Mountain View News Saturday, March 22, 2025
Weather Wise
The Social Side by Deanne Davis
6-Day Forecast Sierra Madre, Ca.
Last Monday was St. Patrick’s Day. Does it seem like the year
is flying by at a faster pace than usual? Here we are halfway
through March and Easter is coming right up.
“Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away.” Ben
“Time flies faster every year. Time flies whether you’re having
fun or not, whether you’re living your life big or small, whether
you surround yourself with fear or laughter.” Claire Cook
“Although time flies by, it never travels faster than one day at a
time. Each day is an opportunity to live your life to the fullest.”
Dr. Steve Maraboli
“Gee, ain’t it funny how time slips away.” Willie Nelson
Time, for me since my great fall (Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!) has been filled with a lot of
television. When one is immobile, that’s pretty much all there is
to do. I did see a really great series on Netflix: “The Kominsky
Method” starring Michael Douglas and about every movie star
you can think of playing cameos. He plays an actor who never
really made it who teaches acting. I liked it, you might, too.
Watched “Moana 2” and was a little disappointed. Watched
more cooking shows than I can even number and learned absolutely nothing except fennel seems to be the thing all chefs
add somewhere in their dish.
We’re in the midst of Lent and, I’m thrilled to report I have two dozen daffodils on my kitchen counter. If you give up
anything, don’t let it be flowers!
Thinking about St. Patrick’s Day made me remember some delightful friends who have vanished into the mists of time
gone by who made incredible Irish Soda Bread and gave me the recipe, which I’m going to share with you:
The Galligan’s Irish Soda Bread
1. Put 3 cups of flour in a bowl with 1 TB of baking powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. salt.
2. Rub in 4 TB. soft butter, 1 TB of caraway seeds, 1 cup of currants, 1 cup of dark raisins, 1 cup
of golden raisins.
3. Mix!
4. Add ¾ cup of sugar, 1 beaten egg and 2 cups of buttermilk
(Now, very few of us have buttermilk lounging around in our fridge so to continue with your
Irish soda bread, pour 2 TB of white vinegar in your measuring cup and add enough milk to
make 2 cups. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and read the Calendar section of the paper or go make
your bed and by the time you finish, you’ll have buttermilk. Cool, huh!)
5. Pour in greased iron skillet or loaf pan.
6. Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees and then 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
7. Test center with a toothpick to see if it’s done, let it rest for 10 minutes,
With a cup of coffee, and a little peace and quiet, this will make you smile all day.
The picture today is one granddaughter, Emily created for me while I was recovering. The shading is exquisite and it made
me happy. Hope you can see it online to see the colors.
And one last cheerful note, Leah and I got the tax stuff mailed off to the tax guy last Monday. Watching that Priority
envelope disappear into the bin at the Post Office was the highlight of the month!
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Look there for “The Crown,” a paperback book that’s practically free!
This is a beautiful story of what might have happened to that infamous crown of thorns.
With Easter on its way, this little book is the perfect read for yourself or a friend.
Sun Sunny Hi 80s Lows 50s
Mon: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 50s
Tues: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 50s
Wed: Rain Hi 70s Lows 50s
Thur: Rain Hi 70s Lows 50s
Fri: Rain Hi 70s Lows 50s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
March 25, 2025 5:30 pm
As part of the City of Sierra Madre’s
COVID-19 transparency efforts and The
Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity
to make public comments at any
public meeting. Public comment may also be
made by e-mail to PublicComment@CityofSierraMadre.
com by 3:00 p.m. on the day of
the meeting.
Emails will be acknowledged at the Council
meeting and filed into public record. The
public may also comment in person at the
The meetings will be streamed live on Foothills
Media website at foothillsmedia.org/sierramadre
and broadcast on Government
Access Channel 3 (Spectrum)..
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts for
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events. PSAs
will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates 24/7 and can
be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have their
event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre Community
Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra Madre, plus
surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia.
Your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event and
e-mail it to radio@cityofsierramadre.com.
