Mountain Views News Saturday, November 30, 2024
CIty Secures $8.5M for
Construction for Median
Enhancements Project
San Marino Upcoming
Events & Programming
Celebrate the Holidays with
The Pasadena Public Library
Tree Lighting Ceremony & Mayor's Reception
Home for the Holidays Tree Lighting Ceremony &
Mayor's Reception is back again this year! Join us on Friday,
December 6 from 5 – 7 PM at the corner of Huntington Drive
and San Marino Avenue to honor the 72-year legacy of the
Holiday House Bus Shelter: A San Marino Tradition. There
will be photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus, hot chocolate and
tea, holiday cookies, festive selfie stations, and a kid’s craft
table. The event is FREE and everyone is welcome! For any
questions, call (626) 403-2200. More information can be
found on our website.
Joyful Living Happy Life
Sunday, December 1 from 2:00 – 4:30 PM, Barth Community
This workshop gives you tools to face challenges in the
workplace, social life, and family life. Join the Unified
Charity Foundation as they talk this month about the law
of attraction, or the secret of being a magnet that attracts
happiness and good fortune. Registration is not required.
Shop ‘till You Drop Holiday Shopping Shuttles to Ontario
Mills, Ontario
Tuesday, December 10 from 10 AM – 5 PM
Cost: R: $8 / NR: $10 (non-refundable)
Time to get all your holiday shopping out of the way! Active
adults ages 55+ are invited to join us for a daytime shopping
trip. Transportation is provided. Registration is required.
Senior Trip: San Antonio Winery Tour
Tuesday, February 11 from 10 AM – 3 PM
Cost: R: $74 / NR: $88
Join us for a memorable trip to the historic San Antonio
Winery, established in 1917. Guests will learn about the
winemaking process, explore the beautiful estate, and taste
some of their finest selections. Whether you’re a seasoned
enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this tour promises an
educational and enjoyable experience. The trip includes a
delicious lunch with your choice of Meat Lasagna or Chicken
of the Day with Pasta, dessert (Cannoli), a coffee station, and
a glass of wine from their preselected options at the stationed
bar host. Registration is required by January 9.
Annual Street Rehabilitation Project
The City’s Annual Street Rehabilitation Project is currently
ongoing. Ultimately, the project will resurface 26 streets
throughout the City, in accordance with the City Council-
adopted Pavement Management Plan. The first phase of
the project involves substantial concrete work, including;
removal and replacement of curb and gutter, cross gutter,
and driveway approaches. Residents on impacted streets
will be receiving notices from the City’s contractor, Onyx
Paving, with additional details about the project timeline,
what residents can expect during the project, and what the
project’s impact to the neighborhood will be. Discover more
details, including maps and schedules at: facebook.com/
For more information visit: cityofsanmarino.org.
The winter holiday season is
just around the corner. Make
yours a truly merry one by
celebrating the holidays at
the Pasadena Public Library.
Enjoy free crafts,
programs and events for
all ages. Whether you plan
to enjoy Christmas carols,
decorate an ornament, take
home a craft kit, or join us for
our 36th
annual Kwanzaa celebration,
there are plenty of
opportunities for you to
connect, explore and discover
the wonder of the holidays.
Plan out your holiday season
with these programs and
For all ages unless specified.
Hanukkah, the Festival of
Enjoy our unique display
showcasing the history, rituals
and traditions of Hanukkah,
the Festival of Lights.
Dec. 1 – Jan. 2 (except Dec.
5 & 25), Hastings Branch
Library, 3325 E. Orange
Grove Blvd.
Tree Decorating
Are you feeling merry and
bright? Help us make our tree
look out of sight. Decorate an
ornament then find a special
place on the Christmas tree
to hang it!
For ages 3-12.
Monday-Saturday, Dec. 9 –
14, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Allendale
Branch Library, 1130 S.
Marengo Ave., and Lamanda
Park Branch Library, 140 S.
Altadena Dr.
Hastings Winter Ball and
Tree Lighting
Join us for Hastings’ annual
Winter Holiday Celebration.
Enjoy festive music, carolers,
stories, refreshments, crafts,
and our tree lighting.
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 4 - 6 p.m.,
Hastings Branch Library,
3325 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
36th Annual Kwanzaa
Heri za Kwanzaa! Happy
Kwanzaa! Join us for a joyous
Kwanzaa celebration full of
music, storytelling and youth
presentations, in
partnership with the
Pasadena Alumnae Chapter
of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Inc. Celebrate heritage and
tradition with family, friends
and the whole community!
Friday, Dec. 27, 11 a.m.,
Jefferson Branch Library,
1500 E.
Villa St.
Happy Noon Year
Ring in the New Year with
your little ones as we make
crafts and enjoy festive
activities before counting
down to noon.
