Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 6, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 10



Mountain View News Saturday, July 6, 2024



1. Croat or Moravian, e.g.

5. Paid player

8. Not Miss or Ms.

11. First-rate

12. Mattress with memory?

13. Be of use

15. “It’s time!” signal

16. ____-de-camp

17. Like an unhealthy dog

18. *First one to circumnavigate 
globe, almost

20. March Madness org.

21. Bring upon

22. Orange Lavaburst drink

23. *Rita ____, first Latina to win 
Academy Award

26. Winter rides, in Russia

30. Brewery order

31. Unties or unbuttons

34. Nearly

35. One born to Japanese 

37. Good times

38. Rheumy

39. Tel ____, Israel

40. Bequeath

42. Once known as

43. West African country

45. *Chuck ____, first to break 
speed of sound

47. Genetic info carrier, acr.

48. City near Düsseldorf

50. Short for Dorothea

52. *First artificial satellite (2 words)

55. Clay and silt deposit

56. Marine eagle

57. Mercantile establishment

59. Singer Piaf

60. Concert series

61. Indian nursemaid

62. Craggy peak

63. Little troublemaker

64. Solitary


1. Give in to gravity

2. Weaver’s apparatus

3. The “I” in “The King and I”

4. Carrots or peas, slangily

5. French soldier in WWI

6. Speed gun

7. *First horror film about Damien 
Thorn, with The

8. Supernatural life force

9. Capital of Latvia

10. Canny

12. Han Solo’s “Millennium ____”

13. Prenatal test, for short

14. *The first one helped combat 

19. Tedium

22. 120 mins.

23. #8 Down, pl.

24. Martini garnish

25. Pine product

26. Midterm, e.g.

27. a.k.a. Tibetan wild ass

28. Feel the same

29. Timider

32. Deadly challenge

33. Military moves

36. *Mount first conquered by 
Hillary and Norgay

38. 10 to 12-year-old

40. Ewe’s cry

41. Half-shell delicacy

44. Grind with teeth

46. Fauna member

48. Erasable programmable read 
only memory

49. Break of day

50. List of chores

51. Prince of Wales to King

52. Searching for E.T. org.

53. Boxer’s last blow

54. Azerbaijan’s southern neighbor

55. “____ the wild rumpus begin!”

58. “____ one and only”

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