Local students are invited to enter the popular annual Bookmark Contest in March 2025.
This year’s theme is: “Love My Sierra Madre”.
Artwork may be designed with any tools but must be completely original work. Entries should showcase people, places, or things
that illustrate what they love about Sierra Madre.
Winning entries will be displayed in the Library and winners will receive a certificate and a cash prize at a ceremony in their honor
at the City Council Chambers on Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
The contest is open to children in Kindergarten through 8th grade (including Transitional Kindergarten), who go to school in
Sierra Madre, live in Sierra Madre, or who have a Sierra Madre Public Library card.
Pick up your bookmark application at the Sierra Madre Public Library, on the Library website, and at schools in Sierra Madre
starting March 3, 2025. Entries are due by April 10, 2025 at the Library. No late entries will be accepted.
For more information, contact Librarian Doreen Thomas dthomas@sierramadreca.gov
Calls for Service Formal Investigations
March 9-15, 2025 284 8
YTD for 2025 2841 126
The following represents a summary report of some of the major
incidents handled by the Sierra Madre Police Department during
this period. This list is not intended to be considered exclusive or
The Pasadena Unified School District filed a lawsuit against
Southern California Edison seeking compensation for extensive
damages to educational facilities and disruption of operations
caused by the devastating Eaton Fire that began on January 7,
The Eaton Fire, which spread rapidly through wind-driven
conditions, destroyed five schools and damaged numerous others
throughout the district, significantly impacting educational
services for thousands of students. The fire burned more than
14,000 acres, damaged or destroyed over 10,000 structures, and
claimed 17 lives across the region.
"The destruction of multiple schools and educational facilities
has created an immense burden on students, families, and the
entire educational community," said John Fiske, a shareholder
at Baron & Budd P.C., outside counsel representing the District.
"This lawsuit seeks fair compensation to recover the taxpayer
resources and district property lost as a result of this devastating
The filing details extensive damage to several key educational
facilities including:
Franklin Elementary School
Eliot Arts Magnet Middle School
The Edison campus housing Odyssey Charter School
The Loma Alta campus housing Pasadena Rosebud Academy
and Oak Knoll Montessori
The Noyes campus housing Aveson School of Leaders
Documentation submitted with the legal filing includes photographic
evidence of the fire's origin point and references to
SCE's own regulatory filings that acknowledge electrical system
anomalies coinciding with the fire's ignition time and location.
The District's complaint notes that Edison filed reports with the
California Public Utilities Commission acknowledging that a
"fault was detected" on its transmission circuit at approximately
the same time and location the fire began.
(Continued page 15)
Sunday, March 9 Battery
At approximately 1:00 AM officers responded to the 200 block
of Santa Anita Ct regarding a domestic dispute. A woman reported
that her husband battered her causing visable injuries.
After speaking to both parties, officers arrested the husband for
being in violation of corporal injury to spouse. Officers transported
him to Pasadena Jail. This case was forwarded to the LA
County District Attorney’s office for filing considerations.
Tuesday, March 11 Theft of Package
At approximately 2:30 PM officers responded to the police station
lobby to meet with a citizen regarding a theft investigation.
The citizen reported an unknown suspect took possession of the
victim’s package from a UPS delivery and fled the location with
the package to an unknown location. The victim is desirous of
prosecution. Officers took a report. This case was forwarded to
the Dectective’s Bureau for further investigation
Saturday, March 15 Stolen Vehicle
At approximately 12:30 PM, officers responded to the 200 block
of Windwood Ln regarding a stolen vehicle investigation. A citizen
had his vehicle stolen from the driveway of his residence.
Officers canvassed the area for cameras, witnesses, and took a
report. The case is pending further information.
Saturday, March 15 Recovered Vehicle
At approximately 5:30 PM, officers responded to the 200 block
of Sierra Madre Blvd regarding a stolen vehicle investigation. A
stolen vehicle was located and recovered in the rear of the parking
lot. The vehicle was released to the owner on scene. Officers
took a report..
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com