For ages 3-5 and their
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 11:30
a.m., Santa Catalina Branch
Library, 999 E. Washington
For all ages unless specified.
Winter Celebration with the
Candlelight Carolers
Experience the magic of this
festive time of year with the
acapella Christmas quartet,
the Candlelight Carolers.
Bring your friends and family
to enjoy a delightful mix of
timeless classics and modern
holiday favorites that will
warm your heart. Sponsored
by the San Rafael Library
Saturday, Dec. 7, 4 p.m., San
Rafael Branch Library, 1240
Nithsdale Rd.
Holiday Music
Join us as we usher in the
holiday season with a live
performance by the Blair
High School Chamber
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 4 p.m.,
Allendale Branch Library,
1130 S. Marengo Ave.
Winter Holiday Concert and
Sing-along with the Slide
Rule Trombone Choir
Celebrate the winter holidays
with the Slide Rule Trombone
Choir! We have a joyful set
of holiday tunes prepared to
share with all of you. Bring
along your holiday voices to
sing along in our caroling
section at the end!
Saturday, Dec. 14, 2 p.m.,
Lamanda Park Branch
Library, 140 S. Altadena Dr.
A Christmas Carol
Enjoy an array of Christmas
carols from Christmas
Matters Holiday Carolers.
The quartet, adorned in
stunning detailed Dickens
costumes, will get in the
holiday spirit as they ring in
the season with their melodic
Saturday, Dec. 14, 4:30 p.m.,
Linda Vista Branch Library,
1281 Bryant St.
For all ages unless specified
Winterland at Villa
Join us for a holly, jolly, wintry
good time! We’ll have crafts,
stories and wintry surprises
for you.
Thursday, Dec. 12, 4 p.m.,
Villa Parke Branch Library,
363 E. Villa St.
Holiday Ornament
Paint a festive holiday motif
on a small slice of wood
to make a vintage holiday
ornament. Limited space. To
attend, call (626) 744-7270.
For ages 18+.
Friday, Dec. 13, 2:30 p.m.,
San Rafael Branch Library,
1240 Nithsdale Rd.
Holiday Card Workshop
Drop in and make a card to
spread winter holiday cheer!
Choose a prefab design or use
a variety of crafting supplies
and let your creativity be your
Saturday, Dec. 14, 4 p.m.,
Hastings Branch Library,
3325 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
Holiday Fun at La Pintoresca
Celebrate the holidays with
music, fun and arts and crafts.
Tuesday, Dec. 17, 4 p.m., La
Pintoresca Branch Library,
1355 N. Raymond Ave.
For all ages unless specified
Take & Make: Handprint
Polar Bear Craft
Make a new polar bear friend
with your hand! This simple
craft for kids is a great way
to spend a cold day and the
polar bear friend can stay
with you all winter long!
Reserve a kit at
Sign-ups begin on Sunday,
Dec. 1. Reserved kits can be
picked up at Hastings Branch
while supplies last.
For ages 3+.
Sunday, Dec. 1,
Hastings Branch Library,
3325 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
Take & Make: Penguin with
Presence (or presents)
Color a picture of a penguin
with a present for a priceless
holiday display. Santa will
be flying by with a bell, with
Rudolph lighting his way.
Add some cottony Arctic
snow on a fun-filled winter’s
day. Kits can be picked up at
San Rafael Branch Library
beginning Monday, Dec. 2
at 10:30 a.m. Available while
supplies last.
For ages 3-12.
Monday, Dec. 2, 10:30 a.m.,
San Rafael Branch Library,
1240 Nithsdale Rd.
DIY “Decorate It Yourself”
Holiday Frame
Decorate a wooden picture
frame for the holiday season
to give as a gift or to adorn
your own space. Reserve a kit
Signups begin Monday,
Dec. 2. Kits can be picked
up at Santa Catalina Branch
Library, while supplies last.
Monday – Saturday, Dec. 2
– 21, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Santa
Catalina Branch Library, 999
E. Washington
Take & Make: New Year’s Eve
Noisemaker Wand
Decorate and assemble a
New Year’s Eve celebration
star wand with jingling bells.
Kits can be picked up at
Hill Avenue Branch Library
beginning Saturday, Dec. 21
at 10:30 a.m. Available while
supplies last.
For ages 3+.
Saturday, Dec. 21, 10:30 a.m.,
Hill Avenue Branch Library,
55 S. Hill Ave.
For more information visit
net and follow us on
Instagram and Facebook @
Acting Director of Public
Works, Kris Markarian and
the department announced
Wednesday a cooperative
agreement with Caltrans on
the Sierra Madre Boulevard
Median Enhancement
Project, a major initiative
aimed at improving storm
water quality in the Eaton
Wash and Rio Hondo River.
