golwala said.

 CSO, which operated 
from 1987 to 2015, opened 
a new window to studying 
submillimeter wavelengths 
of light, which fall between 
infrared and radio on the 
electromagnetic spectrum. Its 
discoveries spanned a wide 
range of objects, including 
comets, planet-forming disks 
around stars, distant galaxies, 
and more. New detector 
technologies were also 
pioneered for use at CSO, and 
those technologies went on 
to play key roles in space and 
ground-based observatories.

 Currently, the CSO telescope 
is packed in shipping 
containers in a harbor on the 
island of Hawai‘i, where it 
awaits a new purpose in Chile 
as the Leighton Chajnantor 
Telescope. The name honors 
both the inventor of the 
telescope, the late Caltech 
professor Robert B. Leighton 
and the planned site for the 
observatory on the high 
Chajnantor Plateau. The 
reincarnated telescope will 
make real-time observations 
of cosmic eruptions, which 
have gone largely unexplored 
at submillimeter wavelengths, 
and it will continue to 
observe planetary and stellar 
nurseries as well as the most 
distant galaxies. The telescope 
components will ship to Chile 
for assembly in the coming 
year, and first observations 
are expected in 2027.

 “Caltech thanks the people 
of Hawai’i for the opportunity 
to explore the universe from 
the CSO on Maunakea.” 
Golwala said. “It has been 
an honor to continue our 
relationship with the mauna 
and its people through this 
decommissioning effort.”

The Legacy of 
Charles White

Police to 
hold Military 

Artist Reception/Art 
Talk Saturday, Aug. 3 
• 11am-1p Altadena 
Main Library 
Community Room

 Pasadena Police 
Department officials 
rescheduled and relocated 
a public meeting, to 
review their 2023 Military 
Equipment Report in 
accordance with state law. 

 The new meeting will now 
be held Tuesday, July 16, at 
6:30 p.m., and it will take 
place at the Washington 
Park Community House. 

 According to officials, 
in compliance with AB 
481, the Pasadena Police 
Department will submit 
their annual report on the 
use of military equipment, 
any comments, concerns, 
remarks, input, or feedback 
regarding the use of the 
equipment, results of any 
internal audits on the use of 
the equipment, the annual 
costs for the equipment, 
the quantity possessed 
by the agency and the 
intention to purchase 
additional equipment in 
the next fiscal year. In 
addition, within 30 days 
of submitting and publicly 
releasing the report, a well-
publicized and community 
engagement meeting must 
be held to allow for public 

 Persons wishing to 
comment on the proposed 
report may do so at the 
public hearing or at:

 The Washington Park 
Community House 
is located at 700 E. 
Washington Blvd.

 For further information 
call (626) 744-7875 
or email at mcuellar@

 Showcasing the legacy of 
renowned California artist 
Charles White, the exhibit 
at the Altadena library 
features artwork by White’s 
students from Tutor/Art, a 
youth program established 
following the Watts 

 Amazingly, these former 
students, now in their 
70s, have remained in 
contact. This will be a 50th 
anniversary celebration 
of their transformative 
experience under White’s 
tutelage. The diversity of 
their backgrounds and 
lifetime trajectory is broad, 
but they share one thing in 
common: an enduring love 
and respect for the man 
who inspired them render 
their unique points of view 
into visual art. 

 The exhibit has special 
significance in Altadena 
given that it is the home 
of Charles White Park, 
the only public park in 
California named after an 
African American visual 

 The exhibit is curated by 
Art Aids Art, an Altadena-
based nonprofit arts 
organization co-founded 
by Thomas Harding and Dr. 
Dorothy Yumi Garcia.

 The Altadena library is 
located 600 E. Mariposa 

 For more information visit:

The South Pasadena Library 
Summer Reading Program

South Pasadena Concerts 
in the Park this Summer

 Join the South Pasadena 
Public Library for the “Read, 
Return, Repeat” Summer 
Reading Program from now 
to August 3.

 The Summer Reading 
Program is an annual 
celebration of reading for 
all ages - adults, teens, and 

 Enjoy in-person programs 
and earn prizes and books 
by tracking minutes spent 
reading using a paper reading 

 The program is sponsored 
by the Friends of the South 
Pasadena Public Library and 
generous donors from our 

Wonderful Wednesdays

Each program will be held 
on the Oxley Street side 
of Library Park, weather 
permitting. Attendees 
should bring a blanket to sit 
on the grass. Programs will 
be held inside the Library 
Community Room if there 
is inclement weather. Each 
program will start at 6:00 

June 12

5:30 p.m. - Mingle with the 

Bob Baker’s Marionette 
Theater - Something to Crow 

June 26

The Music Center We Tell 
Stories - Earth Tales

July 10

Dig Dug and the Dino-Mites 
Puppet & Magic Show

July 17

Mr. Markus Music Show

July 24

Science Heroes: Adventure of 
the Lost Treasure

July 31

Storyteller Barbara Wong

 The South Pasadena Public 
Library is located at 1100 
Oxley Street. 

 For more information visit:

The South Pasadena Community Services Department will 
host Concerts in the Park this summer. Admission is free and 
patrons are encouraged to bring their picnics, blankets, and 
lawn chairs with family and friends to enjoy a night of music 
in the park.

The current schedule of performances includes:

Blue Breeze Band on Sunday, July 28

Mirage: Visions of Fleetwood Mac on Sunday, August 4

Smooth Sounds of Santana on Sunday, August 18

All concerts run from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For more 
information, please contact the Recreation Division at (626) 
403-7380 or visit: 

 Concerts in the Park is held at Garfield Park, located at 1000 
Park Avenue. 

9 Kersting Court. icrr.i M:idrc, A 91024 
626--355-11 0 wwwJconor.imos mm 
Hooray for the 
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