This project is designed to
help meet the Total Maximum
Daily Load (“TMDL”)
Waste Load Allocation
(“WLA”) requirements
for the Los Angeles River
watershed, addressing
critical compliance goals
in our local waterways and
implementing an urban
greening enhancement along
a heavily urbanized corridor
in the City to combat climate
change impacts.
With the agreement in place,
Caltrans is pledging $8.5M to
fully fund the construction
costs for the project which
is currently in the design
phase funded through Los
Angeles County’s Safe, Clean
Water Program - Local
Return funds. The Sierra
Madre Boulevard Median
Enhancement Project
will capture and manage
dry weather flows and
stormwater runoff, eliminate
dry-weather pollutants, such
as trash, sediments, heavy
metals and bacteria, and
infiltrate stormwater runoff
from adjacent pavement
surfaces. This will lead to
cleaner stormwater in the
Eaton Wash and Rio Hondo
River, healthier ecosystems,
and direct benefits to the
The project design is
nearly 90% complete and is
expected to be finalized in
March 2025. Stakeholder
outreach and input has been
a key component over the
course of the concept and
design process. Since the
start of design, Public Works
working with Council
District 4, has hosted four
outreach meetings through
which the project concept
was progressively narrowed
to the final project scope
we have today. From
this process, stakeholder
input was used to identify
community preferences for
the median space, ultimately
shaping the final aesthetic of
the project. With the funding
now in place, construction
is anticipated to begin in
summer 2025.
This partnership offers a
significant opportunity to
improve the quality of water
in the Los Angeles River
watershed while fulfilling
key regulatory requirements,
ensuring that both the City
and Caltrans can make a
positive environmental
impact. The City looks
forward to advancing this
high priority project and
making strides towards
cleaner, healthier waterways
and enhanced landscape
medians for the community.
Pasadena One Colorado
Keepsake Photos with Santa
One of the highlights of the
holiday season is celebrating
with a timeless tradition
– photos with Santa. One
Colorado, an unforgettable
shopping and dining
destination in the heart of
Old Pasadena, just a few
miles from downtown Los
Angeles, invites children and
their families to visit and take
keepsake photos with Santa
on select dates between now
and December 24th. Each
Friday (5 p.m. – 8 p.m.),
Saturday (10 a.m. – 8 p.m.)
and Sunday (10 a.m. – 7 p.m.)
between now and Sunday,
December 22nd, Santa will
be available for individual
and group photos in The
Courtyard between Sushi
Roku and Sage Restaurant.
Santa will have special hours
on November 29th (10 a.m.
– 8 p.m.) and December 21st
(10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and
2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.). And
Santa will make one more
appearance at the center on
Tuesday, December 24th (10
a.m. – 7 p.m.) before heading
back to the North Pole to
prepare for Christmas Eve.
To check online for times and
dates, visit: bit.ly/4edQmns.
Professional photo packages
begin at $30; guests are also
invited to take their own
photos for $25. To learn
more, visit: onecolorado.
Pasadena Senior Center to
Host Talk with Adam Nimoy
The son of Leonard Nimoy,
the iconic television and
film actor best known for
playing Mr. Spock on the
original ‘Star Trek’ TV series,
Adam Nimoy will share his
experiences and explore his
journey in a special Senior
Center Cultural Thursday
Event, “Star Trek, the Road
to Recovery, and Reconciling
with my Father,” on Thursday,
December 5.
Nimoy will share his
experiences and explore his
journey in a special Cultural
Thursday Event, “Star Trek,
the Road to Recovery, and
Reconciling with my Father,”
on Thursday, December 5
He is a successful television
director and film producer
and has written “The
Most Human: Reconciling
with My Father Leonard
Nimoy” a poignant memoir
detailing their complicated
relationship and parallel
paths from addiction to
The event is free for members,
and $5 for nonmembers.
Registration is suggested,
and can be made by going
to PasadenaSeniorCenter.
org and clicking on Lectures
& Classes, then Cultural
Thursdays, or calling 626-
The event starts at 2 p.m.
The Pasadena Senior Center
is located 85 E. Holly St.
The elder Nimoy was a
highly-repressed, high-
functioning alcoholic who
could identify with the
dispassionate Mr. Spock
character better than he
could his own family. Adam
Nimoy was a life-long pot
smoker and drinker. It wasn’t
until they both entered and
completed their own 12-step
programs that they found a
way to a healthy relationship
in the latter years of Leonard’s
Adam Nimoy is a graduate
of UC Berkeley and Loyola
Law School. He practiced
entertainment law for seven
years before changing careers
to become a television
director. He directed more
than 45 hours of network
television including episodes
of Ally McBeal, NYPD Blue
and Gilmore Girls. In 2016,
he directed the documentary
film For The Love Of Spock.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com